Alsco Linen - Tentative Agreement Reached—Vote Scheduled!

We have reached a tentative agreement with ALSCO. When we first started bargaining, our goal was to win competitive wage increases, maintain our healthcare, improve our pension and to reinstate seniority and vacation accruals prior to covid layoffs.

We continued pushing the Company and were finally able to settle on competitive wages, maintained our health insurance with improved eligibility, and improved and secured our retirement.

Other wins include:

  • Improved layoff language

  • Reinstated seniority and vacation accruals to those affected by covid layoffs

  • Improved New Employee Orientation language

  • First ever Union Leave language

  • Increased timelines for grievance process

  • Sick leave payout option

  • New improved vacation payout

  • An additional floating holiday for workers hired after 2019

We will be going over the details of the agreement during our in-person vote! Join us:

Tuesday, February 28

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Breakroom at ALSCO

The Bargaining Committee is recommending a YES vote!

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Committee member or your Union Representative for any questions.

ALSCO - Strike Vote - Enough is enough

Enough is enough

We have been at the bargaining table since September 2022. During this time, we have told ALSCO that employees must work two jobs to make ends meet and many employees are considering leaving ALSCO for higher paying jobs and jobs with safer working conditions.

ALSCO continues to propose increases to our health insurance, below market wage increases, and refuses to improve our retirement pension. Enough is enough! We are committed to bargaining in good faith, but we believe it is time to take action so ALSCO understands we are unwilling to agree to their current proposals.

On February 23, we will be voting to authorize a strike unless ALSCO proposes a fair contract which we can ratify on February 21, our next bargaining session.

ALSCO, do better by your employees. We deserve a fair and competitive contract.

Strike Vote
Join coworkers and vote to authorize a strike.

Thursday, February 23

Hampton Inn Kent - Mt. Rainier Conference Room, 21109 - 66th Ave S., Kent, WA 98032

CANCELED: Ratification Vote | Acme Farms & Kitchen Tentative Agreement Reached!

Acme Farms & Kitchen
Tentative Agreement Reached!

On Wednesday, February 8 our union bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement for the first Acme Farms & Kitchen Union contract! This tentative agreement is unanimously recommended contract by our Union Bargaining Committee for a “yes” vote at the ratification meeting. It includes:

  • Wage Scales for all union jobs with increases

  • based on length of service.

  • Paid holiday benefits.

  • Paid vacation benefits.

  • Protections from unjust termination.

  • Many other benefits to all employees.

Because of the number of details to review, we will be having an on-line meeting (via Zoom) to discuss the agreement ahead of the main vote meeting: Thursday, February 16 at 4pm

In-Person Contract Vote Details:

Canceled Vote: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak at the worksite and the Employer’s closure of the warehouse, the contract ratification vote, Friday, February 24 @ 3:30pm is canceled. We will reschedule it as soon as possible. 

All eligible current bargaining unit members are eligible to vote. Full details of the contract will be available in a vote summary document and the full version of the tentative agreement.

CORRECTION: Kaiser Permanente - Vote on new travel group pods

Kaiser Permanente

As part of the 2021 contract negotiations, an agreement was made to review the existing travel group pods for the Lab and Radiology departments and make changes to limit unnecessary travel. A group of Union Members and Management met over several months and we have a fully recommended tentative agreement.

The details of the tentative agreement will be available during the online vote on Wednesday, February 22 @ 7am—5pm. You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.

TO VOTE ONLINE: Make sure your information is up to date! In order to vote on the changes to Travel Group Pods, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email update your info at:

If you do not receive an email to vote on February 22, 2023, please reach out to Union Rep Rhonda Fisher-Ivie to provide an updated email address @ 206-436-6584.

Tuesday, February 21
Drop in between 4pm—6pm

Contact Union Rep Rhonda for meeting details

REMEMBER: It is important to attend this Zoom meeting to review the travel group pods and have your questions answered.

Central Washington Hospital - Confluence Health Proposed New Job Classification; Vote Scheduled

Confluence has proposed a modification to the Radiology Tech job classification by adding three new positions and creating additional wage scales.

Because it is a change to our contract, we will need to have the affected members vote on the change.

All affected members in good standing are encouraged to vote “Yes” on Thursday, February 23, 2023 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm in Conference Room A.

