PRMCE TECH Online Vote on March 10

PRMCE TECH Online Vote on March 10

Through conference committee we have highlighted retention and recruitment issues throughout the Technical unit. Providence heard our suggestions and has proposed changes to Respiratory Care Practitioner (RCP) job titles and classifications. Specifically, the Employer is proposing to:

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Seattle Children’s Hospital Tentative Agreement Reached!

Seattle Children’s Hospital Tentative Agreement Reached!

Our Union Bargaining Team met with Seattle Children’s Hospital Management on Monday, February 24 in our continuing quest to come to a comprehensive Tentative Agreement on all outstanding issues. While the day stretched into the evening, with both parties working hard to come to an agreement, we finally managed to get an offer we could fully recommend around 9pm.

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MultiCare Women's Center Clinics Accretion - TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED!

Following just two bargaining dates with MultiCare management to negotiate the terms and conditions of Women's Center employees' entry into the UFCW 3000/MultiCare Clinics union contract, our bargaining team is overjoyed to announce that we have come to a tentative agreement!

So what does that mean?

Simply put, this means that our union bargaining team has reached a final agreement with MultiCare on the part of the contract which will outline how we officially join the clinics Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The reason this is called a tentative agreement is because the next step is that we all vote on whether we accept the agreement. Permitting the majority of us agree, the process set forth will begin. 

What are my next steps?

We have scheduled votes for all of you to come by, review the agreement, and cast your ballot! We encourage all newly-represented Women's Center employees to attend, and as such we've worked to coordinate votes at all three locations:

Meeting rooms are pending confirmation from the Employer, an update will be sent from UFCW once verified!
Monday, March 3, 2025:

Puyallup MultiCare Women's Center
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Sunrise MultiCare Women's Center
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Bonney Lake MultiCare Women's Center
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

"This entire process, from organizing our union, winning our election, then meeting with management to negotiate our Agreement, has been tough- but we're so proud to say that we have come to an Agreement that benefits all members at the Women's Centers!"

—Carol Kring

Your Bargaining Team L-R: Liam Hughes, Medical Assistant @ Sunrise Women's Clinic; Tracey Fleming, Nurse Navigator @ Puyallup Women's Clinic; Carol Krings, Medical Receptionist @ Puyallup Women's Clinic.  

Eastern WA Grocery Stores Contract Votes set!

Eastern WA Grocery Stores Contract Votes set!

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that we will be holding contract vote meetings on February 19, 20, 21 and 25.

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MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs - Case Manager Accretion - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

Following eleven bargaining dates over the course of nearly six months, our Case Manager RN bargaining team at Auburn Medical Center are overjoyed to announce that we have reached a fully recommended tentative agreement outlining our proposed entry into the RN union contract.

At our last scheduled session on January 22, we met MultiCare at the table, and proudly announced that we’d secured a supermajority of strike pledge card signatures in our unit. Pairing this with discussions around our continued priorities in these negotiations—MultiCare requested an emergency bargaining session on Monday, January 27 to get back to the table as soon as possible and continue working towards a deal.

Considering the many challenges we’ve faced throughout bargaining, our solidarity and resolve have led to what we strongly believe is a groundbreaking agreement for Case Manager RNs at Auburn Medical Center, including:

  • Experience credit towards placement on the RN wage scale

  • Access to premiums, differentials, daily overtime, and all of the union protections contained in the RN contract

  • Protections around Case Manager RNs floating into other clinical areas of the hospital

  • A specific wage differential for Senior Case Manager RNs


To read the full agreement and cast your ballot, we encourage all newly-organized Case Manager RNs to drop-by our vote meetings!

Monday, February 10
MultiCare Auburn Medical Center
Cascade Training Room

  • 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM

  • 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Your AMC Bargaining Team: Sarah Murry, RN; Amber Hamilton, Case Manager RN; Nicole Joseph, Case Manager RN; Cory Larsen, RN; Nick White, RN; Mary Lou Gustafson, RN.

MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

Following our bargaining date on Wednesday, January 22, and our announcement to MultiCare that the RNs at Auburn Medical Center had reached a majority of Strike Pledge Card signatures in less than a week’s time—management requested that we meet again at the table as soon as possible to continue negotiations on our successor bargaining agreement.

Our team recognized that this was an extremely important moment in our ongoing fight for a strong contract—in the sense that nurses were standing up and ready to take action, and that we may finally have MultiCare’s full attention.

As a result of this momentum, our union bargaining team are proud to announce that we have secured a fully recommended tentative agreement on our new contract, which includes highlights such as:

  • An all-new wage scale that places AMC RNs pay above many of our top competitors at nearly all steps

  • Increased Continuing Education funds

  • Ratification bonus as well as bonuses for our coworkers at the top of the wage scale each year of the contract!

