PRMCE—Listen to Your Nurses and Community!

Since May 2023, we have been bargaining with Providence Everett management. Our objective has been safe staffing levels for our community and patients. Providence has rejected our staffing language and our ideas to retain and recruit nurses. It is time for our community and elected officials to hear about the staffing crisis at Providence Everett!

Nurses want the best for patients. Providence Everett wants the best for their pocketbooks.

It is time we take a stand.

Join us and bring your family and friends to one of the actions below and sign your strike pledge card! By signing a strike pledge card, we are saying that we are willing to strike in the future.

Wednesday, July 12

Snohomish City Council Meeting @ 10:30am

  • 3000 Rockefeller Ave. 

  • 8th Floor, Jackson Board Room

  • Robert J. Drewel Building

  • Everett, WA 98201

Everett City Council Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • William E Moore Historic City Hall (Police, North Precinct)

  • 3002 Wetmore Ave.

  • Everett, WA 98201

Thursday, July 13

Banner and Leaflet at Everett Marina Summer Concert @ 4:45PM to 6:00PM

  • On W. Marine View Drive (near Lombardi’s) underneath the Grand Avenue Park Bridge

Sunday, July 16

Banner and Leaflet Action @ 5:30PM to 7:00PM

  • Broadway and Pacific Ave

  • Everett, WA 98201

UFCW 3000 Members & Grocery Store Workers Across Nation to Hold Actions Opposing Kroger-Albertsons Megamerger

Coming soon to a store near you!

Leaflet Actions in Front of Kroger and Albertsons Stores “Stop The Merger – protect jobs, shoppers and access to food”

Grocery store workers from seven UFCW Local Unions – representing over 100,000 Kroger and Albertsons workers in eleven states and the District of Columbia – will hold actions in front of stores between April 4th – 13th to connect with customers about the impacts of the proposed megamerger.  Since the companies announced the proposed merger in October, workers, unions, consumer groups and others have raised the alarm about the negative impact on workers, shoppers, and suppliers such as farmers and ranchers. In mid-March a national coalition of over 100 organizations was announced with a new website:

If the $24.6 billion megamerger is approved, it will drive out competition, increase food prices, create food deserts, and put up to 100,000 union jobs at risk. The growing opposition is asking the Federal Trade Commission to block the megamerger from moving forward and prevent its negative impact on both consumer and labor markets.

All the local unions include: UFCW 3000 (WA & northern ID), UFCW 400 (MD,  DC, VA, WV, OH, KY, TN), UFCW  7 (CO & WY),  UFCW 770 (Southern CA), UFCW 5 (Northern CA), and UFCW 324 (Orange County CA/Southern Los Angeles County) and  UFCW 367, South Puget Sound of Washington State.

Join Us!

As part of these actions in states across the nation. UFCW 3000 will be holding over twenty-five actions across Washington state, including the following dates, times, locations:

4/4/2023 11:00AM
Fred Meyer Port Orchard
1900 SE Sedgwick Rd, Port Orchard, WA

4/4/2023 11:00AM
Fred Meyer Ballard,

915 NW 45Th St, Seattle, WA

4/5/2023 10:30AM
QFC 825,

2500 SW Barton St, Seattle WA

4/5/2023 11:00AM
Safeway 3317,

3355 Bethel RD Port Orchard, WA

4/5/2023 11:00AM
Safeway 414,

4301 212th St SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA

4/5/2023 11:00AM
Safeway 464,

17246 Redmond Way, Redmond, WA

4/5/2023 12:00PM
QFC 826,

15600 NE 8th St Suite K-1 Bellevue, WA

4/5/2023 1:00 PM
Haggen 3450,

2601 E Divition St, Mount Vernon, WA

4/5/2023 1:45 PM
QFC 829,

460 E North Bend Way, North Bend, WA

4/5/2023 2:00 PM
Albertsons 471,

301 Marysville Mall, Marysville, WA

4/5/2023 2:15 PM
Haggen 3436,

757 Haggen Dr, Burlington, WA 

4/5/2023 3:00 PM 18325
Fred Meyer 13,

18325 Aurora Ave. N

4/5/2023 4:00 PM
Albertsons 3412,

1128 N Miller St, Wenatchee, WA

4/5/2023 4:30 PM
Safeway 3213,

15332 Aurora Ave N Shoreline, WA

4/6/2023 12:00 PM
Albertsons 453,

4621 Sunset Blvd. NE, Renton, WA

4/6/2023 12:00 PM
Safeway 494,

152 Roosevelt Way E, Enumclaw, WA

4/6/2023 12:00 PM
Albertsons 483,

4010 A St. SE, Auburn, WA

4/6/2023 3:00 PM
Fred Meyer 172,

10201 SE 240th St., Kent, WA

4/6/2023 3:00 PM
Fred Meyer 209,

9925 State Street, Marysville, WA 

4/6/2023 4:00 PM
Safeway 252,

690 Gage Blvd, Richland, WA 

4/6/2023 4:00 PM
Albertsons 265,

6520 North Nevada St., Spokane, WA

4/6/2023 6:00 PM
Fred Meyer 101,

Wellsian Way, Richland, WA

4/7/2023 11:00 AM
Safeway 1524

1401 NE McWilliams Rd, Bremerton, WA

4/7/2023 11:00 AM
QFC Ballard,

5700 24th Ave NW, Seattle, WA

4/7/2023 11:00 AM
Safeway 1524,

1401 NE McWilliams Rd Bremerton WA 98311

4/6/2023 12:00 PM
QFC Holman Road,

9999 Holman Rd NW, Seattle, WA

4/7/2023 12:15 PM
Fred Meyer 171

5050 WA-303, Bremerton WA

Safe Staffing Bill SB 5236 Passes Senate Ways & Means Committee

A spread of three photos: One of two people in scrubs holding signs in support of safe staffing at the state capitol, the next a group of health care workers holding signs supporting safe staffing, and one of attendees at an outdoor candlelight

We’re writing with an update on the progress of Senate Bill 5236 – our bill to create safe staffing standards in Washington.

Last Friday, the Senate Ways and Means Committee voted to pass an amended version of SB 5236. It is worth celebrating that this bill is continuing to move forward through the legislative process, even as we know the fight for a strong version with meaningful enforcement provisions is ongoing. At this point, a few senators have prevented us from implementing statewide safe staffing standards across the board as initially proposed. Despite this, the committee did amend SB 5236 to strengthen staffing committees and improve enforcement, setting a solid foundation for us to keep fighting for safe staffing standards. We’re confident this agreement gets us closer to enforceable staffing standards by establishing penalties for hospitals that continue to violate staffing plans, and under the amended bill, if hospitals continue those violations, they would be subject to Labor and Industries’ strict enforcement of safe staffing standards.

The most important thing for all healthcare workers to know is that negotiations at the Capitol around this bill – what staffing standards and enforcement will look like – are ongoing as we speak, and state senators need to hear loud and clear from their constituents that this bill should stay as strong as possible. 

There is still time for hospital lobbyists to try to weaken the bill, but that means there is also time for us to make our voices heard. Contacting your senator, and encouraging your coworkers, family, friends, and community to do so as well, is the main way we can keep up the pressure. Share your experiences with short-staffing and what it means for your patients. Let them know what the current lack of accountability around staffing plans looks like day to day. Make it clear that their constituents are paying attention and demanding action.

Our next hurdle will be to get SB 5236 passed off the Senate floor by March 8th. We thank Sen. June Robinson for being our legislative champion on behalf of Washington’s healthcare workers and Sen. Christine Rolfes, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee, for keeping the focus on this bill until it was voted out of committee.

Your work and advocacy up to this point have been invaluable. We encourage you to continue reaching out to your Legislators to urge them to pass SB 5236.

We’re Telling Our Legislators: Safe Staffing Standards Can’t Wait

After supporting our communities through three years of a pandemic, staffing in our hospitals is worse than ever. We know we don’t have a shortage of healthcare workers; we have a shortage of healthcare workers who are willing to work in these conditions. That’s why we’re calling on the legislature to pass a comprehensive law that puts patient safety and healthcare workers first.

Senate Bill 5236 calling for safe staffing standards was introduced in the Washington State legislature and had its first public hearing Jan. 17. The bill includes:

  • Safe staffing standards including maximum patient assignments

  • Adequate enforcement of staffing laws

  • Expanded protections for overtime and breaks

  • Protecting our rights to staffing committees and expanding them to be inclusive of the entire care team


Healthcare workers’ voices are critical!

Email your legislator. As constituents and union members, we know that direct communication with our elected representatives is one of the most effective ways to advocate for change. Send a message using our online advocacy tool:



The state Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce heard public testimony in support of SB 5236

“Less than one year ago I provided testimony on HB 1868 hoping this state would pass a law ensuring nurses and patients had safe healthcare environments – instead, staffing got worse. Not because this state isn’t educating enough nurses. The shortage is not nurses, the shortage is safe work environments. No amount of money can keep nurses repeatedly experiencing moral injury and burnout.” - Kelli Johnson, RN, Providence Regional Medical Center, Everett


“I have served on the staffing committee at our hospital for many years and have chaired that committee for the last year and a half. I am here to tell you it is infuriating to sit in committee month after month, year after year and see how our staffing guidelines are breached every single day on many units a day leaving nurses in untenable, dangerous and heartbreaking situations.” - Nonie Kingma, RN, Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane


“Implementing safe staffing standards in every Washington hospital is the one thing that will make patient care safe again and keep healthcare workers like me at the bedside. Patient care is devastated, and that’s devastating for those of us at the bedside. Where I work, folks’ fingers are on the send button to resign. They are ready to move to outpatient care, retire — frankly, anything else. This bill makes working in a hospital safe again. This bill is what will keep and bring healthcare workers back to the beside.” - Melissa Swetland Leaptrot, RN, St. Anne Hospital, Burien

A person speaking in front of a bookshelf

Senate Hearing on Safe Staffing Law a Huge Success!