You will be provided with the complete proposal and wage scale at the vote. You must be in good standing and present to vote.

February 23, 2023

11:30AM - 1:00PM

Conference Room A

Lourdes Medical Center Techs New Three Year Contract Ratified at 100%

Left to right: Melinda McBee, Pharmacy Tech “Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make a Difference”; David Coomes, Surgical Tech “Get involved become part of the solution”; Shahna Airoldi Ultrasound Tech “Get educated on your contract. It is power”; Robert Roy Respiratory Therapist “I have learned a lot through this process and am eager and willing to learn MORE”, Juanita Quezada, Union Representative;Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech “It is the U and I in Union that makes us STRONG”; Francisco Ramon-Montoya, Rehab “You will never win if you never begin”; Jorge Rodriquez, Surgical Tech not pictured

This contract Includes:

  • Secure across the bargaining unit wage increase for all members each year of the contract and retro back to January 1, 2023

  • Improvements throughout the scale wages.

  • Increase PTO hours max accrual bank.

  • Improvement to rest between shift language

  • Improvements to premium pays

  • Provides process to increase wages mid-contract

  • New membership language that will build power within the medical center.

  • New step increase practice to improve the process of getting increases.

On Tuesday January 31, 2023 represented employees at Lourdes Medical Center showed up in Super Majority numbers to sign up to become UFCW 3000 members and vote on our new contract. Our Bargaining Team would like to thank everyone that showed up to vote and remind everyone to check your paychecks frequently. Remember: now the hard work of enforcing the contract begins.

If you have questions, please reach out to our Bargaining Team members or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407. If you have a potential grievance please reach out to the MEMBER RESOURCE CENTER at 1-866-210-3000

Lourdes Medical Center / Lifepoint - Tentative Agreement Reached—Vote Scheduled!

After just 8 sessions of bargaining, your Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote on the proposed new 3-year contract with Lourdes Medical Center.

This contract will: 

  • Secure across the bargaining unit wage increase for all members each year of the contract and retro back to January 1, 2023

  • Improvements throughout the wage scale

  • Increase PTO hours max accrual bank

  • Improvement to rest between shift language

  • Improvements to premium pays

  • Provides process to increase wages mid-contract

  • New membership language that will build power within the medical center

  • New step increase practice to improve the process of getting increases

Members will need to be in good standing and attend the vote in person. You can also sign up to become a member at the vote.

Join us in voting “YES” at one of these three meetings!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 

  • 6:00am to 8:00am

  • 11:00am to 1:00pm

  • 4:00pm to 6:00pm 

in the Farley Room

Your bargaining team will be present to answer any questions and complete documents will be provided at the vote for review.

If you have questions, please reach out to your bargaining team members or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407.

  • Melinda McBee, Pharmacy Tech

  • Jorge Rodriquez, Surgical Tech: “We worked very hard to accomplish the most for all!”

  • Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound Tech

  • Juanita Quezada, Union Representative

  • David Coomes, Surgical Tech “The greater the obstacle is the greater the

  • Francisco Ramon-Montoya, Rehab: “You will never win if you never begin!”

  • Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech

  • Robert Roy, Respiratory Tech

Aramark - We have reached a tentative agreement! It’s time to vote! ¡Hemos llegado a un acuerdo tentativo! ¡Es hora de votar!

After months of bargaining, we were able to reach a tentative agreement with Aramark. We were able to win competitive wage increases and slowdown the increase to health insurance premiums. We will be holding a contract vote at all three Aramark plants next week.  UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions.

Your bargaining committee is recommending a “YES” vote! 

Wednesday, January 25

  • Aramark Kent breakroom from 9am to 11am 

  • Aramark Tacoma breakroom from 11am to 12pm 

Thursday January 26

  • Aramark Everett breakroom from 9am to 11am 

Después de meses de negociación, pudimos llegar a un acuerdo tentativo con Aramark. Pudimos ganar aumentos salariales competitivos y disminuir el aumento a las deducciones del seguro médico. Tendremos un voto para el contrato en las tres plantas de Aramark la próxima semana. Miembros de UFCW 3000 que están al día con sus cuotas de Unión pueden asistir una reunión, hacer preguntas y votar sobre el contrato. Póngase en contacto con un miembro del Equipo de Negociación o su Representante del Sindicato para cualquier duda.

