Hudson News Bargaining Update

Hudson News Bargaining Update

This year, our Union is in negotiations with Hudson News for a new contract. Our member-led bargaining team will be at the bargaining table with management to help fight for better wages, secure scheduling, and other concerns workers raised. To prepare for negotiations, we must be united – ready to fight for and win for a strong contract.

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Hudson Dufry Minimum wage increases mean our wages increases

Our Union was recently informed that many members were being underpaid per our union contract. Our contract stipulates that union Hudson News workers will be paid above minimum wage. In January, the minimum wage in SeaTac went up, so our minimum wage escalator scale in our contract for 2024 is:  

0-1 Years at Hudson: $19.87/hour
2-3 Years at Hudson: $19.97/hour 
4+ Years at Hudson: $20.40/hour 

On April 1, 2024, workers with 4+ years will be moved to $21.40/hour. Our union met with the Employer to discuss workers’ issues with being paid under the contract minimum, and we received an agreement that Hudson will correct the mistake, with back-pay, by the end of February. If you work at the Hudson Warehouse, your wage rates have not been affected by minimum wage and will not change until our negotiations in 2025.  

Our contract had an error regarding workers’ sick time carryover from year to year. Workers should receive 80 hours of sick time carryover, not 40 hours. We are working on resolving that issue with the Employer. 

If you have questions about sick time carryover or if you are you being paid less than what the contract requires, Call union representative Dominick Ojeda at 206-436-6586 with any questions. 

Make sure to review the contract regularly, enforcing our contract is an important aspect of union activity, and so that you know the other benefits our union contract guarantees ▸ 

Hudson Dufry Group - Tentative Agreement Reached

We have reached a tentative agreement with Hudson/Dufry. Our Bargaining Committee is recommending a YES vote on this contract. There are NO TAKEAWAYS to members and improvements include:

  • New wage scales that shorten the time to the top rates by years

  • Historic pay increases

  • Improved 401(k) funding

  • Improved vacations

  • Other important improvements

Join your co-workers and vote on your new contract at one of these locations:

Thursday, August 11 @ 9:30am - 10:30am
Hudson/Dufry Warehouse, 19320 Des Moines Memorial Dr, SeaTac, WA 98148

Thursday, August 11 @ 12:30pm - 4pm
SeaTac Airport Conference Center - Beijing Room, 17801 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA 98158

Hudson/Dufry Group - Progress but Hudson falls short on wages

Your union bargaining committee met with Hudson/Dufry management on Tuesday, June 28. The employer gave us a full counter proposal to the Union’s proposed contract improvements and wage increases. While we did make progress on improving vacation, funding our healthcare, bereavement leave, and other minor language improvements; Hudson’s wage proposal fell far short of recognizing our work during the pandemic and that we all have bills that are getting harder to pay.

The bargaining committee continued to work throughout the day and presented a full counter proposal that included:

  • Competitive wages with increases for every member

  • Shortening the time that it takes to get to the top of the wage scale

  • Increased vacation accrual

  • Increased employer contributions to our retirement

  • Improving safety on the job

We have proposed new bargaining dates and are waiting to hear back from Hudson, and we are looking for a place for our next Contract Action Team meeting. It is important that we all stay informed about when and where that meeting will be and about any new bargaining updates, so go to: to make sure the Union has your most current information.

We need to continue to take action to fight for the wages and working conditions we deserve. The bargaining committee is asking everyone to:

Sign a strike pledge card to show Hudson we mean business

  • Wear your Union button.

  • When we stand together and fight, we win!