Kraken (Retail) - Tentative Agreement Reached

Kraken (Retail)
Tentative Agreement Reached
Our Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” Vote!

After months of bargaining, our Bargaining Team has reached a new tentative settlement agreement with BDA. The outstanding result of the final agreement reflects everyone’s hard work and commitment. Our union is driven by members coming together to fight for better working conditions and here are some of the things in our tentative agreement:

  • *NEW* Ratification Bonus of $125

  • Retroactive pay for workers making under $21/hr and for Keyholder premiums starting September 25, 2023

  • Increased base wage for all workers and guaranteed retention bonus

  • ORCA and parking benefits

  • Workplace protections including just cause for disciplines

  • Meals provided at every game

  • Improvement on merch options for members

  • Increased tuition assistance

  • And more!

Members will be able to review the full collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and cast a vote on whether to approve it at our vote meeting.

Vote Details

Workers may only vote during the designated vote window and must attend in person. Complete a union application, review the agreement, ask questions, and cast your ballot!

Tuesday, April 9 @ 3pm—5pm
Climate Pledge Arena - Kraken Team Store, 334 1st Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Questions? Contact Union Rep Dominick Ojeda @ 206-436-6586.

Swains General Store - Contract Ratified!

Swains General Store
Contract Ratified!

The votes have been counted and UFCW Local 3000 members at Swains General Store have voted to ratify our new 3-year contract! Our new contract includes:

  • $1.30/hr wage increase paid retroactively back to January 1, 2024

  • Significantly reduces the number of hours required to attain Journey status

  • Maintains our FREE quality healthcare through throughout the term of our 3-year contract

  • A new personal day, and much more

If you have any questions please reach out to a workplace steward or Union Rep Naomi Oligario @ 360-662-1989.

Swain’s General Store - Contract Vote Scheduled!

Our Union Bargaining Team has finalized the time and location to vote on our fully recommended Tentative Agreement with the Employer that:

  • Significantly reduces the number of hours required to attain Journey status.

  • Increases wages.

  • Includes retroactive pay to January 1 of this year.

  • Maintains our quality healthcare through the Sound Health and Wellness Trust without passing hourly cost increases on the employees.

The Vote will be held at The Red Lion Port Angeles Harbor Hotel (221 N Lincoln St). UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions! 

Friday, March 22

The Red Lion Port Angeles Harbor Hotel (221 N Lincoln St).

  • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

  • 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

  • 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Our Bargaining Team is recommending a “Yes” vote on this Tentative Agreement! We look forward to seeing you at the vote!

Our Union Negotiations Team (left to right): Mike Nichols, Floor Clerk (Shoes); Robert Sommers, Receiving Clerk; Richard Drake, Receiving Clerk/Warehouse Contact; Shawn Price, Cashier/Person In Charge (not pictured)

Lourdes Medical Center - Tentative Agreement Reached at Lourdes Medical Center for Contract Extension and Wage Increases for All Represented Service & Maintenance Employees

To address the immediate retention and recruitment issues at Lourdes Medical Center, the bargaining team and Administration met to discuss the possibility of extending the current contract with increases to compensation and other changes. After two days of conversations, we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will close the gap in compensation with our geographic competitor. We believe the increases will help our hospital with retention and recruitment, which will lead to better patient outcomes.

“The bargaining team worked hard to make sure that there were substantial increases to the wage scale, increases to PTO accrual, and an additional step to the top of the scale. It was an intense bargaining session, but we finally met somewhere in the middle. Without a Union, we have no voice. Having a Union gives us a strong voice and makes it easier to stand up and fight back.”

— Our Bargaining Team, Left to right: Candie Gonzales, Rorie Lopez, Sam Zoller, Juanita Quezada Representative

Competitive wages are an absolute must to recruit and retain quality staff. We believe this proposal achieves that goal.

Drop-in Vote Meeting!

March 15, 2024,
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Carondolet Room

Please join your bargaining team in voting YES on March 15, 2024, anytime between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM in the Carondolet room next to the cafeteria. A complete document of the contract and the new wage scale will be available at the vote along with your bargaining team to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. You must be a UFCW 3000 member in good standing to vote. Please reach out to your Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions at (509) 340-7407.

