UFCW 3000

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Lourdes Counseling Center - Lifepoint is Stalling

Lifepoint indicated to us that they will be attempting to eliminate the RN’s holiday pay premium at Lourdes Medical Center during their next bargain which is their rationale for not extending this double time premium for those working the actual holiday to our bargaining unit. We will be leafleting at Lourdes Medical Center next Tuesday, December 22, 2020 from 3:30-5:30 PM. We will be targeting nurses among others, letting them know that Lifepoint is coming for them next. The theme for this leafletting is “How Lourdes Stole Christmas.” Come get your picture taken with the Grinch!

We have worked hard at the bargaining table, but we are finding ourselves picketing and leafletting in mid-December due to the employers refusal to recognize safety and fair wages. We realize this is the week of Christmas, but we need to keep applying pressure on the employer. We wanted a fair contract far before now but unfortunately the employer has chosen to stall, delay, and prolong the inevitable all in an attempt to test the strength of our unity. 

Great showing from everyone at the pickets on December 14! Thank you to the staff who participated, including your friends and families in attendance. We also had support from a LMC RNs and Teamsters at the evening session. Morning crew—you knocked it out of the park with your interviews. It truly takes a village.

Please reach out to your bargaining team for more information or contact your Union Representative Austen Louden: 509-340-7371, Alouden@UFCW21.org

Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox, Pam Garland, Paul Knighten, Tim Orr