Spokane Rosauers Pharmacy Technicians & Assistants Contract Vote Scheduled!
/Monday, December 23, 2024 @ 7:30pm
UFCW 3000 2805 N. Market St. Spokane WA 99207
Significant pay increases
Retirement security
Monday, December 23, 2024 @ 7:30pm
UFCW 3000 2805 N. Market St. Spokane WA 99207
Significant pay increases
Retirement security
Unfortunately, we were not able to reach agreement on an offer that we felt we could recommend! By 6pm, the furthest Management had moved was as follows:
Read MoreOur Union Bargaining Team is excited to announce that after several months we have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract for Nurses!
Read MoreOn November 26, after just seven productive negotiation sessions, our bargaining team at Virtual Health is thrilled to announce that we have reached a fully recommended Tentative Agreement on our 2024 successor contract!
Read MoreUnless significant progress is made in our next session, we will be recommending a “NO” vote on the contract, and a separate “YES” vote to authorize a strike should our Bargaining Team feel they need to call for one in the future. We will be able to answer questions about the vote in our pre-vote meeting that will be held on December 12.
Read MoreThe practice of “rounding” timecards at the seven-to-eight-minute mark is being eliminated, and we will instead be transitioning to “actual” timekeeping: where employees are paid to-the-minute. While we anticipate that this change will improve the overall accuracy of our timecards (& potentially increase the amount of compensable time-worked we are paid for overall), there are a few anticipated impacts this change may have, and therefore negotiated the below protections through our Union:
Read MoreThe outcome of these negotiations is a historic first union contract that we believe sets a new standard for healthcare workers, and we feel that we have secured some of the strongest workplace protections, wages, and benefits we’ve ever seen in a new contract.
Read MoreWith these priorities in mind, our team went to work—fighting to secure a strong, competitive contract for the Service, Office, and Technical workers at MultiCare Capital Medical Center. We believe the result is a contract that will stand the test of time and keep us competitive for years to come.
Read MoreWe have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Endoscopy Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Certified Medical Assistants effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.
Read MoreOur Bargaining Team is excited to announce that after several months of bargaining, we have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract for Technical and Service Workers!
The tentative agreement includes:
Wage increases
Ratification Bonus
Increased Premiums
Increased PTO Accrual
Medical Assistant Training Pay
Workforce Development Trainer Pay
Education Leave
New provision regarding Workplace Equity
Summit Pacific Medical Center
11:00 AM-2:00 PM and 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Rainier Conference Room
600 East Main Street
Elma, WA 98541
McCleary Healthcare Clinic
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room
105 W Simpson Avenue
McCleary, WA 98557
The Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” vote!
UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. For additional information, contact Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather at (206) 436-6515 or talk to the Bargaining Team: Barb Ford, Judea Prouty, Kurt Phillips.
Lourdes Clinics and Urgent Care Service and Technical
November 25, 2024
12:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Lourdes West Pasco Conference Room
7425 Wrigley Drive, Pasco, WA.
The Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote.
Our bargaining team is encouraging all employees covered by this agreement to join them on November 25, 2024 any time between 12:00 AM and 7:00 PM in the Lourdes West Pasco Conference Room at 7425 Wrigley Drive, Pasco, WA. This is a great time to learn about the new contract, ask questions and vote. The new contract guarantees 2 wage increases each year of the contract, a competitive wage scale, additional paid time off, job security, grievance process, continuing education reimbursement, union security and much more.
We are excited, hopeful and confident the first contract will lay a strong foundation for an even stronger future. We believe equality and fairness has been achieved in this three-year contract. We now have a voice and a seat at the table to discuss wages, benefits and working conditions. WE CAN ONLY GO UP FROM HERE. Ask your bargaining team how to get involved.
Please reach out to your bargaining team or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at (509) 340-7407 with any questions or concerns.
Our Bargaining Team: Jennifer Medrano MA, Jose Munoz Lazo MA, Kaylene Kuhn, Radiological Technologist, Amy Brown LPN, Sandra Pineda MA.
“We came together as a group, asking for fairness and security. After many months of hard work, we have achieved it! The more unified we are, the stronger we become.”
— Kaylene Kuhn
“Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”
— Jose Munoz Lazo
“I love my Lourdes team, and no matter what position or role you play in this company, we are ALL VITAL employees. Looking forward to a better future for all with a YES vote on this initial (first) contract.”
