Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech Clinic - Contract Ratified!

On Thursday, February 6, 2025, Union members at Jefferson Healthcare ratified the tentative agreement reached between Management and Employees. We appreciate all of the work done by the Bargaining Team and anticipate that the Board of Commissioners will vote on the new contract on February 19.

Highlights of the contract include:

  • Wage increases after ratification:

    • 3% plus market increases of between $0.75 to $4.00 per hour for many positions and

    • 5% for all other positions not receiving a market increase.

  • 4% increase October 31, 2025

  • 4% increase October 31, 2026

  • Ratification bonus of $750-$1550

  • Increased Night Shift Differential

  • Additional Hours Pay of $50.00-$100.00 per shift

  • HUCs added to the low census guarantee of hours

  • $4.00 On-call pay with extra pay for Surgery Techs and others working excessive call.

Copies of the ratified agreement will be available on the UFCW 3000 website.
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For additional information reach out to Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather at (206) 436-6515.
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Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech/Clinic - Bargaining Update

We have met twice over the past week to bargain over wages and benefits. Management presented a complex proposal for wages, which included an across the board increase (a percentage increase for all positions) as well as market wage increases (wages to move us closer to the competition) for many positions. Jefferson has said they have reviewed wages at Whidbey, St. Michaels and Olympic Medical Center as competitors. Their current proposal does not raise wages enough to meet the competition.

We are working on a counter-proposal which takes into account the high cost of living in and around Port Townsend, as well as the competitive wages of local hospitals, focusing on some of the same hospitals management is referencing. We are carefully taking into consideration that current wages for some positions come close to St. Michael and Olympic already, but many do not and require significant increases.

Our team is setting higher standards for on-call and shift differentials, seeking better PTO cash-out and deferral, working on adding HUCs to the low census guarantee language, establishing minimum wage parameters, increasing certification and preceptor pay and proposing a new section which addresses extra pay for extra shifts.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for December 31.

Bargaining Team: Donita French, Casey Paredes, LeAnne Potts, Kim Vasenda

For additional information contact a bargaining team member or Union Representative Kimberley Starkweather (206) 436-6515

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Jefferson ProTech Clinic Bargaining Update - October 4 and 11 Sessions

We recently held our second and third bargaining sessions with Jefferson Healthcare management on October 4 and October 11. Here's what we discussed:

October 4 Session

Staffing Committee: At this session, we introduced new proposals to improve how the staffing committee operates. In 2023, UFCW 3000, WSNA, and SEIU 1199NW worked together to pass a new staffing law, SB 5236, aimed at improving staffing conditions for healthcare workers across Washington. This law requires hospitals to have a staffing committee that meets quarterly. The committee includes nursing staff like CNAs, HUCs, surgical techs, and ED techs, and it plays a critical role in developing staffing plans and tackling staffing challenges.

Our proposal strengthens these responsibilities by making sure these staffing rules are part of our collective bargaining agreement (CBA). This way, if there are any violations of the staffing committee’s operations, we can address them through the grievance process. We also proposed a clear process for handling both short-term and ongoing staffing problems, including using mediation to resolve any disagreements on staffing solutions.

While wages and benefits are important for recruiting and retaining staff, our proposed staffing language gives caregivers more control and a stronger voice in addressing staffing concerns at Jefferson Healthcare.

October 11 Update

Unfortunately, the Hospital rejected our idea for an alternative way to resolve staffing issues, saying the current staffing committee (made up of both nursing staff and management) should be enough to solve problems. We believe more solutions—like incentive pay and retention bonuses—need to be part of the conversation, and we will keep pushing for binding mediation to ensure staffing issues are fully addressed.

Adding Per Diems to the Bargaining Unit

There’s been growing interest in extending the protections of our CBA to per diem caregivers. Right now, Jefferson Healthcare gives per diem staff some of the same benefits as full-time employees, but they can take those benefits away at any time.

By adding per diem staff to the CBA, they would get the same protections, including access to the grievance process for any contract violations. Although per diem caregivers would be represented by the Union, they can choose whether to become dues-paying members. We strongly encourage everyone to join, as union dues fund critical resources like legal representation, wages for bargaining committee members, and arbitration costs. Without dues, we wouldn’t have the power to enforce the CBA and protect caregivers.

