REI Bellingham Bargaining Update
We met again with REI’s Morgan Lewis lawyers on February 24 and 25. We reached a Tentative Agreement on Anti-Discrimination and continued to get closer on Union Representation, Health & Safety, Job Vacancies & Promotions, Seniority, and Technology & Data. We’re hopeful that REI will keep up this momentum and continue to come to the table prepared and with respect as we work towards a fair first contract. This shift is in no doubt due to all of our organizing efforts and the unity we’ve maintained over the last few years!
“It feels like we can breathe easy—we were skeptical last session if this change would continue, but the conversations we’re having today make us feel like REI is actually bargaining.” —Tini
“It’s uplifting—we’ve come a long way and we’re going to keep fighting!” —Sharon
“I’m so happy to have had our third negotiations session.” —Alex
We bargain next on March 26 and 27. Reminder that everyone is welcome to join! Check Signal or reach out to a bargaining team member for the Zoom link.
Merit and Summit Pay Updates:
We’re proactively working with REI to reach an agreement on 2023-2025 Merit/Summit Pay and are waiting for their next counter. We also just learned that after investigating our Unfair Labor Practice charges accusing REI of illegally withholding our raises, the NLRB has found merit to our charge! This a huge step forward towards holding REI accountable. Next, the NLRB will offer REI a settlement agreement, which REI can either accept or go to trial. We’re hopeful we can come to a settlement that makes workers whole in Bellingham and across the country!
Upcoming Events:
Join us at the Mountaineers Annual Gala on Saturday, April 26! We’ll join outdoor advocates and community members to share about our campaign and enjoy the event! If you’re interested, contact Maya 206-618-5549,
General Membership Meeting! We’ll have a meeting to hang out, talk about what’s going on at work, and plan our actions for the summer sales. We’ll also welcome our new hires into the union! Save the date for Sunday, April 13 in the evening! More details to come.
In the News
Tini Alexander has an op-ed in the Bellingham Herald calling on the REI Board to return to its co-op values and reach a first contract with its workers! Additionally, Crosscut, local NPR affiliates, Huffington Post, Non Profit Quarterly, and The Stranger had articles about our campaign to fight for a voice at the Co-op!
Support Castleton Workers:
Castleton REI workers are facing a decertification of their union to break it up. Workers are fighting it and if you are interested in lending your support to them, please reach out to Sue or Tini. This is another strategy to wear us down and divide us. But we remain united and ready to win our first contract! Ask anyone on your bargaining team for more information.
Additionally, if any manager is asking for your opinion or pulling you aside to talk about merit/summit pay or any other union issues, let anyone on the bargaining team know! Let’s support and keep each other informed! Our co-workers are the best sources of information, not corporate talking points
Weingarten Rights:
Know and enforce your rights! As union members, anytime you feel as though a meeting may lead to discipline, you have a right to a union steward or representative present! However, you need to invoke your Weingarten rights!
If you need a representative or support, please contact Allison Hanley, our union representative at 206-436-6586 (call, no text) or any of our Shop Stewards; Joe, Tini, Sue, James, Kyle, Maguire, or Sharon. Our Stewards will shadow Allison and then be ready to support any of our co-workers in meetings with Management that may lead to discipline.