Our Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement on a new three year contract and recommends a yes vote! We are excited to announce that the new agreement includes:


  • Ratification Bonus!

  • Improved PTO Cash Out!

  • Increased Certification Pay!

  • Better PTO Scheduling Language!

  • Reinforced Worker Protections!

  • Full details of the contract offer will be available during the vote.

Contract Vote Drop in: Monday, November 28:

6:30am — 8:30am, 11:30am — 1:30pm, 3:30pm — 5:30pm

in Conference Room A (Ground floor of the Hospital)

All members in good standing are eligible to vote.

For additional information about the vote, contact any Bargaining Team Member or Union Representative Brandan Zielinski: 206-436-6603

Providence Sacred Heart - Surgical and Maternity Tech Wage Scale Change

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center has proposed a mid-contract improvement to our current wage scale for Surgical and Maternity Techs. Because it is a permanent change to our contract, we will need to have affected members in good standing vote on the change.

All affected members are encouraged to vote “YES” on Thursday, November 10, 2022 any time between 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the Mary Bede room.

You will be able to ask any questions and provided with the proposal at the vote.

Please reach out to your Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407 or your bargaining team Lisa Aker and Angela Holmes with any questions or concerns.

Providence Credena Monroe Tentative Agreement Reached!

Providence Credena Monroe

Tentative Agreement Reached!

“Bargaining our first contract has been very rewarding! Our new contract will provide more equal pay and better benefits. Our solidarity is our strength!” - Our union bargaining team: Sarah Woolman and Laurine Plantilla

Our Bargaining Team is excited to have reached a tentative agreement with Providence Credena! Join us on November 10 to VOTE! Our bargaining team recommends a Yes VOTE on YOUR new three year contract. We will discuss all the wins, explain your new wages and answer any questions you may have, as well as welcome you to your new UNION!

We are proud of a contract that includes:

  • A NEW wage scale that is equitable for advancement and cost of living increases!

  • Across the board wage increases every 6 months over the course of the contract

  • Weekend differentials

  • Temporary Lead Pay

  • More vacation days!

  • Secure all benefits so they can not be changed unless they are bargained with the Union first

Join us to vote: Thursday, November 10, 11:45AM to 12:45PM at Credena Monroe

Members in good standing are encouraged to vote.

If you have any questions, please contact your Union Rep: Anthony Cantu 206-436-6566

Duty Free America - Contract Vote Meeting

Duty Free America
Contract Vote Meeting

Come to the Westside Pizza in Blaine to vote on the new contract! All the details of the contract will be available for your review and ask questions. This is a fully recommended contract with improvements to wages, other benefits, and no take-aways. There will be pizza and beverages for you to have while you review the offer.

Thursday, November 3
3pm - 5pm

Westside Pizza, 1733 H St Unit 200, Blaine, WA 98230

Don & Joe’s Meat Tentative Agreement Reached!

Don & Joe’s Meat

Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled!

This historic agreement is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID. This is a Tentative Agreement and is not final until we vote to accept it. Full details of the agreement will be provided at each vote location. Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached this Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers.

Contract VOTE MEETING: new date!

Wednesday, November 16 // 9am – 11am

at Don & Joe’s Meats: 85 Pike St. Seattle, WA 98101

Active members in good standing are eligible to vote. If you have questions contact your union Rep Scott Pattison at 206-436-6527

Duty Free Americas Tentative Agreement Reached!

Duty Free Americas

Tentative Agreement for New Contract Reached!

Today in negotiations UFCW 3000 reached a tentative agreement for a new contract for Duty Free America. This is a fully recommended agreement with no take-aways and improvements for:

  • Rates of pay

  • Overtime for work in one day

  • Minimum time between shifts

  • Holidays

The date, time, and place of the vote meeting will be announced as soon as possible.

Providence Holy Family Tentative Agreement Reached

Providence Holy Family

Tentative Agreement Reached!

“It was truly an honor to be part of a process where management and union bargaining team met for expedited bargaining and BOTH parties worked hard to get a workable solution in a timely manner that benefited everyone. We came together in Solidarity which brought about change.”

Our bargaining team: top row left to right Joseph Turner Sterile Processing, Emily Hoover Lab Assistant, David Coleck CNA, James Joyce ED Tech, Kendrick Jones EVS. Bottom row left to right Denise Hatch ED Tech, Alysha Cooper CNA, Jodi Spurgin Cook.

After a historic single day of bargaining, we have reached a tentative agreement with Providence Holy Family Hospital for a new three-year contract.

We are very encouraged by the changes we can make when we stand and work together. We are encouraging everyone to join us in voting Yes. Please join us:

Thursday, November 3, 2022

6:00am–8:00am, 11:00am–2:00pm or 5:30pm–8:00pm

in the HEC Room 2.

