UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Kamila Aburkis

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Kamila Aburkis

Kamila Aburkis works in the deli at the Kirkland Metropolitan Market and enjoys her work, both preparing delicious food and serving her customers, “Maintaining strong customer relationships is important to me. My goal is to be a friendly face to our customers, so they keep coming back.”

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Emma Perdomo

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Emma Perdomo

Emma Perdomo received her Bachelor of Science from Southern New Hampshire University in Health Information Management. She moved to Washington with her husband and applied at North Valley Hospital in Tonasket Washington. Emma got the job and was placed on the union-bargained wage scale but suspected it wasn’t the correct step.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Allison Smith

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Allison Smith

Allison Smith has worked for PCC as a meat cutter since 2013, and is currently home-stored at the Issaquah store, which has been great for her as it is close to home.

During Allison’s time at PCC, she has stepped up to become a leader, including currently serving on the bargaining team for the new PCC contract…

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UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Michael McDonald

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Michael McDonald

Michael McDonald is an Emergency Department Tech in the pediatric department at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane Washington. Michael assists doctors and nurses in giving care to kids who come into the Emergency Room and makes sure that the rooms and equipment are ready to go when needed.

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UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Sheila Sloan-Evans

SHeila SLoan-Evans in the deli

Here is Sheila Sloan-Evans’s story in her own words:

Prior to the pandemic, I was a job coach with Northwest Center in a high school transition program. I so enjoyed training a client in his new grocery job that I realized grocery might be a fit for me too! I have been a PCC member for many years, but during COVID, the Redmond PCC was my go-to store, always a safe and welcoming place with quality products.

I began work at PCC on October 4th, 2022. I take customer service and food safety seriously but also have fun in the process. I enjoy helping people in both French and English--and attempting to learn Spanish from my coworkers!

In late May of this year, Sheila became injured off the job and had to apply for a leave of absence. It was here that her story took a troubling turn:

I provided Redmond PCC and HR a return-to-work letter for July 7th, 2023; Redmond staff and managers were very supportive. PCC human resources called me en route to surgery to terminate me as ineligible for the 6 weeks off and inform me that my insurance coverage would end the next day as well. It was devasting.

Sheila reached out to her rep and the Member Resource Center, who filed a grievance for her termination. After some meetings with PCC, they agreed to restore her employment and bring her back to work!

I truly love this job. I say that every day and am genuinely surprised by that, as it is an unexpected joy to work with these great people in grocery who have so much to teach me. The support of the union was essential. Having strong union advocates really helped me focus on healing and getting back to work. Thank you!!

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Brian Peters

Brian Peters leads a chant on the Macy’s Picket Line

For 3 days, starting on Black Friday this year, Macy’s workers went on strike over their employer’s unfair labor practices of retaliation and bargaining in bad faith. Macy’s stores at Southcenter, Alderwood, and Bellingham malls picketed outside their store asking for their customers’ support.

If you came to the Alderwood strike line you definitely would have seen and heard Brian leading chants for hours each day of the strike. He started leading chants on Black Friday and everyone loved his steady energy that kept the picket line moving! Once he tried out the mic, Brian was hooked. A 15-year employee in men’s suits, Brian always came to Macy’s picket line looking snazzy and ready to chant for Macy’s to negotiate in good faith. We are so glad you used your voice, Brian!

The Macy’s bargaining team resumes bargaining today, Monday, December 18th with a federal mediator present during the sessions. Stay tuned for updates!

Congratulations 2023 Essential Workers Organizing Academy Graduates!

In April 2023, we began our first Essential Workers Organizing Academy (EWOA) cohort, hiring eight full-time and one-half time “apprentice organizers.” Candidates were drawn from UFCW 3000 members in healthcare and grocery, as well as from external organizing campaigns and a general applicant pool.​

The program was broken up into three distinct phases: training, internal organizing, and external organizing/preparing for strikes. ​Training included exercises and readings about how to conduct organizing conversations and campaigns, learning about the history of unionization and organizing workers, presentations from guest speakers, and visits to both union and non-union worksites. Apprentice organizers supported on campaigns that included Macy’s, Bartell Drugs, Fred Meyer(s), PCC, Providence-Everett, as well as political and community projects. ​

Congratulations to the EWOA class of 2023!

