Planned Parenthood Tentative Agreement Reached!

Our Union Bargaining Team is Unanimously Recommending a YES vote.

The proposed contract includes wage increases for ALL staff paid retroactively to June 1, 2023 as well as another wage increase on June 1, 2024, increase to vacation, additional Holidays, additional bereavement days, Reimbursement for screenings and vaccinations, new equity review language and staffing language as well as maintaining Health Care, PTO and Retirement.

This is a two-year contract that will expire on May 31.2025. This will give us time to enforce our contract and build a foundation of Strength and Solidarity for when we return to the table in early 2025.

Online Contract Vote: 5:00am to 5:00pm on October 26, 2023

On October 26 at 5AM you will receive an email with your unique log-in credentials and a link to all vote materials and secure ballot. The vote will be held online from 5:00am to 5:00pm on October 26, 2023. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. This will be the only way that you can vote so make sure your personal contact information is up-to-date before the online vote begins!

Update your personal contact information! >>

Bargaining Team on-site visits!

Our Union Rep and Bargaining Team will be on-site at several different locations October 23, 24, and 25 to help answer any questions you might have about the proposal.

October 23: 9:30am-11am at Olympia
October 23: 1-3pm at Bremerton
October 23: 9:30-11am at Lynnwood
October 23: 1-3pm at Everett
October 24: 9:30-11am at Tacoma
October 24: 1-3pm at Puyallup
October 24: 9:30-1pm at Central District/Admin
October 25: 9:30-11am at White Center
October 25: 1-2pm at Federal Way
October 25: 11am-12pm at Bellevue
October 25: 1-2 pm at Northgate

We will also hold a zoom Q&A on October 25 from 3:00pm and 5:00pm for those members that we were not able to speak with while we were out in work sites. If you wish to join the online Bargaining Team Q&A ask our Union Rep or check the emailed version of this bargaining update.

We thank you for your patience and hard work and we look forward to answering any questions you may have. Please reach out to one of our Bargaining Team members or our Union Representative Charlie King at 206-436-6518.

BDA — Kraken Team Store - Vote Meeting Scheduled!

After months of bargaining, our bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with BDA. The hard work your coworkers have put in to have this final agreement shows in its results. Our union is driven by members coming together to fight for better working conditions and here are some of the things in our tentative agreement:

  • Increased base wage and retention bonus

  • Guaranteed ORCA and parking benefits

  • Workplace protections including just cause for disciplines

  • Meals provided at every game

  • Improvement on merch options for members

  • Increased tuition assistance

  • And more!

Members will be able to review the full collective bargaining agreement (CBA) during our scheduled in-person vote meeting on October 19, from 2-5 PM at Climate Pledge Arena. UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to drop-in anytime, ask questions, and cast their vote during the designated voting period.

Any questions? Reach out to your union rep: Dominick Ojeda (206) 436-6586.

Join Us for the Drop-In Vote Meeting!

  • Thursday, October 19

  • 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

  • Climate Pledge Arena

North Valley Hospital Tentative Agreement Reached!

On October 5, our Union Bargaining Team met with the Employer to discuss wages and other benefits. We are excited to say that we came to a Tentative Agreement. We worked hard on wages and other improvements to our contract. Please join our Bargaining Team to ask questions about the three-year contract including wages and improvements to the retirement.

Contract Vote: October 16, 2023 from 4PM—7PM in the NVH Board Room

“My first year of negotiations was very enlightening. I greatly appreciate all the hard work from the team. A lot of hard work was put forth in coming to an agreement. We are excited to share with you at the vote. Thank you to everyone that was involved. I am happy with the outcome of this new contract” —Tonya Smith, CNA/HUS

“We are happy with the results of these negotiations. It was an honor to represent all the members of NVH while bargaining. I am hopeful that the outcome of this union contract will meet the expectations of all members” —Jason Daniels, RN

“I am happy we’ve reached an agreement on this contract, with competitive wages to reflect the hard work and dedication of our nurses” —Meagan Vickers, RN

“Bargaining has gone smoothly, and we have reached an agreement that we, the bargaining team, feel will leave employees satisfied” —Michelle Beattie, Rad Tech

Providence St. Peter Palliative Care RNs Vote Notice

Memorandum Of Understanding Ratification Vote Notice!

