Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Grocery Store Workers in Denver fight to Raise Wages & Improve Staffing

Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Grocery Store Workers in Denver fight to Raise Wages & Improve Staffing

Last week UFCW 3000 President Faye Guenther along with other union staff joined UFCW local 7’s Bargaining Team in Denver as they sat down with Albertsons/Safeway and Kroger in their fight for a fair contract. This collaboration between the grocery store workers in Colorado and the over 25,000 grocery store members of UFCW 3000, whose contracts expire early next year is an important signal of strength and unity in our fight for Better Wages, Better Staffing, Better Stores. 

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Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores United from Rockies to Pacific for Better Wages and Staffing

Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores United from Rockies to Pacific for Better Wages and Staffing

The Colorado 10-day ULP strike by UFCW local 7 in 2022 helped pave the way for our contract negotiations that same year and the most significant wage increases we’ve ever seen. Together, united, UFCW 3000, UFCW local 7, and Teamsters local 38 will coordinate proposals and actions to show Kroger and Albertsons that again in 2025, when we stand together, we win.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Madison Chitwood

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Madison Chitwood

I have been with the Silverdale Safeway since 2020 working in different departments all over the store. Recently I have stepped up and taken the role of Shop Stewart at my store, because I believe my coworkers should be informed and updated on our next Contract Negotiations in 2025.  

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2025 Frontline Grocery Store Worker Bargaining Survey

2025 Frontline Grocery Store Worker Bargaining Survey

As we plan for the upcoming contract cycle with the Employers, our Union Bargaining Team needs input from all members to understand the problems grocery store workers are facing at work and how together we can fight for a better contract and better workplaces.

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Telephone Town Hall Call: Stop the Mega-Merger Update

On Monday, September 9 please join us at 5:30PM for a live telephone town hall on the topic of Kroger and Albertsons’ proposed mega merger and our ongoing efforts to stop it.

Despite what the companies are saying, this proposed merger threatens lay-offs, store closures, and higher prices as well as undercuts our strength in collective bargaining negotiations.

During the call, we will take members’ questions live on the topic of the proposed merger, discuss the ongoing federal court trial taking place in Portland regarding the Federal Trade Commission’s lawsuit to block it, as well as prepare for a rally in Seattle the first day of the trail by our Attorney General to block the merger on September 16.

We will plan to call you at 5:30PM on Monday, just answer the phone and you will join us.

If, for some reason you don’t receive a call by 5:35pm, or get disconnected during the call, you can join us by dialing directly: 888-652-0384 And enter meeting ID 8143.

Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Our Union Bargaining Committee

Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Our Union Bargaining Committee

On August 22, our Union Grocery Store Bargaining Committee, members from UFCW 3000 and Teamsters 38, met to begin planning our contract campaign for the 2025 Puget Sound Grocery Allied Store contracts. Our Bargaining Committee represents over 26,000 Grocery workers in the Puget sound and is committed to continue the fight to set the highest standard in the Grocery industry.

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Grocery East Contract Votes Set!

Grocery East Contract Votes Set!

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract votes across Washington, Idaho and NE Oregon! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on August 20, 21 & 22, 2024. We will be conducting a vote on the fully recommended tentative agreement our bargaining team reached on April 30, 2024.

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Grocery Store Workers in Cheney, La Grande, Hermiston, Pendleton, Enterprise & Baker City ratify new contract!

Grocery Store Workers in Cheney, La Grande, Hermiston, Pendleton, Enterprise & Baker City ratify new contract!

This is our first union negotiations since we became UFCW 3000 and our combined strength has helped us win a contract with record wages and major contract improvements. In the midst of a proposed grocery mega-merger, we’ve sent a clear message —We have power in our communities, we have a voice in our workplace, and we have a strong new contract that will be the backbone for our future. 

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Grocery Eastern Oregon Contract Votes Set!

This Tentative Agreement is fully recommended by the Grocery Store Bargaining team!

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on May 20 and 21, 2024. 

The bargaining committee will present the tentative agreement received from the Employer. Members will have the opportunity to discuss the terms and implications of the offer before voting on the fully recommended settlement.