— Amy Brown
Lourdes Clinics and Urgent Care Health RNs
November 25, 2024
7:30 AM and 10:00 AM
Lourdes West Pasco Conference Room
7425 Wrigley Drive, Pasco, WA
The Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote.
Our bargaining team is encouraging all Nurses to join them on November 25, 2024 any time between 7:30 AM and 10:00 AM in the Lourdes West Pasco Conference Room at 7425 Wrigley Drive, Pasco, WA. This is a great time to learn about the new contract, ask questions and vote. The new contract guarantees 2 wage increases each year of the contract, a competitive wage scale, additional paid time off, job security, grievance process, continuing education reimbursement, union security and much more.
We are excited, hopeful and confident the first contract will lay a strong foundation for an even stronger future. We believe equality and fairness has been achieved in this three-year contract. We now have a voice and a seat at the table to discuss wages, benefits and working conditions. WE CAN ONLY GO UP FROM HERE. Ask your bargaining team how to get involved.
Please reach out to your bargaining team or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at (509) 340-7407 with any questions or concerns.
Our Bargaining Team: Kimberly Edwards, RN and Leilany Garcia, RN
Jueves, 14 de noviembre
WA Beef – 201 Elmwood Rd
el comedor de Fabricación
5:00AM – 7:00AM
2:00PM – 5:00PM
Thursday, November 14
WA Beef – 201 Elmwood Rd
Fabrication Breakroom
5:00AM – 7:00AM
2:00PM – 5:00PM
Your Union bargaining team returned to negotiations on October 29 & 30. On October 30, the company presented its final offer, which includes amongst other things:
A salary increase of $1 in the first year and 50 cents in the following two years.
$75 for work shoes/boots for employees with at least one year of service.
An increase of $200 to $400 for tools for mechanics/maintenance.
No changes to the Medical insurance and 401K.
This contract would last for 3 years.
While this contract may seem insufficient to us, as we know we can achieve better wages given that the industry is highly organized in the country, we understand that this increase is historic for this company.This is just a small example of what we can achieve if we are UNITED and ORGANIZED. Imagine how far we can go together.
"This is the first of many good things that will come for workers, who truly deserve something dignified because we know the work they do and what workers mean to this company."
— Juan Carlos Cervantes
The Union Negotiations Committee recommends that its members vote YES on the company's final offer, but with the hope that we can continue the conversation with all members, as it is time to organize better.
"This is the beginning of many good things that will come in the contracts."
— Alondra Ceballos
History begins to be written today, and together, we are the protagonists.We are confident that, in three years, we will be able to negotiate a better collective bargaining agreement, as we will be stronger and each committee will have the support of union members.
"Workers need to attend the meetings because for the next contract, we need to come educated; we need to know our rights. These coming years will be 3 years of organization, and we want representatives from each table for the committee in the next contract."
— Araceli Brito
For now, we invite members to come to the vote for this new contract on November 14.
You may attend any time during the polling times to vote. The full final offer will be available to review at the vote. All members in good standing are eligible and encouraged to vote.
"Before, they didn't even give us $1, but it's the first time people are coming together in the Union, and now everyone wants to know their rights; this is a good start for next time."
— Edgar Rodriguez
Regresamos a negociaciones el 29 y 30 de Octubre. En el último día, el 30 de Octubre, Washington Beef presentó su oferta final, que consiste entre otras cosas:
Aumento de salario de $1 dólar el primer año y 50 centavos los siguientes dos años.
$75 dólares para compra de zapatos a los empleados con al menos un año de antigüedad.
Aumento de $200 a $400 dólares en herramientas para el personal de mantenimiento.
Se mantuvo el seguro médico y el de 401K.
Este contrato sería de 3 años.
Si bien, para nosotros, este trato parece insuficiente, pues sabemos que podemos acceder a mejores sueldos ya que la industria está altamente organizada en el país, entendemos que este aumento es histórico en esta compañía.Esta es sólo una pequeña muestra de lo que podemos lograr si estamos UNIDOS y organizados. Imaginen hasta dónde podremos llegar juntos.
"Esta es la primera de muchas cosas buenas que van a venir para los trabajadores, que en realidad se merecen algo digno porque sabemos el trabajo que hacen y lo que significa el trabajador para esta compañía."