Watch UFCW 3000 member Kelli Johnson, Providence Everett ER nurse, speak to state senators about the importance of safe staffing standards.

This week UFCW 3000 members and our allies at SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and WSNA, along with community supporters, made our presence known at the State Capitol during a state senate hearing on Safe Staffing bill SB 5236. Health care workers testified during the committee hearing and met with lawmakers to ensure they know how desperate the staffing crisis is—and how important it is to pass statewide safe staffing standards now.

Less than one year ago I provided testimony on House Bill 1868 hoping the state would pass a law ensuring nurses and patients have a safe healthcare environment. Instead, staffing got worse,” said UFCW 3000 member and Providence Everett emergency RN Kelli Johnson to the senate committee. “The shortage is not nurses, the shortage is safe work environments. No amount of money can keep nurses repeatedly experiencing moral injury and burnout, two of the top three reasons nurses leave the profession.

We are not alone: Firefighters, mental health advocates, rare disease patient advocates, and others also testified in support. And more than 2,000 people signed in “Pro” in support of the bill, more than twice as many as those opposed!

Take action to support SB 5236:

Safe Staffing Bill Scheduled for a Hearing

This week the coalition of healthcare workers from UFCW 3000, WSNA, and SEIU 1199NW, relaunched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign and Senate Bill 5236 to pass safe staffing standards to address the worsening hospital staffing crisis.

Please join healthcare workers from across the state for our first hearing in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee scheduled for:

Tuesday, January 17 @ 10:30AM
Washington State Capitol - Senate Hearing Rm 1
John A. Cherberg Building and Virtual

(John A. Cherberg Building to the Capitol map link HERE)

Even if you are unable to testify in committee due to time constraints or distance, there are several other ways for members of the Senate Labor Committee hear from you about how unsafe staffing levels have impacted you, your patients, colleagues, and communities across the state.

The more healthcare workers and community our elected leaders hear from, the more likely they are to pass this critical legislation! Next week we will be wearing stickers in the worksites to show our support for safe staffing. Your Union Representatives will be in touch and getting those to workplace leaders for distribution.

Questions, or to get involved in helping lead the fight for safe staffing, please reach out to your Union Representative.

The fight's not over: We’re heading back to Olympia to address the staffing crisis

We haven’t given up the fight for safer staffing. Last legislative session, we made momentous progress in elevating the staffing recruitment and retention crisis to lawmakers, media, and the public. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to secure safe staffing standards in 2022. But we know the crisis hasn’t gotten better – if anything, it’s gotten worse.

We’re gearing up now to take the fight back to Olympia and do what it takes to make sure healthcare workers have the staffing they need to provide excellent care. We look forward to sharing more policy specifics soon. But we need you to keep fighting, too.


Last year’s success was only possible because of activism from healthcare workers like you. Your voices are powerful. They move legislators to act. Help us make the most compelling case to legislators by sharing your personal staffing story!


Read what our members have to say about why they’re back in the fight to win safe staffing...

“Nurses and other healthcare workers continue to burn out under the stress of caring for more and more patients. Across the state, we’re seeing long backups in emergency rooms and patients waiting in the ER until there’s a bed and a nurse to take care of them. We’re seeing nurses and other healthcare workers run ragged trying to keep up. That’s why we can’t let up on our fight for safe staffing. We need state-level solutions, which is why we’re headed back to the legislature to win safe staffing in 2023.” -Jacob Garcia, Med-Surg Registered Nurse, Astria Sunnyside

“We need to do something now to retain our experienced staff and attract new caregivers to the field. We have lost too many co-workers to burnout already. It’s painful to see just how much short staffing is affecting patient care. I’m encouraging my co-workers and all fellow healthcare workers to speak up so state lawmakers can hear directly from those of us on the front lines. Solving this problem is going to require lawmakers to act in the interest of patients and ensure our communities have access to quality healthcare with safer staffing.” -Iliana Ramirez, Medical Assistant, Lourdes Medical Center

“Safe staffing cannot wait. We are going back to the legislature more united than ever for safe staffing standards for all healthcare workers. We’re asking everyone for their support, and to be ready to talk to their legislators, friends, and family. We are moving forward, now join us!” -Ade Adeyemo, Certified Nursing Assistant, UW Medicine - Northwest Hospital

Stop the Kroger Albertsons Merger and the Cash Grab - Add your name!

Stop the Kroger Albertsons Merger and the Cash Grab - Add your name!

We would like to send an email to the FTC’s AntiTrust division and add your name to the growing list endorsing the letter we sent on 11/3 expressing concern about this proposed merger.

On November 3, 26 organizations, including UFCW 3000, wrote a formal letter to the Federal Trade Commission raising serious concerns regarding the proposed merger of Kroger and Albertsons. That letter concluded with the following:

 “The bottom line is that this proposed merger is bad for workers, bad for consumers, bad for communities, bad for the economy—indeed, bad for everyone not associated with Cerberus Capital Management or owning shares in these two companies. We urge you to take immediate action to stop the special dividend payment and block this merger altogether.”