Ashley House We have reached a tentative agreement on a new Union Contract

This contract is fully recommended by the Bargaining Team. Our Union Bargaining Team: (L-R) Cindy Jones LPN Browns Point, Emily Guffin RN Spokane, Donna Iverson CNA Olympia

Highlights include:

  • 3% Wage Increase

  • Effective January 2024

  • Maintenance of Health Benefits

  • Expiration Date of August 1, 2024

Contract Votes Scheduled!

Monday, March 18 from 4:30pm-7:00pm

Olympia: 1240 Smith Street SE. Olympia WA 98501

Shoreline: 18904 Burke Ave N. Shoreline WA 98133

Tuesday, March 19 from 4:30pm-7:00pm

Brown’s Point: 4411 Browns Point Blvd. NE. Tacoma WA 98422

Kent: 25120 43 Avenue S. Kent WA 98032

Wednesday March 20, 2024 from 4:30pm-7:00pm

Edgewood: 11306 8th Street E. Edgewood WA 98372

Auburn: 30313 118th Avenue SE. Auburn WA 98092

Spokane: 4118 S. Cook Street. Spokane WA 99223

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote. For additional information contact our Union Representative or a Bargaining Team member.

Olympic Medical Center Support Services - Vote to Change Eligibility Time to Use Vacation Accruals

We have a tentative agreement with OMC to shorten the amount of time worked before employees are eligible to use accrued vacation. This is a change to the current Support Services Contract and will require a vote of Union Members.

Voting on this proposed change will be held:

Port Angeles

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024

  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • PFS Building, Basement Breakroom

  • 519 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles, WA 98362

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024

  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Olympic Medical Center, Linkletter Conference Room

  • 939 Caroline Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362


  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024

  • 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Medical Services Building (MSB), 2nd Floor Conference Room

  • 840 N 5th Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote.

Questions? Contact Union Representative Aimee Oien: (360) 662-1981

Olympic Medical Home Health - Vote on Memorandum of Agreement

Olympic Medical Home Health
Vote on Memorandum of Agreement

Our Bargaining Team: Joseph Bridge, Danielle Green, Susan Montana, Sandra Villam

We have reached a tentative agreement with Olympic Home Health on a memorandum of agreement (MOA) which memorializes current law regarding union membership.

This addition constitutes a change to the current contract so will require a vote of Union Members. To vote, you must be an active Union Member in good standing.

Vote Details

Monday, March 11 @ 8am-9:30am

777 N. 5th Ave, Suite 102, Sequim WA 93832

Port Angeles
Monday, March 11 @ 11:30am-1pm

Conference Room - 801 Front St, Suite D, Port Angeles WA 98362

Questions? Contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Aimee Oien @ 360-662-1981.

Update Your Contact Info

Olympic Medical Center Pro Tech Vote to Change Eligibility Time to Use Vacation Accruals

Olympic Medical Center Pro Tech

Vote to Change Eligibility Time to Use Vacation Accruals

We have a tentative agreement with OMC to shorten the number of months worked before employees are eligible to use accrued vacation.

This is a change to the current Pro Tech Contract so will require a vote of Union Members. Contract change votes scheduled:

Port Angeles: Monday, March 11, 2024 3:00pm-7:00pm

Olympic Medical Center in the Fairshter Meeting Room, 939 Caroline Street. Port Angeles, WA 98362

Sequim: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 8:00am-9:30am

Medical Services Building (MSB) in the Conference Room, 840 N 5th Avenue. Sequim, WA 98382

You must be a member in good standing to be eligible to vote.

If you have questions please contact Union Representative Aimee Oien at 360-662-1981

Make sure your personal contact information is up to date >>

Cascade Valley Hospital - We Reached a Deal!

BARGAINING TEAM: Carl Ramirez (Security Officer), Lisa Warriax (MSW)

On February 22 and 26, our bargaining team met with the Employer for two intense and final bargaining sessions. During these sessions, the team asserted the bargaining unit’s priorities and came out victorious with a fully recommended tentative agreement. The tentative agreement is a huge win for security officers and MSWs, which includes wage increases for the newly accreted unit.

