Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Contract Vote Scheduled! Our Team Is Recommending A Yes Vote!

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Contract Vote Scheduled! Our Team Is Recommending A Yes Vote!

On Wednesday, January 1, after negotiating from 9am to 7pm, our Bargaining Team came to a Tentative Agreement with Conifer’s Management team. In this, our 10th bargaining session since August, after many hours of work and passing a total of 18 economic package proposals to Management, we were able to secure:

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Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Tentative Agreement Reached!

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Tentative Agreement Reached!

On Wednesday, January 1, after negotiating from 9am to 7pm, our Bargaining Team came to a Tentative Agreement with Conifer’s Management team. In this, our 10th bargaining session since August, after many hours of work and passing a total of 18 economic package proposals to Management, we were able to secure:

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Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Bargaining Update

After meeting with the Employer on December 10 and 11 all day, our Union Bargaining Team has still not yet been able to reach a fully recommended settlement offer we can put to a contract vote.

We will be holding a Contract Action Team meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, December 17 at 5:00 PM to discuss with any and all of our interested bargaining unit coworkers where we are in this process and next steps.

"It has been slow going. While we have tentative agreement on most non-economic items, we are still working towards an agreement on wages and other economic sections of the contract. Management's current wage proposal is disappointing."

Our Bargaining Team: Linnea Ellis, Patient Access Representative; Nicole Peschon, Coding Specialist

CHI Franciscan Online Vote Scheduled on Actual Timekeeping

CHI Franciscan Online Vote Scheduled on Actual Timekeeping

The practice of “rounding” an employee’s timecard is being eliminated, and instead CHI Franciscan are converting their timekeeping systems to an “actual timekeeping” calculation- where employees are paid to-the-minute, rather than having the daily totals of their hours-worked rounded up or down to the nearest quarter-hour, respectively.

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Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

Coming out of bargaining on Tuesday September 24, and Wednesday September 25, we have exchanged comprehensive economic and non-economic proposals with the Employer. There has been much conversation between the parties, and while at some times the temperature at the table has felt hot, we have been making movement as the table ebbs and flows.

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Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

On June 6, 2024, our opening letter requesting bargaining dates with Conifer Revenue Cycle Solutions was sent. On June 13, Local 3000 received a response from Conifer saying that the Employer considers “this request to be overly premature”, and that “Conifer does not understand the reasons for beginning negotiations so early”. Well, it is because we are hoping to secure a new Collective Bargaining Agreement as soon as we can! As such, we were not able to set bargaining dates in June or July, but have secured August 28 for our first day of bargaining. Meanwhile, we do have a request out for September bargaining dates and look forward to getting to the bargaining table. As stated in our previous update, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires October 31, 2024.

Union Representative Ryan Degouveia has assembled a Bargaining Team of our coworkers and we will be holding an open virtual meeting for all workers at Conifer St. Michael on June 25 between 5:30PM and 6:30PM. We hope to have an open and frank conversation about folks’ top priorities. As our Silverdale office is in the process of moving, this will be online-only via Zoom. Details will be forthcoming via text message very soon!

Should you have any questions or wish to be involved in building workplace solidarity to win a strong contract, Union Representative Ryan Degouveia can be reached at 360-662-1982.

Make sure your personal contact information is up to date so you don’t miss important bargaining information and union benefits!

Update your information here >>

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

In April a survey was sent out to all Conifer St. Michael Medical Center UFCW 3000 members regarding compensation, benefits, and working conditions in preparation for our upcoming Union contract negotiations. The response rate was remarkably strong! Unsurprisingly, of folks’ top three issues in responses, wages were the most commonly recognized area where workers would like to see improvement. The next two top issues in the responses were affordability of health insurance and enhancement of vacation/PTO benefits.

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St. Michael Medical Center - Questions About the Overpayment Settlement?

Come Talk to a Rep About the Overpayment Settlement!

On September 26, our UFCW union rep and MRC rep will be at the SMMC cafeteria to answer questions about the overpayment settlement.

Tuesday, September 26

  • 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM  

  • 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM  

  • 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Read about the settlement on your contract page: 

>> St. Michael Medical Center RN
>> St. Michael Medical Center Pro-Tech
>> St. Michael Medical Center Service & Dietary

Virginia Mason Franciscan Health - 2022 overpayment settlement

Find your contract and learn more about the settlement!

St. Anne:

St. Joseph (Pharmacy):

St. Joseph (Technical):

St. Michael (Nurses):

St. Michael (ProTech):

St. Michael (Service/Dietary):

Virtual Health:
In October and November 2022, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (VMFH) experienced a cyberattack and as a result shutdown Kronos (timekeeping software). To ensure that employees were paid on time, VMFH estimated the amount of pay based on employees’ FTE and estimated employee’s premium payments based on the amount of premium payments on the October 7, 2022 paycheck. 

