Twin City Foods - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled! ¡Se Ha Alcanzado Un Acuerdo Tentativo! ¡Votación Del Contrato Programada!

Twin City Foods - Tentative Agreement Reached!  Contract Vote Scheduled!  ¡Se Ha Alcanzado Un Acuerdo Tentativo! ¡Votación Del Contrato Programada!

Our Union Bargaining Team is very proud of the hard work and unity achieved in this bargaining round. After many negotiating dates, we finally reached a tentative agreement with the company. Our bargaining committee recommends a YES vote!

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Ostrom’s Drug - Tentative Agreement Reached! Vote Notice

After much review of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and proposals exchanged between Ostrom’s Drug and our Union, a fully recommended Tentative Agreement has been reached.

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • Raises for Pharmacy Clerks/Assistants and Pharmacy Technicians.

  • An updated pay scale so that new hires will have contractual minimum rates of pay.

  • A conversion from the Sound Retirement Trust pension plan to the new Sound Variable Annuity Pension Trust pension plan, with new money in contributions added each year of the contract.

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend the meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract on Monday, August 26 from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. The vote meeting will be held on site, in the breakroom.

We are recommending a “YES” vote!

Grocery East Contract Votes Set!

Grocery East Contract Votes Set!

After nearly six months of bargaining with Albertson/Safeway and Kroger for a new contract that respects our work, increases our wages, and improves our retirement and healthcare, we are holding a contract votes across Washington, Idaho and NE Oregon! This notice serves to inform all members that a critical membership meeting will be held on August 20, 21 & 22, 2024. We will be conducting a vote on the fully recommended tentative agreement our bargaining team reached on April 30, 2024.

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Seattle Children’s Hospital Medical Assistants - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

On Tuesday, July 30, our Bargaining Team met with Management for our eighth round of negotiations and successfully reached a Tentative Agreement!

Our Bargaining Team is recommending a “YES” vote to approve this Tentative Agreement!

  • Improvements to the contract include:

  • Wage increases all three years of the contract that keep us competitive with other hospitals.

  • One new wage step added at the top of the scale each year to benefit our most senior coworkers.

  • Continuing Education leave and funding.

  • An hourly premium for Certified Medical Assistants.

  • An hourly premium for floating between clinics if short notice is given by the employer.

An online vote will be held so that UFCW Local 3000 members can approve the agreement—beginning at 12:00 PM on Thursday, August 8 through 5:00 PM on Friday, August 9. Please update your information if you are not sure UFCW Local 3000 has your current personal email address and other contact information.

Update Your Contact Info >>

“In this tentative agreement we made significant gains over the last contract, including getting certification pay and Continuing Education leave and funding” — Wendy Rivas

Our Bargaining Team: Wendy Rivas, Joelyn Martin, Angelica Acevedo

WhidbeyHealth Service & Support - Ratification Vote Notice

After our last negotiation session with WhidbeyHealth, the Employer presented us with a Last, Best, and Final offer via email in response to our last counter-proposal on all outstanding issues. This means that a vote on what that offer is will be forthcoming on Thursday, August 1. Upon review of the proposal we are recommending a "Yes" vote to ratify the offer.

Some of the highlights include:
  • Wage parity: We secured agreement that WhidbeyHealth would recognize past experience for represented workers at 100%. After discussion over many sessions, the Employer recognized that we need our most senior workers moved up on the scales the soonest. Their proposal partially reflects this, but also phases in less senior folks sooner whose resulting wage step increase would be less of a financial impact to the Employer in the immediate future.

  • Market adjustments of wage scales: When the mid-cycle wage bargain happened in 2022 the result (as with the Professional and Technical contract) was that many people further up the scale received increases that put them ahead of what workers earn at competing hospitals. This also resulted in workers on the earlier steps of the wage scale earning less than what workers earn at competing hospitals. Thus, management concentrated on increases at the lower steps in this bargaining cycle.