Highlights include:

  • Just Cause standard must be used when administering discipline

  • Access to the grievance procedure in case of contract violations or discipline

  • Seniority language that protects employees’ original date of hire

  • Defined premium rates and health benefits

  • Lay-off procedure

  • Labor management committee to discuss workplace issues

  • Body Armor will be made available for Security Officers and higher quality footwear provided for incoming new hires

  • $2 per hour Float pay when assigned to work locations in Skagit County

  • Yearly longevity wage increases

  • Across the board wage increases

  • New and innovative language which allows members to resubmit their resume for initial placement on the wage scale

“This has been a long road with a steep learning curve, but our persistence has paid off! During a very dark time, being part of a union has been a light. We have a voice to fight.”

A contract ratification vote will be held on Wednesday, March 6, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Pilchuck Conference room in Cascade Valley Hospital. To cast your vote, you must appear in person and be a union member in good standing. All members are encouraged to come learn about the new CBA and ask questions.

Your bargaining team recommends a “YES” vote!

EvergreenHealth Monroe - Vote on proposed PTO increase

EvergreenHealth Monroe
Vote on proposed PTO increase

We have reached a tentative agreement with Management on an increase to PTO hours for all Employees. As this change will alter the collective bargaining agreement, we have scheduled a vote to review the changes.

You must be a Union Member in good standing to vote.

Our Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” vote!

Wednesday, March 6
11am—1pm and 4—6pm

EvergreenHealth Monroe - Café Corner Meeting Room, 14701 179th Ave SE, Monroe WA 98272

For additional information, contact Union Rep Jack Crow @ 206-436-6614.

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs CONTRACT & ULP STRIKE VOTE SCHEDULED

After more than 14 hours of negotiations on February 22, we find ourselves not making a lot of movement at the table with Providence. We entered these negotiations with the goal of securing a fair and competitive agreement.

Although Providence made small movement on the dental benefits guarantee elimination, they continue to propose the elimination of guaranteed language for dental that is currently protected by the contract and replacing it with a proposal that will slowly deplete the benefits employees currently have. The Bargaining Team feels that the latest proposal is not only disrespectful but will only further chip away at our benefits package. We will continue to push back at the bargaining table with Federal Mediation on March 18, 2024 against employer proposals like eliminating the guarantee the employer pays 100% of Dental Premium for full-time employees and at least 50% for dependents. We will also continue to push for significant movement on wage increases to help recruit and retain staff, which we believe would improve staffing and patient care.

It is an unfair labor practice for Management to coerce members or to interfere in Union activities. Please advise the bargaining team or Union Representative if you believe your manager has engaged in any type of this behavior.

“Providence Sacred Heart is known for treating high acuity patients and rarely transfer patients, patients usually come to us. We take care of our patients and Providence should do the same and take good care of their staff.” —Joe Sikkila, Respiratory Therapy

Contract Review Meeting: Tuesday, February 27 from 6pm-8pm:

We encourage members to join their bargaining team and co-workers at the UFCW 3000 office for a bargaining update meeting on February 27 from 6p-8p to get updates and learn about next steps.

Contract and ULP Strike Authorization vote: Friday, March 1

We will be holding a Strike Authorization Vote and a Contract Vote on Friday, March 1, 2024 from 8am-11am, 1pm-4pm, and 5pm-8pm at the UFCW 3000 office: 2805 N. Market Street, Spokane WA. Our Bargaining Team recommends a “NO” vote on Providence’s last proposal and a “YES” vote to authorize a strike. You must be a member in good standing to vote. The Bargaining Team will be on-hand to answer any question you may have. All changes to the contract, including the last employer package proposal will be available at the vote.

“We had a long intense bargaining on 2/22. We did our job and kept pushing thinking we would be able to meet in the middle to get a deal.” -Holly Granly Surgical Tech

“The lack of ability to retain/recruit skilled staff continues to degrade patient safety, patient health, and staff safety.” -Derek Roybal CV Tech

PRMCE RN Contract Ratified!

Contract Ratified!

