Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech Clinic - Contract Ratified!

On Thursday, February 6, 2025, Union members at Jefferson Healthcare ratified the tentative agreement reached between Management and Employees. We appreciate all of the work done by the Bargaining Team and anticipate that the Board of Commissioners will vote on the new contract on February 19.

Highlights of the contract include:

  • Wage increases after ratification:

    • 3% plus market increases of between $0.75 to $4.00 per hour for many positions and

    • 5% for all other positions not receiving a market increase.

  • 4% increase October 31, 2025

  • 4% increase October 31, 2026

  • Ratification bonus of $750-$1550

  • Increased Night Shift Differential

  • Additional Hours Pay of $50.00-$100.00 per shift

  • HUCs added to the low census guarantee of hours

  • $4.00 On-call pay with extra pay for Surgery Techs and others working excessive call.

Copies of the ratified agreement will be available on the UFCW 3000 website.
Contract Page >>

For additional information reach out to Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather at (206) 436-6515.
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Bargaining Update Jefferson Pro Tech/Clinic

On Tuesday, December 31, we had a short bargaining session. We presented a full economic proposal to Management and received their response right before the end of the session.

Management had previously proposed a wage scale that included a percentage-based wage increase for all positions and an additional flat dollar increase for some positions. This created a wage scale where the total percentage increase varied depending on the step.

Our response to Management was a percentage-based wage increase for everyone, with an additional percentage increase for jobs currently below the local market. Management has been trying to compete with local hospitals, specifically Whidbey Health Medical Center, Olympic Medical Center, and St. Michael Medical Center.

The package proposal we presented to management also included proposals on Weekend and Shift Differentials, pay for work on an unscheduled day, Certification and BSN/MSN pay, Preceptor Pay, pay for additional hours, an updated Surgical Tech, Imaging Tech, RT/RCP agreements.

We are reviewing Management’s new proposal and preparing to respond when we meet next week. Our next bargaining session is scheduled for January 10th.

For additional Information reach out to a Bargaining Team Member or to Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather 206-436-6515.

Bargaining Team: Donita French, Casey Paredes, Leanne Potts and Kim Vasenda.

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Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech/Clinic - Bargaining Update

We have met twice over the past week to bargain over wages and benefits. Management presented a complex proposal for wages, which included an across the board increase (a percentage increase for all positions) as well as market wage increases (wages to move us closer to the competition) for many positions. Jefferson has said they have reviewed wages at Whidbey, St. Michaels and Olympic Medical Center as competitors. Their current proposal does not raise wages enough to meet the competition.

We are working on a counter-proposal which takes into account the high cost of living in and around Port Townsend, as well as the competitive wages of local hospitals, focusing on some of the same hospitals management is referencing. We are carefully taking into consideration that current wages for some positions come close to St. Michael and Olympic already, but many do not and require significant increases.

Our team is setting higher standards for on-call and shift differentials, seeking better PTO cash-out and deferral, working on adding HUCs to the low census guarantee language, establishing minimum wage parameters, increasing certification and preceptor pay and proposing a new section which addresses extra pay for extra shifts.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for December 31.

Bargaining Team: Donita French, Casey Paredes, LeAnne Potts, Kim Vasenda

For additional information contact a bargaining team member or Union Representative Kimberley Starkweather (206) 436-6515

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Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

On September 20, our RN and Pro-Tech Clinic Bargaining Teams met with Jefferson Healthcare Management to present several initial proposals. These focused on including per diems in the bargaining unit, improving non-discrimination practices, and extending the timeline for filing grievances. We successfully reached an agreement to extend the grievance filing period to 30 days, giving caregivers more time to report potential contract violations without worrying about missing the deadline.

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Kaiser Permanente Pro Tech, Optical, & Pharmacy: Wage Increases Coming Soon!

Hooray! Wage Increases in Upcoming Paychecks

Kaiser UFCW 3000 membership ratified historic mid-contract wage increases for all members on April 19. Management gave word that those increases have been processed in HRConnect and we anticipate your new wage to be in your next paycheck coming on 6/21/2024.

Please note: The retroactive pay will not be on this same paycheck. The retroactive pay for all hours worked (from the effective date until now) will be coming in either of the the next two pay periods: 7/5/24 or 7/19/24.

The wage increases ranged from 5% to 9% depending on job classification. To understand your new wage, multiply your current wage by 1.05, 1.06, or 1.09:

e.g. $30.00 x 1.05 = $31.50
       $25.60 x 1.09 = $27.90

Please reach out to your Union Representative or Contract Specialist with any questions or concerns!

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Send them to update the contact information we have on file here.

Kaiser Market wage increases ratified!


KP ProTech/Optical and Pharmacy union members turned out yesterday in record numbers to say YES to increased wages!

After several months of union members pushing back against wage disparities through petitions, a demand letter, hundreds of postcards and using our collective voice, KP agreed to increase wages for UFCW Members.

