UFCW 3000 Member Story: Michael Tewolde
/Michael talks with a customer about why the Albertsons/Kroger merger will harm the othello community in South Seattle.
Michael Tewolde is a union leader and front-end Person-in-Charge (PIC) at the Othello Safeway in South Seattle. He has worked at Othello for several years and has seen the neighborhood change as more people have moved into the new surrounding developments. Having affordable healthcare and pension plans are important to Michael and is why he was one of the hundreds of union workers at Albertsons, Safeways, Haggens, QFCs, and Fred Meyers last week who took action at the entrances to their stores to educate their customers about why a Kroger/Albertsons could mean that the Othello store could close and that prices would most likely go up.
Michael grew up in the East African nation of Eritrea and speaks Tingrinya, one of Eritrea's official languages. If you are shopping at his store, please make sure to stop by and say hello!