Our M.O.U. ratification vote is scheduled for Friday, October 20 at Providence St. Peter Hospital. Our Union Bargaining Team is recommending a “Yes” vote so that we can be added to the larger bargaining unit with the other RNs represented by UFCW 3000 and be placed on the existing wage scale.

Please join us Friday, October 20 in the diagnostic imaging conference room between 11:30AM — 1:30PM to ratify our Memorandum of Understanding!

Directions to the diagnostic imaging conference room: Enter the hospital through the main lobby. Turn left and go to the south lobby. Turn right, passing the reception area and hand swipe the door opener. Go to the end of the hall, turn left, then take an immediate right. Follow that hall and toward the end on the left wall you will see an alcove with two office doors and one to the conference room. There is a sign on the door of the conference room.


After months of negotiations with Macy’s, our Union Bargaining Team has called for a ULP Strike Authorization Vote to be held on Friday October 6. This is after the Employer served our team with their “last, best, and final offer,” triggering the requirement for a vote. Macy’s latest offer includes:

Making matters worse, we have reviewed some of the employer’s actions during the course of negotiations with our attorneys and have determined that Macy’s has committed illegal unfair labor practices (ULPs). In response, UFCW Local 3000 plans to file charges against Macy’s with the National Labor Relations Board.

ULP Strike Authorization Vote: Friday, October 6, 2023

Southcenter: 8AM to 11AM & 2PM to 5PM at DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Southcenter (16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188)

Alderwood: 8AM to 11AM & 2PM to 5PM at Lynnwood Event Center (3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036)

Bellingham: 8AM to 11AM & 2PM to 5PM at Oxford Suites Bellingham (4051 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA 98226)


If members vote to authorize an unfair labor practice strike, our bargaining team will be granted the authority to initiate a strike when they determine it is necessary. It is important to note that this authorization does NOT automatically trigger a strike on the following day, nor is it the intention of our bargaining team to do so.

After the vote, we will schedule bargaining dates with the employer to see if they are willing to offer improved terms now that they know our team has the right to call for a strike at any time. However, if the employer remains unwilling to provide significantly better terms, the bargaining team will announce a strike date. Plenty of notice will be given to both members and the employer prior to the start of the strike.

Ferry County Memorial Hospital (Service, Maintenance, and LPN) - FIRST CONTRACT RATIFIED!

Ferry County Memorial Hospital (Service, Maintenance, and LPN)

“So incredibly thankful for all of the hard work done and excited to serve our fellow co-workers! Thank you for coming and asking your questions and showing your support! If you still want to sign a membership application please find one of your bargaining team. We are STRONGER TOGETHER!” —Nykole Silrus, LPN

On August 30, our Bargaining Team spent from 6am until 7pm welcoming co-workers, answering questions, and getting staff signed up to become UFCW 3000 members. It was great to see the high percentage of turnout and the overwhelming support and positive conversation that were had throughout the day.

Our new contract includes but is not limited to:

  • Grievance Process

  • Progressive Discipline

  • Seniority language

  • Secure hours of work and scheduling

  • Two Guaranteed wage increases each year

  • Guaranteed Premium pay, Secured PTO and EIB

  • Secured benefits

  • Process to address issues and concerns with out fear of retaliation

We look forward to building on this first contract that has set a strong foundation for the future. View your contract online once all of the signatures have been received at: Until then, please reach out to a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Amy Radcliff @ 509-340-7370.

