Mfused: L&I Investigation Results

Since the introduction of the new mylar zippered bag packaging at Mfused, members in production have been vocal about the pain and injuries caused to their wrists and hands from constantly opening and pinching these bags closed. Management had attempted to address the situation by ordering bags that supposedly come opened or outsourcing the task to other workers, but they still were not able to find a harmless solution. This led to multiple injuries and claims with Labor & Industries (L&I.) Meanwhile, L&I’s Department of Safety & Health (DOSH) had opened an investigation into a complaint made about the safety of this work. 

After some months and in-depth review from Occupational Hygienists, an Ergonomist, and (unlike most cases,) the head of DOSH, it has been determined that it is unsafe to open bags by hand and pinch bags closed by hand, even for part of a shift. The company has been given multiple serious citations, with one penalty, of which the amount has not been disclosed. Mfused must post a notice of their citations in the workplace for 7 days after it is received in the mail. L&I will not be checking on this, so if it is not seen or comes down early, please notify your shop steward or union rep.  

Employees, whether union members or not, should not be opening product bags by hand at all for any reason. If a batch of bags comes in sealed or partially sealed, please notify your manager and do not open them by hand. It is up to the employer to provide a safe way to get the job done, L&I has recommended finding a tool that can open and seal the bags without harmful repetitive motions. Do not open or seal bags until the company has provided a tool or machine that will help you do it harmlessly. Please notify your union rep when a tool or machine for opening/sealing bags is made available, or if you or another employee are asked to open or seal bags by hand. 

This is a win for members who have been saying that this work has been harmful to them all along, with injuries to show for it. Their voices have now been validated by safety regulators who have the authority to make management listen. 

If you have questions, reach out to your Union Rep.

Your Rights During Flooding and Extreme Weather Events

Once again UFCW 3000 members and communities are facing some extreme fall and winter weather, including recent flooding. It is important to remember that if you, your family, or your coworkers have been affected by extreme weather, you have rights at work, resources through your union, and the support of your community.

Important rights and resources for UFCW 3000 members if your workplace, home, or transportation routes are flooded or evacuated:

  1. Just cause protections at work: With a union contract, you have “just cause” protection, meaning you should not be disciplined at work for reasonably having to deal with a circumstance outside of your control like a flood that affects your home, work, or commute to work

    • Be clear in communicating with your employer if you are unable to report to work on time or at all due to flooding or other extreme weather

    • Make sure to invoke your right to union representation if you are called into a meeting that could lead to discipline (we call these “Weingarten Rights,” read more here)

  2. The right to a safe workplace: If you feel unsafe at work, report any safety concerns to your worksite safety committee & management right away, and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed

  3. Union resources: If your home or work is affected by flooding or extreme weather and financial assistance would help, speak with your Union Rep about the UFCW 3000 Membership Assistance Fund

  4. Mutual aid: As union members, we know standing together and supporting each other is how we really make a difference. If you have ideas for ways to connect with or support fellow UFCW 3000 members in need, talk to a Shop Steward and/or your Union Rep for help with organizing

Extreme weather is dangerous in our workplaces and our communities, which is why UFCW 3000 members, including our Climate Justice Advisory Board, work for climate policies that will help protect us and our future health.

2023 Wildfire and Smoke Information for Workers

As our region again faces wildfire season, wildfires and wildfire smoke may affect us in the workplace and at home. Below are important things to know to stay safe and enforce your rights at work. Here are the most important actions to care for yourself and your coworkers during wildfire season:

  1. Report any safety concerns to your worksite safety committee & management right away, and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed.

  2. Get accommodations if needed and exercise your rights—use your sick leave if you become unwell; speak with a health care provider and use FMLA or exercise your disability rights under the ADA if you have a health condition that makes you vulnerable to wildfire smoke.

  3. If your home or work is affected by wildfire and financial assistance would help, speak with your Union Rep about the UFCW 3000 Membership Assistance Fund.