Post-EWOA, our goal is to help every apprentice organizer who wants to continue in the labor movement to find a job either with this union or another movement organization. 

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Kyle Chrisman

Kyle Chrisman

Kyle Chrisman has been working at LabCorp for almost 18 years on Capitol Hill as a phlebotomist. Kyle is dedicated to his patients and coworkers, which is why he fights so hard to build collective power on the job. Kyle is currently serving on the LabCorp union bargaining committee. Phlebotomist union members at LabCorp have often had their concerns ignored by their employer and Kyle is ensuring that LabCorp hears them loud and clear during negotiations.

LabCorp is having trouble staffing and retaining workers and union members know why, LabCorp needs to provide competitive wages and benefits. The City of Seattle recently announced that the minimum wage within city limits would be going up 6.85%, which helps workers keep pace with the increased costs of living and working in the city. Instead of proposing a wage scale based on the percentage, LabCorp simply bumped all positions that were under the new minimum wage rate of $19.97. This compresses the scale so that several of the steps are at the same rate. LabCorp then maintained their offer of below-market raises, decreased percentages between steps above minimum wage, and higher health care costs.

Kyle and his fellow bargaining committee members know that is simply not realistic when it comes to making ends meet and safely caring for patients. That is why the bargaining committee updated their proposal to reflect the effects of the new minimum wage throughout their wage instead of just meeting it like LabCorp.

Stay tuned as Kyle and his fellow union members fight for a better contract and better patient care, they have already held one info picket are prepared to take further action to ensure a fair contract!

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Shama Ramzan

Shama RamZan (furthest to the left) in The now closed Des Moines Bartell Drugs

Before Rite Aid filed for bankruptcy it had started to close area stores, including the Bartell Drugs stores that they had purchased in 2021. Unfortunately for Shama Ramzan and her coworkers, one of them was the Des Moines Bartell Drugs. Under the union contract, however, workers had rights to severance pay based on their years of service with Bartell Drugs.

Contract negotiations for Bartell Workers had already been underway when the first round of store closures was announced, and so the Union at the bargaining table began to ask questions about the scope and timeline for any planned store closures.

Shama and her coworkers at other locations began to speak up and demanded that Rite Aid be transparent about the store closures and insist that benefits would be paid out on a timely basis. Because of Shama and her coworkers’ advocacy, the Union was able to successfully fight back against Rite Aid’s delays in communication and ensure that Bartell Drugs union members received the severance deserved on a timely basis.

Rite Aid’s failure as a company is not the fault of the employees! Sometimes it is when times are toughest that having a union really counts, and can ensure that even when your store closes, there are benefits to help cushion the blow.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Vanessa Wixom

Vanessa Wixom and her daughter enjoy some time outdoors

Vanessa Wixom works as a Pharmacy Tech at the Riverfront location for Kaiser Permanente in Spokane Washington.  Vanessa is a fantastic leader in her workplace, and is always very proactive she and her coworkers have concerns by making sure that their rights as union workers are respected by Kaiser.  Outside of work Vanessa is a mom, loves spending time with her family, and enjoying the outdoors with the gorgeous Northwest scenery in Eastern Washington.  Vanessa’s love for the outdoors has led her to be a volunteer for the local River/Park cleanups in Spokane to make sure that others can enjoy them.  Thank you for all of your hard work Vanessa!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Craig White

Craig White

Craig came to Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) a year and a half ago. Craig might be relatively new to Prov Everett, but he is not new to the staffing labor/management committees required at hospitals. Craig was also on a staffing committee at his last hospital and knows how important it is for nurses to fight for the proper staffing levels to ensure patient safety and nurse longevity on the job. When he quickly joined his staffing committee at PRMCE, he showed how passionate he is about patient care and proactively securing the working conditions that make safety possible.