Any member covered under the Baker City, La Grande and Enterprise Grocery contract and the Pendleton Hermiston Grocery contract who are in good standing will be able to vote at these locations:

Monday, May 20, 2024: Hermiston from 10:00am—2:00pm at Holiday Inn Express, 245 N 1st St, Hermiston, OR 97838

Monday, May 20, 2024: Pendleton from 4:00pm—8:00pm at Pendleton Convention Center - Room 7, 1601 Westgate, Pendleton, OR 97801

Tuesday May 21, 2024: LaGrande from 9:00am—1:00pm at Island City Hall – Community Room, 10605 Island Ave, Island City, OR 97850

Tuesday May 21, 2024: Enterprise from10:00am —2:00pm at The Wilderness Inn, 301 W North St, Enterprise, OR 97828

Tuesday May 21, 2024: Baker City from 4:00pm—8:00pm at Baker County Library - Riverside Room, 2400 Resort St, Baker City, OR 97814

For questions, please contact your Union Representative, bargaining committee members, and stewards for updates. If you are unable to connect with your union rep, steward or bargaining committee member you may call the MRC at 1-866-210-3000 for more information. 

All members in the Baker City, La Grande and Enterprise Grocery contract and the Pendleton Hermiston Grocery contract are encouraged to be present for this important vote.

Grocery East Cheney Contract Vote Set!

This Tentative Agreement is fully recommended by the Grocery Store Bargaining team!

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on May 13, 2024, in the Safeway breakroom, 2710 1st St, Cheney, WA 99004.We will be conducting a vote on the fully recommended settlement presented by the Employer Monday, May 13. 

The bargaining committee will present the tentative agreement received from the Employer. Members will have the opportunity to discuss the terms and implications of the offer before voting on the fully recommended settlement.

Contract Vote: May 13 from 9am—12pm and 3pm—6pm 

Any member covered under the Cheney Safeway Meat and Cheney Safeway Grocery Contracts who are in good standing will be able to vote in the Safeway breakroom, 2710 1st St, Cheney, WA 99004, from 9am-12pm or from 3pm-6pm on May 13, 2024. 

For questions, please contact your Union Representative, bargaining committee members, and stewards for updates. If you are unable to connect with your union rep, steward or bargaining committee member you may call the MRC at 1-866-210-3000 for more information. 
All members in the Cheney Safeway Meat and Cheney Safeway Grocery Contracts are encouraged to be present for this important vote.

Spokane Grocery store workers overwhelmingly ratify a new three year contract! 

This is our first union negotiations since we became UFCW 3000 and our combined strength has helped us win a contract with record wages and major contract improvements. In the midst of a proposed grocery mega-merger, we’ve sent a clear message —We have power in our communities, we have a voice in our workplace, and we have a strong new contract that will be the backbone for our future. 

We did this together, by standing strong and showing up for each other and our communities.  

The many improvements in the ratified contract include: 

  • Strongest journey wage increases in any Spokane Grocery Store negotiation! We increased our Journey wages by $4.00 or more.

  • Big retro checks for journey going back to contract expirations January 20, 2024.

  • Won an “All Purpose Clerk” scale with historic pay raises for many departments —for some over 25% wage increase during the course of this contract.

  • More than quadrupling our wage escalators —that means strong wage increases throughout the pay scale when minimum wage goes up and when workers are moving through the apprentice rates. 

  • Healthcare with benefit improvements with NO increases to healthcare premiums or deductibles. Healthcare eligibility will now be based on all compensable hours. 

  • Major improvements to our vacation banks that will ensure that we get vacation based off of hours worked. 

  • Automatic pension funding increases that go up every time wages increase. 

  • Dedicated money to fund training and workforce development to ensure that we get the training we need to do our jobs and prepare for the future of the industry. 

  • Stronger safety language to address top issues we face in our stores. 

“This is the most money I thought I'd ever see coming out of Kroger. The pressure we applied across all our stores was amazing! I am feeling amazed!” -Katrina Keffer, Fred Meyer 

“I am really excited for my co-workers who worked for years in the Deli, my co-workers will get wage increases that they deserve. This will help make sure we can keep people here in the store.” -Jeff Yergens, Safeway 

Grocery East Contract Votes Set

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract vote! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on May 2, 2024, at the Spokane Double Tree Hotel, in the conference center. We will be conducting a vote on the last offer presented by the Employer following our scheduled bargaining dates on April 29 and 30, 2024. 

