Olympic Medical Center (ProTech) - Contract Ratified

Olympic Medical Center (ProTech)
Contract Ratified

On November 30 and December 1, workers overwhelmingly voted YES to ratify a new Union Contract.

Highlights of the contract include:

  • 7% wage increase paid the first full pay period following ratification

  • Market increases for many jobs

  • 2024: 6% wage increase, first full pay period following March 31, 2024

  • 2025: 6% wage increase, first full pay period following March 31, 2025

  • $1000 bonus prorated based on FTE in each of 2024 and 2025

  • New Step 13 added in 2024 for all positions at 2% higher than Step 12

  • Shift differential: $3.00 Evening/$5.00 Nights

  • $4.00 standby

  • Callback/call-in on day off at two times the normal rate of pay

  • $3.25 lead pay

  • $4.50 weekend premium

  • LOU for hazardous drug mixing

  • $2.00 certification premium

For more information, contact Union Rep Aimee Oien @ 360-662-1981.

WhidbeyHealth Pro-Tech Contract Votes Scheduled

On November 28 and November 30 our Bargaining Team met again with the Employer to negotiate. While continuing to try to come to an agreement over economic issues, and in particular the wage scale, we were somewhat surprised that the Employer presented us with a Last, Best, and Final offer on all outstanding issues. This means that a vote on what that offer is will be forthcoming on Wednesday, December 13. While we had not expected to have to make this decision quite yet, we are recommending a “Yes” vote to ratify the offer.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Wage parity as of April 1, 2024: We secured agreement that WhidbeyHealth would recognize past experience for represented workers at 100%. Many of our more senior employees who may be in the middle of the wage scale would move up the scale if they have more years of experience in their job classification than the step they are on actually represents. This will happen in the coming year if we approve the contract.

  • Market adjustments of wage scales: When the mid-cycle wage bargain happened in 2022 the result was that many people further up the scale received increases that put them ahead of what workers earn at competing hospitals. This also resulted in workers on the earlier steps of the wage scale earning less than what workers earn at competing hospitals. Thus, management concentrated on increases at the lower steps in this bargaining cycle.

  • Ratification bonuses: If we ratify the contract with a “Yes” vote on Wednesday, December 13, we will receive $1,200 ratification bonuses pro-rated by FTE. For example if you are a .5, you will receive $600.

Contract Votes: Wednesday, December 13

Main Hospital Coupeville HEC Room C: 5:00am—8:00am, 12pm—2:00pm, 5:00pm—8:00

Clinic 1: Oak Harbor-Cabot Break Room: 3:30pm—4:30pm

Clinic 2: Oak Harbor -Goldie Conference Room: 2:30pm—3:00pm

Clinic: Freeland Break Room: 10:00am—10:30am

Clinic: Clinton Break Room: 9:00am—9:30am

We look forward to seeing you at the following times to discuss the offer and vote on it. Members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Our Union Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead; Rosalie Nguyen, Pharmacy

PRMCE RN We have reached a tentative agreement!

After almost eight months of negotiations, we have reached a tentative agreement with Providence Everett (PRMCE)! From the beginning our goal was to improve staffing to ensure our patients and community would receive the quality care we so desperately want to give them. We identified that we could achieve this through staffing language, which would strengthen our voices on the Hospital Staffing Committee and supplement the staffing law’s guidelines (https://ufcw3000.org/safestaffing), and being competitive with other area hospitals.

It was through our collective actions we were able to pressure PRMCE to accept many of our staffing concepts, including a staffing premium. We went out on an unfair labor practice strike because PRMCE was not considering our proposals in good faith. PRMCE told us they would never agree to a staffing premium before or after a strike, but the power of our strike pressured them to agree to this and additional staffing language and incentives. We are the first hospital in WA state to have binding mediation for unresolved chronic staffing issues and a staffing premium for RNs when their unit is staffed below the Hospital Staffing Committee’s staffing plan, which is created by nurses and nurse managers.

Additionally, the third year of the contract was a major priority to assure we can recruit and retain nurses when other hospitals negotiate in 2025- and not have an exodus of nurses again.

We won stronger language on market analysis triggers and a full contract opener 6 months earlier in April 2026, meaning we can get to the table as early as January 2026 to negotiate a new agreement and remain competitive with other hospitals. We will join solidarity actions with other Providence Hospitals in 2025- and take that energy into our early 2026 negotiations.

The tentative agreement we reached on December 1st meets our goals and is recommended by a majority of our bargaining team!

We will be holding a Zoom meeting this Tuesday December 5 at 8pm to discuss and answer questions about the tentative agreement document and next steps.

We will be giving nurses a choice to approve or reject the tentative agreement and approve or reject a strike via an online vote on December 15 from 6:30am to 8pm. Similar to the strike authorization vote in October, all voting will occur online, and we will hold optional in-person meetings at the Colby and Pacific/Pavilion campuses.