The new three-year contract includes upon ratification market adjustments 6 months before our contract was set to expire, across the scale wage increases each year of the contract in addition to step increases each year until you hit 16, improved Tuition reimbursement and career ladder opportunities, increase to premiums, ratification bonuses and a process that will allow wage increases throughout the contract due to market increases.

You must be present and a member in good standing to vote. A full document of the tentative agreement will be provided at the vote, and we encourage everyone to come ask any question and vote.

Please reach out to your bargaining team or Union Representative, Lenaya Wilhelm 509-340-7369 with any questions or concerns.

Capital Medical Center RNs - Agreement Ratified with unanimous YES votes!

Capital Medical Center RNs
Agreement Ratified with unanimous YES votes!

We have a new historic agreement with a lot of great wins:

  • New wage scale that eliminates 5 ghost steps with each step either equal or above Providence St. Peters Hospital to help recruit and retain quality Nurses.

  • A committee to discuss call language and policies

  • Health and safety language

  • Increase premiums including float pay, excessive call pay, night shift and others. 

  • Safe staffing language 

  • And much more!

Scan the QR code to find the redline version of the contract OR go to: bit.ly/MHS-CMC-RN-Redline

Richland Fred Meyer Workers Ratify First Contract!

Richland Fred Meyer Workers Ratify First Contract!

After voting all day today (Friday 10/7), workers at Richland Fred Meyer have overwhelmingly voted to ratify our first union contract!

This legally binding contract includes big wins like:

  • A new wage scale with wage increases each year

  • Workplace safety language and avenues to escalate concerns that aren’t addressed at the store level

  • “Just Cause” protections (meaning we cannot be terminated or disciplined without a reason)

  • A grievance procedure giving us the ability to challenge unjust discipline or any violations of our new contract

  • Access to affordable high-quality health care for ourselves and our families

  • Union recognition and union security to ensure we have a strong union store for years to come


First, we celebrate. This win took more than three years! Next, we get to work. The next steps will be getting familiar with our new contract, so we can exercise our rights on the job, stepping up to get union training (on contract enforcement, safety, and more), recruiting workplace leaders to become our trained Shop Stewards, and getting to know our UFCW 3000 Union Representative.

Two important things everyone should remember:

If you or a coworker needs any help regarding an investigatory meeting with management, are facing any discipline or corrective action, or believe our contract is being violated, contact the UFCW 3000 Member Resource Center at 1-866-210-3000.

In addition, always remember your rights around meetings with management, called “Weingarten rights” after a 1975 Supreme Court Case:

You have the right to union representation if you are called to a meeting with management that could lead to discipline. Follow these guidelines: The employee must make a clear request for union representation either before or during the interview. (Managers do not have to inform employees of their rights.) Management cannot retaliate for requesting representation. Management must delay questioning until the union steward arrives. It is an unfair labor practice for management to deny an employee’s request for a steward and continue with interrogation. In this case, an employee can refuse to answer management’s questions.


To sign up for further training with our union on things like contract enforcement, Weingarten rights and meetings, grievance procedures, and safety, contact Marc Auerbach, Education Director at 206-436-6519

Olympic Medical Center - Online Memorandum of Understanding Ratification Vote! Your Bargaining Committee Recommends a YES Vote!

On September 30, we reached an agreement with Olympic Medical Center, regarding the transition back to PEBB Health Insurance. We will be voting online on October 11 from 5PM until October 12 at 5PM. The entire vote document shall be available for review 24 hours prior to the start of the online vote.

We will be holding virtual vote meeting on October 11 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. During this meeting, we will be going over the vote documents and answering questions.

In order to vote, you must be a union member in good standing prior to the start of the vote. You will be receiving an online vote link from “SimplyVote” at 5PM on October 11. If you do not receive a link to the vote, please email your union representative Aimee Oien aoien@ufcw3000.org.  Additionally we ask that you provide us with a non-Olympic Medical Center email address. We have noticed in the past that OMC’s email system blocks emails from “SimplyVote” and UFCW.

If you do not receive UFCW emails, please check your junk/spam folder or update your contact information by October 10, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact your bargaining team or union representative.

Update Your Contact Info

Online Voting Period

Tuesday, October 11 • 5:00 PM

Wednesday, October 12 • 5:00 PM

Online Vote Meeting

Tuesday, October 11 • 10:00 AM

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Capital Medical Center RN - Contract Vote Scheduled!

Our Bargaining Team: Bonnie Velleren, Carol Cairone, Cindy Dixon, Dennis Velleren, Elisabeth Hilderbrand

On Monday, September 26, after a long day of bargaining we were able to come to a historic tentative agreement before contract expiration! Because of our unity we were able to get some great wins including:

  • Strong wages that can help recruit and retain qualified Nurses!