The Agenda, Times and Location for the meeting will be: 

1. CONTRACT RATIFICATION VOTE: The bargaining committee will present the last offer received from the Employer. Members will have the opportunity to discuss the terms and implications of the offer before proceeding to a vote on whether to ratify or reject the proposed contract. 
2. STRIKE AUTHORIZATION VOTE (if applicable): Should the final offer not be recommended by the bargaining committee, we will also conduct a strike authorization vote. This vote will determine whether to engage in a strike or other action in response to the Employer’s final offer. 
3. VOTE TIMES & LOCATION: Any member in good standing will be able to vote at the Spokane DoubleTree Hotel and Conference Center, 322 N Spokane Falls Ct, Spokane WA 99201 from 9am-12pm or from 3pm-7pm on May 2, 2024. Carpool if you can, as parking is limited. Available parking will be at no cost, details available at registration.

For questions, please contact your Union Representative, bargaining committee members, and stewards for critical updates as things can change quickly and are time sensitive. If you are unable to connect with your union rep, steward or bargaining committee member you may call the MRC at 1-866-210-3000 for more information. 

All members in the Spokane Albertsons Meat, Spokane Albertsons Grocery, Spokane Safeway Meat, Spokane Safeway Grocery, Spokane Fred Meyer Meat, Spokane Fred Meyer Grocery, Spokane Fred Meyer CCK, are encouraged to be present for this important vote. Your voice and vote are essential in guiding the direction of our bargaining strategy.  

The Cheney Meat and Grocery Votes will be held at a separate time and location to be announced. The Oregon Grocery Vote will be held at a separate time and location to be announced.  

Women's History Month Member Stories: Leaders from the 2013 Grocery Store Contract Campaign

Women's History Month Member Stories: Leaders from the 2013 Grocery Store Contract Campaign

As the 2013 contract negotiations between UFCW 21, UFCW 367, Teamsters 38, and the national grocery chains (represented by Allied Employers) in Western Washington opened, it was obvious that it was going to be a fight to win a fair contract.

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Update on Ongoing Efforts to Stop Mega Merger as We Build Collective Strength to Protect and Improve Grocery Store Workers' Jobs

Good News on Stopping the Proposed Mega-Merger

As you may have heard, on February 26, after a massive 16-month effort by our collective of UFCW Local unions and others, we accomplished an important goal of getting the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to officially file a lawsuit to stop the proposed mega-merger of Kroger and Albertsons. Nine states’ Attorneys General joined that FTC legal challenge. The Attorneys General of the states of Washington and Colorado also filed separate lawsuits on January 15 and February 14, respectively.

This is very good news in our campaign to protect workers, shoppers, and the community from the negative impacts that would result if this proposed merger were allowed. But the effort to stop the merger still has a way to go.

What's Next in This Legal Process?

The legal process will likely continue for some time until one of two things happens:

  1. The Federal Judge in Portland, OR, has set a date for August 26, 2024, for the trial to begin on the FTC case. The WA and CO trials can move ahead separately, but they could be coordinated with others as well. Those trials could continue until an outcome is determined.


  1. The Merger Agreement of Kroger and Albertsons has an “outside date” of mid-October 2024 (two years after when it was announced) after which the companies can simply abandon the deal without paying any financial penalty to the other party, so it is also possible that Kroger and Albertsons will simply withdraw their proposed merger.

What’s Next for Our Grocery Store Companies?

It’s time for Kroger and Albertsons to invest in grocery store workers, our customers, and our communities instead of wasting years and billions of dollars on a failed merger proposal. These companies have been doing very well and have made billions of dollars in profit in recent years. They should be making more investments in better-staffed stores, in higher retention of workers with better pay, benefits, and training, and in lower food prices for shoppers. These investments will result in Kroger and Albertsons becoming stronger companies.

UFCW Local Members Taking Action Together for Stronger Contracts

In addition to fighting the proposed mega-merger that would cause harm to thousands of grocery store workers and millions of customers, our collective group of local UFCWs is also taking action to affirmatively improve our contracts, organize more unionized grocery stores, and more.