Your voice is important, and we encourage you all to read through the tentative agreements below and vote online on December 15. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Summary of tentative agreements:  

Full Tentative Agreement Redline on the PRMCE RN contract page at ufcw3000.org >>


  • Extra shift incentive: If a nurse’s unit is staffed at 80% or below then, full-time RNs (.9 – 1.0 FTE) who pick up an extra shift shall receive double time. Part-time nurses (.05 -.89 FTE) who pick-up an extra shift will receive 1.5 their regular rate of pay and will receive double time if they work above a .9 FTE. Per diem nurses who work more than 2 shifts per pay period shall receive 1.5 their regular rate of pay and double time if they work above a .9 FTE). The Employer can offer an incentive above this requirement, but this now the minimum incentive that nurses must receive when picking up an extra shift

  • President’s Day is swapped for Dr. Martin Luther King Day (MLK)

  • Christmas Day for Night shift RNs: The holiday will be defined as 6:30am on December 25th to 7am on December 26th

  • Holiday Substitute: Nurses can switch a holiday for a day of importance to them. Example: switching MLK Day for your birthday

  • Low Census: traveler RNs will censused before agency RNs

  • Weekend pay expanded- Nurses working Saturday and Sunday night will receive weekend pay for Sunday night

  • Twelve .9 FTE relief nurses will be hired to cover meal and rest breaks

  • Shift differential increased to $3 for evening shift and $5.25 for night shift

  • Low census standby increased to $4.75/ hour

  • Standby differential increased to $6.75/ hour

  • Relief charge nurse pay increased to $3/ hour

  • Intermittent night shift premium of 1.5 time regular rate of pay for non-night shift nurses who pick up a night shift

  • Preceptor pay increased to $2/ hour

  • Float pool pay increased to $5/ hour

  • Non-float pool pay increased to $2/ hour

  • EIB will now be paid out on day 1 of an illness

  • Health insurance premiums will not increase more than 10% on a blended average in 2024 or 2025

  • Bereavement leave shall increase to 40 hours of paid time for spouses, significant others, or children.

  • Professional development leave: 40 hours prorated by FTE

  • Continuing education increased to $700 for .75 - 1.0 FTE and $500 for .6 - .74 FTE

  • Tuition Reimbursement: Up to $5,250 for .75 FTE or more and up to $2, 625 for .74 FTE to .5 FTE

  • Wage increases

Two pay periods following ratification, the following wage scale will be implemented.

The new base rate of $43.91 aligns with Swedish Edmonds and the top of the scale exceeds Swedish Edmonds through June 2025.

Effective the first full pay period following 10/1/2024, nurses will receive a four percent (4%) across the board increase.

Effective the first full pay period following 10/1/2025, nurses will receive a four percent (4.5%) across the board increase.

  • For Nurses on the payroll upon ratification and who were also on the payroll on June 1, 2020, will be paid a bonus of $1,200, pro-rated by FTE (per diem will be counted as .25 FTE) on the second full pay period following ratification

  • For Nurses on the payroll ratification and who are also on the payroll on December 1, 2025, will be paid a bonus of $1,000, pro-rated by FTE (per diem will be counted as .25), less applicable withholdings, on the first full pay period following December 1, 2025

  • Year for year experience- All nurses will receive one step for one year of continuous experience. Nurses with 12 months or less shall be placed on the corresponding step on February 1st, 2024, according to their resume on file. 60 days from ratification, current nurses shall have the opportunity to resubmit their resumes to HR to adjust their wage steps. On March 1, 2024 nurses will be placed on the corresponding step based on their resume on file

  • Wage step increases- Wage step increases will now be calculated using 12 month increments versus 1872 hours. There will be a recalculation of wage step increases for all current nurses’ steps. Annually nurses will start advancing one additional step on their work anniversary after ratification. In 2026, nurses will progress through the remaining steps to reach the appropriate level. For instance, if a nurse, working at a .75 FTE, should be on wage step 14 based on a 12-month calculation, but is currently on wage step 10 due to the 1872-hour calculation, their wage steps will be recalculated. They will get two step wage increases in 2024 and 2025 and then be brought to their appropriate step in 2026

  • Modified Baylor Shift- Positions will be posted 30 days after ratification for positions which will work a .6 FTE only on the weekends. All weekend shifts will be paid at 1.5 regular rate of pay and additional shifts will be paid at straight time, unless overtime rules apply

  • Night shift differential- Night shift nurses, who have 24 months or more working on night shift, will receive an annual bonus of $1,500 (prorated by FTE) on January 1, 2025

  • Staffing Premium- Nurses working in a unit averaging at or below 85% staffing according to the plan will receive a $300 bonus (prorated by FTE) the following month. Per diems will receive this bonus prorated at .3 FTE. This will expire one year from ratification but can be revisited by the Hospital Staffing Committee

  • 2.5 year agreement- The Hospital and the Union have agreed to initiate contract renegotiation by or before April 30, 2026, allowing for negotiation closer to other area hospitals' contract expirations

  • Market Analysis  of wages will be conducted every September and the results will be shared with the Union. If there is a difference between the average of the current wage scale and the average wage of the market analysis the Hospital and Union will meet to discuss solutions, like wage increases or bonuses, to make PRMCE more competitive

Non-economic and Staffing

  • Union membership- New nurses will have 21 days to join the union or 14 days to opt out of union membership. Newly hired nurses who do not opt in or opt out of the union shall be removed from the schedule within 30 days of the union notifying PRMCE. If the nurse does not make an election within 90 days after PRMCE receives notice from the union the nurse shall be discharged. This language grants more time, when compared to the previous language, for new nurses to make a decision on union membership. Nurses may opt out of union membership and donate their union membership fee to a non-religious organization if their religion objects to them joining a labor organization. Personal emails shall be provided to the union, if available