Your Rights During Wildfires

If your workplace, home, or family are evacuated, burned, or otherwise affected by active wildfires:

With a union contract, you have “just cause” protection, meaning you should not be disciplined at work for reasonably having to deal with a circumstance outside of your control like a wildfire that affects your home, work, or commute to work

Workplace Safety for Wildfire Smoke

You have the right to a safe workplace, and if wildfire smoke makes your workplace unhealthy for you, you should be able to address that with your employer and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep.


  • You can wear a respirator mask at work that helps protect you against wildfire smoke.

  • Most masks we wear to protect against COVID do not actually protect against wildfire smoke. The right mask to protect against wildfire smoke is an N95 mask or other respirator with the same or higher level of protection. These respirator masks should have two straps and the word “NIOSH” and/or “N95” or “N100” printed on it.


  • When the air is smoky, your employer should allow workers to follow basic steps that will help prevent excessive exposure to wildfire smoke—that could include things like reassigning workers to less smoky areas or allowing for extra rest and water breaks away from smoky work areas.


  • If you or a family member gets sick because of wildfire smoke, you have the right to use Paid Sick & Safe Leave for illness

  • You may also be able to use your Paid Sick & Safe Leave if your child’s school or place of care, or your worksite has been shut down by a public official due to health-related reasons resulting from exposure to wildfire smoke

  • If you are vulnerable to smoky air due to an existing medical condition, talk to your health care provider about your workplace and see if they have recommendations for how to keep you safe from smoke exposure. Use FMLA if needed, or exercise your disability rights under the ADA.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Safeway #1550 Workers Organize to Win!

A grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 member pose for a photo outside of Safeway 1550 in the Roosevelt neighborhood of Seattle, WA. Dozens of pumpkins are on display outside the store as well.

#WorkerWednesday is here and we want to spotlight the incredible organizing being done by grocery store workers & proud UFCW 3000 members at Safeway #1550 in the Roosevelt neighborhood of Seattle, WA.

Like many frontline, #EssentialWorkers at grocery stores across the PNW, the workers at Safeway #1550 have been dealing with many safety issues: cars being broken into, verbal assault, and harassment. One top concern was simply having a coded door to their break room so that workers could feel safe, knowing their personal belongings were not accessible to the public. Despite submitting the most store incident reports in their district to corporate about their concerns, management did not take any steps to address these issues.

One of the workers at Safeway #1550, Joaquin Viralta, came up with the idea of getting his coworkers to sign onto a petition. Leaders like Ian Bangs and many others soon took the drafted petition to their coworkers, getting over 80% of the store to sign on within 3 weeks. Ian and other worker-leaders represented their coworkers by delivering this petition to management. The workers received a commitment from management to: 1) install a coded break room door, 2) supply adequate PPE for each department, and 3) begin a program to help members get to their cars at night safe & sound.

This victory was only possible because of leaders like Joaquin and Ian stepping up, encouraging their coworkers to get involved with the union, and trying tactics like safety reports & the petition to successfully advocate for the change they needed in their workplace.

To all the worker-leaders at Safeway #1550: we are so inspired by your creativity & dedication!

Wildfire and Smoke Information for Workers

As our state faces wildfire season, wildfires and wildfire smoke may affect us in the workplace and at home. Below are important things to know to stay safe and enforce your rights at work. Here are the most important actions to care for yourself and your coworkers during wildfire season:

  1. Report any safety concerns to your worksite safety committee & management right away, and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed

  2. Get accommodations if needed and exercise your rights—use your sick leave if you become unwell; speak with a health care provider and use FMLA or exercise your disability rights under the ADA if you have a health condition that makes you vulnerable to wildfire smoke

  3. If your home or work is affected by wildfire and financial assistance would help, speak with your Union Rep about the UFCW 3000 Membership Assistance Fund

L&I Emergency Rule for 2022 Wildfire Season

L&I has adopted an emergency rule again this year, effective June 15 through September 29, 2022, to protect workers who may be exposed to wildfire smoke on the job.