We've reached a significant milestone: on February 21, we successfully ratified our contract!An overwhelming majority of nurses approved the contract. We will be communicating participation numbers via text message and will be hosting a Zoom meeting where we will debrief the contract agreement. This victory includes groundbreaking contract language aimed at helping staffing challenges, marking a historic achievement for nurses. From the outset of negotiations, our primary focus has been to tackle the pressing issues of staffing shortages and patient safety concerns head-on. Throughout the bargaining process, we actively engaged with our patients and community to underscore the urgency of our staffing crisis.

Following months of intense negotiations, we collectively decided to take bold action by organizing a strike. Notably, this marks the first time RNs at PRMCE have taken such action. Through our unified stance, we sent a powerful message to PRMCE. Our new contract has not only set a precedent but also shown PRMCE that we are willing to fight for better staffing. 
Our new contract includes:

  • Pay increases and ratification bonuses will be paid out on the second pay period following February 21 (April 12 paycheck)

  • 12 month step progression on nurse’s anniversary dates

  • Step correction for nurses who are at the incorrect step compared to their years of service at PRMCE

  • One step for every year of nursing experience obtained prior to being hired at PRMCE

  • Step correction for nurses who did not receive their correct step upon hire  

  • $500 Monthly Staffing Bonus for Understaffing

  • Longevity Bonus for Senior RNs

  • Night Shift Longevity Bonus

  • March 31, 2026 contract reopener

  • Extra shift incentive for vacant shifts

  • $1000 Ratification Bonus for all RNs

  • Increases to premiums

  • 12 months needed to progress to next wage step

  • Year for year for past nursing experience

  • Chronic staffing issue can be resolved through binding mediation

  • Charge Nurses shall NOT take a patient assignment

  • Christmas Eve or December 26th holiday pay for night shift RNs

  • 1.5x pay when not scheduled off on a day of significance

  • Break relief position will be posted 21 days post ratification

  • Discuss implementation plan for break relief nurses in a closed unit

  • Weekend pay for Sunday night shift

  • EIB may be used on the first day of absence or illness

  • Boarder premium pay

  • 24 hours of admin pay for Hospital Staffing Committee chairs

We will need to stay active over the next few years to enforce our contract and continue advocating for our patients and community. If you would like to get active in a workplace committee or receive training as a union steward please contact Anthony Cantu 360-409-0544.

Know your Rights! Providence Meal Waiver>>

Willapa Harbor Hospital - Contract Vote Scheduled


We are happy to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract! Our Union Bargaining Team fully recommends this tentative agreement.

Highlights include:

  • Significant wage increases for all Nurses

  • Increases to premiums and differentials » Increased tuition reimbursement

  • Increased Employer retirement Contribution

  • Vacation scheduling language improvements

To vote you must be a union member in good standing.

If you or a coworker did not receive this notice, update your contact information at:

Wednesday February 28 @ 3pm — 7pm
Willapa Harbor Hospital — Cedar Conference Room, 800 Alder St, South Bend, WA, 98586

For additional information reach out to a Bargaining Team Member or Union Rep Madison Derksema @ 206-436-6603.

Discovery Behavioral Health - Contract Ratified

Our Bargaining Team, (L—R): Patrick Hart, Case Manager; Lenora Johnson, Case Manager; Heather Hammett, Administrative Assistant

“This new agreement is a positive step forward for our agency!” ­­—Lenora Johnson, Case Manager and Bargaining Team member

On February 14, our new Union contract was ratified! Our Union Bargaining Team thanks all of our coworkers for turning up to vote in favor of the tentative agreement!

If there are any questions about the new contract please ask any of our Union Bargaining Team members or call Union Rep Naomi Oligario (360) 662 1989.

Providence St. Peter Case Manager RNs - Tentative Agreement Reached - Our RN Bargaining Team fully recommends a YES vote

Providence St. Peter Case Manager RNs
Tentative Agreement Reached
Our RN Bargaining Team fully recommends a YES vote

Our Bargaining Team (L–R): Alison Studeman, Case Manager; Melissa Macchiarella, Case Manager; Mary Briles, Case Manager

“This tentative agreement will set a precedent for recognition of all types of previous nursing experience in the upcoming 2025 contract bargain in addition to placing Case Managers on the union wage scale now.”—Mary Briles, Case Manager RN

On February 15, our Union Bargaining Team met with Management, and after nearly a year of bargaining reached a tentative agreement!

