Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Cliff Powers
/Cliff Powers, Grocery Store Worker at Oak Harbor Safeway and UFCW 3000 Grocery Contract Negotiations Team Member
As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!
Cliff Powers has worked in Produce at Safeway 402 in Oak Harbor for over 33 years! Cliff is originally from Virginia, where many community members were union workers in the mining industry. Before pursuing a career in grocery, Cliff spent 12 years as an EMS worker. In his free time, Cliff is passionate about film photography and model railroading!
Cliff started getting involved with the union years ago, when his produce manager — who was the store’s shop steward at the time — invited him to various trainings on his rights at work. Since then, Cliff has become a reliable resource for his coworkers, helping them navigate workplace challenges and advocate for themselves.
“I joined the grocery contract negotiations team because I want my coworkers to have better quality of life. That means fair pay, the hours necessary to ensure our stores aren’t understaffed, and respect on the job!”