This rule requires covered employers to:

  • Have a written wildfire smoke response plan.

  • Determine employee smoke exposure levels before work and periodically during each shift when smoke is present.

  • Train employees on wildfire smoke hazards.

  • Train supervisors on how to respond to health issues caused by wildfire smoke.

  • Inform employees of available protective measures against wildfire smoke.

Further requirements will depend on the level of smoke in the air, or the Air Quality Index (AQI)—read the summary or full emergency rules above for information, or talk with your Shop Steward or Union Rep.

Your employer may or may not be covered by the emergency rule depending on the potential for exposure to smoke in your workplace. But you should still report smoke-related safety concerns to your employer and alert your Shop Steward or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed. The state L&I website reminds us:

“Employers are never allowed to retaliate against an employee for reporting an air quality hazard, an adverse health effect, or for seeking medical treatment due to a work-related illness or injury.”

Workplace Safety for Wildfire Smoke

You have the right to a safe workplace, and if wildfire smoke makes your workplace unhealthy for you, you should be able to address that with your employer and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep.


  • You can wear a respirator mask at work that helps protect you against wildfire smoke.

  • Most masks we wear to protect against COVID-19 do not actually protect against wildfire smoke. The right mask to protect against wildfire smoke is an N95 mask or other respirator with the same or higher level of protection. These respirator masks should have two straps and the word “NIOSH” and/or “N95” or “N100” printed on it. More information on respirators from L&I >>

Exposure to smoke

  • When the air is smoky, your employer should allow workers to follow basic steps that will help prevent excessive exposure to wildfire smoke—that could include things like reassigning workers to less smoky areas or allowing for extra rest and water breaks away from smoky work areas.

Medical Leave and Accommodations

  • If you or a family member gets sick because of wildfire smoke, you have the right to use Paid Sick & Safe Leave for illness

  • You may also be able to use your Paid Sick & Safe Leave if your child’s school or place of care, or your worksite has been shut down by a public official due to health-related reasons resulting from exposure to wildfire smoke

  • If you are vulnerable to smoky air due to an existing medical condition, talk to your health care provider about your workplace and see if they have recommendations for how to keep you safe from smoke exposure. Use FMLA if needed, or exercise your disability rights under the ADA.

Your Rights During Wildfires

If your workplace, home, or family are evacuated, burned, or otherwise affected by active wildfires:

With a union contract, you have “just cause” protection, meaning you should not be disciplined at work for reasonably having to deal with a circumstance outside of your control like a wildfire that affects your home, work, or commute to work

UFCW 3000 Stands in Solidarity with the Members of Local 555 in Bend, Oregon After Safeway Shooting

The 50,000 members of UFCW 3000 stand in solidarity with the members of UFCW local 555 who are mourning the killing of grocery store workers in Bend. All workers, including those of us in grocery stores, deserve a safe place to do our jobs.

We urge all who would like to learn more to read the statement issued by UFCW local 555.

Safety and Workers' Rights in Extreme Heat Situations

More and more, we face hazardous weather events like extreme heat that can affect us at work and at home. In dangerously hot conditions you can take action to stay safe and healthy, like drinking plenty of fluids, staying out of the sun, checking on vulnerable people, and taking extra precautions when outside.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), employers have a duty to protect workers from recognized serious hazards in the workplace, including heat-related hazards. Especially if you work outside, be aware of your health and safety during any Excessive Heat Warning, and check in with your coworkers. If your workplace doesn’t feel safe, tell management and contact your Shop Steward or Union Rep as soon as you can. Find our FAQ on refusing unsafe work assignments here.

This kind of extreme weather is dangerous in our workplaces and our communities, which is why UFCW 3000 members work for climate policies that will help protect us and our future health.