We were able to win all provisions of the current nursing contract for all RN Case Managers. We fought tirelessly to be placed onto the existing RN wage scale for UFCW 3000 members. We were able to get Management to agree to recognize all years of nursing experience, including all subacute areas of nursing practice.

We will be holding the ratification vote on Friday, February 23. In order to vote you will need to fill out a union membership application at the vote.

Contract vote details
Friday, February 23 @ 11am—2pm
Providence St. Peter Hospital, Nisqually Conference Room

Directions to the Nisqually Conference Room:

  • Upon entering the main entrance of the hospital, head right and travel past the information desk until you see the “Main Elevators” wall. You will have passed Starbucks on your left hand side.

  • Take the “Main” elevator to Floor 2 (Café Level).

  • Exit left off the elevator on the 2nd Floor. Turn right at the entrance to Cabrini’s (Café). Continue on this main corridor, through the cafeteria, off to the left, then right and go down the hall until you can turn right, then take the first left, then go right past the Lab and the Nisqually Room is at the end of the hallway.

Northwest Center Early Supports - History Made

Northwest Center Early Supports
History Made

“We did it!!! It was so awesome to see everyone in person together today and we look forward to future conversations together about how we can make NWC the best place to work and serve families.” —Our Bargaining Team: Jenica Barrett, Kimberly Burns, Kaylee Ainge, and Kirsten Syberg

Today we overwhelmingly voted in favor and ratified our first Union Contract—and one of the first Union contracts for Early Supports workers in the country. We are excited about the foundational language and groundwork this sets for the next 3 years- and hope that it will help us retain and recruit staff, improve working conditions, and advocate for ourselves and the families we serve.

If you did not complete your Union membership application today, please take a moment to join your coworkers by completing the application online:

Next Steps: As of today, our new contract, rights, and benefits go into effect. Within the next week, NWC Leadership will release a survey to gather information regarding wage enhancements. Please respond as soon as possible, so that the process of determining wage placement can move forward in a timely manner.

Please join us for our first Know Your Rights Meeting! We will discuss our rights to representation, new job protections, scholarship opportunities, other benefits, and how we would like to meet going forward.

Know Your Rights- Early Supports Union Mtg

Wednesday, February 28 @ 5pm
Contact a Bargaining Team member for Zoom details

If you have questions or would like to get more involved, please reach out to Union Rep Ian Jacobson @ 206-436-6550.

Contract page

Follow us on our social media!
Facebook: Early Supports Union & Twitter/X: @earlysupportsunion

PRMCE RN Contract votes set for February 20 & 21

We've achieved a significant milestone! On February 9, 2024, a tentative agreement was reached with PRMCE after ten months of negotiations and persistent advocacy. This marks a historic moment in our journey towards enhancing staffing levels and prioritizing patient safety.

Given the new language in our tentative agreement, we believe voting in-person is the best way to inform one another and ensure that we are prepared to enforce the collective bargaining agreement. We’ll also discuss opportunities for nurses to become stewards and actively engage in Hospital Staffing Committee. If you are on medical leave or on PTO outside of the State and cannot vote in-person, we encourage you to reach out to Anthony Cantu, union representative. This will allow us to review the tentative agreement with you and answer your questions.

The vote document will be available for all to read on February 16 on the UFCW 3000 PRMCE RN contract page: ▸

To vote for the tentative agreement, you must attend an in-person vote and be a union dues paying member in good standing. You can sign up to be a union member on the day of our vote or by calling Membership Services 1-866-210-3000 prior to the vote.

Our RN union Bargaining Team fully recommends a “YES” vote.

In-person vote information:

February 20: 7am-9am, 11am-2pm, 5-8pm @ Pacific Campus: CR Main Floor classroom / Colby Campus: Cascade Conference Room (MOB)

February 21: 7am-9am, 11am-2pm @ Pacific Campus: CR Main Floor classroom / Colby Campus: Cascade Conference Room (MOB)

Mason Health RNs Contract Vote Set

We are happy to announce that after months of bargaining for a new contract we have reached a tentative agreement. Details of the tentative agreement will be available at drop-in informational meetings on February 20 and 21. The vote will be held on February 23.