Harbor Regional Health - Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Informational Picket!

Harbor Regional Health

Members of the local community came out along with many hospital workers to send a strong message to management: We need a contract NOW! At the end of the Informational Picket community members stepped up and spoke to HRH workers offering overwhelming support! It was a beautiful fall day, a perfect day to make some noise in front of Harbor Regional Health.

Richland Fred Meyer Community Action

This community has our back! Give us a fair first contract!

Show your support for Richland Fred Meyer workers, join us on the sidewalk outside the Richland Fred Meyer to demand a first contract for workers at the Richland Fred Meyer.

Friday, October 7 @ 1PM

Richland Fred Meyer workers organized at the end of last year and have been bargaining with the company since early spring for a first contract.

Take Action with Organizing Starbucks Workers This Labor Day Weekend!

Our fellow coffee and food workers at Starbucks stores across the country have been organizing for change at work, including forming Starbucks unions, and UFCW 3000 members have been taking action alongside them here in our area. This weekend, Starbucks Workers United are asking allies to join "Sip-In" actions on Sunday and Monday, by visiting specific Starbucks locations at certain times and showing support for the organizing effort. We encourage any UFCW 3000 members to join in solidarity if you can.

More information about these actions is in the flyer and below, and further Starbucks solidarity actions are planned for later this month, on Tuesday September 13. Find that 9/13 event information on our events calendar >>.

When workers are organizing, especially in our region or industries, we stand with them because we know that it takes a powerful, united movement of working people to make real change. And during our contract negotiations and workplace actions, other workers, unions, and community groups stand with us.

Want to get more involved in supporting organizing efforts at Starbucks? 
Sign the "No Contract, No Coffee" pledge, or get in touch with your Union Rep about ways our union is supporting these workers.

Labor Day Weekend Actions at Seattle Starbucks Locations:


  • 11am: Broadway & Denny Sip-In

    101 Broadway E, Seattle

  • Noon: University Way Sip-In

    4147 University Way NE, Seattle


  • 10am: Holman Road Sip-In

    9999 Holman Rd NW, Seattle

  • 2pm: Reserve Roastery Sip-In

    1124 Pike St, Seattle

How to Participate:

  • Order simple drinks! Avoid Frappuccinos, Refreshers, or anything with cold foam (or just get a water if you don't want to give Howard Schultz your money)

  • Give your name as: "Union Strong," "Workers Rights," "Solidarity," etc. (if you use the Starbucks app, change your name in the app, as it puts your name in automatically)

  • Leave thank-you notes and words of encouragement on community boards. Tell workers how inspiring they are!

  • Encourage customers to tip

  • Sign the "No Contract, No Coffee" pledge

UFCW 3000 is Committed to Fighting for Reproductive Justice

Rectangular image using a pink background. Bold white text reads: "UFCW 3000 committed to fighting for reproductive justice."

UFCW 3000 is committed to fighting for Reproductive Justice.

As Union members, we know that our right to control our labor hinges on our right to control our bodies. And now, more than ever, workers and our bodily autonomy are under attack.

Health Care Workers, including UFCW 3000 members at Planned Parenthood in Washington State, are at the forefront of providing vital reproductive health care services.

However, since the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights are no longer protected for everyone in the U.S.

Washington State law guarantees the right to choose, protecting access to reproductive healthcare and abortion services. However, unless healthcare workers have a voice on the job to advocate for themselves, their patients, and their communities, these vital reproductive health services could become inaccessible to many.  

Now is the time to take action in support of reproductive justice, health care workers, and those impacted disproportionately by the SCOTUS decision: women, people of marginalized genders, trans and non-binary people, Black and brown people, the disabled, and the poor.

How can you get involved? Take Action with Planned Parenthood Workers. 

Take Action with your Union.

Here, UFCW 3000 members speak out for Reproductive Justice:

Planned Parenthood workers are UFCW 3000 Members

“Navigating the for-profit healthcare system as a Planned Parenthood clinic worker has been hard enough. The overturning of Roe v. Wade will now make our patients suffer with longer wait times, fewer resources, and expensive travel costs. It's time for the Labor movement to rise and join women’s rights organizations and others and say enough is enough. We need to lay the groundwork to push back against these attacks on our basic rights. They are being taken away before our very eyes - voting rights, women’s rights, civil rights. It goes on and on. Roe v. Wade was won in the first place because the people rose, and with women leading the charge, demanded a change to the laws that put us in danger and threatened our health, threatened our freedom and threatened our economic future. Only a fighting approach can save our rights to protect equitable and affordable access to women’s health care and abortion on demand, without apology.” — Natalie Snitzer, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, Hawai’i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky*

How can my patients lose a right we’ve had for 50 years?

"I’ve been working in health care for 39 years; most of that time has been in maternity and caring for new-born babies at Tacoma General Hospital. For that entire time and long before, women have had the right under federal law to make decisions about our own bodies, our health, our reproductive rights, and whether or not we are pregnant. That has been the law for 50 years. Now these rights have been taken away by those who want to push our nation backward. Our country should be going forward, not backward. We should be giving all women more access to health care, not adding restrictions that harm women, especially women who may be of lower income or women of color. That is how we better protect new-born children." — Patricia Brown, LPN, MultiCare* 

We’re all at risk.