Contact Us:

Check National Weather Service Excessive Heat Warnings in Washington:

Extreme Heat at Work

OSHA has three basic recommendations for safety in extreme heat are: 💧 water, 🪑 rest, and ⛱️ shade.

Under OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards. This includes protecting workers from extreme heat. An employer with workers exposed to high temperatures should establish a complete heat illness prevention program.

  • Provide workers with water, rest, and shade.

  • Allow new or returning workers to gradually increase workloads and take more frequent breaks as they acclimatize, or build a tolerance for working in the heat.

  • Plan for emergencies and train workers on prevention.

  • Monitor workers for signs of illness.

If you perform work outdoors for more than 15 minutes in a 60-minute period, you may be considered an Outdoor Worker in Washington, and your employer may have responsibilities to you under Washington State’s emergency heat exposure rules effective through June 15, 2022. When temperatures are at or above 89 degrees, employers must provide outdoor workers with cool water and additional paid cool-down rest time, and when the temperature is at or above 100 degrees, employers must also provide other ways to cool down like a shaded area and ensure you have a paid cool-down rest period of at least 10 minutes every two hours.

Safety & Heat-Related Illnesses Information

Heat illness can be very serious. Learn the symptoms of heat illness and basic safety recommendations so you can stay safe at work and home.

Basic HEAT Safety Tips:

  • Spend more time in air-conditioned places if possible

  • Dress in lightweight clothing

  • Drink plenty of water and avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol, and large amounts of sugar—sip frequently, don’t wait until you’re thirsty

  • Do not leave children or pets unattended in vehicles under any circumstances

  • Reduce activities that are tiring or take a lot of energy

  • When outside, limit the time you’re in direct sunlight

  • Do outdoor activities in the cooler morning and evening hours

  • During outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments

  • Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 11.

Learn the signs of heat-related illnesses:

Heat Stroke


  • High body temperature (103°F or higher)

  • Hot, red, dry, or damp skin

  • Fast, strong pulse

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Confusion

  • Losing consciousness (passing out)


  • Call 911 right away—heat stroke is a medical emergency

  • Move the person to a cooler place

  • Help lower the person’s temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath

  • Do not give the person anything to drink

Heat Exhaustion


  • Heavy sweating

  • Cold, pale, and clammy skin

  • Fast, weak pulse

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Muscle cramps

  • Tiredness or weakness

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Fainting (passing out)


  • Move to a cool place

  • Loosen your clothes

  • Put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath

  • Sip water

  • Get medical help right away if:

    • You are throwing up

    • Your symptoms get worse

    • Your symptoms last longer than 1 hour

Heat Cramps


  • Stop physical activity and move to a cool place

  • Drink water or a sports drink

  • Wait for cramps to go away before you do any more physical activity

  • Get medical help right away if:

    • Cramps last longer than 1 hour

    • You’re on a low-sodium diet

    • You have heart problems


  • Heavy sweating during intense exercise

  • Muscle pain or spasms

UFCW 21 Mourns with Our Fellow UFCW Members in Tennessee

At UFCW 21, we are standing with our UFCW siblings in Tennessee who experienced a shooting in their Kroger workplace this afternoon that injured at least a dozen people. We don’t have all the information, but we are in touch with UFCW Local 1529 to offer solidarity and support as they deal with the impacts of this heinous incident of workplace violence.

This is at least the second mass shooting in a grocery store this year, and we know many grocery store workers and other workers are concerned about workplace violence. Everyone deserves a safe workplace, and we are committed to addressing workplace safety so everyone can work without fear of injury or violence.

If there are ways to offer direct mutual aid to our fellow union members in Tennessee, we will share that information as soon as we have it. If you are interested in organizing around workplace safety, please get in touch.