“Today was a great day for the employees of Ferry County Health. We have made history by establishing a union of hard-working people. Through our strong and ever growing membership we finally have a hand on the wheel for what happens with our careers going forward. It is our hope that the employees of Ferry County Health will be happier and even more productive. I look forward to the future with all of you. Thank you we did it!” —Chris Torres, Lab Tech non certified

Town & Country LOU votes scheduled

We will be voting on two LOU’s regarding safety committees and a fish monger position. UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

9:00 AM–11:00 AM

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Vote meeting held @ store location

#208 (Bellevue) 4989 Lakemont Blvd SE Bellevue, WA 98006

Reps: Rhonda Fisher-Ivie, Mohamed Bonah

#211 (Ballard) 1400 NW 56th St. Seattle, WA 98107

Reps: Bruce Le, Aaron Bailey

#212 (Shoreline) 15505 Westminster Way N Seattle, WA 98133

Reps: Chris Crawford, Joshua Johnson

#215 (Bainbridge) 343 E Winslow Way Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Reps: Tae Abranam, Sharra Oakley

#216 (Poulsbo) 20148 - 10th Ave. NE Poulsbo, WA 98370

Reps: Cynthia Hill, Scott Pattison

#217 (MillCreek) 15605 Main Street Bothell, WA 98012

Reps: Adrian Noel, Dacia Burley

Puget Sound Labor Agency Tentative Agreement Reached Contract Vote Scheduled

After meeting for one more bargaining session on July 7, the Union Bargaining Team has finalized the details of a tentative agreement! Improvements to the collective bargaining agreement include:

  • Significant across the board wage increases all four years of the agreement.

  • Addition of unpaid parental leave up to six weeks.

Secure Online Vote:

Friday, September 8

from 9:00AM — 4:00PM.

A unique log-in and password will be emailed to you at 9AM on September 8, make sure your personal email is up-to-date with the Union, contact Union Negotiator Daniel Cobb at 206-436-6577 if you have questions!

Ferry County Public Hospital Service and Maintenance LPN Vote Scheduled

Ferry County Public Hospital Service & Maintenance / LPN

Tentative Agreement reached! Contract Vote Scheduled!

Our Union Bargaining Team members met with Management on August 10, 2023 and were prepared to meet again the next day but were able to reach a tentative agreement late into the day.

“Today was a great day for all of the hardworking employees of Ferry County Health. We established our foundation with a new contract that will give us a voice and return power to those of us that work tirelessly to keep this hospital district running. We will continue to improve our position and strengthen our resolve through sticking with one another and growing our membership. We all deserve this and more.” —Chris Torres, Lab.

“I am so proud for all the results of our hard work and commitment to each other for the benefit of our co-workers. We look forward to working and talking with each of you.” —Nykole Silrus, LPN.

“It was a privilege to work on a contract that benefits all Service & Maintenance and LPN employees. We now know where we stand for the next Three Years.” —Rebecca Thompson, Unit Coordinator.

Contract Vote: August 30, 2023 Please join our Bargaining Team in voting YES on August 30, 2023 at any of the scheduled times in the HUB. 6:30am—8:30am, 11:00am—1:00pm or 4:00pm—7:00pm.

Please reach out to our Bargaining Team or Union Representative Amy Radcliff at 509-340-7370 with any questions or concerns.

Yakima The Markets Grocery Meat Contract Vote Scheduled!

Yakima The Markets Grocery/Meat Contract Vote Scheduled!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023
10am — 11am and 5pm — 6pm
At Wapato International Market 512 W. 1st St. Wapato, WA 98951

Highlights include:

  • Affordable Healthcare

  • Retirement Security

If you have questions please reach out to our Union Rep: Raul Zaragoza at 509-340-7391

Card Kingdom Tentative Agreement Reached

Card Kingdom - Vote Notice

Tentative Agreement Reached

After bargaining for nine months for our first contract, our bargaining team is excited to say we have reached a tentative agreement and we recommended a YES VOTE!