As we write this, the nurses at PRMCE are less than 24 hours away from an unfair labor practice strike, where the main issue is Providence’s failure to bargain in good faith over safe staffing conditions. Since 2021 staffing levels have deteriorated with 600 nurses leaving the hospital, and Providence failing to attract new staff to replace them. This is a crisis that has put patients and nurses at risk as quality patient care eroded. Providence has so far refused to listen to the nurse-led bargaining committee to fix this problem.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 6 a.m. 1,300 nurses will be going on strike and forming picket lines at both the Colby and Pacific locations of PRMCE. If you are one of the nurses who will be on strike, stay up to date with the latest info on our Strike page. If you are a UFCW 3000 member who works at another employer you can pledge your support here, RSVP to our Candlelight Vigil, or just show up at either PRMCE location to join the picket (coffee and doughnuts are always a plus on a picket line)!

UFCW Member Stories: Juan Stout, Providence Everett Nurse & Activist

Juan Stout

Juan Stout has been a nurse for 15 years and has worked all of them at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) at the Colby location. As of this writing, November 6, 2023, PRMCE registered nurses are on the 3rd day of a 10-day countdown to an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike. At 6 a.m. on November 14th, nurses will form picket lines at both the Colby and Pacific Avenue campuses of PRMCE to begin their 5-day strike.

Juan has served on four union negotiating committees, including this one. The central issue in these PRMCE contract negotiations is the staffing crisis that began during the pandemic and has worsened since then. Nurses in some departments at the hospital are working under a nearly impossible patient ratio of 6 or 8 patients to just 1 nurse. Juan and the bargaining committee have shown management at Providence that this is unsustainable and has to change.

Patients and their families have come to us about the quality of care eroding at Prov Everett. This is a problem that must be fixed! But Providence Everett refuses to invest in a contract that will help recruit and retain nurses and other core staff .”

Juan and his coworkers know that this fight affects everyone who lives in and around Everett. They are asking for everyone’s support during the upcoming ULP strike, which unfortunately seems inevitable because Providence has refused to bargain during the 10-day waiting period. Juan and the other PRMCE nurses are prepared and ready to fight for patient safety, and they need our help. You can pledge your support online at our community support page. Juan also asks people to “reach out to hospital management and share their frustration with the poor staffing and sub-standard care they received.”

Juan comes from a family that has always been leaders in their community. He grew up in Lexington Kentucky where Juan’s father was the first African American to head a high school sports athletic association. Juan recently traveled back to Kentucky to accept a posthumous award on behalf of his father when he was inducted into the Lexington African American Hall of Fame.

Juan moved from Lexington when he was 24 to South Carolina and was a teacher for 15 years. Eventually, Juan went back to school to get his nursing degree. He has been a shop steward for 12 years and serves on the UFCW 3000 Executive Board. He loves educating his coworkers about their rights under the union contract and getting them to take action to improve their working conditions and the care that patients receive. He also has his own photography business on the side, “a wonderful hobby that has become a side hustle.”

He continues to educate and organize his coworkers for the strike and whatever it takes to get a fair contract and a better Providence Regional Medical Center for everyone.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shop Steward Matthew Kendrick

Shop Steward Matthew Kendrick

Matthew Kendrick has been the shop steward at the Bremerton Fred Meyer for 4 years. As he has gotten more involved in helping and advocating for his coworkers, he decided to get trained to represent union members during investigatory meetings that could lead to discipline. Recently, he put that training to use when a coworker was being investigated around a shoplifting incident at the store.

Union members have the right to ask for representation before they answer questions that the member reasonably believes could result in discipline. This is often called Weingarten Rights (named after the 1975 Supreme Court case confirmed them), and they are key to ensuring that your right to “just cause” (due process) before employers issue discipline to union members.

The most important thing for union members to know is that they have to request representation before, or during, an investigatory meeting, management doesn’t have to. That is precisely what happened when a coworker contacted Matthew to represent them in an investigatory meeting!

Before the meeting even starts, Weingarten Stewards will make sure that the member understands that they have to answer questions, but that if management is asking leading or unfair questions, the steward can step in to object and advise the member on the best way to respond. Stewards and members also have the right to pause the meeting and find a private place to talk. Most of all, the steward takes notes on the member’s behalf and works with union staff to ensure that management is being fair both in its investigation and in any discipline issued.

