Yakima, Tri-Cities, Cle Elum, Ellensburg Contract Ratified!
/After months of bargaining, we have ratified a new 3-year contract with many amazing improvements including…
Read MoreAfter months of bargaining, we have ratified a new 3-year contract with many amazing improvements including…
Read MoreDalton was one of many grocry members participating in the stop the merger actions across the country recently.
Dalton Adams is a shop steward at the Downtown Bellevue QFC store and is active in many parts of our union. In January of this year, he went to Olympia to talk with Washington State Legislators about the increasing safety issues he and his coworkers face around organized retail theft and strongarm robberies. The political pressure forced Kroger and other employers to come to the table and work with our union on how to best protect workers.
Safety on the job is a big issue for Dalton and other shop stewards, last fall they came together with workplace leaders from 3 states at a Safety Summit to share stories, learn, and organize to make sure that workers are safer on the job.
Dalton and other stewards are also very concerned about what would happen to their jobs and communities if the Kroger/Albertsons mega-merger was allowed to go through. He and other grocery store workers took recently action recently across the country to inform customers of the perils of this monopoly-creating merger. Dalton asked customers and send a letter to the FTC via the No Grocery Merger Website, telling them to stop this merger from moving forward.
Dalton knows when workers organize, take action, and show solidarity with each other, what we can accomplish together is greater than what we could do alone.
After months of preparation and workers taking action, marathon bargaining sessions have now led to a Tentative Agreement with Kroger, in addition to the tentative agreement reached with Albertsons/Safeway last week. This historic agreement with Kroger, reached at 9:15 pm today, April 19, is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID.
Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached these Tentative Agreements and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers.
“This contract is a historic deal. No one in this region has seen wage increases like this ever and it will go a long way to address inequities in Fred Meyer stores.”
“I’m very excited about this agreement. It is the best contract in my career. Come to the vote meetings to see the details and vote!”
Essential grocery store workers from UFCW in Colorado, California and now here in our State of Washington are gaining some of the respect, pay and protections we deserve.
Active members are eligible to vote at whichever location is most convenient, during any time when polling is open. Drop by any time during the voting time, review the Tentative Agreement, get your questions answered, and then vote.
These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Grocery Store Workers in King, Snohomish, Kitsap, Mason, and Thurston Counties at the big chains (Safeway, Albertsons, Fred Meyer and QFC) and independent stores covered by this Tentative Agreement.
All vote meetings will be open between the hours of 8:00 AM - 12 Noon, and 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Monday 4/25 LYNNWOOD: Lynnwood Convention Center, Rooms 1DEF, 3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood (8am–12pm & 4pm–8pm)
Tuesday 4/26 SEATAC: Hilton Seatac, Emerald Ballroom, 17620 International Blvd, SeaTac (8am–12pm & 4pm–8pm)
Wednesday 4/27 BELLEVUE: Meydenbauer Center, Rooms 404-406, 11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue (8am–12pm & 4pm–8pm)
Thursday 4/28 BREMERTON: Kitsap Conference Center, Puget Sound Ballrooms C&D, 100 Washington Ave, Bremerton (8am–12pm & 4pm–8pm)
Thursday 4/28 OLYMPIA: The Olympia Center Room 208, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia (8am–12pm & 4pm–8pm)
NOTE: The informational pickets scheduled for Tuesday, 4/26 have been cancelled.
Ames Reinhold, Metropolitan Market
Amy Dayley Angell, QFC
Aaron Streepy, Attorney
Cliff Powers, Safeway
Caprii Nakihei, Safeway
Cosmo Villini, Safeway
Eric Renner, UFCW 3000
Enrique Romero, Fred Meyer
Suzi Geffre, Fred Meyer
Faye Guenther, UFCW 3000 President
Jeff Smith, Fred Meyer
J’Nee DeLancey, Town & Country
Joanna Clapham, Fred Meyer
Joe Mizrahi, UFCW 3000 Secretary Treasurer
Kevin Flynn, Albertsons
Kyong Barry, Albertsons
Maggie Breshears, Fred Meyer
Naomi Oligario, Safeway
Roger Yanez, QFC
Sam Dancy, QFC
Sam Kantak, Teamsters 38 Secretary Treasurer
Shawn Hayenga, Metropolitan Market
Tammi Brady, Teamsters 38 President
Wil Peterson, Fred Meyer
On the Call we will discuss the negotiation process, how members can get involved, our unity work with other locals across the region - over 100,000 grocery store workers strong, and answer questions from members!