"I have raised my daughters to understand that they control their own bodies. They are responsible for their actions. That is one way that they stay safe, and all moms want their kids to be safe. As a mom, I don’t want the Supreme Court or Congress – most of whom are men – telling our daughters that they cannot make decisions for their own health, their future. This is 100% a woman’s right and should be made by women. If that right can be taken away, that’s not only a problem today for our reproductive rights, but it’s also a slippery slope for tomorrow and could lead to other rights taken away. As a gay woman, I fear this can easily lead to removing other rights we have won like marriage equality." — Amy Dayley Angell, Front End Checker, QFC*

We need to protect our privacy

"Our Right to Privacy must be protected. It’s one of the most important rights we have in the United States. I have read the opinion released from the Supreme Court and I feel it is actually about so much more than a women’s right to choose if she has an abortion. If the government can invade our privacy so much that they can tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body around something so private as her own health, her reproductive health, where does it stop? Then we’re all vulnerable to having our privacy taken away by elected officials who feel differently than we do. Then what’s next? Freedom of speech? Freedom to vote? Freedom to be part of a Union? Freedom of religion? That’s not what our country is about. Our freedoms should not be taken away. But let’s not fool ourselves, that is exactly what is happening here and that is wrong." — Shannon Corrick, File Maintenance, Safeway*

Unfair and not right

"I am so enraged by the fact that we as a country are going backwards on women’s rights to access reproductive health care and control of our bodies. These rights are a baseline for establishing a life and living with the freedom to control your future. I believe Health Care is a human right -- and it’s private -- it’s between a person and their doctor. It’s hard because, as workers, we want to do what’s right for our patients, but changes to the law could tie our hands. I’m concerned that some states like Kentucky have passed heartbeat legislation requiring ultrasound technicians, like me, to make women hear the heartbeat before making any reproductive health decisions. That is unfair and simply not right. It puts health care workers in a position of shaming and guilting patients, instead of treating our patients with the respect and privacy they deserve in moments that are very personal." — Bryana Kolppa, Sonographer, Kaiser Permanente*

It’s about our future

"This is not just a question of reproductive rights. This is a question about will women have a say on own health, our own financial future. One of the biggest causes of poverty for women in our country is having a child as a single mom. If that is something a person decides to do, that is fine. But a person should not be forced by our government to become impoverished just because they become pregnant. We need to invest in family planning, we need to invest in access to health care. We need to push back against the Supreme Court’s decision to strip away our most basic rights and pass a new law to put these protections in place for all women in our country. It is not right that just because of your income or the zip code you happen to live in, that you have different rights than someone else." — Liisa Luick, Sales Associate, Macy’s*

This should worry everybody

"It makes me angry. This is the 21st century in America. How can half the population be told she can’t control her own body? How can a bunch of old white men – and that is mostly who makes up the US Senate that has confirmed these Supreme Court Justices – how do they get to choose what a woman does with her body when so many men can’t seem to control their own. Let’s be honest with each other. If men were more responsible with their bodies, most unwanted pregnancies would not happen in the first place. This right should not be determined by what state a woman happens to live in. When I was younger, I’d go to Planned Parenthood to get birth control because that’s what I could afford. Next they will want to take away the right to contraception. We need more education, more access, and more care. Not less. And if they can take this away, this right after 50 years, as a Naturalized Citizen, I fear that my right to vote may be next. This should worry everybody who holds our democracy dear." — Kyong Barry, Front End Supervisor, Albertsons

My body. My choice.

“Forcing our healthcare system to go backward in the regard to our rights is unacceptable. The simple statement of “My body, my choice” should be reason enough to stop allowing our government control of our bodies and life choices. Birth control is never 100% effective. And there are reasons we have advanced our healthcare system to include safe abortion options; not all pregnancies are viable or safe to carry to term, some are a result of rape, some may cause a family to become financially unstable. We have the right to consider and act on all of those complicated factors for ourselves, without the government’s input. We have the right to choose our own future, no one else gets to decide that for us. We need to stand together and fight for our rights. Hopefully, this will be the last time we have to state the obvious: “My body. My choice!” — Michaela Roberts, Respiratory Therapist, Providence*

*Disclaimer: These statements are those of the union member listed and don’t represent the companies they work for. The employer's name is listed only for showing where the union member works.

Skagit Regional Health - It’s Time to Act, SRH Members!

“We are working hard to get a contract that meets the needs of the ever-changing work environment.  Work life balance and retaining quality staff is important.  In order to make that happen we need to show management we are united.” 