  • ALL NEW safe staffing language, including a premium for RNs who care for a higher number of patients than the state-submitted staffing plan outlines!

To read the full agreement and check-out all of the additional wins we secured, we encourage all AMC Nurses in good standing to drop-by our vote meetings and cast your ballot.

Tuesday, February 11
MultiCare Auburn Medical Center
MOB Classroom (1st Floor)

  • 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM

  • 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

  • 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

“These negotiations have been incredibly challenging- but our bargaining team heard you all, and continued to listen throughout this process. The power that we’ve built together resulted in a contract that we’re confident will really start to fix the many issues RNs at AMC have faced, and keep AMC safe for patients and for nurses.”
—Cory Larsen, RN @ AMC

Your AMC bargaining team (L-R): Sarah Murry, RN; Amber Hamilton, Case Manager RN; Nicole Joseph, Case Manager RN; Cory Larsen, RN; Nick White, RN; Mary Lou Gustafson, RN.  

Seattle Children's Hospital Tech - Bargaining Update

"Stand your ground with confidence, state your value, back it with facts, and seek mutual success"

—Tesfaldet Kidanemariam, Respiratory Therapist

On Monday, January 27 we met with the employer for the fifth time to continue negotiating a strong contract that respects our specialized skill set.

We continued our negotiations, advocating for competitive wages and working conditions to recruit and retain our expert staff. Our coworkers on the Bargaining Team spent much of our time justifying why we deserve to be well compensated for the work we do. We know that other area hospitals send our kids to Seattle Children's Hospital for excellence in pediatric care. We shared stories of misdiagnoses at other facilities. We spoke about how it often takes months—even a year or more for techs from adult facilities to acquire our unique technical skills that save pediatric lives.

Join us on Monday, February 3, at 4:00 PM for a virtual update on the latest news from the bargaining table:
Join Zoom Meeting >>

If you are unable to attend, call our Union Representative, Christie Harris for an individual meeting at (206) 436-6606; we're eager to hear from you!

Are you not receiving these updates in your email? Update your contact information here:
Update Contact Information >>

Our Bargaining Team (Left to Right): Adriana Ingwerson, Ultrasound Sonographer; Heidi Cuffee, Echo Sonographer; Jennifer Becker, Surgical Tech; Tesfaldet Kidanemariam, Respiratory Therapist; Robin Phare, Pharmacy Tech; Tarin Knight, END Tech

Rosauers - Contract Votes Set! This Tentative Agreement is fully recommended by the Grocery Store Bargaining Committee!

After months of bargaining with Rosauers for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our sick leave, bereavement leave, and vacation, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical contract vote meeting will be held on February 4 for members covered by the Rosauers Spokane Grocery and Spokane Meat contracts and on February 6 for members covered by the Rosauers Lewiston Grocery & Meat contract.

The Bargaining Team will present the tentative agreement received from the Employer. Members will have the opportunity to discuss the terms and implications of the offer before voting on the fully recommended settlement.

Any member covered by the Rosauers Spokane Grocery and Spokane Meat contracts or the Rosauers Lewiston Grocery & Meat contract that are in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on their contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions!

Spokane Contracts

February 4, 2025

  • 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

  • 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM

UFCW 3000 Spokane Office
2805 N. Market St. Spokane, WA 99207

Lewiston Idaho Contract

February 6, 2025

  • 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

  • 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Hampton Inn Lewiston
2701 Nez Perce Dr, Lewiston, ID 83501

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Contract Vote Scheduled! Our Team Is Recommending A Yes Vote!

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Contract Vote Scheduled! Our Team Is Recommending A Yes Vote!

On Wednesday, January 1, after negotiating from 9am to 7pm, our Bargaining Team came to a Tentative Agreement with Conifer’s Management team. In this, our 10th bargaining session since August, after many hours of work and passing a total of 18 economic package proposals to Management, we were able to secure:

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Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Tentative Agreement Reached!

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Tentative Agreement Reached!

On Wednesday, January 1, after negotiating from 9am to 7pm, our Bargaining Team came to a Tentative Agreement with Conifer’s Management team. In this, our 10th bargaining session since August, after many hours of work and passing a total of 18 economic package proposals to Management, we were able to secure:

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Contract Votes Set: Yakima, Tri-Cities, Cle Elum, Ellensburg

Contract Votes Set: Yakima, Tri-Cities, Cle Elum, Ellensburg

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on January 9, 10, 13.

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