  • New wage scale that eliminates 5 ghost steps with each step either equal or above Providence St. Peters Hospital

  • A committee to discuss call language and policies

  • Health and safety language

  • Increase premiums including float pay, excessive call pay, night shift and others. 

  • Safe staffing language 

  • And other great wins!

Please reach out to a bargaining team member or your Union RepBrandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603 or bzielinski@ufcw3000.org 

Vote Meeting 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

6:00 AM - 9:00 AM

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Cascade Room - Adjacent to the cafeteria

The vote will be in-person and UFCW 300 members in good standing will have the opportunity to speak to Bargaining Team members, ask questions, and cast their ballot. Please arrive during the posted vote times as we cannot allow members to enter the vote room outside of the advertised times. 

Richland Fred Meyer - Tentative Agreement Reached! Vote Meeting Scheduled

Our Richland Fred Meyer bargaining committee reached a unanimously recommended tentative agreement on September 29. The tentative agreement includes: 

  • New Wage Scale with wage increases in each year of the contract 

  • Workplace Safety Language that would improve training and safety in the store and create avenues to address safety concerns that are not addressed at the store level 

  • Just Cause Protections, making sure that workers cannot be terminated or disciplined without a reason 

  • Grievance Procedure to give workers the ability to challenge any unjust discipline or violation of our new contract 

  • Union Recognition making it clear that the contract will cover workers at the Richland Fred Meyer 

  • Health and Welfare, ensuring workers will have access to affordable high-quality health care 

  • Union Security to ensure that we have a strong union store for years to come

Full details of the tentative agreement will be available at our vote meetings on Oct. 7! 

Vote Meeting 
Friday, October 7, 2022

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

UFCW 3000 Tri-Cities Office 
2505 Duportail St, Suite D 
Richland, WA 99352

Vote meetings are rolling meetings, stop by anytime during the vote times to review the tentative agreement and cast your vote. 

“Building a strong union store is not a sprint, it is a marathon. We have worked tirelessly over the last three years to win our union vote, and then over the past five months to win a tentative agreement. I am proud to have fought for and won huge workplace improvements in this tentative agreement against many odds, and I am looking forward to continuing to build a strong union here at the Richland Fred Meyer.” 

— Roxanne Reynolds, BT Member 

“We were able to come together as a store and a community, winning a historic first contract in the Tri-Cites. We will continue to fight to improve the working conditions and pay for all Fred Meyer workers.”

— Eden Hill, BT Member 

*NOTE: October 7 Community Action is CANCELED. Thank you to all of the community for the support!

Sequim School District Maintenance - Tentative Agreement Reached! Vote Meeting Scheduled

Your UFCW 3000 bargaining committee is pleased to announce that we reached a tentative agreement with the District on Monday, September 19!  The committee unanimously recommended this deal to the membership for a yes vote.  There are no take aways and improvements include:

  • Wage increases every year of the contract

  • Additional pay incentives for Leads, Mechanics, and Facility Operations Specialists

  • Cash out of some vacation time

  • A premium for work on Snow/Inclement Weather days

  • A new longevity bonus

  • And other improvements

The full details of the tentative agreement will be available at our vote meeting :

Friday, September 30

District Headquarters

503 North Sequim Avenue

Sequim, Washington 98382 

1:00PM - 3:00PM

This meeting will be drop-in so members in good standing are encouraged to come review the agreement, ask questions, and vote on the agreement.

Your Bargaining Team: Tharon Iverson, Aaron Colwill, Joe Gordon, Erik Cisneros

Skagit Regional Health - New Contract Ratified!

“We are happy to announce that the contract ratified with a 94% YES vote. We appreciate everyone who came out to vote.”

-Mike Koening, Engineer/SRH Bargaining Team Member

Skagit Regional Health union members have overwhelmingly ratified their new 3.5 year contract with a 94% YES vote! We won historical wage increases, a minimum of 14.75% wage increase with many classifications receiving wage increases of up to 30.25%. There is also an additional 8 hours of PTO, an additional convenience day, an increase in premium pay, and per diem differentials increase of 4.0%.

Proposed wage increases should be effective the second full pay period after ratification. Our Bargaining Team thanks you for your solidarity as we fought hard for strong new language, per diem differentials, and so much more!

Skagit Regional Health Bargaining Team:
(Front Row L - R)
Katie Davis, Social Worker
Jill Douglass, Data entry Clerk
Cindy Tjaden, Surg Tech
(Back Row L - R)
Aaron St. John, CS Tech
Mike Koenig, Engineer

Providence St. Mary's | Vote Scheduled - Tentative Agreement Reached


After three days of bargaining, we have a tentative agreement with Providence St. Mary’s for a new three-year contract.

We accomplished so much including across the board wage increases, tuition reimbursement, new premiums, increase in existing premiums, bonuses, secured process for creating floating practices and improved standby/call back.

Please join us and vote on our new contract!