More Information on COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Workers in Washington

The Department of Health has issued a document with more information and Frequently Asked Questions about the state proclamation requiring health care workers and public employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We maintain our right to bargain over the impacts of this proclamation on health care workers and we continue to support vaccination as a key tool in fighting the spread of COVID-19 which is once again stressing our health care system to the limit. If you have any questions about how this proclamation affects you that aren’t answered by these documents, contact your Shop Steward or Union Rep.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the full FAQ document from the Washington State Department of Health here.

What documentation do I need to provide to prove my vaccination status?

If you work in a health care setting, you must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 to the operator of that health care setting. Acceptable proof includes one of the following:

  • CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card or photo of the card

  • Documentation of vaccination from a health care provider or electronic health record

  • State Immunization Information System record

  • WA State Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination from

Can I attest to being vaccinated in lieu of showing proof?

No. Personal attestation is not an acceptable form of verification of COVID-19 vaccination.

Is there any way to opt out of vaccination?

If you are entitled under applicable law to a disability-related reasonable accommodation or sincerely held religious belief accommodation, then you are exempt from the proclamation. If you are not entitled to an accommodation, then there is no way for a Health Care Provider to opt out of the vaccination requirement in the proclamation.

What happens if I can’t get the vaccine because I was infected with COVID-19 just prior to starting work?

If you are unable to comply with the requirement to be fully vaccinated by October 18 because (a) you were infected with COVID-19 in the weeks immediately preceding the deadline or (b) you had an adverse reaction to the first dose of the vaccine, talk the operator of the health care setting where you are working about their reasonable accommodation process.

Do private employers have to bargain with their unions since this is a government requirement?

Affected employers with workers represented by a union are to address the impacts of this proclamation in accordance with the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement between the parties.

L&I's Updated COVID-19 Safety Requirements for Employers as Washington Reopens

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries released updated requirements for Washington employers on June 30, 2021, recognizing the new phase of reopening we are in after the COVID-19 pandemic. If your employer is not following the state requirements for COVID safety in your workplace, talk to your Shop Steward or Union Rep right away, or submit a safety report with your name, workplace, contact information, and description of the safety issue to

Image of the state of Washington with the text “WASHINGTON READY”

Map of the State of Washington with all counties labeled and a color-coded legend where every county is colored in green for “REOPENED”

Updated COVID-19 requirements for employers as Washington state reopens

Businesses in Washington state are able to open at full capacity and have fewer requirements to follow to protect employees from COVID-19.

Both OSHA and L&I continue to recognize COVID-19 as a workplace hazard for unvaccinated individuals. Employers have an obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace and assess the level of hazard to determine if additional steps should be taken to protect workers who are not fully vaccinated. Updated rules and guidance detail the changes employers need to know.

Employers must:

  • Ensure unvaccinated employees wear a mask while working indoors.

  • Verify vaccination status before lifting employee mask requirements, and be able to show the process used for verification.

  • Keep employees with possible or confirmed cases of COVID-19 from working around others.

  • Provide handwashing facilities and supplies.

  • Train employees to recognize and respond to workplace hazards, including COVID-19.

  • Assess recognized hazards, including COVID-19, as part of the ongoing requirement to provide a safe and healthful workplace and, where appropriate, take additional steps to protect unvaccinated employees.

  • Notify employees in writing within one business day if someone they had close contact with tests positive for COVID-19 (without disclosing the person’s identity).

  • Report COVID-19 outbreaks of 10 or more employees at workplaces or worksites with more than 50 employees to L&I within 24 hours.

Masks and face coverings

  • Employers must provide cloth face coverings or a more protective mask to employees, free of charge, when use of a mask is required.

  • Employers may still require or encourage mask use, regardless of employee vaccination status.

  • Employees have the right to wear a mask or other protective equipment, regardless of their vaccination status, as long as it doesn’t create safety issues.