— Juan Carlos Cervantes
El Comité de Negociaciones de la Unión recomienda a sus miembros, votar SÍ a la oferta final de la compañía, pero con la esperanza de que podamos continuar la conversación con todos los miembros, ya que es momento para organizarnos mejor.
"Esto es el comienzo de muchas cosas buenas que vienen en los contratos."
— Alondra Ceballos
La historia se comienza a escribir hoy y todos juntos somos los protagonistas.Estamos seguros que, en tres años, podremos negociar un mejor contrato colectivo de trabajo, ya que seremos más fuertes y cada uno de los comités contará con el apoyo los trabajadores afiliados a la Unión.
"Los trabajadores tienen que ir a las reuniones, porque el próximo contrato tenemos que llegar educados, tenemos que saber cuáles son nuestros derechos. Estos años que siguen serán 3 años de organización y queremos que haya representantes de cada mesa el comité en el próximo contrato."
— Araceli Brito
Por lo pronto, invitamos a los miembros para que el día 14 de noviembre, acudan a la votación para este nuevo contrato laboral.
Puede asistir en cualquier momento durante el horario de votación para emitir su voto. La oferta final completa estará disponible para su revisión en el momento de la votación. Todos los miembros al corriente en sus pagos son elegibles y se les anima a votar.
"Antes no nos habían dado ni $1 dólar, pero es la primera vez que la gente se está uniendo a la Unión y ahora todos quieren saber sus derechos, esto es un buen comienzo para la próxima vez."
— Edgar Rodriguez
Our Bargaining Team is excited to announce we have reached a tentative agreement with Three Rivers Hospital for the strongest contract we've ever had. The employer heard our team's requests regarding wages and staffing and made significant changes to our wages and premiums that we believe will improve retention and recruitment while boosting staff morale. We still have work to do and will continue the work through the next three years so that we can build on what we have worked so hard for.
We look forward to sharing all the details at our vote that is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM in the McKinnely Conference room.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Three Rivers Hospital
McKinnely Conference room
Complete documents will be available for review at the vote. You must be a member in good standing to vote. Please reach out to your Union representative Amy Radcliff at (509) 340-7370 or any member of the bargaining team with questions.
Bargaining Team: Karen Hurley, Lynette Jean Swezey, and Belinda Clare Denchfield
On October 24, 2024, we had our last bargaining session with Providence and have reached a tentative agreement. Our bargaining team is unanimously recommending a YES vote.
Read MoreWe have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Interventional Radiology Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Radiology Techs, effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.
As this change affects the current Technical contract, it requires a vote. All Interventional Radiology Techs who are union members in good standing are eligible to vote online on:
October 29
Between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Eligible members will receive a voting link via email from SimplyVote at 8:00 AM on October 29.
We strongly recommend a "YES" vote!
We have reached an agreement with PRMCE regarding past experience recognition for Endoscopy Techs. All current employees will receive credit for their prior experience as Certified Medical Assistants effective the first full pay period following ratification of the Letter of Understanding and following the resume submission.
As this change affects the current Technical contract, it requires a vote. All Endoscopy Techs who are union members in good standing are eligible to vote online
October 30
Between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Eligible members will receive a voting link via email from SimplyVote at 8:00 AM on October 30.
We strongly recommend a "YES" vote!
After months of bargaining, our Bargaining Team reached a fully recommended tentative agreement with Safeway on October 21, 2024. This agreement includes increases to our health and pension contributions, notice for mandatory overtime, improved bereavement language, a 40 hour guarantee, clarification for sick leave accruals with one protected sick leave bank, and the largest wage increases we’ve ever had.
Read MoreAfter over 3 months of negotiations, our bargaining team has reached a recommended tentative agreement on a new contract.
Our Contract Ratification Vote will be held October 28, 2024, at the Hampton Inn, between 6:30 AM – 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Read MoreThe practice of “rounding” an employee’s timecard is being eliminated, and instead CHI Franciscan are converting their timekeeping systems to an “actual timekeeping” calculation- where employees are paid to-the-minute, rather than having the daily totals of their hours-worked rounded up or down to the nearest quarter-hour, respectively.
Read MoreWe are the Union. The members of UFCW 3000 are over 50,000 members working in grocery, retail, health care, meat packing, cannabis, & other industries across Washington state, north-east Oregon, and northern Idaho. UFCW 3000 is a chartered member of UFCW International with over 1.4 million workers in North America.
To build a powerful Union that fights for economic, political and social justice in our workplaces and in our communities.