  • Access to conference rooms on units- The Union representative shall have access to the conference rooms on the floor

  • Non-Discrimination language which reflects diversity, equity, and inclusion

  • Charge nurses and relief charge nurses shall generally not be expected to take a patient assignment. A charge nurse will only take a patient care assignment if it is mutually agreed upon and the charge nurse will use their professional judgment to determine if they should take a patient assignment

  • Updated Skill departments

  • Nurses can email the Hospital if they wish to accept a recall position

  • Discipline- Written warning will be removed after 18 months (about 1 and a half years), upon request, as long as the warning is not related to patient care violations. Coachings will be removed after 9 months, upon request

  • Staffing- The Hospital Staffing Committee members will be comprised of 50% or more nurses per SB 5236 staffing law and decisions must reach consensus  Subcommittees shall review CSIs for their units and make recommendations to the Hospital Staffing Committee

  • Binding Mediation- Chronic staffing issues existing within the same category for at least 90 calendar days can be moved to binding mediation one time per year. A mediator will hear solutions from the Hospital and the Union and then make a recommendation on a solution. The solution will be sent to the Hospital Staffing Committee on whether or not to adopt the solution

  • The Hospital will review exit interviews, adverse events, and retention interviews

  • MOU Collaborative Approach to Full Staffing- Commitment from Providence to staff the right staff, in the right place, at the right time. And timeline/process for working together through the Hospital Staffing Committee

    • One year from ratification RN turnover goal is set to 15%. First Year RN Turnover: Over 25% top priority department, between 20-24% “at risk dept”, between 16-19% "watch list dept”, at 10% or below “share best practices”. Whenever a department is at 20%+ FYTO, a process is triggered to identify root causes for turnover and immediate solutions for retention

    • Innovative staffing models, like the co-caring model, require approval by consensus from the Hospital Staffing Committee

    • The Hospital will pay nurse techs for clinical hours  

    • Adoption of the Healthy Work Environment (HWE) standard: skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition, authentic leadership, and workplace violence

    • Hospital Staffing Committee and Subcommittees will meet to review the open positions in units, review retention interview data and exit interview data, review, adjust, and employ tactics for retention and recruitment

    • Core leaders and nurse volunteers will visit job fairs and schools to recruit nurses

Nurse Zoom Meeting
Tentative Agreement Q&A and next steps
Tuesday December 5 at 8:00 pm via zoom

*Join us to ask questions about the tentative agreements, what are the next steps if the contract is not approved, and any other questions you may have. We hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 813 7325 4464
Passcode: 757437

Friday December 15- online and in person meetings at Hospital

*As soon as rooms are confirmed, we will email the times and locations of in-person meetings

Strike Benefits:

Strike Benefits checks were mailed on Monday 11/27 to all nurses who picketed 20+ hours and completed a W9. A second batch of checks will be sent this Monday 12/4 for nurses that forgot to sign in/out on at least one shift and had a "miss punch". We gave credit for these shifts and fixed the hours- and Union Leadership made the decision to pay out strike benefits to all nurses who picketed for 16+ hours. This makes sure there is a buffer to get the most people strike benefits and take into account any issues with sign in.

If you would like to confirm the status of your strike benefit check or would like to request additional financial hardship assistance, please email Kendra Valdez at kvaldez@ufcw3000.org

Olympic Medical Center - ProTech contract vote scheduled

Olympic Medical Center - ProTech
Contract vote scheduled

After several months of bargaining, we have reached a tentative agreement.The Bargaining Team fully recommends a “YES” vote this agreement!

Highlights of the tentative agreement include:

  • 19% wage increases

  • Market increases

  • $2000.00 total bonuses prorated by FTE

  • $3.00 for evening/$5.00 for night shift differentials

Join your coworkers and vote on the new agreement!

Thursday, November 30 @ 3:00pm-5:30pm
Medical Services Building (MSB) - Conference Room, 840 N 5th Avenue, Sequim WA 98382

Port Angeles
Friday, December 1 @ 11am-6pm
Olympic Medical Center - Fairshter Meeting Room, 939 Caroline Street, Port Angeles WA 988362

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Rep Aimee Oien for any questions @ 360-662-1981.

Update Your Contact Info

Providence St. Peter Hospital (PTAs/COTAs)

Providence St. Peter Hospital (PTAs / COTAs)
Memorandum of agreement ratification vote

Our union Bargaining Team is happy to announce our tentatively agreed Memorandum of Understanding that brings us into the UFCW 3000 Professional and Technical Collective Bargaining Agreement will be ratified by a vote of our members.

We are strongly recommending a “YES” vote so that we can join our Union siblings in the existing bargaining unit! Please join us in the Nisqually conference room at the above time to review the M.O.U. and cast your vote.

Join your coworkers and vote “YES” the new agreement!

Tuesday, December 5

Providence St. Peter Hospital—Nisqually conference room

Directions to the Nisqually conference room:

Upon entering the main entrance of the hospital, head right and travel past the information desk until you see the “Main Elevators” wall. You will have passed Starbucks on your left hand side.