  • Ratification bonuses: If we ratify the contract with a "Yes" vote by Thursday, August 1, we will receive ratification bonuses. These bonuses will be pro-rated by FTE; folks with the most years at WhidbeyHealth will receive the largest bonuses.

  • More: Improvements to the weekend premium, shift differentials, standby pay, certification pay, and lead pay.

  • We look forward to seeing you at the following times on Thursday, August 1, to discuss the offer and vote on it:

    Main Hospital Coupeville HEC Room C
    6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
    12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Clinic #1 - Oak Harbor - Cabot Break Room
    3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

    Clinic #2 - Oak Harbor - Goldie Conference Room
    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

    Clinic - Freeland Break Room
    10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

    Clinic - Clinton Break Room
    9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

    Bargaining Team: Marilyn Faber, Patient Financial Service; Liz Latiff, Health Unit Coordinator

    MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

    MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

    “It was a collaborative effort with experienced shop stewards who advocated tirelessly. Reaching out to coworkers, building new relationships, and being creative throughout bargaining was key. Having my coworkers participate inspired us on the bargaining team and scared MultiCare! Our strength comes when we fight together. I wanted my coworkers and I to be heard at MultiCare and it was eye opening to see what it takes.” - Rafael Diaz – Cardiovascular Tech

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    PCC Meet our new Labor-Management Committee!

    Emily Weisenburger, PCC Issaquah; Kelly Campbell, PCC View Ridge; Chloe Jett, PCC Bellevue; Scott Norman, PCC West Seattle; Scott Shiflett, PCC Redmond; Scott Jue, PCC Central District (Alternate); Kerry Hudson, PCC Burien (Alternate)

    “The LMC will be able to make recommendations to the PCC Board of Trustees on various issues including staffing, scheduling, workflow and finances. We will have a voice in ensuring that the co-op thrives for workers and customers. I’m happy and honored to serve on this new committee. Open to hearing your ideas!” -- Scott Shiflett, PCC Redmond

    After winning historic language during contract negotiations for a voice in the workplace, we, the PCC workers, democratically nominated 10 candidates for our Labor Management Committee (LMC). Those nominated were presented to the PCC Governance Board and Membership Committee for final selection.

    Next steps: The LMC will write out their charter. The LMC charter will be developed by its members for review and approval by the Board of Trustees. The LMC will then meet 4 times a year and report deliberations to us, the PCC workers.

    MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

    MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

    Friday night, after more than twelve hours of negotiations, our union Bargaining Team has come to a fully recommended tentative agreement with MultiCare for a strong new contract. We began the day with the understanding that our collective power and perseverance would culminate in a win for a strong new agreement for our co-workers. Our union Bargaining Team is fully recommending a YES vote on the contract offer.

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    Central Washington Hospital Fully Recommended Tentative Agreement Reached

    Our Bargaining Team is excited to announce we have reached a tentative agreement with Central Washington Hospital for the strongest contract we’ve ever had. The Employer heard our team’s requests regarding wages and staffing and made significant changes that we believe will improve retention and recruitment while boosting staff morale. We still have work to do and will continue the work through the next three years so that we can build on what we have worked so hard for.

    In-Person Contract Vote Scheduled: Tuesday July 23, 2024 from 8am—2pm & 4pm—7:30pm in Room J

    We look forward to sharing all the details at our vote, complete documents will be available for review. Please join the Bargaining Team in voting YES.

    You must be a member in good standing to vote. Please reach out to your Union representative Amy Radcliff at 509-340-7370 or any member of the Bargaining Team with questions.

    “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Socrates

    “This was best negotiations we’ve ever had!” —Monica Meloy, Perinatal Tech

    “The worker’s passion moved this negotiation!” —Wendie Dyal, MLT



    On Monday, July 8, 2024, we kicked-off what we anticipate will be a pivotal week with MultiCare in our ongoing negotiations. As bargaining wrapped up today, we left feeling more encouraged that we may eventually reach agreement than we did going into the day. MultiCare’s newest offer includes some movement in both their economic and benefits proposals:

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    Ferry County Memorial Hospital - Contract Vote Scheduled! 100% "YES" Recommendation!