On the November 4, 2022 paycheck, VMFH paid every affected employee the total of regular hours and premium pay earned for both the October 2-15, 2022 pay period and the October 16-29, 2022 pay period. Given this, many employees were overpaid and VMFH sought repayment from employees. 

Although VMFH can recoup the overpayment, they needed to negotiate with our union prior to implementing a repayment plan. Since they didn’t do so our union filed an unfair labor practice with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and grievances for all bargaining units. Additionally, a demand to bargain over the repayment process. 

After months, we were able to settle the matter. Employees who were overpaid less than $2000 will repay the amount in four equal installments and employees who were overpaid more than $2000 will repay the amount in six equal installments. If you do not agree with the amount due, you can submit a written notice within ten business days of receiving the “repayment request” from VMFH. This request was sent on or around September 8 to your work email. 

If you have need help navigating through the process, please feel free to reach out to our union representative or the Member Resource Center (866) 210-3000. 

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech) - Contract ratified!

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech)
Contract ratified!

On Friday, June 30, we overwhelmingly voted to ratify our new collective bargaining agreement! Our new contract includes some of the highest pay in the region, a completely revamped wage scale with no ghost steps, increases to several differentials, and much more.

We will work with the Employer to get a final signed copy of your contract printed as soon as possible, but in the meantime, the redline version can be found HERE >>

Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharm Technician; Alicia Krug, Surgery Tech

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech) - Tentative agreement reached - Vote Scheduled

Ratification Vote

Join your coworkers and vote on the new contract!

Friday, June 30
6 AM—9 AM • 12 PM—3:30 PM • 6 PM —9 PM

St. Michael Medical Center - Conference Room G920 (near cafeteria), 1800 NW Myhre Rd, Silverdale, WA 98383

Our Union Bargaining Team is excited to announce that after negotiating late into the night of June 20, we have reached a tentative agreement with Management on our new contract!

Highlights of the proposed agreement include:

  • Goodbye to ghost steps: We have completely revamped the wage scale, ensuring that each step represents a meaningful increase. No more steps with a 0% increase.

  • Historic wage increases: Substantial raises for each classification that recognize the value of our work and dedication.

  • Healthcare maintained: Our healthcare coverage remains intact, providing the same level of comprehensive coverage, low cost, and support as before.

  • Standby pay for professional and technical roles will see an unprecedented increase.

  • We have restored the Per Diem differential back to 15%.

  • Our new contract also includes improved language on critical issues such as low census, preceptorship, certification pay, grievances, and much more!

The above highlights only scratch the surface of all the improvements proposed for our contract. More details, including copies of the entire proposed contract, will be available at the ratification vote.

Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharmacy Technician

St. Michael Medical Center Service & Dietary - Tentative agreement reached - Vote scheduled

St. Michael Medical Center - Service & Dietary
Tentative agreement reached
Vote scheduled

After many months of bargaining, we finally have a tentative agreement! We worked hard to get a contract that works for all, and won historic wage increases that can help recruit and retain qualified staff. Our new agreement includes:

  • New wage scales and job classifications

  • Filled in all ghost steps

  • Pay for call in advance of shift

  • Management will pay for certifications including food handler’s card

  • Pandemic Language

  • And much more!

The vote will be in-person and members will have the opportunity to speak to Bargaining Team members before casting their ballot. Please arrive during the posted vote times as we cannot allow members to enter the vote room outside of the advertised times.

Join your co-workers and vote on the new contract

Wednesday, May 17
8:30am—10:30am | 12pm—3:30pm | 5pm—7pm

St. Michael Medical Center, conference room 1.939 (first floor of the new hospital by the blue elevators)

St. Michael Medical Center Protech - Bargaining Continues

Our Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharm Technician

Bargaining continues, but it is slow. We have made proposals that would protect all our coworkers and help us recruit and retain qualified workers. Management fails to listen to our concerns and address our needs. We are frustrated and disappointed that instead of seeking to find mutually beneficial solutions, they have threatened our union security and healthcare benefits. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! We work hard day in and day out taking care of patients and our community, but management proposes language that would harm us instead of strengthen us. Management needs to listen, and give us what we deserve; Better Pay, Better staffing and More Respect!

We believe it is vital that Management listens to our concerns and gives us the respect and support we deserve. We are asking for better pay, better staffing levels, and more respect at work. These are reasonable requests that would benefit not only us but our patients and the community we serve.

We need your support now more than ever—if you believe that it is time for Management to respect and protect us, please sign the petition calling on them to do the right thing at the bargaining table. Your voice is essential in helping us to achieve a fair and equitable contract that benefits everyone.

“The cost of living has gone up and their wage proposals are not competitive and keep us below the market.”