Take the “Main” elevator to Floor 2 (Café Level).

Exit left off the elevator on the 2nd Floor. Turn right at the entrance to Cabrini’s (Café). Continue on this main corridor, through the cafeteria, off to the left, then right and go down the hall until you can turn right, then take the first left, then go right past the Lab and the Nisqually Room is at the end of the hallway.

Please speak with our Bargaining Team members or call Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603 if you have any questions.

Bargaining Team Members: Cynthia Miner, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant; Heidi Ranger-Geh, Physical Therapy Assistant


After months of bargaining we have reached a tentative agreement! The Bargaining Team is recommending a “YES” vote! UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

  • Drop-in between

  • 12:00 pm — 8:00 pm

  • UFCW Silverdale Office

  • 3888 NW Randall Way #105

  • Silverdale Washington 98383

Highlights include:


  • 5% to 6% Wage Increases retroactive to July 1, 2023

  • Step Increases for all eligible employees

  • New Step 18 on the wage scale


  • 2.5% Increase to the scale 

  • Step Increases for all eligible employees

  • New Step 19 on the wage scale


  • 2.5% Increase to the scale

  • Step Increases for all eligible employees 

  • Lump Sum Payment for those at Step 19

Premiums and Reimbursements:

  • $2.00 per hour Shift Differential.  ​

  • $3.00 per hour Weekend Premium.

  • $2.00 per hour Rotator Premium

  • $50.00 BLS Certification Reimbursement

  • TDC will pay for one MA Certification test for each MAR who is an employee of The Doctor’s Clinic on the date of ratification.

For additional information reach out to a Bargaining Team member of Union Representative Naomi Oligario 360-662-1989

Our Bargaining Team (Left to Right): Alec Andren, Terri Dumont, Anna Snyder, Katy Turek

Please make sure your contact information is up to date! ufcw3000.org/update-your-information

C.C. Filson - Layoff severance and amendments to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Vote

C.C. Filson
Layoff severance and amendments to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Vote

Last week, we met with Filson’s regarding the upcoming layoff of 25 Manufacturing positions. We reached a tentative agreement that includes severance pay and extends the timeframe for healthcare benefits. Additionally, Filson’s had proposed some amendments to Article 12 to eliminate the Productivity Bonus Pay. We were able to get Filson’s to accelerate the February 1, 2024 wage increases, and provide an additional wage increase for all employees effective April 1, 2024.

We will be holding a vote to allow all members an opportunity to vote on the proposed MOU (Memorandum of Agreement) regarding the layoffs as well as the proposed amendments to the contract.

Vote Details

Monday, November 27
C.C. Filson break room, 6111 S 228th Street, Kent, WA 98032

All the details of the proposed amendments will be available at the meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Union Rep Jose Veliz @ 360-409-0615.

EvergreenHealth Monroe - Contract Ratified!

EvergreenHealth Monroe
Contract Ratified!

Thanks to our Bargaining Team Members Rosemary Holm-Mitchell and Patty Romero who worked tirelessly to make sure we got a fair and equitable contract.

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • 5% wage increase plus 2%-19% Market Increases Effective May 2023.

  • $1200 bonus (prorated by FTE) which you should receive the week of Nov 14

  • Additional Market Increases for Chemical Dependency Counselor/SUDP, Substance Use Disorder Pro Trainee and Mammography Techs

  • 8% total wage increases 2024/2025 (2% increase in each of January and July of 2024 and 2025)

  • Shift Differentials increased to $2.25 for second shift and $3.50 for third shift

  • Standby Pay increased to $3.75 per hour

  • PTO Cash out: Once/year employees may cash out up to 60 hours of PTO

  • Education Funds increased to up to $275/year

  • Health Benefits for new employees are now accessible the first month after being hired

Questions? Reach out to a Bargaining Team member or call Union Rep Jack Crow @ 206-436-6614.

Trios Health (RNs) - Tentative agreement reached for contract extension and wage increases

Trios Health (RNs)
Tentative Agreement reached for contract extension and wage increases

In an attempt to address the immediate retention and recruitment issues at Trios Health the Bargaining Team and Administration met to discuss the possibility of extending the current contract with an increase to compensation and some other small changes. After two long days of conversations, we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will close the gap in compensation with our geographic competitor which we believe will help make our hospital the most desired place to work in the region.

Our Bargaining Team worked hard to make sure that everyone got substantial economic increases and that premium pays were also increased in many areas including Charge Nurse, On-Call, Night shift differential, Preceptor and PRN differential.

Join your coworkers and Bargaining Team and vote “YES” to the agreement

Monday, November 13
Care Center Conference room, 3rd Floor

A complete document of the contract and the new wage scale will be available at the vote with our Bargaining Team to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. You must be a member in good standing to vote. For questions, please reach out to your Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509-340-7407.

Our Trios Health Bargaining Team (L—R): Union Rep Juanita Quezada; Holly Hurst, Med Surg RN; Jamie Bezotte, ER RN; Tamara Ottenbreit, Birthing Center RN; Keishi Nitta, ICU RN; Not pictured: Stephanie Weibe,OR RN

Planned Parenthood - New 2 Year Contract ratified with Resounding 99% YES Vote

Planned Parenthood
New 2 Year Contract ratified with Resounding 99% YES Vote

Our contract was ratified on October 26, 2023, and it includes improved wages, benefits and working conditions.

