REI Union Workers from Across the US March on Company Headquarters, Demand to Bargain in Good Faith
/REI workers from around the country joined together yesterday to show our power and unwavering solidarity to fight for a fair first contract, marching on REI headquarters to invite CEO Eric Artz to sit down with representatives from the worker bargaining team—in person, right in the parking lot. REI management was a no-show, so the group of green vests delivered a letter to the Employer's locked front door, surrounded by cheering friends and allies there in solidarity!
REI has unilaterally changed their longstanding past practice and took away merit raises and 2024 Summit Pay at union REIs. Our union has joined other REI union locals around the country to file an Unfair Labor Practice against REI for breaking labor law.
Hear directly from our coworker Sue about why yesterday was so important:
“REI has a list of values and one of them is the ‘co-op way’. One of them is that we start from a place of respect. We acknowledge and resolve our differences of opinion because it helps us tackle problems, learn faster, do better, and go further.”
Has REI lived up to the co-op way? Union workers yesterday went to HQ to say NO! and to demand REI stop union-busting and negotiate with union workers in good faith. The way we win a fair contract is by being engaged and being ready to exercise our right to fight for it! Reach out to anyone on your bargaining team to get more involved in negotiations and upcoming actions.
Feel free to reach out to your union rep Dominick Ojeda at (206) 436-6586.
You can find more about the national campaign here:
View more from the action yesterday at the REI Union Twitter