Industries where masks are still required for all workers  

  • Health care (long-term care, doctor’s offices, hospitals)

  • Public transportation (aircraft, trains, buses, road vehicles)

  • K-12 schools, childcare facilities and day camps in locations where children are or are expected to be present

  • Correctional facilities

  • Homeless shelters

Verifying worker vaccination status

Employers must be able to show the process used to verify employee vaccination status. They do not need to keep an actual copy of the employee’s vaccination records.

Acceptable types of verification include:

  • Vaccine card or photo of vaccine card.

  • Documentation from a health care provider.

  • State immunization information system record.

  • A hard copy or electronically signed self-attestation from the employee.


L&I’s COVID-19 guidance includes resources from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health (DOH) and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration:

DOH Secretary of Health Order:

PCC - We Demand to Bargain Over Changes in Mask Policy

As many of you know, PCC announced today (Friday 5/14) that they are no longer requiring masks to enter any of their 15 stores if customers are fully vaccinated.

Instead, PCC is moving to a mask policy for only those that are not vaccinated. We believe this needlessly puts essential workers at higher risk of exposure to COVID-19 while working in our stores. In response, today our union issued a demand to bargain with PCC over changes to the mask policy. We are meeting with PCC on 5/18 and will be raising this issue. To do that most effectively, we want to share as many PCC worker voices as possible so management understands how this affects us.

Tell PCC how you feel about these changes:


Remember to RSVP to our next Contract Action Team meetings on May 17 & 19!



Before Macy’s announced the temporary closure of the stores due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UFCW 21 was bargaining with them over safety, extended paid leave for workers affected by the outbreak, help with scheduling and childcare due to school closures, and an on-line hiring hall for temporary work if hours were reduced or stores were closed.  In the middle of those talks Macy’s did close the stores until April 1st (which is now undoubtedly going to be for longer).  We immediately engaged Macy’s to bargain over this and to get the best deal possible for union workers.

Last Friday, March 20th, 2020 we believed we had a tentative agreement that had secured on-going partial replacement pay for full-time and part-time workers during the store closures and delivered extended paid leave to those required to self-quarantine by a doctor. 
Then Macy’s contacted the Union to do what they said was clarifying the agreement, but what we view as altering the agreement itself.  Mainly they said that the replacement pay would only cover two weeks and would not continue if the stores remained closed.  They also told us that if we didn’t agree to what we view as new and regressive terms, they would not even pay the 2 weeks’ partial replacement pay that they had already promised all Macy’s workers.  We believe that what they did violates the law that governs workers and unions, and that we could have chosen to take immediate legal action to enforce what we had bargained; but that fight could have taken a very long time.  Workers not getting any compensation while the stores were closed was an unacceptable burden for union members to bear, so we grudgingly agreed to their terms.
But this pandemic and its accompanying economic crisis isn’t over, and it is clear that we need to show Macy’s that their actions are unacceptable.  We are taking action together (as we all stay home separately) to fight the spread of the Coronavirus by signing and sharing the online petition demanding that Macy’s does the right thing and not abandon its workers during this global crisis.  Macy’s must do better, and they must bargain openly and honestly.

Please click on or copy and paste this link:, into your web browser, sign the petition, and share it on your social media and with your friends and family.  It is time that we hold Macy’s accountable, and demand that they do their part to defeat COVID-19 by supporting their workers.  We will update you as soon as possible.
Resources and information for workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic can be found at If you have any questions or concerns that can’t be answered there, please contact your rep or call the Rep of the Day at 206-436-6578. 

UFCW 21 Working for Health in Our Workplaces and Our Communities

Many UFCW 21 members are serving critical roles during the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak here in Washington State.

Right now UFCW 21 members are:

  • Providing and facilitating quality care for people ill with COVID-19

  • Cleaning and disinfecting patients’ rooms

  • Processing COVID-19 tests in labs

  • Feeding our customers and making sure they have medicine and cleaning supplies in grocery stores, retail stores, and pharmacies

  • Ensuring airport travelers are as comfortable as possible

Most of our jobs cannot be done from home and are essential to the safety and health of our communities.