This year, we bring our Grocery Store Negotiations Kick-Off to each of our 200+ union stores as part of our strategy to get as many members involved, informed, and activated as possible!
Grocery Store Workers have continued to show up for our customers and communities through some of the hardest conditions and circumstances imaginable. It’s time to celebrate our dedication to each other and kick-off this negotiation cycle united and strong! Look out for fellow union members, leaders, and Reps handing out buttons, union swag, bargaining information, and taking pictures in workplaces the week of November 8-12. It’s time for our employers to Respect, Protect, and Pay essential grocery store workers!
Prepared & Ready
Preparations for next year’s contract negotiations start now. Union grocery store workers are more involved and active than ever before as we partner with Teamsters Local 38 here in Washington and other UFCW locals across the Western U.S. Together we are the power of over 100,000 grocery store workers.
I value my relationships and friendships with customers. But right now I’m worried about my mental health and fatigue. Kroger management: Come visit our stores, and see what it's like, witness what we’re going through until this is over. Come and help us!
-Tanya, Fred Meyer
We are tired, scared and tired! We are a BIG PART of what people are calling the “front line.” We deserve hazard pay for putting our lives on the line. We are a very important part of why your store is open during this hard time.
-Sherrie, Fred Meyer
We have one of the busiest stores and no one is seeing the customer numbers drop. I make homemade masks for free for my co-workers because I want us safer. The top treats us like numbers instead of people. We have names, we are important, treat us like we are your family and respect us. Do better by us workers.
-Sheryl, Fred Meyer
We deserved higher pay even BEFORE the COVID crisis. Grocery workers work incredibly hard, and making near minimum wage is insulting.
-John, QFC
It's far more difficult than it's ever been, and management is giving the impression that their money is worth more than our lives.
-Jacob, Fred Meyer
It's a nightmare. I'm being run ragged getting carts, cleaning what I have to clean, and keeping up with the people wanting help to their cars, while trying to accommodate the new measures that Kroger is implementing that affect my position. We deserve more than an extra $2 an hour. I’m scared of coming into contact with someone or something with COVID-19 and bringing it home to my family, who is at risk.
-Isobel, Fred Meyer
I'm worried about workers not being protected enough during this pandemic. We can allow 900 customers into our store and there is no way we can socially distance with even a fraction of that amount of customers in our store. It's not fair that the company gets to act like they're doing something when in reality it doesn't do anything substantial to protect their workers. I love the team I'm on and the people I work with. But I'd say that most of Kroger management doesn't have to be in a store that allows thousands of people in every single day. It's easy for them to make these decisions, but they're not the ones who have to actually work through this pandemic day in and day out. We deserve better protection.
-Cody, Fred Meyer
Conditions are more stressful and anxiety inducing than ever before. The extra labor involved in constantly sanitizing the store is intense and deserves at least the $2-an-hour hazard pay. It feels like expectations from management, although for a good cause, are unrealistic given the amount of staff and business my store does on most days. We should be compensated for the extra labor we do on a daily basis to keep ourselves and our customers safe.
-Anna, QFC
Every single day is like Christmas and Black Friday are happening. We’ve been so busy, and now they’re cutting our hours.
-Bob, Fred Meyer
I am worried about getting sick and taking it home to my family. I can't stay home and get paid—unlike like the higher-up corporate people that aren't out here on the front line risking their lives and the well-being of their families. They are paid much more than those of us here working our behinds off. And they can’t pay us more? I’d tell them to do our job for an entire week and see how they are when it’s over.
-Sonja, Fred Meyer
We are the Union. The members of UFCW 3000 are over 50,000 members working in grocery, retail, health care, meat packing, cannabis, & other industries across Washington state, north-east Oregon, and northern Idaho. UFCW 3000 is a chartered member of UFCW International with over 1.4 million workers in North America.
To build a powerful Union that fights for economic, political and social justice in our workplaces and in our communities.