MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office, & Technical CONTRACT RATIFIED!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office, & Technical CONTRACT RATIFIED!

After a series of highly attended vote meetings on Thursday, December 5, our Bargaining Team at MultiCare Capital Medical Center are thrilled to announce that our 2024 contract has been overwhelmingly supported by our Service, Office, & Technical union coworkers!

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St. Anne Hospital Professional & Technical VOTE SCHEDULED

St. Anne Hospital Professional & Technical VOTE SCHEDULED

The practice of “rounding” timecards at the seven-to-eight-minute mark is being eliminated, and we will instead be transitioning to “actual” timekeeping: where employees are paid to-the-minute. While we anticipate that this change will improve the overall accuracy of our timecards (& potentially increase the amount of compensable time-worked we are paid for overall), there are a few anticipated impacts this change may have, and therefore negotiated the below protections through our Union:

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED!

With these priorities in mind, our team went to work—fighting to secure a strong, competitive contract for the Service, Office, and Technical workers at MultiCare Capital Medical Center. We believe the result is a contract that will stand the test of time and keep us competitive for years to come.

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PRMCE Endo Tech Online Vote on December 3!

PRMCE Endo Tech Online Vote on December 3!

We have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Endoscopy Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Certified Medical Assistants effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.

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Summit Pacific Medical Center Technical and Service - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

Our Bargaining Team is excited to announce that after several months of bargaining, we have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract for Technical and Service Workers!

The tentative agreement includes:

  • Wage increases

  • Ratification Bonus

  • Increased Premiums

  • Increased PTO Accrual

  • Medical Assistant Training Pay

  • Workforce Development Trainer Pay

  • Education Leave

  • New provision regarding Workplace Equity

Contract Vote Scheduled
Drop-in Tuesday, November 26

Summit Pacific Medical Center
11:00 AM-2:00 PM and 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Rainier Conference Room
600 East Main Street
Elma, WA 98541

McCleary Healthcare Clinic
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room
105 W Simpson Avenue
McCleary, WA 98557

The Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” vote!

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. For additional information, contact Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather at (206) 436-6515 or talk to the Bargaining Team: Barb Ford, Judea Prouty, Kurt Phillips.

PRMCE Interventional Radiology Tech - Online Vote on October 29! Past Experience Recognized!

We have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Interventional Radiology Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Radiology Techs, effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.

As this change affects the current Technical contract, it requires a vote. All Interventional Radiology Techs who are union members in good standing are eligible to vote online on:

October 29
Between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Eligible members will receive a voting link via email from SimplyVote at 8:00 AM on October 29.

We strongly recommend a "YES" vote!

PRMCE Endoscopy Techs - Online Vote on October 30! Past Experience Recognized!

We have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Endoscopy Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Certified Medical Assistants effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.

As this change affects the current Technical contract, it requires a vote. All Endoscopy Techs who are union members in good standing are eligible to vote online

October 30
Between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Eligible members will receive a voting link via email from SimplyVote at 8:00 AM on October 30.

We strongly recommend a "YES" vote!

Multicare Capital Medical Center Service/Office/Technical - Bargaining Update!

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Wednesday, October 2 marks our fourth bargaining date with MultiCare since we began negotiations for a 2024 contract for the Service, Office, & Technical union members at Capital Medical Center.

Transparently, our day began a bit slow in terms of meeting with management, with our Union team providing MultiCare with any remaining contract proposals we had in our court in the morning, and then waiting until just before the end of our scheduled time to receive proposals back from management.

Upon hearing back from management later that afternoon, we were presented with a number of responses on a few of the contract articles we’ve been exchanging back and forth with the employer; most importantly, wages.

Overall, it’s fair to say that we were shocked by MultiCare’s initial offer, not because it undercut our value and ignored regional competitors’ wage rates (as one can typically expect from an Employer’s first wage counter...), but instead, their proposal seemed to consider the rates of pay that competitors are paying in the greater South-Puget-Sound region, as well as the significant increases MultiCare workers in Pierce and King County won in union negotiations earlier this year.