We are proud of a contract that includes:

  • Relocation packages for those choosing to leave CK or stay due to the move, including severance of 3 weeks + 1 week for every additional year for those who choose to leave

  • Strong non-discrimination language including language requesting all employees be referred to by the names and pronouns they choose. This includes progressive discipline for those who do not refer to fellow employees by the name and pronouns they choose.

  • Required anti-bias and de-escalation training for all employees covered in this agreement and all new employees within 120 days.

  • More PTO and holidays

  • Wage increases for the duration of the contract.

  • 5 days of bereavement leave that you can take within 12 months of a loss.

  • Progressive discipline rules and grievance procedures to ensure you’re protected in the workplace and disciplines follow just cause.


Monday, July 24: 9 AM • 12 PM • 6 PM & Wednesday, July 26: 9 AM • 12 PM • 6 PM


Thursday, July 27: 6-9 AM • 2-5 PM

Card Kingdom (Collections Office) 5105 Leary Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107

Jefferson County Public Employees - Contract Ratified!

“Participation in our ratification to confirm the agreement between the workers and the County is a crucial piece of union democracy- we appreciate everyone who came to vote!” - Tim Weissman, Environmental Health Specialist

On July 12, members attending the union contract votes at the courthouse and the public works conference room ratified the agreement by an overwhelming majority! Our Bargaining Team thanks everyone who showed up to vote for doing so.

Jefferson County Public Employees - Contract Vote Scheduled

After meeting for one more bargaining session on June 27, our Bargaining Team has finalized the details of a tentative agreement! Improvements to the collective bargaining agreement include:

  • Across the board wage increases all three years of the agreement

  • Elimination of lower wage scale steps

  • Addition of another wage step at the top of the scale in year three

  • Conversion from a vacation & sick leave accrual system to a Personal Time Off (PTO) system that allows for greater flexibility of use and a larger carry-over of hours year-to-year

  • Added steps for years of experience to longevity bonuses

This tentative agreement is recommended by our Bargaining Team.

Join your co-workers and vote “YES” to ratify your union contract!

Wednesday, July 12 @ 9AM—12PM
Jefferson County Courthouse, first floor conference room

Wednesday, July 12 @ 1PM—3:30PM
Public Works office conference room

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech) - Contract ratified!

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech)
Contract ratified!

On Friday, June 30, we overwhelmingly voted to ratify our new collective bargaining agreement! Our new contract includes some of the highest pay in the region, a completely revamped wage scale with no ghost steps, increases to several differentials, and much more.

We will work with the Employer to get a final signed copy of your contract printed as soon as possible, but in the meantime, the redline version can be found HERE >>

Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharm Technician; Alicia Krug, Surgery Tech

Uwajimaya Meat Contract Votes Scheduled!

Drop by during the voting time to review the Tentative Agreement, have your questions answered, and then vote. These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Meat Workers at Uwajimaya.

Contract Vote: Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bellevue Store @ 9AM—10:30AM 699 120th Ave. NE (break room)

Renton Store @ 12PM—1:30PM 501 S Grady Way Renton (break room)

Seattle Store @ 2:30PM—4PM 519 6th Ave. S (break room)

Forks Community Hospital (RN) - New contract ratified

Forks Community Hospital (RN)
New contract ratified

Thank you for participating in the contract vote! The collective bargaining agreement was ratified on June 21, with all attending members voting “Yes” and the LPNs voting “Yes” to joining the RN unit. This agreement:

  • Increases wages 16.25% over the life of the contract

  • Adds LPNs to the RN bargaining unit

  • Protects affordable health care

  • Increases educator pay

“The Bargaining Team feels strongly that the wage increases in this newly ratified contract will continue to allow Forks Community Hospital to recruit and retain competent, qualified RNs. Thank you for participating in your union by attending the ratification vote!”

-Amanda Craft, Bargaining Team, ED/Acute Care RN

Providence St. Joseph Hospital - Tentative agreement reached


Join your co-workers and vote on the new contract! It takes all of us to fight for the benefits we worked hard for.