“The past 6 months of bargaining has been a humbling experience. Bargaining Team members were both inspiring and dedicated. Their commitment to establishing labor rights for our bargaining unit, most of whom we have never formally met, is to be commended. We represented a diverse bargaining unit during this process, and I am proud of every individual that shared their personal story with me or my team members. It is your testimony that inspired the changes we fought for. I could not be prouder to be a part of a Bargaining Team that genuinely argued for equality and equity for our entire unit. I am honored to be a part of this process and to have colleagues that are TRULY aligned with labor rights.” —Melissa Grindstaff, Bargaining Team

“As a Planned Parenthood employee and UFCW member for the last 12 years, this was my first contract negotiation, and I learned so much! It was fascinating to see how negotiations worked from the inside and how to manage the dynamics of the process both virtually and in person. I enjoyed not only being able to provide my colleagues with information about how negotiations were going, but also being able to be a sounding board about their concerns as things progressed. I am eternally grateful for the passion, knowledge, and support of everyone who served on the Bargaining Team!” —Michel Metcalf, Bargaining Team

“Thank you to all my coworkers who bravely and vulnerably shared their stories in effort to win new and Improved benefits, safeguards and fairer pay. This new contract builds upon all the hard fought victories of years past since we unionized in 1985. When we talk, we realize we are not alone. We are stronger together asking for what we need to do our work and serve our patients, to thrive not just survive.” —Alison Deboise, Bargaining Team

Please reach out to a Bargaining Team member or contact Union Rep Charlie King @ 206-436-6518 with any questions or concerns.

PCC Contract Votes Scheduled

Bargaining Team Recommends a NO Vote on Management’s Latest Contract Offer

After months of negotiations, PCC Management has put forth their latest offer, and our Bargaining Team wants all union members to see for themselves if this offer is really good enough. While many tentative agreements have been reached throughout negotiations, there is still division on key issues, including across-the-board wage increases, Board of Trustees language, and more. We believe PCC can do better, that is why our Bargaining Team is recommending a NO VOTE on this offer. 

Vote meetings have been scheduled on Thursday, November 9 for all PCC workers in good standing to review the offer from Management, ask our union member Bargaining Team questions, and vote on whether to accept or reject the offer.

Contract Votes for Thursday, November 9:

9:00am — 12:00pm

West Seattle PCC: 2749 California Ave SW. Seattle, WA 98116
Burien PCC: 15840 1st Ave. South, Burien, WA 98148
Green Lake Village PCC: 450 NE 71st St. Seattle, WA 98115
Bothell PCC: 22621 Bothell Everett Highway, Bothell, WA 98021
Fremont PCC: 600 North 34th St. Seattle, WA 98103
Bellevue PCC:  11615 NE 4th St. Bellevue, WA 98004
Ballard PCC: 1451 NW 46th St. Seattle, WA 98107
View Ridge PCC: 6514 40th Ave NE. Seattle, WA 98115

2:00pm — 5:00pm

Columbia City PCC: 3610 South Edmunds St. Seattle, WA 98118
Central District PCC: 2230 E Union St. Seattle, WA 98122
Downtown PCC: 1320 4th Ave. Seattle, WA 98101
Redmond PCC: 11435 Avondale Rd NE. Redmond, WA 98052
Edmonds PCC: 9803 Edmonds Wy. Edmonds, WA 98020
Issaquah PCC: 1810 12th Ave NW. Issaquah, WA 98027
Kirkland PCC: 430 Kirkland Wy. Kirkland, WA 98033
Greenlake PCC: 7504 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98103

Forks Community Hospital - Memorandum of Understanding Vote Scheduled! Long Term Care LPNs and RNs

In order to acknowledge current practice in the long-term care department, Union Representative Naomi Oligari will be on-site at Forks Community Hospital from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, to hold a vote on a Memorandum of Understanding.

As those of you receiving this notice are likely aware, at times, LPNs are compensated for acting in a charge capacity. Since current contract language does not acknowledge that LPNs can act in a charge capacity in long-term care, we will be recommending a “YES” vote on this MOU. Please stop by the conference room behind the cafeteria to cast your vote!

If there are questions, please contact Union Representative Naomi Oligari at (360) 662-1989.

EvergreenHealth Monroe - Tentative Agreement Reached!

Wednesday November 1
7am—9am | 11am—2pm | 4pm—6pm
EvergreenHealth Monroe - Café Corner Meeting Room, 14701 179 Ave SE, Monroe, WA 98272

After several months of hard work our Bargaining Team is happy to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement. Our Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote!

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • Wage and market increases (totaling 7%-24%) that went into place May 7, 2023

  • New market increases for Chemical Dependency Counselor/SUDP, Substance-use Disorder Pro Trainee, Mammo Tech

  • Wage increases in January and July each year totaling 8% over the next two years

  • (January 2024-2%, July 2024-2%, January 2025-2%, July 2025-2%)

  • $1200 ratification bonus

  • A new top step is added to the wage schedules at 1.5% above the current top step

  • Shift Differential increases to $2.25 for second shift and $3.50 per hour for third shift

  • Standby increases to $3.75

  • Minimal changes to healthcare language

Questions? Reach out to a Bargaining Team member or call Union Rep Jack Crow @ 206-436-6614.