There are varying increases throughout the numerous job classifications—mainly due to the varying market fluctuations for those classifications—but our bargaining team can say that while the wage proposal we received from Capital is not quite ready for us to agree to yet, it will serve to move market-based wage discussions much faster than we have seen at other bargaining tables!

We are looking forward to meeting with MultiCare for our next session on October 10 to continue working towards a strong contract for Capital Medical Center employees!

“We’re not all the way there yet, but we are cautiously optimistic!”
—Julie Hinchcliffe, HUC/Monitor Tech @ CapMC

Your Bargaining Team: Julie Hinchcliffe, HUC/Monitor Tech; Beatrix Sales, CS Tech; Lindsey Moorhead, Cath Lab Tech

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

On September 15, 2024, we had our third bargaining date with Providence. We are continuing to build momentum to secure strong contracts for all in the bargaining unit. All proposals are on the table including compensation. We have several tentative agreements currently. We are looking forward to our next two sessions on October 8 and 15, 2024.

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center  Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

At the end of our second session on the Friday, we’re feeling optimistic about the progress we’ve made so far. Up to this point, we’ve been exchanging Articles that do not include economics with the Employer (however, we do anticipate an economic response will be coming from them within our next few dates!) and we’ve already come to agreements on a few new Articles:

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers BARGAINING BEGINS!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers  BARGAINING BEGINS!

We have watched as union workers at MultiCare across Washington State spent the last nine months of this year achieving huge wins through determination and solidarity at the bargaining table, and we’re all eager to keep the wins coming in Olympia!

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Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

On September 4, 2024, we had our second bargaining date with Providence for our contact. We made progress today with several tentative agreements. We had clarifying conversations with Providence on topics that will help us move forward for our next sessions, which include exploring options on retirement plans, the Aetna network change, and our insurance premiums. Our next bargaining dates are September 18 and October 8.

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Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Last week on August 14, we had our first bargaining date with Providence for our contract. Both sides came to the table prepared and we had deep discussions with management on many topics including retention and recruitment, new employee orientation, training and precepting, equity and nondiscrimination in the workplace, and how we can build trust between the Hospital and caregivers. Our next bargaining dates are September 4 and 18. On these dates we will be discussing the changes to the Aetna health care network along with other economic proposals.

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Summit Pacific Medical Center - Bargaining Update

Our bargaining Team met with SPMC management Friday and received their initial economic proposal. The proposal included increases to wages, premiums and differentials.

Management provided lists of the wages paid at neighboring hospitals and clinics and made a proposal to try to bring us closer to those facilities. The data they provided did not include wages from contracts that have been recently ratified.

We are reviewing the accuracy and effective dates of the wage scales that SPMC used for their comparisons, to figure out how they determined the proposed increases. Our bargaining team questioned management about the accuracy of their information and management seemed interested in making sure the data they are using is up-to-date.

We are working on a counter proposal and will present our data on wages and other compensation.

It is important that SPMC fully understands our goals for this contract. We need to be competitive to retain current employees and recruit new ones.

Next bargaining dates: August 12 and 19.

For more information contact a member of our Bargaining Team: Kim Starkweather Patient Coordinator, Allison Felder RN ED, Monica Ortiz RN ACU, Barb Ford ED Tech, Judea Prouty Medical Assistant, McCleary Clinic, Kurt E Phillips Lead Building Engineer.

Union Representatives:
Kiambo White (206) 436-6515
Madison Derksema (206) 436-6603

"Management is being very receptive and open to feedback."
— Judea Prouty, MA, McCleary Clinic

"They're willing to meet us and are looking at data that shows them where we need to be."
— Monica Ortiz, RN

Providence Sacred Heart Techs: We Ratified A New 3-Year Contract!

Providence Sacred Heart Techs: We Ratified A New 3-Year Contract!

After eight months of constant battle and momentous efforts by our bargaining team and the unification of our entire membership, we have finally settled our contract with Providence Sacred Heart. Our members’ efforts and commitment have yielded the best contract we have seen for our collective bargaining unit. This is a small victory in the greater war for recognition of our efforts and skills, and our value as caregivers to our families and community.

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