— Rindi Atkins, Radiology Tech 

Your Bargaining Team: 

  • Aaron St. John – Central Supply Tech

  • Alina Delano – Ultrasound Tech

  • Ashley Price – Medical Assistant

  • Jill Douglass – Data Entry Clerk 

  • Maria Muñoz – Environmental Aid

  • Megan Osborn – Med Tech

  • Mike Koenig – Engineer

  • Rindi Atkins – Radiology Tech 

  • Thomas Kean – Exercise Physiologist

  • Katie Davis – Social Worker 

  • Cindy Tjaded – Surgical Tech

On Wednesday June 8, our bargaining team met with management for the eighth joint negotiation session. 

We presented management with various counter proposals and we able to come reach tentative agreements on several topics, including an enhanced Labor Management Committee, a modification of our no strike clause to ensure we can support other unions during their collective actions, and a revision of our Staffing Concern Form that will make it more accessible. Management; also provided several counter proposals of their own. While some of these proposals show promise, it is clear we are still far apart on some of the topics that are most important to us, like our demand that we have more control over how staffing and scheduling is handled.  

With each tentative agreement we move more items off the table and clear the path towards negotiating some of the biggest priorities in our next contract: higher wages and better benefits. In order to ensure management will keep up the pace and continue to work with us as we get into these tough topics, it is important that we keep up the pressure and show management we are serious about fighting for a strong contract.  It’s for this reason we have decided to hold a sticker up action on Tuesday June 21, the day before our next session. Our stickers send a clear message, “Support our Staff, Support our Patients” by wearing them we are letting management, our coworkers, and our patients that we need management to support us with a strong contract so we have the resources and staffing we need to provide the best care possible. We know that if on the 21st each of us as all our coworkers are wearing these stickers, management will have no choice but to hear our pleas at the table for better working conditions and higher wages.  

The stickers have already been delivered to each department and places in common locations such as break rooms. Please take as many as you need for yourself and coworkers and wear them on June 21. If your department or workplace does not have any stickers, please call our Union Rep Celia at (360) 419-4678 and we can arrange to get them to you.  

With the support of you and all our coworkers in the field, we know we can win the strong contract we deserve at the table.  

You’re Invited! 

RSVP to Our CAT Meetings

We will also be holding our next contract action meetings on June 21 via Zoom at 1PM and 6PM, if you haven’t RSVP’d to join one yet, please do so below!

Tuesday, June 21


RSVP link


RSVP link

Telephone Town Hall Call: Grocery Store Worker Contract Negotiation

Over 27,000 grocery store workers of UFCW 3000 and Teamsters 38 in Western Washington are coming together to negotiate for a better contract. Negotiations with the employers begin on Monday and will be followed by a 5 PM Live Telephone Town Hall. The call will focus on our plan to gain more respect, protections and better pay, answer your questions, and also go into details about winning better workplace training and safety. When your phone rings Monday at 5 pm, just answer and you will join the call. 
If for some reason you do not receive a call shortly after 5PM on Monday, or you get disconnected on the call, you can join us by dialing: 1-888-652-5399 and entering meeting ID 6692.

To learn more about how we are supporting workplace training, please read the following report published earlier this year by WE TRAIN WASHINGTON titled: “Investing in Essential Grocery Store Workers - A Blueprint for Workforce Development in Washington's Grocery Store Industry”

Read the previous Grocery Store Worker Contract Negotiation Updates Here >>

How you can help in the fight for a good contract:  

2022 Grocery Store Worker Negotiations Kick Off

Grocery Store Worker union negotiations kick off

Grocery Store Workers have continued to show up for our customers and communities through some of the hardest conditions and circumstances imaginable. It’s time to celebrate our dedication to each other and kick-off this negotiation cycle united and strong.

All week union members, leaders, and Reps have been visiting each of our 200+ union stores handing out buttons, bargaining information, and taking pictures in workplaces as part of our strategy to get as many members involved, informed, and activated as possible! It’s time for employers to Respect, Protect, and Pay essential grocery store workers!

We are prepared and ready  

Preparations for next year’s contract negotiations have begun. Union grocery store workers are more involved and active than ever before as we partner with Teamsters Local 38 here in Washington and other UFCW locals across the Western U.S. Together we are the power of over 100,000 grocery store workers. 

Employers have shown over the last two years how much they prioritize their record high profits over the safety and pay of essential workers. The only way we change that is by making them change through collective action. When we fight together, we win together. 

When we fight we win  

Our Union Bargaining Team will build targeted contract proposals, based on the priorities set by the membership around everything from wages to better safety language, then take those proposals to the Employer's representatives at the bargaining table in early 2022. The Employer will also make proposals to our Bargaining Team. Often times these are proposals to cut our contract benefits and take away gains we have fought for and won in past contracts.  

In 2019, successful contract negotiations resulted in the largest wage increases in our union's history, improved safety language, stronger scheduling language, new workforce development and training language, maintained our health care benefits with no increase in costs, and perhaps the biggest win of all: secured and improved our retirement pension.  