October 11 Session

We were able to reach agreements on a few important issues:
  • Workplace equity language
  • Expanded paid sick leave: This can now be used for illness, vacation, holidays, or other leaves of absence.

What’s Next?

Our next bargaining sessions are scheduled for October 25 and November 1. We will focus on crafting an economic proposal that includes competitive wages and benefits to help retain and recruit caregivers. We’re reviewing the wages and benefits of other hospitals to make sure our proposal is competitive.

Our union contract expires on October 31, 2024. Even after it expires, all provisions of the contract will remain in effect, except for the arbitration and no strike/no lockout clauses. Additionally, after October 31, the hospital is prohibited from making any changes to workplace conditions. If you notice any changes or believe the hospital has modified a workplace condition, please contact your Union Rep, Ryan Degouveia at (360) 662-1982.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ryan Degouveia. We’ll also be holding another contract update/contract action meeting in November—stay tuned for more details!

Our Bargaining Team: Kim Vasenda, LeAnne Potts, Donita French, and Casey Paredes  

Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

On September 20, our RN and Pro-Tech Clinic Bargaining Teams met with Jefferson Healthcare Management to present several initial proposals. These focused on including per diems in the bargaining unit, improving non-discrimination practices, and extending the timeline for filing grievances. We successfully reached an agreement to extend the grievance filing period to 30 days, giving caregivers more time to report potential contract violations without worrying about missing the deadline.

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Planned Parenthood - Bargaining Continues

Join your Contract Action Team for an update on negotiations via zoom:

Thursday, June 8 @ 7pm
Thursday June 15 @ 7pm

Contact a Bargaining Team member for meeting details OR call Union Rep Charlie King @ 206-436-6518

“Appointment access shouldn’t come before patient and staff safety”

– Michel Avery, Clinical Trainer

We went into bargaining hoping for movement from Management’s side, but instead were shown that Management is not interested in countering our language on items, with no counter to our non-discrimination language initially. We responded by stating that not responding to our non-discrimination language is unacceptable and we expect a counter on that language. At the end of the session, after stating that, “Planned Parenthood is already walking the walk on non-discrimination,” they countered with a limited response that we will be countering on. We were told our non-discrimination language was “over-kill” and redundant on Planned Parenthood policies, however we deserve to have strong non-discrimination language in our contract.

We proposed staffing language around understaffing and workloads of each unit, that included a step-by-step process with a timeline to allow staffing concerns to be addressed. Planned Parenthood has yet to respond but did respond to our Labor Management Committee proposal stating that they were not interested in having a timeline in which the Labor Management Committee respond to items discussed. Planned Parenthood wants the Labor Management Committee to be informal, however a Labor Management Committee is meant to address problems at the worksite by creating solutions. Without a timeline, how can we expect solutions?!

Our next bargaining date is scheduled for Thursday, June 29, where we expect to continue on non-economic items. We are hopeful to get to economic proposals, but that will only happen if Management responds to our proposals instead of just saying they are just interested in “current contract language”. We deserve a contract with strong language, as well as strong wage increases. Our Bargaining Team will continue to fight in solidarity for a great contract.

Jefferson HealthCare Pro Tech & Clinic - Tentative Agreement Reached!

After 16 weeks of bargaining we have reached a tentative contract agreement which includes: 

  • Competitive wage increases for every job including market increases for jobs below market

  • Full retro from 11.1.21

  • One for one credit for past experience process to bring people up to their correct wage level

  • Premium Improvements including Shift Differential for Security Guards

  • Process for a temporary reduction of FTE when needed

  • Improved scheduling language

  • And more…

Your bargaining team recommends a “YES” vote!

Additional information regarding the vote, including location and times will be sent when confirmed. Please make sure we have your updated contact information so we can send you the details.

For additional information, please reach out to any Bargaining Team member or Union Representative Ryan Degouveia at 360-882-1989.