St. Anne Hospital (Pro-Tech) Vote Notice - Contract Vote Scheduled!

Join your coworkers and vote!
Thursday, November 2
6AM—9AM | 11AM—2PM | 4PM—7PM
St. Anne Hospital, Cedar 1 & 2 Conference Rooms

St. Anne Hospital (Pro-Tech) Vote Notice
Contract Vote Scheduled!

On Friday, October 20, our Union Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Management at St. Anne’s Hospital for our successor contract! Highlights of our historic tentative agreement include:

  • Wage Scales: For classifications with a 26-year wage scale, all "ghost steps" (years with a 0% increase) will be eliminated, and the scales will be shortened to 20 years. This means that most members will reach the top wage six years earlier as compared to our current scales.

  • Wage Increases: We secured some of the most substantial wage increases in recent memory, resulting in highly competitive wages that will help recruitment and retention at St. Anne’s. Exact wage increases vary by classification and wage step, so we urge you to attend the upcoming vote to learn the raise applicable to you should the contract be ratified.

  • Standby Pay: We've won a standard standby pay rate of $4.75 per hour (up from $4.00)! We’ve also made improvements to our excessive standby rate.

  • Holiday Callback Pay: Members who are called back to work while on standby during a holiday will receive double-time!

  • Ratification Bonus: Upon successful ratification of the contract, members will be entitled to a prorated ratification bonus of $1,250, calculated based on Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), with 0.9 FTE considered full-time for bonus purposes.

  • And that's just the beginning! There are many other improvements that will be shared with members during the vote.

Please mark your calendars for November 2, which is when we’ll conduct an in-person vote at the hospital to ratify our tentative agreement. Our Union Bargaining Team will be present to provide detailed explanations of the agreement's particulars, including your new wage structure. Your voice matters, and your participation in this vote is essential to shaping the future at St. Anne Hospital!

PCC Bargaining Team unanimously recommends a NO Vote!

After months of negotiations, we find ourselves at a crossroads with PCC. We entered these discussions with the goal of securing a fair and competitive contract. A contract that would provide living wages, across the board wage increases that keep pace with inflation and with no cuts or takeaways from our healthcare.

Collectively we have won several TA’s (Tentative Agreements) to improve our work life, but still find ourselves far apart from PCC on wages, board of trustees and a few other items. Our bargaining team believes we shouldn’t be punished for PCC’s financial decisions, and we expect to see a wage increase that rewards our labor as essential workers. 
Now is the time to stand together and vote NO on this contract to send a strong message to PCC and bring them back to the bargaining table with the knowledge that this current offer is unacceptable! 
We will be voting on the current proposal in the next few weeks and will be notifying all members as soon as the dates are set.

Make sure your personal contact information is up-to-date with the Union >>

Northwest Center Mentorship Program Online Vote Scheduled


We worked together with NWC leadership over the last two sessions to negotiate a paid Onboarding Mentorship Program memorandum of agreement that includes:

  • Designated mentors for new employees

  • Required shadowing, co-treating, and observations

  • A time period to accomplish the mentorship requirements

  • Compensation for mentors

  • Compensation for Clinical Fellow mentors

This is language that will ultimately be part of our final contract, but that NWC has agreed to start implementing now.
Union members have the right to democratically vote on any changes and/or improvements at our workplace- and that is why we are holding an online vote on Monday October 23 to review and approve this new program.

MONDAY OCTOBER 23: 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM

*On Monday, October 23, at 5:00am, you will receive a secure email from “Simply Voting” with your unique log-in credentials. If you don’t receive an email, please double check your junk/spam folder and email filters- and reach out to Union Representative Ian Jacobson at 206-436-6550.
Other topics discussed during our bargaining sessions include management rights, the duration of our contract, and how we bargain over changes in policies and working conditions mid contract. NWC Leadership has committed to giving us a full economic counter at our next bargaining sessions on November 6 and 9. Our team is prepared to negotiate until we reach an agreement that can be recommended for a Vote.

“We are excited that new coworkers will be more supported and that the mentors will be compensated for their time. We hope that this will make the Onboarding Process for Early Supports more cohesive and consistent for all new hires. Please join us in voting YES!”- Our Bargaining Team: Kirsten Syberg, Kimberly Burns, Kaylee Ainge, and Jenica Barrett

Our team is staying in close contact with our Union siblings at SEIU 925 Early Learning- please stay tuned for future solidarity actions we will take together! 

Follow us on our social media to stay up to date with bargaining!
Facebook:Early Supports Union& Twitter/X:@earlysupportsunion

PRMCE RNs Nurses overwhelmingly vote to authorize a strike!

“Today we showed that nurses are united for patients’ safety and safe staffing. Providence needs to improve their proposals and show that they care about their nursing staff and patients and the community.” - Our Union RN Bargaining Team 

Today we have taken a unified stance by unanimously authorizing a strike and voting against PRMCE’s latest proposal. We turned out for each other and our community- 97% of nurses who voted authorized a strike and voted down PRMCE’s proposal.  This strike authorization empowers our RN UFCW 3000 bargaining team to call for a strike if deemed necessary. It's important to recognize that a strike represents not just a pause in our work but a collective assertion of our rights and the well-being of our patients.

