Northwest Administrators Bargaining Update

Our Union Bargaining Team (left to right): Chad Gronsky, Distribution; Daniel Cobb, Union Negotiator; Grace Tsuchikawa, Health and Welfare; Iva Johnson, Contract Review; Jack Crow, Union Representative; Sierra Cunningham, Payroll Audit; Lulu Morgan, Pension

After over a month has passed since our last bargaining date, and a strike was authorized, our Bargaining Team was scheduled to meet with the Employer on January 30 and 31 to resume negotiations.

On January 30, we passed our eleventh economic package proposal to the employer to kick off what we hoped would be productive back-to-back bargaining sessions. The proposal didn’t make much movement, but our Bargaining Team explained the rationale for our proposal was to maintain our place in the market. We also pointed out that this was our first proposal for the day and were looking forward to both parties making further movement toward an agreement.

However, Management came back well before the lunch hour and said that our proposal did not come close enough to where they believed a deal could be made and were also frustrated that a federal mediator was not available that day. Consequently, Management said they were refusing to continue negotiations until a mediator was available and canceled ALL bargaining in the meantime.

Our Bargaining Team expressed disappointment with Management's decision and urged them to reconsider their refusal to bargain. We emphasized the Union is fully prepared and eager to bargain, viewing Management's refusal as not only counterproductive, but likely an illegal Unfair Labor Practice.

Given this blatant refusal to bargain, we are evaluating whether to file an additional Unfair Labor Practice charge. It is our position Management violated its duty to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith because the law is clear that it cannot condition bargaining on the presence of a mediator. With one charge already filed over a separate violation related to a unilateral change in working conditions, we will push to schedule more bargaining dates based on a mediator’s availability.

At the same time, we will continue preparing for a potential Unfair Labor Practice strike. The Employer’s ongoing efforts to stall negotiations and engage in unlawful tactics only reinforce the need for us to stand together and take action.

“Just because the employer didn’t like our initial proposal today doesn’t mean they should flip over the table and throw their toys on the ground!”- Sierra Cunningham, Payroll Audit

Virtual Meeting Scheduled

We will also have another virtual meeting with all of our union coworkers next Sunday, February 2 at 6:00pm, join us on Zoom >>

Union Representative Jack Crow can be reached at 206-436-6614 or you may speak to a Bargaining Team Member if you have questions.

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