This contract negotiation our union bargaining team, made of rank-and-file union members from diverse workplaces, will continue to focus on the priorities identified by thousands of members in the bargaining survey: 

  • Win higher wages, especially at the top of our pay scales  

  • Create more equity in pay between departments   

  • Protect our high-quality, low-cost health care plan 

  • Keep our pension funded and secure  

  • Improve store safety and training  

  • Improve recruitment and retention so we have the proper staff to help us get the work done 

2022 Grocery Store Worker Negotiations Kick-Off Telephone Town Hall Call

Join the 2022 Grocery Store Worker Negotiations Kick Off Telephone Town Hall Call

On Monday, November 8 @ 7PM, we’ll call you!

If you get disconnected or want to to join the call dial 1-866-304-0619 and enter Meeting ID 6395. Keep your personal contact information up-to-date with our union and make sure you know your rights and receive important bargaining updates.

On the Call we will discuss the negotiation process, how members can get involved, our unity work with other locals across the region - over 100,000 grocery store workers strong, and answer questions from members!

This year, we bring our Grocery Store Negotiations Kick-Off to each of our 200+ union stores as part of our strategy to get as many members involved, informed, and activated as possible! 

Grocery Store Workers have continued to show up for our customers and communities through some of the hardest conditions and circumstances imaginable. It’s time to celebrate our dedication to each other and kick-off this negotiation cycle united and strong! Look out for fellow union members, leaders, and Reps handing out buttons, union swag, bargaining information, and taking pictures in workplaces the week of November 8-12. It’s time for our employers to Respect, Protect, and Pay essential grocery store workers! 

Prepared & Ready

Preparations for next year’s contract negotiations start now. Union grocery store workers are more involved and active than ever before as we partner with Teamsters Local 38 here in Washington and other UFCW locals across the Western U.S. Together we are the power of over 100,000 grocery store workers.

Telephone Town Hall Calls for Healthcare Members Monday November 1

Join us for a live telephone town hall with fellow health care workers and our union reps and bargainers for updates on how our union is addressing the staffing crisis in coalition with other health care unions, ways we’re advocating for safer staffing, retention bonuses, incentive pay, and how you can get involved. 

Health Care Workers’ Telephone Town Hall: Monday Nov. 1 @ 6:30 PM 

You will receive a phone call at the number we have on file for you between 6:30 and 6:40pm on Monday, but if you miss the call or don’t receive it, just call in yourself: 

Call-in number: 888-544-2310  Meeting ID: 6309 

Join fellow Kaiser Permanente workers for a union telephone town hall to discuss our latest bargaining sessions and our fight for a fair contract! This Weds November 3 we will hold Informational Picketing for Pro Tech Optical members at Bellevue, Capitol Hill, and Tacoma Specialty Clinics, and Leafleting at Silverdale.  

All Pharmacy and Pro Tech Optical members are invited to sticker up and invite family/friends to Informational Pickets to show solidarity on this day. Get all the updates and ask questions of our union rep and bargainers. 

*Special Guests includes Hal Ruddick, Executive Director from the Alliance of Health Care Unions and members of our 21 bargaining teams.  

Kaiser Permanente Bargaining Telephone Town Hall: Monday Nov. 1 @ 7:30 PM 

You will receive a phone call at the number we have on file for you between 6:30 and 6:40pm on Monday, but if you miss the call or don’t receive it, just call in yourself: 

Call-in number: 888-652-5403 Meeting ID: 6381 

RSVP online for the November 3 Informational Pickets (Pro Tech Optical only) 

Questions? Please contact Union Representative Rhonda Fisher-Ivie, 206-436-6584, or Contract Specialist Christina Delgado, 425-306-1357. 

Town Hall Call on Monday - Good News on Your Pension

How will you retire?

You’re invited to our educational Town Hall – Monday at 4 PM. We will be joined by our retirement pension experts and take your questions live. Just answer your phone when we call on Monday at 4 PM.

If for some reason, you don’t get a call, you can dial into the Town Hall. On Monday September 27 at 4 PM just dial 1-888-231-5462 and enter meeting ID 6308. Hope to talk with you then.


It’s Your Retirement
We all hope to retire, after a lifetime of work, with enough income to live with some dignity and independence. A solid retirement plan will help. It has many sources: personal savings, Social Security, and retirement/pensions and investments. Your retirement pension from work at the grocery store is one of these sources.

While some of you may be near retirement after decades of work, others may have just started at the grocery store in just the last few years. Whatever your situation, your pension is one of the most important ways to have income when you retire. Your employer begins making payments into your pension when you are hired, and you become vested in the pension plan typically after just 5 years of work in the stores.

Good News

1 – A Solid Plan, a Brighter Future – In the Summer of 2021 our Pension made a very positive announcement – we were able to complete the final step to secure the pension funding after many years of effort. This includes a new plan that: is more resilient to the ups and downs in the stock market; creates a Stabilization Fund for years when the investment returns drop below 2%; and, connects your employer’s retirement contributions to your wage instead of a fixed amount so that as you get paid more, your retirement value goes up as well.

2 – Solution Allows for Shifting Focus to Higher Wages – Every three years our union members get the right to negotiate with the employers over the terms of employment – wages, benefits, working conditions and more. This includes Health Care and Retirement benefits. Because we have successfully addressed the pension and health benefits over the last decade, our hope is that as we go into contract negotiation in early 2022, we can now take the time and energy with the employer representatives to focus on members’ other top priorities: first and foremost is increased wages. We are also looking forward to trying to make improvements in the contract for training, staffing and additional ways to improve safety and respect in the workplace.

