Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Naomi Oligario
/Naomi Oligario, grocery store worker at Port Orchard Safeway and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member
As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!
Naomi Oligario has worked at Port Orchard Safeway for 37 years! She started as a courtesy clerk before working her way up to produce & front end. Throughout the years, she has trained countless other grocery store workers, all while getting to know customers as they’ve grown up and built families of their own. While this year is the first time Naomi is part of the contract negotiations team, she has been a shop steward for her store since 2015-2016. Naomi is a respected workplace leader, helping her coworkers win grievances for backpay, educating them on their rights at work, and pushing management to respond to employee concerns.
Naomi is a proud mother of four and grandmother to four! Her youngest grandson is 7 months old, and her youngest grandchild was born just a few weeks ago. Naomi is excited to visit her in Ireland — after we’ve won a fair contract!
“I’m here at the negotiations table because I want the coworkers who have put in years and decades of service in the grocery industry to be taken care of. I want folks who are new to the business to feel like they belong and can truly make a career out of this work. A rising tide lifts all boats!”