Matthew did just that for his coworker and then advocated for reducing the discipline from termination to a written warning. Shoplifting policies are often very tough; terminations are often upheld even when the union files a grievance. But because shoplifting has become so widespread, blatant, and sometimes aggressive, UFCW 3000 reached an agreement with grocery store employers that termination is NOT always the right answer.

When discussing the incident with management, Matthew pointed out that his coworker had been with Fred Meyer for decades and had always been a model employee, sometimes spending more waking hours at Fred Meyer than at home. While there was a policy violation, the worker was acting to protect their coworkers and the place where they all spent so much of their lives, and a warning would correct the problem. Management agreed to reduce the discipline to a written warning instead of automatic termination!

Matthew used an important shop steward skill in this situation: negotiation and persuasion. Grievances and arbitrations are important to hold employers to account when there is no other choice when defending union members’ rights, but informally solving problems in cooperation can often get better results more quickly for workers when they are in a jam.

Matthew’s story is a great example of the difference that union representation can make in an investigatory meeting. And it happened because the worker requested representation!

If you would like to find out more about your rights as a union member, are interested in becoming a shop steward, or want to further your steward education, contact your rep or sign up for training here on our website.

Newly elected Executive Board members are sworn in!

UFCW 3000 is a union that runs on democracy. Our Executive Board of over 40 members like you, and our union's top three officers (President, Secretary Treasurer, and Recorder), are all elected by the membership. Similarly, each member gets the opportunity to vote on their contract, which governs their wages, benefits, and working conditions.
On Tuesday, October 24, the top officers, President Faye Guenther, Secretary Treasurer Joe Mizrahi and Recorder Maria Milliron, and the rest of the Executive Board were sworn in to a new term. Under their leadership, our union is helping to lead the way in partnering with many other locals, community organizations, elected officials, and others to advance our rights and benefits and improve and enforce laws at the local, state, and federal levels. We are also excited and looking forward to pursuing the goals in our UFCW 3000 Strategic Plan for building a stronger union. 

Kim Cordova, President of UFCW Local 7 was our special guest to help with the swearing-in process. Local 7 and Local 3000 have been staunch allies through many fights and we thank Kim for helping us out! 

Get to know our elected Executive Board members >>

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Amber Wise

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Amber Wise

Amber Wise is truly one of the busiest UFCW 3000 members we have featured here in our Member Stories. Amber is an apprentice meatcutter at PCC Redmond, a mother of two children with her husband Daniel, is serving on the UFCW 3000 Racial Justice Advisory Board and on our Climate Justice Advisory Board, and to top it all off, she is running for public office…

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UFCW 3000 Podcast Episode 9: UFCW 3000 Member Amber Wise Runs for Office

UFCW 3000 Podcast Episode 9: UFCW 3000 Member Amber Wise Runs for Office

What happens when you realize you could run for local office? How can the union, and the labor movement as a whole, help union members do that? And wait, how does being a mom prepare you for being a meat cutter? Host Michaela sits down with Amber Wise, a UFCW 3000 member, apprentice meat cutter at Kirkland PCC, mom of 2, and current candidate for the board of Commissioners for Public Hospital District #2…

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Marlene Padilla

Marlene Padilla in the Meat Department at PCC Bothell

Marlene Padilla has worked in the grocery industry since 1999, starting at the Foodland stores in Hawaii. “Being a single parent and working close to home with great hours helped me with my decision to work in the grocery industry,” she says. At Foodland, she was promoted to meat wrapper, and when she moved to Seattle she started working for Safeway. After nine years, when one of Marlene’s meat managers left to work at PCC and suggested she come work there, too, she decided to go for it. She respected him because, as she puts it, he “gave me a lot of respect as a female, not just a fixture.”

When Marlene started at PCC in 2014, she knew that it was a risk starting with a new employer and a new group of coworkers: “I had to work harder to prove I had it in me, not because I knew someone. I’m still working in a man's world.” She showed her coworkers how dependable and trustworthy she was and has been working there ever since. She wants coworkers to know: “I always got your back.”

Away from work, Marlene enjoys reading, being a single mother, a grandparent, a Seattle Seahawks fan, and hanging out with her cat Shadow. “My three children and two grandchildren keep me grounded,” she says, “as well as all the meat department guys I work with.”