Some of us are also quarantined after being exposed to COVID-19 in our workplaces or communities. We are worried about the health and safety of our families and communities and if we get sick how we will be able to support ourselves if we are unable to work. We share these concerns with millions of workers throughout our industries and our state.

Advocacy Efforts

UFCW 21 is working with state and local government to advocate for workplace safety and ensure access to the paid leave and benefits people need to safely stay home if they are in a high-risk group, sick, or under quarantine. We are also working to ensure necessary supports, such as child care, for health care, pharmacy and grocery store workers who remain at work on the front lines of the crisis, providing essential services to our community.

  • We are working with public health agencies to maintain recommendations for the safest level of personal protective equipment for front-line health care workers. While this virus is still being understood, health care workers deserve the highest level of assurance that caring for patients will not put them, their families, and their community at unnecessary risk.

  • We have worked with state agencies to increase workers’ access to benefits and leave when they are affected by this outbreak, and they are moving to do so by opening up access to workers compensation and unemployment insurance.

  • We are working with city governments to prevent utility shut-offs for those impacted by the crisis, as Seattle is doing.

  • We are working with city governments to prohibit or limit evictions during the crisis.

  • We are asking our employers to follow public health guidelines for employers so that everyone who needs to work can be safe, and everyone who needs to stay home can do so. No one should be forced to choose between making rent and keeping their co-workers and community safe.

  • We are working with public health authorities to ensure that all of our employers, including grocery stores and other retailers, understand and implement industry-specific best practices for reducing the risk of transmission.

  • We were a leader on the citizen initiative that passed paid sick leave statewide in our state, meaning that nearly a million workers in Washington have paid sick leave who did not have it before.

Here is what you can do:

Practice Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

UFCW 21 Asian Pacific Islander (API) members and community are being targeted. We at UFCW 21 have no tolerance for discrimination, racism, and xenophobia. There is no basis for assuming someone’s risk of illness or exposure based on their race, nationality, language, or country of origin. Misinformation and discrimination is harmful and makes it harder to contain this virus that threatens us all. For resources on how to prevent and respond to discrimination, go to Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance or King County Public Health.

Take Care of Yourself

We’re all doing our part to be healthy and safe. Please help us, and all workers who serve the public, by staying home when you are ill, alerting your health care provider if you are planning to come to a clinic or hospital with COVID-19 symptoms, practicing social distancing and following all public health recommendations.

Use your Union Power to protect yourself, your co-workers, and our community

As union workers we have the right and responsibility to speak up for health protections that will make us and our community safer.

Do you feel unsafe at work?

Do you have questions about what your employer and co-workers should be doing to minimize risk?

Do you feel under pressure to put your health at risk in order to protect your income during this crisis?

March 3 update for Members on Coronavirus

UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther with PCC members Atsuko and Jeanett in Edmonds to talk about their upcoming bargain and discuss how the Novel Coronavirus outbreak is impacting members at work.

UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther with PCC members Atsuko and Jeanett in Edmonds to talk about their upcoming bargain and discuss how the Novel Coronavirus outbreak is impacting members at work.

  • We are in active communication with state and county officials to get the most up-to-date information we need to help keep members safe.

  • We have filed information requests with our health care employers to ensure they are following guidelines to keep members safe at work.

  • We are in discussions with other employers about best practices for public health and workplace safety to ensure all members are safe at work.

  • We are identifying any areas we need to demand to bargain over the impacts of this outbreak, and are making plans for long-term effects of an outbreak in our workplaces.

  • UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther visited members this morning to answer questions and discuss how the coronavirus is impacting workplaces.

Remember: utilize the leave language and health care you’ve bargained for, and contact your Shop Steward or Union Rep for any support you need to stay safe and keep your workplace safe, including if you face any discipline related to the impacts of this outbreak.

More information and resources:

UFCW 21 Update for Members on the Coronavirus Outbreak