¡Su comité de negociación está recomendando un voto “SÍ”!

Miércoles 25 de enero

  • Aramark Kent comedor de 9am a 11am

  • Aramark Tacoma comedor de 11am a 12pm

Jueves 26 de enero

  • Aramark Everett comedor de 9am a 11am

ALSCO Linen We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice!

Alsco Linen

We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice!

We have been bargaining with ALSCO Linen since September 2022. During that time, we have won improvements to layoff language, access to new employee orientation, extension to the grievance timeline, and reinstatement of seniority to previously laid off employees during COVID.

We have not been able to reach an agreement on several items including wage increases and benefits. ALSCO continues to propose below market wage increases, passing on health insurance premium costs to workers, and refuses to improve the retirement pension.

We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice! We want a safe workplace and want management to show their appreciation for our hard work.

We will be voting on ALSCO’s last proposal on January 17.

We are recommending a “NO” vote.

Tuesday, January 17 from 1pm to 5pm

at 21109 66th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032

Chúng tôi tin rằng đã đến lúc ALSCO lắng nghe tiếng nói của chúng tôi!

Chúng tôi đã thương lượng với ALSCO Linen kể từ tháng 9 năm 2022. Trong thời gian đó, chúng tôi đã có được những cải thiện về việc thông báo sa thải, tiếp cận định hướng nhân viên mới, gia hạn thời gian khiếu nại và phục hồi thâm niên cho những nhân viên đã bị sa thải trước đó trong đại dịch COVID.

Chúng tôi đã không thể đạt được thỏa thuận về việc tăng lương, trợ cấp hưu trí hoặc bảo hiểm y tế. ALSCO tiếp tục đề xuất tăng lương dưới mức thị trường, chuyển phí bảo hiểm y tế cho người lao động và từ chối cải thiện mức lương hưu.

Chúng tôi tin rằng đã đến lúc ALSCO lắng nghe tiếng nói của chúng tôi! Chúng tôi sẽ không chấp nhận các đề xuất về tiền lương, lương hưu hoặc bảo hiểm y tế của họ.

Chúng tôi sẽ bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất cuối cùng của ALSCO vào ngày 17 tháng 1. Chúng tôi đề nghị bỏ phiếu “KHÔNG”.

Thứ ba, ngày 17 tháng 1, từ 1:00 đến 5:00

chiều 21109 66th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032

Willapa Harbor Hospital - Wage Increase Vote Scheduled

You are scheduled to receive a 3% contractual wage increase effective January 1, 2023. Management has agreed to increase this amount by 2%, to make it a 5% increase effective January 1, 2023.

This tentative agreement is a change to your current contract so must be voted on by members! UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encourage to attend the vote meeting and cast their vote. 

A vote meeting has been scheduled for: 

Monday, January 9, 2023

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Cedar Conference Room

Willapa Harbor Hospital 

800 Alder Street

South Bend, WA, 98586

For additional information reach out to a Union Steward or your Union Representative Brandan Zielinski @206-436-6603 or

If you or a coworker does not receive communication from UFCW 3000, please update your contact information:

Del-Teet Furniture Vote Announcement - Tentative Agreement Reached

Del-Teet Furniture Vote Announcement
Tentative Agreement Reached

There is a recommended agreement for a new union contract with Del-Teet Furniture. Your Union Rep will be at the work site to go over the offer with members and to conduct a contract ratification vote. Members in good standing are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday January 18
2pm - 3pm

Del-Teet Furniture, 10308 NE 10th St, Bellevue, WA 98004

Oversea Casing - Contract Vote Meeting Scheduled

There is a recommended agreement for a new union contract with Oversea Casing. Improvements include wages, vacation, and holidays.

You union representatives will be at the worksite, 601 S Nevada Seattle, WA 98108 on Thursday, January 5, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM to go over the offer with members and hold the vote meeting. UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend, ask questions, and vote on the contract. 

Contract Vote Meeting

Thursday, January 5

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

601 S Nevada 

Seattle, WA 98108

WhidbeyHealth - We Have Reached a Tentative Agreement!

After months of bargaining over wages, we were able to reach an agreement with WhidbeyHealth management. In the Support Services contract and Pro/Tech/LPN contract, it states under the “Classification and Rates of Pay” article that the Union and Management will reopen the “Classification and Rates of Pay” article and bargain over wage increases for 2022. 

