Mason General Hospital Professional Technical, Business Office, Service, LPNs Contract Vote
/After several months of bargaining we have reached a tentative agreement for a new contract. Our Union Bargaining Team recommends a YES vote!
Read MoreAfter several months of bargaining we have reached a tentative agreement for a new contract. Our Union Bargaining Team recommends a YES vote!
Read MoreSince the beginning of November, Management has only been available for a few short bargaining sessions. This has been challenging. We need Management to come to the table and spend a full day with us bargaining. We are willing to work as long and hard as it takes to get a contract we can recommend to you!
Read MoreKris Wood works at Mason General Hospital in the lab and has been a union member since 2012. Over the years Kris has held various positions of leadership and advocacy for her coworkers and community.
Read MoreCurrently the Mason Health Diagnostic Imaging department utilizes the position of Rad Tech Aide to assist patients and technicians during appointments, as well as the scheduling of all imaging appointments.
Mason Health has proposed creating two different positions:
D.I. Scheduling Specialist
Radiology Assistant
A vote on this change to the contract will be held for effected employees
For additional Information, contact Union Rep Naomi Oligario @ 360-662-1989.
Stay in the loop! Update you contact information to get the latest news at:
Thank you to everyone who came out to vote on a new Union Contract Friday. The contract was approved by an overwhelming majority of Nurses and was ratified by the Hospital’s Board of Commissioners yesterday.
We appreciate our fantastic Bargaining Team who worked tirelessly to educate Management on the real issues and to help them understand that wages need to match Olympia hospitals to retain and recruit nurses.
For further information reach out to a Bargaining Team Member (Left to Right: Nancy Owenby, Megan Corbin, Tori Willis)
We met with Mason General management on January 17 to continue negotiations on our contract!
Your Bargaining Team:
If you have questions about bargaining, reach out to our bargaining team!
If you have questions about anything else, please reach out to our union representative Naomi Oligario at (360) 662-1989.
Our Bargaining Team, Left to Right: Nancy Ownby (RN), Megan Corbin (RN), Tori Willis (RN))
Our team is working hard just to bring our contract up to the standards of other local hospitals:
Competitive Wages — Mason Health does not appear to see the need for any significant wage increases and is offering less than 4% in the first year.
Federally Recognized Holidays — Mason Health is not interested in any of the holidays we asked for and other hospitals already have.
Equitable Vacation/Earned Time — We are working to ensure that earned time is competitive with other hospitals.
Correcting the Definitions of Full-Time & Part-Time — We have proposed language which documents that full time for 12 hour nurses is 36 hours a week.
These are things we shouldn't have to fight with management about but our fight continues. We are bargaining next on Wednesday, January 17 and will not compromise on this contract.
For additional information, contact Union Representative Naomi Oligario at (360) 662-1989.
If someone you know is not receiving these updates, update your information.
Bargaining Team (Left to Right): Tori Willis, Megan Corbin, Nancy Ownby
We have been negotiating since the beginning of October and have made many proposals for competitive and equitable wages, premiums and benefits along with addressing fair distribution of work. Management has been receptive, but slow in responding. On December 4, 2023, we received an economic response. We are reviewing Management’s proposal package and will respond with a counter-proposal at our next session on December 13.
Nurses need to be valued for our essential work. Retention and recruitment should motivate Management to provide competitive wages and benefits. This is critical to ensuring the best care at Mason Health for our community.
We want this contract to reflect Mason Health’s Mission:
“United Community, Empowered People, Exceptional Health.”
For additional information, talk to a bargaining team member or to Union Representative Naomi Oligario (360) 662-1989.
Our Bargaining Team has met twice with Management and exchanged non-economic proposals that clarify the low census process, clean up the definition of full time, part time, transfers, notice and report process, as well as many other proposals to clean up contract language and make it more understandable. So far, Management seems to have heard what our interests are.
We have multiple meeting dates set up through the rest of October, and still need to work through economic proposals, including premiums & benefits- and specifically wages!
Our next session is scheduled for October 24.
For additional information, reach out to a Bargaining Team Member or our Union Representative Naomi Oligario at 360-662-1989
Thank you to all Union Members who came out on September 9 and voted to ratify wage increases! The vote overwhelmingly passed. Wage increases go into effect on Sunday, September 18, and you should see the increase on the October 7 paycheck.
If you did not this notice through email, please update your contact information at:
For further information on your new wage increase or if you have any contract questions, contact Union Rep Brandan Zielinski at
Management and the Union Bargaining Committee have met and discussed ongoing wage concerns and have reached a tentative agreement on a mid-cycle wage increase. For details of the wage offer drop into one of the vote meetings.
For additional information reach out to a bargaining team member or your union representative Brandan Zielinski @206-436-6603 or
Upcoming Contract Vote Meetings
Friday, September 9, 2022
10:00AM - 1:00PM
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Mason General Hospital
901 Mountain View Drive
Shelton, WA, 98584
Pershing Room
To vote you must be a union member in good standing.
If you did not receive this notice by email, update your contact information here.
Nurses are scheduled to receive a contractual wage increase of 1% on July 1, 2022.
We have with worked with management and have reached a tentative agreement on an additional 9% wage increase, meaning nurses shall receive a combined 10% increase by the end of July.
The proposed wage scale will be available during the online vote on July 8 from 5AM – 5PM.