    After two full days of bargaining, we have worked through several issues and had robust conversations around wages, recruitment, and the retention of nurses. The employer heard the requests regarding staffing issues and made significant changes that we look forward to sharing with you all!

    Vote will be on July 12 at 6:00 AM – 10:00 AM in the HUB
    • Meaningful wage increases
    • Removed cap on PRN hours' ability to work
    • Added two steps to the top of the scale
    • Maintained Daily Overtime
    • Maintained 15-minute breaks
    • Extensions on Grievance timeline
    “Two days of vigorous collaboration with the employer has led us to a contract that we can be proud of. We look forward to continued teamwork with UFCW 3000 and Ferry Co Health!”
    —Jamie Marin and Beverly Morris

    If you have any question reach out to your bargaining team or Amy Radcliff Union Representative 360-954-8840

    LabCorp Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Reminder

    Our LabCorp Union Bargaining Team is excited to announce that we have finally reached a tentative agreement with the company. While this was not a quick or easy process, we’re proud of the hard work our members put in to pushing LabCorp towards a fair contract. We saw more members than ever before engaging their coworkers, demanding better, and taking action together, and it shows in our agreement.

    Our Bargaining Team fully recommends a YES vote!

    This tentative agreement has some big wins and big changes, including:

    • Wage increases for all classifications (averaging 11% in the first year and 15% over the life of the contract, with a guarantee that no one will receive less than 5% upon ratification)

    • Elimination of ghost steps (no more skipped anniversary raises)

    • Shortened the total number of years it takes to reach the top of the scale

    • Increased 2nd and 3rd shift differentials

    • $750.00 ratification bonus

    • Healthcare & Benefits expansion beginning January 1, 2025

      • Eliminated eligibility waiting period for new hires

      • More plan options and more medical carrier options

      • HRA, HSA, and FSA options

      • Telehealth (MDLIVE) coverage

      • Premium reductions via Annual Wellness Screenings

      • New voluntary benefits and support services, incl. wellness programs, accident & critical illness insurance, adoption assistance, recovery support, fitness reimbursement, reproductive health and parenting services, and more

      • Employee stock purchase plan

      • 401k improvements, incl. 5% company matching, all contributions 100% vested, and immediate eligibility

      • Tuition reimbursement

      • No takeaways to union PTO, sick leave, or bereavement

      • No additional costs for benefits until the end of 2024

    • Monthly allowance for members who work from home

    • Parking for couriers at James Tower

    • Improved language for company communications regarding errors on paychecks, applying for short-term disability, medical premium repayment options, and changes in work schedules

    • Improved language regarding union membership, new hire orientation, and union stewards

    “It was a tough fight, but we won some of the highest wage increases in LabCorp union history. Our Bargaining Team members recommend voting YES!” —Kyle Chrisman, PST Specialist

    Online CONTRACT VOTE: Tuesday, June 25 @ 5:00am — Wednesday June 26 @ 5:00pm

    Members will need to have their personal email address on file with the union in order to receive the online vote email with their unique log-in information to vote on the agreement. Please update your contact information ASAP at >>

    If you have questions or don’t receive the online vote email, you can contact your union Rep. Christie Harris at 360-409-0620.

    Vote documents (including the Highlights summary, benefits plan summary, and full redline changes) will be available for you to review online and at the drop-in contract Q&A meetings prior to the vote.

    DROP-IN CONTRACT Q&A MEETINGS: Saturday, June 22

    ONLINE only: 9:00am—10:00am & IN-PERSON+ONLINE 1:00pm—3:00pm @ 23040 Pacific Hwy S, Des Moines. Zoom Meeting ID: 712 328 6135. Reach out to your Union Rep or a member of your Bargaining Team if you have questions about the agreement and can’t make it on Saturday.