On August 2022, Management implemented a wage increase for some classifications while we were in bargaining. We told Management that the increases were not equitable and they needed to provide additional wage increases to the entire unit. 

After much discussion, we were able to win wage increases for all classifications, eliminate all “zero” steps on the wage scales, and increase some premiums. We will be going back to the bargaining table in 2023 to bargain the full contract and continue fighting for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. 

Our next step will be to vote on the contract! We will be holding an online vote on January 5 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for Support Services and January 6 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for Pro/Tech/LPN. You must be union member in good standing by the start of the online vote and have an accurate email on file with UFCW 3000. 

If you do not receive communication from UFCW 3000, please update your contact information.

If you are a non-member and wish to vote, please fill out a membership application.

The agreement is fully recommended by your bargaining team!

Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Rosalie Nguyen, Qiana Johnson, Marilyn Faber, Gwendolyn Cole, Lisa Olds, Marty Riley, Elke Rogers

Support Services Online Contract Vote

Thursday, January 5

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pro / Tech / LPN Online Contract Vote

Friday, January 6

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

We will be holding a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, January 3 at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM to review the agreement. 

Vote Meetings 

Tuesday, January 3 

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM • 6:00 PM to 7:00

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Bornstein Seafoods Vote Announcement *RESCHEDULED DATE

Bornstein Seafoods Vote Announcement

We have reached a tentative agreement! 

On December 8, we reach a tentative agreement with Bornstein Seafoods Management. When we first started bargaining, our goal was to win competitive wage increases. The daily work that we do is hard on our bodies and the reason Bornstein Seafood is profitable. 

We continued pushing the Company and were finally able to settle on competitive wages, improvement to health insurance, holidays, and vacation time. 

We were able to win the largest wage increases in the history of negotiations with Bornstein Seafoods. We will be going over the details of the agreement during our in-person vote on Tuesday, January 3 from 3pm - 5pm at Squalicum Boathouse. 

¡Hemos llegado a un acuerdo tentativo!

El 8 de diciembre, llegamos a un acuerdo tentativo con la Dirección de Bornstein Seafoods. Cuando empezamos a negociar, nuestro objetivo era ganar aumentos salariales competitivos. El trabajo diario que hacemos es duro para nuestros cuerpos y la razón por la que Bornstein Seafood es lucrativo. 

Continuamos exigiendo a la Compañía y finalmente pudimos obtener salarios competitivos, mejoramos al seguro médico, vacaciones y días festivo. 

Pudimos obtener los mayores aumentos salariales en la historia de las negociaciones con Bornstein Seafoods. Repasaremos los detalles del acuerdo durante nuestra votación el martes, 3 de enero de 3pm - 5pm en Squalicum Boathouse.

Squalicum Boathouse 
2600 S. Harbor Loop
Bellingham WA 98225

Cascade Valley Hospital - Vote Scheduled - Tentative Agreement Reached

Cascade Valley Hospital - Vote Scheduled
Tentative Agreement Reached

“It was a pleasure efficiently bargaining with administration to agree on a fair contract for all Cascade Valley employees.” – Jason Burbee, Surgical Tech

Just in time for the new year, our Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” vote on:

  • A minimum wage increase of 9.25% and a maximum of 19.1%

  • Updated standby/call language

  • Holiday hours coinciding with the Nurses contract

  • Three days of employee convenience days

  • Bereavement leave that can be taken within 12 months non consecutively

  • Standby pay continuing when called into a shift

  • Trial MOU allowing for one and one half (1 ½) pay for work beyond your shift with manager approval

  • Efficient bargaining bonus of $675 for FTE and pro-rated for less than FTE, as well as $175 for per diem

  • And more!

Our Cascade Valley Hospital Bargaining Team: Robin Schultz – Pharmacy Tech, Elizabeth Smith – Patient Register II, Pammy Hammond – Unit Assistant, Vicky LaPierre – Unit Assistant, Jason Burbee – Surgical Tech

CANCELED / CANCELADA: Bornstein Seafoods Contract Vote Votación del contrato de Bornstein Seafoods

Dec. 20, 2022

Votación del contrato de Bornstein Seafoods cancelada debido al clima
Bornstein Seafoods Contract Vote Canceled Due to Weather

La votación del contrato de hoy para Bornstein Seafood se CANCELÓ debido al clima. Reprogramaremos la votación lo mas antes posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestro contrato, puede hablar con los miembros del equipo de negociación María Velásquez y Esbeidi Rodríguez o comunicarse con su representante sindical José Veliz al (206) 436-6581.