Need to Know Details About Your Pension
The amount someone gets at retirement depends on many things. If you have a question about your specific pension benefits, when you are vested, or other topics, please call our grocery store workers’ retirement plan administrator, Zenith, at 206-282-4500 or 800-225-7620, press option 2, then press 3.

Grocery Store Workers Have Right to Wear Black Lives Matter Buttons

For Immediate Release: September 17, 2021
Contact: Tom Geiger, UFCW 21, 206-604-3421

Grocery Store Workers Have Right to Wear Black Lives Matter Buttons

National Labor Relations Board Tells Kroger’s QFC and Fred Meyer to Reach Settlement or Change Policy

2020 Black Lives Matter Button UFCW locals and Teamsters and SEUI and WSNA.jpg

Seattle, WA -- Region 19 of the National Labor Relations Board has informed UFCW 21 of its finding that Fred Meyer and QFC – both Kroger companies – violated federal labor law when it prohibited workers from wearing union-sponsored Black Lives Matter buttons.

Specifically, Region 19 found merit in UFCW 21’s charges that Kroger violated the law by: 1) failing to bargain with the Union over a change in workplace conditions – in this case the practice of allowing the wearing of buttons at work; and 2) prohibiting workers from taking action together – in this case, by wearing Black Lives Matter messages – to protest racism in the workplace and in society, generally.

Region 19 will now seek a settlement agreement with Kroger, which would likely require a change to company policy. If a settlement cannot be reached, Region 19 would typically issue a formal complaint and a trial would be held before an Administrative Law Judge, whose ruling would be subject to an appeal to the NLRB in Washington D.C.

“This is very uplifting. When workers were trying to speak out through these buttons and collectively say Black Lives Matter and Kroger said to take the buttons off, that was an insult. This decision is welcome news in our work to bring attention to social and racial injustice in the workplace and in our neighborhoods”, said Sam Dancy a Front End Supervisor at the Westwood Village QFC in West Seattle, WA.

Motoko Kusanagi, a Front End Checker at the University Village QFC in Seattle reacted, “We wore the pins because it seemed like the right thing to do. My coworkers showed me their pins happily, letting me know they stood in solidarity with me and my family. One of the core values of the store is inclusion, so we did not think “Black Lives Matter” was a radical statement for this business. The amount of pushback we received for such a small showing of support still sits wrong with me to this day. I’m glad we could fight back.”

UFCW 21 President Faye Guenther concluded, “In the wake of this welcome action by the NLRB, we are calling on Kroger to respect workers’ rights and take meaningful steps to address racial inequities in Kroger workplaces. Among other things, Kroger needs to do a better job of hiring and promoting African Americans at every level of the company and making it clear that it will not tolerate racism from customers or employees.”


After Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd on May 25, 2020, many UFCW 21 members working in grocery and retail stores chose to express their opposition to racism by wearing face masks (otherwise worn for protection from COVID) or other items bearing the Black Lives Matter slogan.

Although Kroger issued public statements expressing sympathy with the Black Lives Matter movement, managers at Kroger-owned stores in Western Washington started ordering UFCW 21 members to remove Black Lives Matter masks in June 2020.

 UFCW 21 responded to the company’s Black Lives Matter ban by collaborating with Fred Meyer and QFC workers to distribute union-sponsored Black Lives Matter buttons with the UFCW 21 logo. When managers banned the Union buttons, UFCW 21 filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board. Kroger’s ban and the Union response received widespread local and national attention.

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UFCW 21 represents over 46,000 workers at grocery stores, retail, health care and other industry jobs.


Grocery Store Workers Survey

Listening to workers’ ideas and priorities, and taking action together makes all the difference

Throughout the pandemic Grocery Store Workers have been standing up and making their voices heard - The information collected in this survey will help set our priorities for next year’s Bargain with the Employer.

To begin choose your work location

Bert’s Red Apple / Birchbay Market / Camano Plaza Market / Claus Meats / Cost Cutter – Blaine / Don & Joe’s Market / Everson Market / Farmhouse Market / Food Pavilion / Forks Thriftway / Haggen / Hilltop Red Apple / Metropolitan Markets / Poulsbo Red Apple / Ralph’s Red Apple / Saar’s Market Place / Town & Country / Uwajimaya / Vashon Market / Vashon Thriftway / Village Market Thriftway / West Seattle Thriftway / Other


You are invited to participate in a research survey of grocery store workers across Washington. This survey is not sponsored by any of these grocery stores, chains, or parent companies. The purpose of this survey is to provide clear and accurate information about the economic condition of grocery workers. As we approach a new contract bargaining cycle, the information this survey provides will be crucial to ensuring that members' priorities will be represented at the bargaining table. This survey will ask about the work you do, your family, your housing, and your ability to pay for basic costs.

The survey should only take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Your answers in this survey will remain confidential.

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