Monday, October 3
6:30am – 9am or 5pm – 8pm
Marian Room

You must be present and a member in good standing to vote. A full document of the tentative agreement will be provided at the vote, and we encourage everyone to come ask any questions and vote.

“With unity comes knowledge and power. I am encouraging everyone to join us in voting Yes on this new contract.”

-Brittany Reusse, RN ICU

“This was my first experience with negotiations, and I have learned so much about the process and appreciate all of the hard work my team has put into this contract. I am very positive about the changes we can make when we stand together.”

-Danielle Board RN Float Pool

“This process has been really exciting. Both parties worked hard to get a workable solution in a timely manner.”

-Bruce Curnuck, RN OR

Providence St. Mary’s Bargaining Team (R-L): Brenda Gales-Groom, Med Surg. RN | Deidre Hyde, Home Health RN | Brittany Reusse, ICU RN | Caitlyn Ives, Surgical Floor RN | Danielle Board, Float Pool RN | Amanda Fortney, OB RN | Bruce Curnuck, OR RN

Skagit Regional Health - Tentative Agreement Reached

Skagit Regional Health
Tentative Agreement Reached

“Our team was dedicated to working endless hours to fight for a fair contract. While SVH offered up an acceleration of bargaining to be fair and quick...it still didn't meet the needs of SVH employees. We worked until 5:30 am to ensure work life balance needs were improved....work practices would be more fair....and wage increases were reflected with competitors. Both sides of the team brought their best forward.”

-Alina DeLano, SRH Ultrasound and Bargaining Team

Our Bargaining Team is excited to have reached a tentative agreement. After a final marathon bargain where our bargaining team members bargained for a total of 21 hours straight, our priorities were reached, including competitive raises over the next three and half years, better staffing, scheduling and ensuring practices that promote patient safety and compassionate care.

We are proud of a contract that includes:

  • Higher across the board wage increases.

  • Market adjustments for all job classifications

  • More PTO

  • Stronger language for standby and callbacks

Join your coworkers and vote on your new contract!

Skagit Regional Clinic *Additional location added!
Monday, September 26 @ 11AM - 2PM
Skagit Regional Clinic- Riverbend, 2320 Freeway Dr, Mount Vernon

Skagit Valley Hospital
Monday, September 26 @ 6AM - 9AM | 11AM - 2PM | 4PM - 8PM
Sahale Conf Rm - 1415 E Kincaid St, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273

SRH - Camano Island Clinic
Tuesday, September 27 @ 10AM - 11AM
Clinic Break Rm - 127 NE Camano Dr, Camano Island, WA 98282

SRH - Stanwood Clinic
Tuesday, September 27 @ 11:30am – 12:30pm
Conf Rm - 9631 269th St. NW, Stanwood, WA 98292

SRH - Smokey Point Clinic
Tuesday, September 27 @ 7AM - 8:30AM | 11:30AM - 1PM
Conf Rm - 3823 172nd St. NE, Smokey Point, WA 98271

Cascade Valley Hospital
Tuesday, September 27 @ 7am - 8:30am |11:30am - 1:00pm
Rainier B Conf Rm (Floor 2) - 330 Stillaguamish Ave, Arlington, WA 98223

SRH - Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic
Tuesday, September 27 @ 9:30am - 11:30am
Break Rm - 1019 24th St, Anacortes, WA 98221

You must be in good standing to be eligible to vote. Click HERE

Three Rivers Hospital Vote Notice - Change of Benefits

Three Rivers Hospital Vote Notice
Change of Benefits

Three Rivers has proposed a new benefits package that will be made available to part-time staff.

Because it is a change to our contract, we will need to have members vote on the change. The proposal and other information will be provided at the vote.

All members are encouraged to vote YES!
Friday, September 30
11AM – 11:30AM
Mckinley Conference Room

You must be in good standing and present to vote.

PRMCE Professional - We Have Reached a Tentative Agreement!

On September 12, we were able to reach a tentative agreement with Providence Everett management. In our first bargaining session, Providence told us they were not interested in placing newly organized employees onto the wage scale dependent on their years of experience. We brought to their attention that new hires will have their years of experience recognized upon hire, but the newly organized employees would be treated differently. 

After that first session, Providence proposed recognizing all newly organized employees’ years of experience for their placement onto the existing Professional wage scale! Employees will be receiving at least a 10% increase upon ratification and receiving all the benefits of the existing Professional contract! 

On September 20, we will be voting on the contract from 2:00PM to 6:00PM at Providence Everett Pacific Campus. If you have any questions, please reach out to your union representative, Sharra Oakley 206-436-6614. 

Contract Vote Scheduled

Tuesday, September 20 

2:00PM to 6:00PM 

PRMCE Pacific Campus

Pacific Conference Room Main Room

All are encouraged to attend the vote meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract.