NO DEAL REACHED with Macy’s. Macy’s Workers, It’s Time to Stand UP.
/OUR UNION BARGAINING TEAM: Azia Domingo, Curtisy Bryant, Emily Hunter, Liisa Luick, Nicole Hardin, Sean Embly, Faye Guenther.
Last night, we did not reach a deal and after 3 bargaining sessions, Macy’s refused to in good faith consider bargaining proposals to address our concerns. We remain ready and willing to bargain at any time when Macy’s is ready to bargain in good faith and can send a decision maker to the Bargaining Table.
Next Steps:
Join the press conference on Friday, November 17 at 9 a.m. at the Southcenter Mall or view it at the Facebook Live.
Sign up for at least 20 hours on your store’s Strike Schedule (see your store’s Picket Captains).
Complete a W9 form and return the completed form to a UFCW 3000 Union Representative or complete a W9 online by visiting to make sure you will get paid your strike benefit.
In the event we do end up on a ULP strike, our Bargaining Team has planned a “Macy’s Striking Workers Parade” action on Black Friday at the Southcenter location that will be supported by community partners and other UFCW 3000 members.
We Are in This Together to Improve Safety and Increase Worker Pay
We need safer workplaces. We need better security. We need to retain our staff. We need better wages to retain staff. Macy’s CEO gets over $11 million per year, while some of us rely on food banks and can’t afford to see the doctor.
Macys Striking Workers Parade, Black Friday, 9AM, Southcenter Mall