You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.
TO VOTE ONLINE, make sure your information is up to date!
In order to vote on this wage increase, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email please visit to update your email.
If you do not receive an email to vote on July 8, 2022, please reach out to Union Representative Brandan Zielinski at or 206-436-6603 to provide an updated email address.
Thursday, July 7
Drop-in between 1-2:30pm or 6:30-8pm
Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.
Mason General has proposed a financial incentive for per diem nurses to pick up short notice shifts. Since this is a modification of our contract, our members need to approve it.
For shifts that are picked up by a per diem nurse within 24 hours of the scheduled shift start, those shifts will be paid at double time (2x) as long as the per diem nurse has submitted their monthly availability in accordance with the contract and has worked at least four other shifts in the month the short notice shift is picked up. The incentive will be offered through August 31, 2022.
We will host an online informational session to review the full text of the amendment and answer any questions on Tuesday, February 15 @ 6pm.
Full details of the amendment will be available during the online vote on Wednesday, February 16 @ 6am - 6pm.
You will receive an email from UFCW 21 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.
TO VOTE ONLINE, make sure your information is up to date! In order to vote on proposals, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email, please update your email at:
If you do not receive an email to vote on Wednesday, February 16, please reach out to Union Representative Ian Jacobson at or 206-436-6550 to provide an updated email address.
Our Mason General Bargaining Team: Brenda Routson, Jennifer Madara, Pam Murphy, Jessica Turner
On Monday, June 28, members at Mason General ratified their new three-year contract. We were able to win a fair agreement that increases wages and premiums. Thank you for joining us in the online vote to ratify this agreement!
Our Mason General Bargaining Team: Brenda Routson, Jennifer Madara, Pam Murphy, Jessica Turner
Our team worked hard with management to make sure we could win a fair contract before expiration. We were quickly able to reach a fair agreement that will increase wages and premiums so we can recruit and retain good workers.
Highlights of the agreement include:
Three Year Agreement
Adding certification pay for approved certifications
More frequent Level/Step increases beyond level 12
Competitive wage increases with market adjustments for certain positions
Expanded Bereavement Leave
Improvements to vacation scheduling
New Hire orientation to the Union
Join us for a virtual Vote Meeting on Wednesday, June 23 @ 5:30PM to review the vote document and details of the agreement.
Vote Meeting Scheduled!
Wednesday, June 23
Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.
Online vote is scheduled for Monday, June 28
We will be voting online via “Simply Vote” on Monday June 28 from 6:00AM to 8:00PM. You will be receiving an email from “Simply Vote” with your unique login information. If you do not receive an email from UFCW 21 or “Simply Vote,” by June 23, check your spam folder first. All active members in good standing are eligible to vote.
If you have still not received an email, please update your information through the link below or contact a union rep:
Our Bargaining Team is excited to get to the table to negotiate a fair contract. We will begin bargaining on June 4, but we need to hear from you about your priorities!
Make sure you fill out your bargaining survey!
We will have a Virtual Contract Meeting on Thursday, May 20 @ 7PM to go over the results and discuss our priorities.
Your Bargaining Team: Brenda Routson, Jennifer Madara, Pam Murphy, Jessica Turner (not pictured), Melody Warren (not pictured)
Virtual Contract Action Meeting on Thursday, May 20 @ 7PM !
RSVP for Zoom info here:
After sending a clear message to Management, we were able to come back to the table and reach a fully recommended agreement that includes respectful wage increases that are in line with area facilities, including a retention bonus. We were also able to secure improvements to our bereavement leave, jury duty pay and Earned Time request procedures.
The agreement was ratified on February 17, 2021
OUR BARGAINING TEAM: Megan Corbin, Tori Willis, Traci Bishop, Nancy Ownby
If you have any questions, please contact your Union Representative @ 800-732-1188
After sending a clear message to Management, we were able to come back to the table and reach a fully recommended agreement that includes respectful wage increases that are in line with area facilities, including a retention bonus. We were also able to secure improvements to our bereavement leave, jury duty pay and Earned Time request procedures.
We will be voting this recommended agreement by mail. UFCW 21 members in good standing are able to vote on these proposals. Please make sure your mailing address is up-to-date. You will receive the vote document with the full proposals in the mail along with your ballot and voting materials.
We will be having vote meetings via Zoom to answer questions about the agreement. These are rolling meetings, members can join the meeting at any time.
OUR BARGAINING TEAM: Megan Corbin, Tori Willis, Traci Bishop, Nancy Ownby
Thursday, January 28
5:30-7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 2
We started our bargaining session Monday by telling your stories about why we voted 100% NO on Management’s last economic proposal. They returned with a disrespectful offer that did not address our full concerns. Our next bargaining date is Monday, January 18.
We are gearing up for more actions to support a respectful and fair economic package. Join us at a Union Contract Meeting on Tuesday, January 19 @ 5:30 PM. These meetings are where you have input in our bargaining team’s decisions!
We are the Union. The members of UFCW 3000 are over 50,000 members working in grocery, retail, health care, meat packing, cannabis, & other industries across Washington state, north-east Oregon, and northern Idaho. UFCW 3000 is a chartered member of UFCW International with over 1.4 million workers in North America.
To build a powerful Union that fights for economic, political and social justice in our workplaces and in our communities.