Tuesday, June 27
Drop in hours 2:30 PM—7 PM
Providence St. Joseph Hospital, Classroom

500 E. Webster Ave, Chewelah, WA

Our Bargaining Team spent long days with Management and are excited, hopeful, and confident this contract will help address retention and recruitment issues at Providence St. Joseph Hospital.

The new contract addresses:

  • The below average compensation with a new competitive wage scale

  • Increase to premiums

  • Added holiday

  • Clean up of unnecessary language

QUESTIONS? Please reach out to a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Amy Radcliff @ 509- 340-7370.

Our Bargaining Team (L—R): Dawn Trotter, Financial Counselor; Bridgett Mccoy, Coordinator; Terri Barbano-Cardin, Respiratory Therapist; (back row) Amy Radcliff, Union Rep

St. Michael Medical Center (Pro-Tech) - Tentative agreement reached - Vote Scheduled

Ratification Vote

Join your coworkers and vote on the new contract!

Friday, June 30
6 AM—9 AM • 12 PM—3:30 PM • 6 PM —9 PM

St. Michael Medical Center - Conference Room G920 (near cafeteria), 1800 NW Myhre Rd, Silverdale, WA 98383

Our Union Bargaining Team is excited to announce that after negotiating late into the night of June 20, we have reached a tentative agreement with Management on our new contract!

Highlights of the proposed agreement include:

  • Goodbye to ghost steps: We have completely revamped the wage scale, ensuring that each step represents a meaningful increase. No more steps with a 0% increase.

  • Historic wage increases: Substantial raises for each classification that recognize the value of our work and dedication.

  • Healthcare maintained: Our healthcare coverage remains intact, providing the same level of comprehensive coverage, low cost, and support as before.

  • Standby pay for professional and technical roles will see an unprecedented increase.

  • We have restored the Per Diem differential back to 15%.

  • Our new contract also includes improved language on critical issues such as low census, preceptorship, certification pay, grievances, and much more!

The above highlights only scratch the surface of all the improvements proposed for our contract. More details, including copies of the entire proposed contract, will be available at the ratification vote.

Bargaining Team: Paul Harris, ER Tech; Chris Young, Transport; Don Szabo, Lead Medical Imaging; Rob Shauger, CNA 8th floor; Angela Roberson, Heart and Vascular; Connie Baker, RT; Kain McLeod, Pharmacy Technician

Multicare Covington medical center CONTRACT VOTE SCHEDULED!

After many months of bargaining, we finally have a tentative agreement. We worked hard to get a contract that works for all! We won historic wage increases that can help recruit and retain qualified staff!

We also won:

  • New wage scales and job classifications.

  • Filled in all ghost steps.

  • Low Census Limits for RNs.

  • Staffing Accountability Language.

  • And other great wins!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023
6:00am-8:00am, 12pm-3:30pm, and 5pm-8pm
At the Covington Command Center (In the hospital wing down the hall from the kitchen)

The vote will be in-person and members will have the opportunity to speak to Bargaining Team members before casting their ballot. Please arrive during the posted vote times as we cannot allow members to enter the vote room outside of the advertised times.

Forks Community Hospital RNs - Tentative agreement reached!

After three bargaining sessions we have a reached a tentative agreement that includes:

  • Across the board wage increases

  • Two additional steps at the top of the wage scale

  • Reduction of full-time status from 37 to 36 hours so that 0.9 FTEs do not have to use PTO to maintain full time healthcare benefits

  • Increase in education instructor pay

Join your co-workers and vote on the new contract!

The Bargaining Team looks forward to seeing you at the vote to discuss this unanimously recommended tentative agreement.

Wednesday, June 21
9 am—12 pm |1 pm—4 pm

Hospital conference room across from the cafeteria

Bargaining Team (L—R): Lisa Huelsdonk, Darlene Rondeau, Amanda Craft, Carlyn Beebe (not pictured, Annie Crippen)