FAQ - Does Albertsons Need to Sell? No!

After the merger is stopped, some have said that Albertsons will just be sold to some other company. That’s just not true. Before the merger proposal, a super-majority of Albertsons’ stock was owned by six massive private equity investors who wanted to sell their shares to a single buyer. But during the past 24 months, those large investors have sold the majority of their shares in Albertsons, and we expect they will continue to sell their remaining shares on the NY Stock Exchange after the merger is blocked.

The alternative—trying to sell Albertsons in whole or in part to a different buyer—would be very unlikely. Court documents show that in the summer of 2022, there were no other bidders aside from Kroger, so a new buyer would likely offer a significantly lower value for the company. Based on Albertsons’ current stock price (which is still significantly below the Kroger buyout price), the company’s total enterprise value is approximately $20 billion, or nearly $9 million per store. To put that in perspective, the current divestiture plan to C&S Wholesale proposes to pay about half of that amount. So, selling to C&S or to anyone else at that price would destroy significant value for Albertsons shareholders. And again, the company is doing well financially, and there is no need to sell. Recent quarterly reports show Albertsons is doing even better than Kroger.

Grocery East Why do the Bosses think you deserve less than grocery workers in Western Washington?

Why do the Bosses think you deserve less than grocery workers in Western Washington? 

In our last bargaining session, the Employers told us that because cost of living is lower in Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Idaho, journey union members do not need the same kind of raises as the Westside. Over the last two days of bargaining, we came to correct this.  

We know that Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Eastern Oregon grocery workers desperately need and deserve meaningful raises. We presented data on rising rents and home sale prices in our region. We compared Westside and Eastside counties which have very similar housing costs and very different wages.  

We compared a grocery basket in Spokane and near Seattle to show that the astronomical food prices set by these companies are the same regardless of where you live. Our grocery costs are the same, our rents are the same, and it’s all going up. But they insist on keeping a wage scale that pays us DOLLARS less!  

Bargaining committee members shared our stories: having to choose between paying the power or the water bill that month, putting our children’s healthcare costs before our own, and struggling to afford to pay for the gas to get to work. We also shared over 100 stories submitted from UFCW 3000 grocery members under these Eastside contracts. Kroger and Albertsons can afford to pay us the wages we need so we don’t have to choose between buying groceries or putting gas in the tank.  

If Safeway can afford a 4 billion dividend, they can afford to pay us what is fair. If Fred Meyer can afford to buy Safeway, they can afford to pay us what is fair. 

While we educated the Employers on what it’s like trying to survive on these wages, we stayed strong, pushing the proposals we need: 

  • Create Journey wage increases of multiple dollars over the life of the contract that gain ground on the West side.  

  • Institute one wage scale for all UFCW 3000 Eastern Washington, Oregon and Northern Idaho and the same journey wage rate across all grocery scales. 

  • Create raises of multiple dollars for Journey Meat Cutters over the life of the contract, a proposed dollar premium for Head Meat Cutter, and new designation of Head Butcher Block. 

  • Increase the amount between steps from $0.10 above minimum wage and $0.05 between steps to $0.25 above the minimum wage and between steps so that every step sees an increase as the minimum wage increases with cost of living.  

  • Reduce the length of our wage scales so our coworkers can reach the Journey rate sooner. 

  • Maintain our strong healthcare plan and coverage and improve benefits without increasing employee premiums.   

All the while the employers only came up $0.10 in the third year of their wage proposal. Proposing $0.50/$0.50/$0.60. This is not enough! 

We’ll be back next week for bargaining. Next bargaining dates: February 15 and 16   

Join us and show our unity in fighting for a strong contract! 

More information: 

Grocery East - Bargaining Update

“Me and my coworkers don’t expect to get rich working at Fred Meyer. We just don’t think we should have to make a choice between paying our utility bills or rent or mortgage. We deserve a better wage.” 

—Melissa Lozano, Richland Fred Meyer, Shoe Department Lead 

This week our union member bargaining team met to become more informed about our union pension, healthcare plan, and professional training fund.  Now we are ready to go out and educate and support our co-workers with this essential information. We are excited to fight to strengthen and protect our union benefits in bargaining. 