Negotiations with PCC for a new contract this year have required more workplace actions from PCC workers than ever before. As Marlene and her coworkers have discussed the bargain and taken action, she reminds coworkers about all the important parts of a union contract—the bargain can’t be about “the payscale and nothing else,” she says. Her top priority? ”Maintaining good health benefits.”

Marlene has taken an interest in attending PCC negotiations as an observer. “It’s important for us as members to see how the language in our contract is fought for!” Marlene is a strong woman and union member; her coworkers are lucky to have her standing with them in this bargain. Mahalo, Marlene!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Mackenzie Weiland

Mackenzie Weiland

Content Warning: This member story mentions abuse, violence, and sexual assault. If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault and need help, call the National Sexual Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

Meet Mackenzie Weiland, a nurse practitioner who specializes in sexual and reproductive health. Mackenzie and her partner relocated to the Pacific Northwest from Atlanta, Georgia, at the end of 2021. Soon after, she got a job at Planned Parenthood and has been quick to put down roots in their new home:

“My partner and I are building a home in Everett and enjoying every bit of exploration and adventure in this awesome region of the country. We are avid sea kayakers, hikers, triathletes, dog fosters, microbrewery supporters, board game enthusiasts, and big-time foodies!”

Working in reproductive healthcare is more than just a career to Mackenzie—it’s a calling. In addition to being a nurse practitioner, she is a board-certified sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE):

“Sexual violence and advocacy work is my truest passion, and I continue to serve my community in this way. After my busy weeks in clinic at Planned Parenthood, I take call shifts as a full-scope forensic nurse in Snohomish County. In this role, I provide trauma-informed, person-centered, compassionate, and excellent forensic nursing care and services to survivors of all forms of violence including child abuse and neglect, physical assault, sexual violence and assault, domestic and interpersonal violence, and more.

Caring for my community in these ways is both a calling and a gift. The careful culmination of my skills, training, and passion are all in service to uplift others and create a braver, safer world for us all.”

Mackenzie further serves her community by teaching nursing students at Seattle University how to be SANE nurses and speaks at conferences to advocate for better care for victims.

While her work at Planned Parenthood is very rewarding to her, Mackenzie has come to understand how important it is to have a union on the job, although she didn’t always think so:

“In my naiveté, when I was first hired at Planned Parenthood, I was weary of the union aspect of the position. Having been employed for just over 1.5 years, I cannot imagine being a Planned Parenthood clinician without my union. I am lucky to work closely with Charlie King, my union representative, who has always made himself available to me and my coworkers. We communicate regularly, and his efforts to care for me and my team have made the biggest difference. […] Unfortunately, no healthcare center/system is perfect, and just knowing I have the full, unyielding support of my union behind me, and in strong solidarity with the folks I work alongside and for, I am able to continue to show up and provide excellent community care.

It is an honor to be a UFCW 3000 member with all of you rock stars. Thank you, each of you, for all you to do serve one another and our communities.”

Mackenzie is becoming more involved with her union but was unable to be on the bargaining committee for the new union contract because she had no extra time (see all of the above). That’s okay! Being in a union means that when we all step up as much as we can, we don’t have to do everything ourselves.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Penelope DeMeerleer

Penolope DeMeerleer at the Edmonds’ PCC educating customers about the fight for a fair contract.

Penelope DeMeerleer works at the Ballard PCC and has jumped headfirst into stewardship. She traces her enthusiasm for organizing with her coworkers back to her time working as an advocate focused on empowering children born with disabilities. Penelope has worked as a grocery clerk in the front end of the store checking out customers for over a year now. As contract negotiations started this year she knew that PCC workers had a lot on the line for their future.

Better wages, staffing levels (or a premium for when staff is so low that everyone has to work harder), and transportation options are just some of the issues on the table for these essential food chain workers. While they have made progress on important working condition issues and better leave of absence language, they still have a long way to go.

Penelope knows that workers showing solidarity in PCC stores is the key to winning at the bargaining table and has been eager to talk to her coworkers about getting active. So she is making sure Ballard PCC union members have the latest bargaining updates and are participating in actions such as the leaflet action at PCC Edmonds (pictured above).