Puget Sound Allied Grocery Stores Bargaining Begins!

As union workers, every three years our member Bargaining Team has an opportunity to negotiate with the employer over our wages and working conditions.

Our Bargaining Team met January 21 and 22 to share our core concerns with the Employers. We focused on major issues like addressing under-staffing, U-SCAN usage, and store safety. We will begin to work on our wage, pension, and healthcare proposals with the goal of putting all our issues on the table in March.

Starting strong

On January 17 and 22, workers joined leaflets at Kroger and Albertsons/Safeway stores across the Puget Sound region to raise awareness about our upcoming bargain and under-staffing issues at our stores. Next week, we’ll be back outside our stores leafleting again to support actions with other UFCW Locals.

What you can do to help win a fair contract

Sign a strike pledge card! Commit to taking action with your coworkers up to and including a strike if necessary to win a contract for better wages, better staffing, and better stores. Talk to your coworkers about signing the strike pledge card, too, and help us build the power we need to win!

Commit to joining the next action at your store. Reach out to your union steward or union representative about dates and times.

Complete a staffing report and share your staffing story at your store through nogrocerylines.org >>

Wear your union buttons at work! You have the right to wear union buttons and stickers at work and show support for your coworkers.

Find all contract campaign news & updates ufcw3000.org/better-staffing >>