We also were briefed by the Director of WeTrain, our union’s first professional development training fund in the country for people working as meat cutters and in grocery stores.In contract negotiations, we are ready to push to expand this benefit to Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Oregon.  

Our committee discussed the proposed Kroger/Albertsons merger and the ways it would harm us as workers and consumers.Our union, in partnership with locals around the country, has been outspoken in our opposition to this proposed merger since it was announced over a year ago because it threatens jobs, communities and customers. We need Kroger and Albertsons executives to invest in us, not their pocketbooks.  

Join us by: 

  • Coming to a Contract Action Team Meeting:

    • October 25 | 5:30-6:30 in Tri Cities-Wenatchee
      UFCW 3000 office: 330 King St, Suite 4

    • October 26 | 5:30-6:30 in Spokane
      UFCW 3000 office: 2805 N. Market St.

    • October 27 | 5:30-6:30 in Yakima
      UFCW 3000 office: 507 S. 3rd St

  • Signing a Strike Pledge Card 

  • Joining our Telephone Townhall on 11/15 at 4:30 PM (We’ll call you!) 

  • Joining our Worker Research Committee, meeting on Monday, November 6 at 5:30 pm via Zoom!

  • Wearing a union button 

We plan to meet with the employers’ representatives at the end of November! 

Grocery East Bargaining Update!

Our Union Bargaining Team: Josh Frans SWY 1799, Tresa Fairbanks SWY 3255, Vanessa Evans SWY 1473, Katrina Keffer FM 214, Amanda Bowerman SWY 1494, Shelly Clark SWY 1470, Frankie Roessner SWY 1242, Jeff Yergens SWY 3255, Joyce Laffelmacher ALB 265, James Perez SWY 502, Stephen Bunting SWY 2248, Ann Jennings SWY 1630, Vanessa Roessner ROS 126, Melisa Lozano FM 486, Kim Bristlin SWY 1159, Clayton Bennett ALB 206, Ross Cook SWY 3288, Jeff Terpening SWY 3255

As union members, every three years we get to bargain a legally binding contract that sets our wages, benefits and working conditions. Now we are starting the process of bargaining a new contract for the next three years.

“We are ready to fight for a strong contract with livable wages, better training and staffing, safety, and strong benefits!” —Vanessa Roessner (Rosauers 126) & Jeff Terpening (Safeway 3255)

This week, our Union Bargaining Team met for a full day of planning and preparation to get ready to bargain a strong contract for Grocery workers in Eastern Washington and Idaho. We spent the day discussing the bargaining process, going over the results of the Union Bargaining Survey, and preparing proposals that reflect what we need in order to make our workplaces and jobs stronger. Things like higher wages, our pension, corporate merger concerns, pandemic language and workplace safety protections.

For too long our wages have been falling behind. The cost of housing, groceries, and other living expenses are skyrocketing. Despite what the Employer may think, the cost of living is going up in all our communities and we deserve wage increases that will make these livable jobs.

We also discussed upcoming actions and brainstormed ways to show the Employer that we are serious about winning a fair contract. There are a few things we can do today to help build strength and momentum: wear a Union button, add your contact information to the phone tree, sign the Stand Together Pledge Card, and join one of the Contract Action Team meetings where we can talk about the negotiations process, ask questions, and plan next steps!

Upcoming Contract Action Team Meeting:

October 25 | 5:30-6:30 in Tri Cities-Wenatchee: UFCW 3000 office: 330 King St, Suite 4

October 26 | 5:30-6:30 in Spokane: UFCW 3000 office: 2805 N. Market St.

October 27 | 5:30-6:30 in Yakima: UFCW 3000 office: 507 S. 3rd St

Join the next Grocery Store Worker Telephone Townhall call on October 23! (all you have to do is pick up when we call)

Ken’s Korner Red Apple (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Ken’s Korner Red Apple (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Member Bargaining team recommends a YES vote!

This historic agreement is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID. This is a Tentative Agreement and is not final until we vote to accept it. Full details of the agreement will be provided at each vote location. Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached this Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers. These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Grocery Store Workers in Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Skagit, Whatcom, and independent stores covered by this Tentative Agreement.


Active members are eligible to vote.

12pm - 2pm