UFCW 3000 Member Story: Emma Perdomo
/Emma Perdomo and her dogs out and about
Emma Perdomo received her Bachelor of Science from Southern New Hampshire University in Health Information Management. She moved to Washington with her husband and applied at North Valley Hospital in Tonasket Washington. Emma got the job and was placed on the union-bargained wage scale but suspected it wasn’t the correct step.
After speaking with her union representative at the new member meeting and getting a better understanding of the contract she emailed HR one more time quoting the relevant contract language, HR agreed to move her up one step on the wage scale to a higher pay rate. It goes to show you that advocating for yourself on the job is good, but advocating for yourself with a union contract behind you is better!
During her downtime, Emma enjoys spending time with her husband, Eddie, and taking her two mixed Huskie-German Shepherds, Malia & Kona for walks to explore Washington’s gorgeous outdoors.
If you are new on the job, drop by our New Members page to fill out your union application, learn about our union, and New Member Meetings to get educated about your rights on the job!