We are prepared to take this action in response to PRMCE's unfair labor practice, which involve bargaining in bad faith. Our initial step will be to request another bargaining session from PRMCE and if we are unable to reach a recommended offer on that date, we will issue a 10-day strike notice when we deem strategic. Federal law mandates this notice  to ensure that patient care remains unharmed. The mere act of strike authorization itself is a forceful message, compelling Providence to reevaluate their position and acknowledge our proposals.

Our primary demand is that PRMCE engage in good-faith bargaining and cease obstructing the negotiation process. The possibility of averting a strike rests on Providence's ability to present a contract agreement that meets our needs, including provisions for safe staffing accountability, night shift nurse longevity, community responsibility, competitive wage increases, recognition for years of experience, 12-month step progression, and retention bonuses.

During a ULP  strike, we will refrain from reporting to all of our assigned shifts and PRMCE is prohibited by law from hiring permanent replacements. We will strike for a designated amount of days and this will be communicated to all nurses and the Community in a 10 day notice that will include all logistical details and next steps.

All nurses are eligible to strike, including fellows, residents, per diem, and probationary nurses. Nurses who volunteer for strike duty for at least 20 hours per week will be eligible for Union strike benefits of $500. Strike checks will be mailed to nurses’ addresses on file. Additionally, UFCW 3000 maintains a hardship fund to assist members facing particularly challenging financial situations. It is crucial to ensure that your contact information, including email, cell phone, and address, is up to date with the Union to receive updates and vote notices >>

In the coming weeks, be prepared that PRMCE will likely  continue to send intimidating communications, hold meetings, send video messages, post for travel nurses, and put out public notices to the media. STAY UNITED- our participation and unity is what will win safer staffing for us, the next generation of nurses and our patients. It is vital to remember that we have the right to strike- and that our Community is standing with us. If you have questions or would like to sign up to be a Strike Captain on your unit, please notify Union Representative, Anthony Cantu, 206-436-6566.

Open Strike Captain meetings will be held every Tuesday night at 8pm over zoom until we reach an agreement- please join us!

It is important that we stand in solidarity and continue fighting for a contract which will improve staffing, patient safety, and the future of our profession

North Valley Hospital (RN, Hospital/Clinics) - Contracts Ratified!

North Valley Hospital (RN, Hospital/Clinics)
Contracts Ratified!

On October 16, 2023, members came out and voted unanimously to ratify new three-year contracts for both the RN and Hospital/Clinic.

The new contracts include:

  • New wage scales, a 3.5 % increase across the board increase in year two and 3% across the boards in year three

  • Higher nighttime premium

  • Retirement match increase

Please reach out to our Bargaining Team or Union Rep Amy Radcliff if you have any questions @ 509-340-7370.

Make sure your contact information is updated with the union for the latest updates!


Our North Valley Bargaining Team (L—R): Jason Daniels, RN; Michelle Beatie, Radiologist; Tonya Smith CNA/HUS; Meagan Vickers, RN; and Amy Radcliff, Union Rep

PRMCE RN Online Strike Authorization Vote October 19!

Online Contract Vote to reject Providence's latest proposal and authorize a Strike: October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm

On Thursday, October 19 at 6:30am, you will receive a secure email with your unique log-in credentials. Because this is a secure online vote, it is important that your personal contact information is up-to-date with our Union!

Update your Personal Contact Information >>

Only members is good standing are eligible to vote. If you have not signed your UFCW 3000 Membership Application yet , please make sure that is done as soon as possible! 

Link to UFCW 3000 Membership Application >>

We will also review the Employer's proposal in person on the Colby and Pacific campuses on the same day as the online contract vote, October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm.We will have copies of the Employer's proposal on hand as well as Bargaining Team members and Union staff to help answer questions before you cast your online vote. Please Join us!

While we recognize that negotiations can be challenging, we urge our members to consider these issues carefully. Our Bargaining Team recommends a "NO" vote on Providence's last proposal, and also recommends a "YES" vote to authorize a strike. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it is necessary to secure the best possible terms.

We believe that together, we can find a solution that benefits our healthcare workers, our patients, and our community. Let's continue to advocate for what is fair and just while maintaining the highest standards of patient care.

Our RN Bargaining Team: Julie Bynum, Juan Stout, Stephanie Sausman, Carrie Rimmel, Kelli Johnson, Kristen Crowder, Trevor Gjendem

Important upcoming meetings:

Online Strike Captain Meeting: October 17 at 8pm
Click here to launch meeting >>

In Person Q&A and Proposal Review: October 19

Join us in-person to ask questions about Providence’s proposal and ULP strikes. We will be at the Colby and Pacific campuses handing out ULP stickers and yellow bandanas to show Providence we stand united against their proposal!
Colby Campus in MOB Pilchuck from 6am to 9am; 11am-2pm; 5pm-8pm
Pacific Campus in PAV 5 from 6am to 9am; 11am-2pm; 5pm-8pm

After 20 hours of negotiations on October 10, Providence Everett put forward a proposal which did not fully address our priorities and places us behind nurses at Swedish (Providence) Edmonds in 2025 and 2026.Throughout our negotiations, we have clearly stated to Providence that our priorities are to obtain competitive wage increases, staffing language, recognition of past experience, and length of service adjustments. This is a crucial issue, as it affects not just our current staffing conditions but also our ability to retain and recruit talented nurses in the future.

