Under Pressure, Kroger Offers New One-Time Bonuses, We Continue to Stand Up for Our $2/hour Hero Pay

Since Kroger (parent company of Fred Meyer and QFC) told us they plan to eliminate our $2/hour hero bonus on May 17, workers have been stepping up to take action, alongside workers at other UFCW locals around the country. Hundreds of UFCW 21 members spoke up to share what it’s really like to work in grocery stores during a pandemic, and we got our customers and allies to contact the corporate office and demand they make our stores safer and don’t cut our pay.
On Friday we held rallies with community allies outside two Fred Meyer stores in North Bellingham and Burien calling on Kroger not to cut hero pay, and other UFCW locals held actions as well. After these actions, Kroger announced they will be paying out a $400 bonus to full-time workers/$200 bonus to part-time workers. We will keep up the pressure on Kroger, as they have a lot more work to do to show essential workers that we are valued and safe at work. But this decision shows we can have an impact when we take action together. Eli from North Bellingham Fred Meyer, says: “The fight isn’t over by a long shot, but today’s victory feels very good!”
We continue to fight for hazard pay for all workers during this public health crisis, and for safe workplaces for everyone.
KIRO 7 News: Fred Meyer, QFC employees to lose hazard pay
KUOW Radio: Kroger offers ‘thank you’ bonus after employees protest end of hazard pay
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Kroger to cut 'hero pay' for workers amid pandemic; announces one-time 'thank you pay' bonuses
Q13 Fox: Kroger offers Fred Meyer workers extra pay after outcry