    Service Linen - Contract Vote Scheduled

    Bargaining Team has reached a Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES vote!

    Tuesday, June 25, 9:30 am - 1pm Service Linen Cafeteria

    Your Union Bargaining Team is very proud of the hard work and unity achieved in this bargaining round. After many negotiating dates, we finally reached a tentative agreement with the company. This was not an easy process, but one that required all our departments to unite in one voice to achieve our priorities.

    This new agreement includes the following wins:

    • Wage increases

    • Longevity Bonuses

    • Employer agreed to pay more for the Healthcare coverage cost

    • Lowering the days of flexible scheduling from 3 to 2 days

    • New union leave that allows for up to 9 months leave for union-related activities

    You may attend at any time during the polling times to vote on the tentative agreement. The full tentative agreement will be available to review at the vote. All members in good standing are eligible and encouraged to vote on the tentative agreement.

    If you have any questions, please reach out to your union representative, Jose Veliz 360-409-0615

    ¡El equipo de negociación ha llegado a un acuerdo tentativo y recomienda votar SÍ!

    martes 25 de junio, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm Cafetería de Service Linen

    Su equipo de negociación sindical está muy orgulloso de todo el trabajo y la unidad logrados en esta ronda de negociación. Después de muchas negociaciones, finalmente llegamos a un acuerdo tentativo con la empresa. Este no fue un proceso fácil, pero requirió que todos nuestros departamentos se unieran en una sola voz para lograr nuestras prioridades.

    Este nuevo acuerdo incluye los siguientes logros:

    • Aumentos salariales

    • Bonos de longevidad

    • El empleador acordó pagar más por el costo de la cobertura médica

    • Bajando los días de horario flexible de 3 a 2 días

    • Nuevo permiso de ausencia para asuntos de la Union que permite hasta 9 meses de permiso para actividades relacionadas con el sindicato

    Puede asistir a cualquier momento durante el horario de votación para votar sobre el acuerdo tentativo. El acuerdo provisional completo estará disponible para su revisión en la votación. Todos los miembros que estén al día con sus obligaciones de la Unión son elegibles y se les anima a votar sobre el acuerdo provisional.

    Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con su representante, José Veliz 360-409-0615

    Đội ngũ đàm phán đã đạt được thỏa thuận tạm thời và khuyến nghị bỏ phiếu ĐỒNG Ý!

    hứ Ba, ngày 25 tháng 6, 9:30 sáng - 1:00 chiều Căng-tin Service Linen

    Đội ngũ đàm phán của công đoàn rất tự hào về sự nỗ lực và đoàn kết đạt được trong vòng đàm phán này. Sau nhiều buổi thương lượng, chúng ta cuối cùng đã đạt được thỏa thuận tạm thời với công ty. Đây không phải là một quá trình dễ dàng, mà đòi hỏi tất cả các phòng ban của chúng ta phải thống nhất một tiếng nói để đạt được những ưu tiên của chúng ta.

    Thỏa thuận mới này bao gồm những thành tựu sau:

    • Tăng lương

    • Tiền thưởng thâm niên

    • Công ty dụng đồng ý trả thêm chi phí bảo hiểm y tế

    • Giảm số ngày làm việc linh hoạt từ 3 xuống 2 ngày

    • Chế độ nghỉ công đoàn mới cho phép nghỉ lên đến 9 tháng để tham gia các hoạt động liên quan Union

    Bạn có thể tham dự bất cứ lúc nào trong thời gian bỏ phiếu để bỏ phiếu cho thỏa thuận dự kiến. Toàn bộ thỏa thuận tạm thời sẽ có sẵn để xem xét tại thời điểm bỏ phiếu. Tất cả các thành viên đang trong tình trạng tốt đều đủ điều kiện và được khuyến khích bỏ phiếu cho thỏa thuận tạm thời.

    Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, vui lòng liên hệ với đại diện công đoàn của bạn, Jose Veliz, qua số điện thoại 360-409-0615.