Our Bargaining Committee is fully recommending a yes vote.

Highlights of the tentative agreement include:

  • Significant wage increases

  • New wage scale competitive with Olympia hospitals

  • Higher Differentials and Premium Pay

  • Improvements to Earned Time and Sick Leave process

learn more about the changes to our contract:

Tuesday, February 20: 11am-2pm and 4pm-8pm
Ellinor & Pershing Meeting Rooms, Mason Health 901 Mountain View Drive, Shelton WA 98585

Wednesday February 21: 8:30am-12:30pm
Washington Room, Mason Health 901 Mountain View Drive, Shelton WA 98585

In person contract Vote on the new contract:

Friday February 23: 11am-2pm and 4pm-8pm
Ellinor & Pershing Meeting Rooms, Mason Health 901 Mountain View Drive Shelton WA 98584

For additional information reach out to one of our union Bargaining Committee member: Tori Willis, Megan Corbin, Nancy Ownby.

PCC Workers Ratify Industry Leading Collective Bargaining Agreement!

Today we ratified a new 2-year Collective Bargaining Agreement! 

Our union Bargaining Team put our interests first and we won on our top priorities.  

The contract was not only ratified, workers at every PCC location overwhelmingly voted YES! Many members who were initially skeptical ended up voting yes when they saw the details of the contract.   

The new contract will make our PCC members the highest paid Grocery and Meat workers in the area, improve the safety of our stores, and maintain our healthcare benefits. We also made significant gains in increasing our voices in the operation of PCC going forward. We secured a groundbreaking agreement and process to have workers on the board and begin discussion with the company around profit sharing. Together, our collective action set a new standard for PCC workers and continues the fight of moving PCC closer to its CO-op roots. We stood together for each other and our community.    

“For the first time ever, we won wage escalators to ensure our lowest wage workers stay above the minimum wage.  We fought hard for helper clerks and won wage increases for our lowest paid deli workers. We did this by standing together and fighting together.” -Atsuko Koseki, Deli, PCC Edmonds 

“Healthcare was a top priority and we fought back PCC takeaways. We also reduced our wage scales and won a path for permanent worker representation on the PCC Board of directors. Our co-workers and customers stood with us. And we won.” -Keith Allery, Deli, PCC Green Lake Village 

“Perserverance to prosperity, I am grateful for the largest pay raise in PCC history.” -Allison Smith, Meat Cutter, PCC Issaquah 

“My coworkers and fellow union members are happy with our union contract and we won a groundbreaking contract. There were outside agitators who tried to divide us, but we stood together. Can’t wait two years from now to bargain again. We must build off every contract.” -Yasab Pfister, PIC, PCC Burien 

Discovery Behavioral Healthcare - Tentative Agreement Reached!

On Tuesday, January 30 and Wednesday, January 31, our Union Bargaining Team met with Management for our third and fourth all-day sessions to try to reach agreement on a new three-year union contract. After multiple passes of proposals back and forth between our two teams, we were able to reach a fully recommended tentative agreement!

Improvements to the Collective Bargaining Agreement that make us excited to recommend a “Yes” vote include:

  • Creation of proper wage scales for Recovery Coaches and our Law Enforcement Navigator.
  • Overall improvements to the scales of multiple job classifications for greater recruitment and retention to Discovery Behavioral Healthcare.
  • A seven percent (7%) cost of living adjustment for all job classifications retroactive to January 1 of this year, with additional three percent (3%) adjustments in 2025 and 2026.
  • Recognition of longevity for those employees with DBH five years or more.
  • A $50 increase to the cap on what the employer will pay if healthcare premiums increase in 2025 or 2026 (up from $550 to $600).
  • Improvements to the orientation period language for new hires.

We will conduct an in-person contract ratification vote on-site at Discovery Behavioral Healthcare in the conference room in the administrative building from 10:30 AM–5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 14. UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend the meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions..

“We are feeling satisfied that we have accomplished a good contract for our co-workers, and we appreciate the thoroughness and support of our Bargaining Team.” —Lenora Johnson

Our Bargaining Team, left to right: Patrick Hart, Case Manager; Lenora Johnson, Case Manager; Heather Hammett, Administrative Assistant