Wage increases will be effective the beginning of the next full pay period.

Implementation of the wage increases will be in 90-120 days.

KP ProTech/Optical and Pharmacy members should see retro pay within two pay periods following the implementation date.


Olympic Medical Center Pro Tech Vote to Change Eligibility Time to Use Vacation Accruals

Olympic Medical Center Pro Tech

Vote to Change Eligibility Time to Use Vacation Accruals

We have a tentative agreement with OMC to shorten the number of months worked before employees are eligible to use accrued vacation.

This is a change to the current Pro Tech Contract so will require a vote of Union Members. Contract change votes scheduled:

Port Angeles: Monday, March 11, 2024 3:00pm-7:00pm

Olympic Medical Center in the Fairshter Meeting Room, 939 Caroline Street. Port Angeles, WA 98362

Sequim: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 8:00am-9:30am

Medical Services Building (MSB) in the Conference Room, 840 N 5th Avenue. Sequim, WA 98382

You must be a member in good standing to be eligible to vote.

If you have questions please contact Union Representative Aimee Oien at 360-662-1981

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WhidbeyHealth Professional and Technical Contract Ratified!

On Wednesday, December 13, the WhidbeyHealth collective bargaining agreement for professional and technical workers was ratified, with 98% of those voting “Yes” to approve the tentative agreement!

Our Bargaining Team wishes to congratulate everyone on their contract and thank them for their patience throughout 2023 as we negotiated this agreement.

Ratification bonuses of $1,200 pro-rated by FTE (for instance, a .5 FTE will receive $600) will be on our pay checks this December 22, less standard deductions.

“We are happy to have been able to help facilitate settling this contract. Getting paid for our ‘real’ experience is huge! We’re always looking for co-workers to get involved in this process to help continue to support one another.”- Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead

Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead; Rosalie Nguyen, Pharmacy.

Olympic Medical Center (ProTech) - Contract Ratified

Olympic Medical Center (ProTech)
Contract Ratified

On November 30 and December 1, workers overwhelmingly voted YES to ratify a new Union Contract.

Highlights of the contract include:

  • 7% wage increase paid the first full pay period following ratification

  • Market increases for many jobs

  • 2024: 6% wage increase, first full pay period following March 31, 2024

  • 2025: 6% wage increase, first full pay period following March 31, 2025

  • $1000 bonus prorated based on FTE in each of 2024 and 2025

  • New Step 13 added in 2024 for all positions at 2% higher than Step 12

  • Shift differential: $3.00 Evening/$5.00 Nights

  • $4.00 standby

  • Callback/call-in on day off at two times the normal rate of pay

  • $3.25 lead pay

  • $4.50 weekend premium

  • LOU for hazardous drug mixing

  • $2.00 certification premium

For more information, contact Union Rep Aimee Oien @ 360-662-1981.

WhidbeyHealth Pro-Tech Contract Votes Scheduled

On November 28 and November 30 our Bargaining Team met again with the Employer to negotiate. While continuing to try to come to an agreement over economic issues, and in particular the wage scale, we were somewhat surprised that the Employer presented us with a Last, Best, and Final offer on all outstanding issues. This means that a vote on what that offer is will be forthcoming on Wednesday, December 13. While we had not expected to have to make this decision quite yet, we are recommending a “Yes” vote to ratify the offer.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Wage parity as of April 1, 2024: We secured agreement that WhidbeyHealth would recognize past experience for represented workers at 100%. Many of our more senior employees who may be in the middle of the wage scale would move up the scale if they have more years of experience in their job classification than the step they are on actually represents. This will happen in the coming year if we approve the contract.

  • Market adjustments of wage scales: When the mid-cycle wage bargain happened in 2022 the result was that many people further up the scale received increases that put them ahead of what workers earn at competing hospitals. This also resulted in workers on the earlier steps of the wage scale earning less than what workers earn at competing hospitals. Thus, management concentrated on increases at the lower steps in this bargaining cycle.

  • Ratification bonuses: If we ratify the contract with a “Yes” vote on Wednesday, December 13, we will receive $1,200 ratification bonuses pro-rated by FTE. For example if you are a .5, you will receive $600.

Contract Votes: Wednesday, December 13

Main Hospital Coupeville HEC Room C: 5:00am—8:00am, 12pm—2:00pm, 5:00pm—8:00

Clinic 1: Oak Harbor-Cabot Break Room: 3:30pm—4:30pm

Clinic 2: Oak Harbor -Goldie Conference Room: 2:30pm—3:00pm

Clinic: Freeland Break Room: 10:00am—10:30am

Clinic: Clinton Break Room: 9:00am—9:30am

We look forward to seeing you at the following times to discuss the offer and vote on it. Members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Our Union Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead; Rosalie Nguyen, Pharmacy