Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Roger Yanez
/Roger Yanez, Grocery Store Worker at Redmond QFC and UFCW 3000 Grocery Negotiations Team Member
As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!
Roger Yanez started working at Fred Meyer in 2007 before transferring to QFC 860 in Redmond, where he has been for several years. He started getting involved in the union about three years ago, after successfully winning a grievance. Since then, Roger has truly stepped up as a workplace leader, training to become his store’s shop steward, and helping answer his coworkers’ questions about their rights at work.
In his free time, Roger is an avid coin collector! He loves spending time with his family, and that’s one of his main motivations for joining the grocery contract negotiations team this year. He’s excited to fight for a fair contract that will allow his coworkers to spend more time with their families.