In expedited bargaining from April to September 2023, Providence Everett introduced higher across-the-board pay raises than their proposal from the early hours of October 11. As we shifted to the regular bargaining process on September 26, we encountered punitive actions on the part of Providence Everett. These punitive measures encompassed the refusal to honor previously established tentative agreements. We view this as an unfair labor practice (ULP). By dismissing these agreements solely on the grounds of our shift away from expedited negotiations, it not only frustrated the bargaining process but also cast doubts on their willingness to engage in good faith bargaining.

We need further action to move Providence towards a proposal which will retain and recruit nurses. We are recommending authorizing a ULP strike and voting down Providence’s last proposal. Below is a summary of the key differences between our proposals and Providence's proposal:

Our Community is standing in solidarity with us!
Sign and Share the Community Pledge to Support Nurses on Strike! >>

IAFF Local 46 (City of Everett Firefighters) / Pilchuck UniSer WEA / Teamsters 38 / SPEEA / Machinists District 75 / Sheet Metal Local 66 / ILWU Local 32 / LiUNA Local 292 / OPEIU Local 8 / SEIU 1199NW / WSNA / WFSE 1020 (Everett Community College)  /  Snohomish County DSA / Seattle NOW

Everett City Councilmembers:
Mary Fosse (District 1) / Paula Rhyne (District 2) / Brenda Sonecipher (At Large) / Judy Tuohy (At Large) / Don Schwab (District 3) / Liz Vogeli (District 4)

Snohomish County Councilmembers:
Jared Mead / Nate Nehring / Sam Low / Megan Dunn / and Strom Peterson / State Senator June Robinson.

State Legislator
State Senator June Robinson

PRMCE RN Online Contract Vote Scheduled: Vote no on Providence’s proposal on October 19!

After more than 20 hours of negotiations on October 10, we find ourselves at a crossroads with Providence Everett. We entered these discussions with the goal of securing a fair and competitive agreement. We believed that such an agreement would include measures like competitive wage increases, staffing premium pay, recognition of past experience, and length of service adjustments, among others.

We achieved a significant milestone in addressing persistent staffing challenges by embracing a pioneering language on binding arbitration. This innovative approach empowers both the dedicated nurses of Providence Everett and the mediator to collaboratively devise resolutions for longstanding staffing issues, with the mediator's decision being legally binding. This breakthrough is poised to usher in a new era of effective staffing solutions, ultimately breaking free from the cycle of inaction.

However, the proposal put forward by Providence does not fully address our priorities and places us behind nurses at Swedish Edmonds. This a crucial issue, as it affects not only our current conditions but also our ability to retain and recruit talented nurses in the future.

Our proposal, on the other hand, seeks to put us on a more equal footing with other hospitals and provides fair and necessary benefits, such as a staffing premium for those working in understaffed units.

In expedited bargaining, Providence Everett introduced higher across-the-board pay raises than their proposal from the early hours of October 11. As we shifted to the regular bargaining process, we encountered punitive actions on the part of Providence Everett. These punitive measures encompassed the refusal to honor previously established tentative agreements. We view this as an unjust labor practice. By dismissing these agreements solely on the grounds of our shift away from expedited negotiations, it not only impeded the bargaining process but also cast doubts on their willingness to engage in good faith bargaining.

Below is a summary of the key differences between our proposals and Providence's proposal:

Online Contract Vote to reject Providence's latest proposal and authorize a Strike: October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm

On Thursday, October 19 at 6:30am, you will receive a secure email with your unique log-in credentials. Because this is a secure online vote, it is important that your personal contact information is up-to-date with our Union!

Update your Personal Contact Information >>

Only members is good standing are eligible to vote. If you have not signed your UFCW 3000 Membership Application yet , please make sure that is done as soon as possible! 

Link to UFCW 3000 Membership Application >>

We will also review the Employer's proposal in person on the Colby and Pacific campuses on the same day as the online contract vote, October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm. We will have copies of the Employer's proposal on hand as well as Bargaining Team members and Union staff to help answer questions before you cast your online vote. Please Join us!

While we recognize that negotiations can be challenging, we urge our members to consider these issues carefully. Our Bargaining Team recommends a "NO" vote on Providence's last proposal, and also recommends a "YES" vote to authorize a strike. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it is necessary to secure the best possible terms.

We believe that together, we can find a solution that benefits our healthcare workers, our patients, and our community. Let's continue to advocate for what is fair and just while maintaining the highest standards of patient care.

Online Emergency Strike Captain Meetings:

October 12 at 8pm
All nurses whether a strike captain or not are encouraged to attend! 
Click here to launch meeting >>

October 17 8pm
Strike Captain Meeting 
Click here to launch meeting >>

“We made significant movement and Providence at the last minute told us that operationally they cannot agree to a staffing premium. We couldn’t disagree more with Providence. A staffing premium along with our other proposals are vital for resolving Providence’s operational issues.”- Our RN Bargaining Team: Julie Bynum, Juan Stout, Stephanie Sausman, Carrie Rimmel, Kelli Johnson, Kristen Crowder, Trevor Gjendem