When we stand together, we win! Thank you!
/When we stand strong and stand together, we win. Over the last twelve months we built a successful campaign for a fair contract through our actions, our stories, and our unity. Back in November of 2018, a record number of members from stores all across the region participated in the bargaining survey which provided the focus, direction, and priorities for our member bargaining team. The next twelve months would see us come together for Contract Action Team meetings, community partner gatherings, leaflets, neighborhood canvasses, and then summer informational pickets. During it all we wore our buttons, united with other UFCW members up and down the West Coast, and shared 25,000 Better Jobs–Better Communities union grocery store bags with our customers and community allies.
Because of our shared strength and purpose we ratified the strongest grocery store contract in decades, with no takeaways. We did this together; every department, every store, every community. Together, we win.
A strong new contract means new language about our rights and wages to learn, be trained on, and enforce. Sign up for safety training, Steward training, member action teams, and more.
Here’s what UFCW 21 members are saying about our new contract:
(if you’re on your phone and don’t see the quotes, turn your phone sideways)

Puget Sound Grocery Store Workers are proud of a contract that includes:
Strongest journey wage increases in UFCW 21’s history.
Full back pay to expiration .
A long-term solution to our pension with projected improvements.
Health care benefits that are projected to be fully-funded, include benefit improvements and NO increases to premiums or deductibles.
First scheduling overhaul in decades, giving us more control over our schedules.
Strong safety language for the first time ever in our contract.
A plan for the future of technology and workforce training.
Protections for our wage scales, so as minimum wage goes up, so do our wage steps.
Members have been reporting that they are receiving their retro-pay checks and journey pay increases, be sure to check your check!
Journey persons under contracts that expired before contract ratification are entitled for retro-pay under the newly negotiated pay scale. Check with your Steward or call your Rep if you think you were eligible but have not received retro-pay.
New minimum wage:
On January 1st, the state’s minimum wage goes to $13.50 an hour, and all wages by contract are at least 10¢ above minimum and each step at least 10¢ above the last step. Our union was one of the leading forces that helped pass the law that requires the minimum wage to rise as the cost of living goes up.
Look closely at pay around the holidays:
For work after 6 pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, you should be paid time and a half.
All hours worked on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and other holidays is paid at time and a half. In addition, if you qualify for Holiday Pay, make sure you receive it.
If you think you have a problem, read the contract and contact your steward, or call your Rep.