UFCW 3000

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Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Low Staffing Harms All of Us

On February 3 & 4, our Bargaining Team met with the Employers and focused on sharing stories about the impacts of low staffing on our workplaces. Our presentation showed that both Kroger and Albertsons continue to enjoy growth and profits, while ignoring store staffing levels. We believe that this under-staffing contributes to unsafe stores, inadequate customer service and weak sales. We all know that investing in workers through better staffing, better wages and better benefits will help increase sales and improve customer service. Both workers and customers are tired of low staffing inside our grocery stores.

Our next bargaining dates: March 5, 6, 26, 27 & 28.

We stand united with UFCW Local 7 workers in Colorado who voted to authorized an Unfair Labor Practice Strike against Kroger-owned King Soopers stores and will be out picketing for the next two weeks! Our member-led Executive Board has approved sending UFCW 3000 union staff to Colorado to help support their strike line because when they win, we win!

Contract Action Team Meetings

The next Contract Action Team meetings are scheduled for the week of February 18 through the 21, go to ufcw3000.org/better-staffing for updates.