Acerca de nuestra negociación y contrato:
Continuamos presionando a la Compañía y finalmente pudimos establecer salarios competitivos, mejoras en el seguro de salud, vacaciones y vacaciones. Pudimos ganar los mayores aumentos salariales en la historia de las negociaciones con Bornstein Seafoods. Repasaremos los detalles del acuerdo durante nuestra votación en persona tan pronto como se reprograme.

Today's contract vote for Bornstein Seafood is CANCELED due to the weather. We will reschedule the vote as soon as possible. If you have any questions about our contract, you can speak with bargaining team members Maria Velásquez and Esbeidi Rodríguez or contact your Union Rep Jose Veliz at (206) 436-6581.

About Our Bargain and Contract:
We continued pushing the Company and were finally able to settle on competitive wages, improvement to health insurance, holidays, and vacation time. We were able to win the largest wage increases in the history of negotiations with Bornstein Seafoods. We will be going over the details of the agreement during our in-person vote as soon as it is rescheduled.

St. Joseph Medical Center - VOTE SCHEDULED - Tentative Agreement Reached

St. Joseph Medical Center - VOTE SCHEDULED
Tentative Agreement Reached

On Wednesday, December 7, after multiple long days of bargaining we were able to come to a tentative agreement. Because of our unity and actions, we were able to get some great wins including:

  • A three-year contract with competitive wage increases that overall average 10.35% in year one for staff pharmacists

  • New wage scale that eliminates ghost steps

  • $2000 ratification bonus prorated by FTE for all pharmacists

  • Preceptor pay of $1.00/hour starting the first pay period 120 days after ratification

  • Health and safety language

  • And other great wins!

The vote will be in-person and members will have the opportunity to speak to Bargaining Team members before casting their ballot. Please arrive during the posted vote times as we cannot allow members to enter the vote room outside of the advertised times:

Tuesday, December 20
7am-9:30am | 11am-1pm | 3pm-5pm | 6pm-8pm
Lagerquist C (ground level of the hospital)

Metropolitan Market Grocery Wage Scale Vote Scheduled

Metropolitan Market Grocery Wage Scale Vote Scheduled

Metropolitan Market and UFCW 3000 have come to an agreement to modify the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), subject to the ratification of UFCW 3000’s membership. This agreement was arrived at through a collaborative effort. If ratified, the CBA will increase our union scale above other union grocery store workers in the Puget Sound. This agreement also resolves any disputes regarding the wage implementation of the 2022 Allied Grocery Settlement.

Our Union Member Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” VOTE to accept the proposal!

Active members covered by the grocery contract are eligible to vote at whichever location is most convenient during anytime that polling is open.

Wednesday, December 14
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM & 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Drop-in during the voting period to review the Tentative Agreement, get your questions answered, and cast your vote. These votes are open to all active UFCW 3000 Metropolitan Market grocery members in good standing.

Metropolitan Market #153 (Admiral) 2320 42nd Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116

Metropolitan Market #156 (Sand Point) 5250 40th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105

Metropolitan Market #164 (Mercer Island) 2755 77th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040

Metropolitan Market #162 (Sammamish) 301 228th Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98074

Metro Market #159 (Kirkland) 10611 NE 68th St Kirkland, WA 98033

Metro Market #157 (Uptown) 100 Mercer St Seattle, WA 98109

Metro Market #161 (Magnolia) 3830 34th Ave W Seattle, WA 98199

Harbor Regional Health - Contract Ratified

Harbor Regional Health
Contract Ratified

Contracts for the Professional, Technical, Service and Maintenance, Business Office and Medical Records units have been overwhelmingly approved! Over several months of bargaining, workers and community members let Management know that wages and staffing conditions must improve.

Increases to wages are effective the first full pay period after ratification. Both the wage increases and ratification bonus will be included in the Friday, December 30 paycheck.

For further information contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ (206) 436-6603.

Harbor Regional Health Bargaining Team (L-R): Debbie Sturm, Janet Byrd, Daniel James, Ricki Franklin, Bambi Shope