Our Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech & Clinic Bargaining Team: Karen Starling, Clinic RN; Nell Allen, Pharmacy Tech Specialist; Natalie Irwin, Physical Therapist; Kim Vasenda, CNA; Monique Samos, Patient Accounts Rep; Miychell Vereeke, Dental Assistant; Robyn Wentz, Surgical Tech; Ryan De Gouveia, UFCW 21; Cathy Macphail, UFCW 21

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Jefferson HealthCare Pro Tech & Clinic - Management Must Do Better

Management needs to recognize the importance of reasonable wages to recruit and retain workers. We work short-staffed every day. People are continuing to leave Jefferson because they are receiving sub-standard wages.


On November 15, CFO Tyler Freeman gave a full presentation of Jefferson’s financial state. 

Management has money but wanted us to know why they are proposing lower wage increases for many workers. 

They are proposing market increases for many job classes but other jobs would receive much less. 


Management would like to reduce the benefit which is currently up to 6 months of protected leave, meaning you would come back to your current position if you or a family member were temporarily disabled. Management’s proposal is to decrease the time significantly. 


Management is unwilling to provide the same premiums for security guards that everyone else has. Management has also threatened to outsource these positions. 


The Union Bargaining Team wants management to recognize the hard work we all do every day! Stand together as we work to create a better workplace!.

For any questions, please reach out to any Bargaining Team member or Union Representative Ryan Degouveia at 360-662-1989.

“Clinic workers feel safer because of the mindfulness and responsiveness of the security people we have.”

—Kacie Starling RN

Our Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech & Clinic Bargaining Team: Kacie Starling, Clinic RN; Nell Allen, Pharmacy Tech Specialist; Natalie Irwin, Physical Therapist; Kim Vasenda, CNA; Monique Samos, Patient Accounts Rep; Miychell Vereeke, Dental Assistant; Robyn Wentz, Surgical Tech; Ryan De Gouveia, UFCW 21; Cathy Macphail, UFCW 21

Jefferson HealthCare Pro Tech & Clinic - Bargaining Continues

The union bargaining team met with management on Wednesday and exchanged proposals. Some of the proposals addressed:

  • Rest Between Shifts

  • Shift Differentials 

  • Interpreter Pay (our Bargaining Team proposed a higher premium) 

  • Lead Pay 

  • Consecutive Days 

  • Temporary Assignments 

  • Weekend Work 

  • Preceptor 

Management agreed with us on some of our proposals including new language on Lactation Breaks and extending the Memorandum of Understanding for a Dietary Task Force. 

Our next scheduled session is November 11 but are hoping to meet sooner to address management’s unimpressive wage proposal. The team agrees that the compensation package is woefully lacking and does not reflect the amazing work and commitment that workers have shown to the hospital and community during this unprecedented crisis.

For additional information, please reach out to any Bargaining Team member or Union Representative Ryan Degouveia at 360-882-1989.

Our Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech & Clinic Bargaining Team: Karen Starling, Clinic RN; Nell Allen, Pharmacy Tech Specialist; Natalie Irwin, Physical Therapist; Kim Vasenda, CNA; Monique Samos, Patient Accounts Rep; Miychell Vereeke, Dental Assistant; Robyn Wentz, Surgical Tech; Ryan De Gouveia, UFCW 21; Cathy Macphail, UFCW 21

Jefferson Healthcare Pro Tech & Clinic - Bargaining Begins at Jefferson!

2021 0927 - Jefferson Healthcare ProTech Clinic Update.jpg

After a difficult year and a half of fighting Covid on the front lines, our Bargaining Team is now fighting for a fair contract. Everyone has been hard at work crafting proposals that will improve wages and working conditions.

The first few sessions, the team has been addressing non-economic contract language. Proposals have addressed Non-Discrimination, Employee Handbooks/Policies, Union Application and Contract distribution, Jury/Witness Duty, Discipline and Grievance Procedures. In the coming weeks we are meeting to address the issues that are most important to you. We have scheduled the following dates and will add to as needed.

Future Bargaining Dates:

  • September 29

  • October 6

  • October 13

  • October 27

Our Jefferson Healthcare RN Bargaining Team: Karen Starling, Clinic RN; Nell Allen, Pharmacy Tech Specialist; Natalie Irwin, Physical Therapist; Kim Vasenda, CNA; Monique Samos, Patient Accounts Rep; Miychell Vereeke, Dental Assistant; Robyn Wentz, Surgical Tech; Ryan De Gouveia, UFCW 21; Cathy Macphail, UFCW 21;