— Rob Shauger

“Inflation is not an imposition, it’s an opportunity to work more—don’t get more money, just work more—that’s Management theory.”

— Paul Harris

“Management continues to try and divide us by stating, ‘nurses are more valuable because their skillsets cover everyone.’ It’s time for them to recognize that we are all valuable for our skill to make the patient healthcare team, we all work hard to take care of our patients.”

— Connie Baker

St. Michael Medical Center Service & Dietary - We Have a Historic Tentative Agreement!

Our Bargaining Team:
Vanessa Rosadino, Dietary Caterer
Christy Sammons, EVS Relief
Susan Meyer, Dietary Cook
Pam Reese, EVS Discharge

After many months of bargaining, we finally have a tentative agreement. We worked hard to get a contract that works for all! We won historic wage increases that can help recruit and retain qualified staff!

We also won:

  • New wage scales and job classifications

  • Filled in all ghost steps

  • Pay for call in advance of shift

  • Management will pay for certifications including food handler’s card!

  • Pandemic Language

  • And other great wins!

“We did it! We are DONE!!!”

— Pam Reese

“This is a historic contract. I have never seen such high percentages in my 20 years of working here! “

— Susan Meyer

“I am so happy for our new contract. We worked really hard and we got a successful contract and we encourage everyone to vote YES!”

— Vanessa Rosadino

“We worked really hard to get a contract that will help us recruit and retain new workers! “

— Christy Sammons

Please keep stay tune for more information about vote times so you can vote on your new contract!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Bargaining Team.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Team

Susan Mayer, Pamela Reese, Vanessa RosaDino, and Christy Sammons

The bargaining team at Saint Michael Medical Center has been meeting with the Employer for over a month to negotiate a new contract working conditions for themselves and their coworkers. The bargain is now well into the economic parts of the agreement, and the committee is learning fast that their employer, Catholic Health Initiatives, needs to not just hear from them, but from everyone working at St. Michael Medical Center.

So, Susan, Pamela, Vanessa, and Christy are talking to their coworkers and collecting stories to share at the bargaining table about what would make their workplace better, and what effect of management’s proposals would have; because an injury to one is an injury to all.

St. Michael Medical Center - Protech Bargaining Continues

Our Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharm Technician

After evaluating the issues of the workplace and listing to you, our coworkers We have met with management for the first time and presented our non-economic language proposals. We had good discussion and look forward to start talking about wages the next time we meet.  

After the first day of sitting across the table with management I am hopeful that they have heard our concerns and will respond positively. It’s time for management recognizes that we are the ones who do the work everyday and they need to respect our voices and our experience.” 

— Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging  

We are just beginning but if you want to be connected and get more information, please join one of our Contract Action Team meetings!

Thursday, February 23, 2022

10:00 AM • 7:00 PM


UFCW Silverdale office  

3888 NW Randall Way #105, Silverdale, Wa. 98383

Or join by Zoom:

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

St. Michael Medical Center (ProTech) - Bargaining Begins

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech)
Bargaining Begins

We met with Management for the first time and proposed our first set of non-economic proposals. We the Bargaining Team are ready to fight for a strong contract that addresses the many needs we have in our departments and that gives equitable and competitive wages!

“Looking forward to the employer’s response” - Kain McLeod, Pharmacy Tech

“We are united in the fight to address the staffing crisis here at St. Michael’s.” - Connie Baker, RT

“Optimistic and ready to work to meet our goals.” - Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular

If you have any questions about bargaining please reach out to any of our bargaining team members or our Union Rep Aimee Oien @ 360-662-1981.

Our St. Michael Medical Center ProTech Bargaining Team: Paul Harris - ER Tech, Chris Young - Transport, Don Szabo - Lead Medical Imaging, Rob Shauger - CNA 8th floor, Angela Roberson - Heart and Vascular, Connie Baker - RT, Kain McLeod - Pharmacy Tech

St. Michael Medical Center - Bargaining Begins

St. Michael Medical Center
Bargaining Begins

We met with Management for the first time and proposed our first set of non-economic proposals. We the Bargaining Team are ready to fight for a strong contract that addresses the many needs we have in our departments and that gives equitable and competitive wages!

If you have any questions about bargaining please reach out to any of our Bargaining Team members or our Union Rep Ryan Degouveia @ 360-662-1989.

“We will not give up without a fight!” - Pamela Reese, EVS Discharge

“I am excited and optimist about the new contract!” - Vanessa Rosadino, Dietary Caterer

“I feel like we had a productive first day and all of our concerns were heard.” - Susan Mayer, Dietary Cook

“We are ready to fight for a strong contract and get what we need to get done!” - Christy Sammons, EVS Relief

Our St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Team: Susan Mayer- Dietary Cook, Vanessa Rosadino- Dietary Caterer, Pamela Reese- EVS Discharge, Christy Sammons- EVS Relief