Pacific Dental Alliance - Contract vote scheduled!

Pacific Dental Alliance
Contract vote scheduled!

Our Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement on a new three year contract and recommends a YES vote! The agreement includes:

  • Competitive wage increases

  • Ratification bonus

  • Continued health insurance through Sound Health & Wellness

  • New provision outlines bargaining during a Public Health Emergency

Full details of the contract offer will be available during our online vote on Thursday, January 18 @ 7am—5pm (drop in anytime)

You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.

  • Make sure your information is up to date!
    To vote online on the proposals, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email, go to:

  • If you do not receive an email to vote on January 18, please reach out to Union Reps Christie Harris @ 206-436-6606 or Charlie King @ 206-436-6518 to provide an updated email address.

Join the vote information meeting
It is important that members attend the Zoom meeting to get a full understanding of the Employer’s offer. Drop in and get your questions answered!

Tuesday, January 16 • 5—7pm
Contact a Union Rep for Zoom meeting details.

PRMCE RN Let’s review survey results together on January 16! 

In December, we sent out a survey to the entire bargaining unit, seeking your valuable insights to guide us in the upcoming mediation session with PRMCE. The response was overwhelming, with over 400 nurses sharing their perspectives. One key revelation from the survey is that resolving staffing issues is our top priority. However, the diversity of opinions on how to address this challenge highlights the complexity of our task.

Currently, we are diligently reviewing the survey results, paying special attention to the open-ended questions. Your responses are shaping the proposals we’ll be presenting during our mediation session. To ensure we hear all perspectives, we have scheduled an online meeting on January 16 from 8pm to 9pm. This gathering will serve as a platform to discuss the survey results and hear your thoughts on the potential proposals.

On January 22, we will be meeting with PRMCE management and a federal mediator. Our goal is to present a comprehensive proposal that addresses the staffing concerns of the bargaining unit. While the possibility of reaching an agreement during mediation exists, that decision will be made by our dedicated bargaining team. They will carefully weigh the survey results, your priorities, and potential workplace actions when determining the best course of action for the unit.

Whether we reach a deal or require additional mediation dates, your support is vital. Our solidarity is our strength, and together, we can achieve a contract that genuinely addresses our staffing issues. Let’s stay united and focused on the common goal of securing a better future for all of us.
— RN bargaining team 

Survey Results Review: January 16 from 8pm to 9pm 

One tap mobile: US: +12532050468,,89131758946# or +12532158782,,89131758946# 

Meeting URL: 

Meeting ID: 891 3175 8946 Passcode: 303568

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs Back to bargaining

“On January 9 our Bargaining Team went back to the bargaining table with Management. While we are encouraged by the movement that Management finally made in many areas for the first time we still have a lot of work to do.” — Janelle Mathias Pharmacy Tech. Bargaining Team member and Steward.

We will be back to the table with Management on January 17 to continue conversations on Compensation, Medical, Dental and Vision Benefits, Credit for experience and a few other outstanding items.

Please reach out to the Bargaining Team or our Union Representative Juanita Quezada 509-340-7371 with any questions or concerns.

We don’t want to but we will.

We are standing strong for each other, our patients, and our communities: Sign the pledge to join my Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Tech co-workers on the strike line >>

MultiCare Health Systems Bargaining Update

Over the last few months, bargaining surveys were collected from hundreds of UFCW Local 3000 members across MultiCare Health System. This includes workers at Tacoma General Hospital, Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital, Allenmore Hospital, Auburn Medical Center, Tacoma Family Medicine, and various Clinics.

The results of the survey were clear – workers believe that our wages have become uncompetitive and our healthcare far too expensive.

Our Union Negotiating Committee met on December 5 for an entire day to review the full results of the bargaining survey, audit our current contracts, and have a robust discussion about the issues in our workplaces. During this discussion we began working on our initial non-economic proposal to be presented to MultiCare on our first day with the Employer.

We also have a research team that is currently conducting a comprehensive market review of wages so that our committee can make informed decisions about our initial economic proposal. This review will include, but is not limited to, a review of wages offered to workers at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (e.g., St. Joseph Medical Center), Providence Health System, UW Medicine (e.g., Valley Medical Center), Swedish Medical Center, and Seattle Children’s Hospital.

We have reached out to MultiCare Managament to schedule our first bargaining dates in January and February, however, they have not yet responded. We’ve pushed back, recognizing that our contract expires March 1, and expect to hear back soon so that we can get started.


Our Negotiating Committee recommends that members attend regular Contract Action Team meetings, which provide more detailed updates regarding contract negotiations and upcoming workplace actions. Our next meetings are on February 6th:

In person at 12PM: Allenmore Basement Conference Room and at 9AM and 5PM via Virtual ZOOM meeting. RSVP to a meeting here >>

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Michael McDonald

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Michael McDonald

Michael McDonald is an Emergency Department Tech in the pediatric department at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane Washington. Michael assists doctors and nurses in giving care to kids who come into the Emergency Room and makes sure that the rooms and equipment are ready to go when needed.

Read More

Lourdes Medical Center RNs - New union contract ratified

Lourdes Medical Center RNs
New union contract ratified

“We are glad we are finally competitive with the market!”

—Jennifer Powell, RN and Bargaining Team member

Our Bargaining Team: Jennifer Powell, Jessica Leon, and Holly Kelly

The new contract was overwhelming voted and approved on December 27 and it includes:

  • Significant wage increases making Lourdes more competitive

  • Additional Step 32 at the top of the scale

  • Premium increases to:

  • Charge Nurse Differential

  • Night Shift Differential

  • On-call Differential

  • Preceptor Premium increase

  • Increase PTO accrual for 5-15+ years of services

  • Memorandum of understanding (MOU) compensation for SANE

  • Two-year extension to the current contract: The new contract will now expire January 1, 2027.

QUESTIONS? Contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509-340-7407.

PRMCE - Back to the Bargaining Table!

We will be bargaining on January 22, 2023! We're gearing up to head back to the bargaining table with PRMCE, and a federal mediator will be joining us. Before we step into mediation, our bargaining team will carefully analyze the survey results. These results shed light on the priorities and concerns of our bargaining unit.

Remember, the deadline to submit your survey responses is December 31, 2023. If you haven't already completed the survey, you can access it through the link below:

Come January, we'll be sharing a summary of the survey findings via Zoom ahead of our mediation session. Keep an eye out for the scheduled meeting date—we'll promptly share it with you.

Our goal on January 22, 2023, is to tackle the priorities highlighted in the survey. As representatives of the RN bargaining unit, our bargaining team holds the authority to potentially reach a tentative agreement on that day. This tentative agreement will then be subject to a vote. The team will carefully assess various factors, including the survey results, to ensure that any proposal aligns with the unit's priorities.

Your participation and input through the survey is crucial. Let's work together to address our concerns and strive for an agreement that reflects our shared priorities.

For questions or to get more involved, please reach out to Union Rep Anthony Cantu at (206) 436-6566.

Olympic Medical Center Support Services - CONTRACT RATIFIED!

Olympic Medical Center Support Services

On December 21 and 22, union members overwhelmingly voted to approve a new Union Contract which includes:

  • 18% Wage Increases over 3 years

  • Market Increases

  • Bonuses

  • Differential Increases

  • Premium Increases

For additional information contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Aimee Oien @ 360-662-1981.

Update Your Contact Info!

Willapa Harbor Hospital (RN) Bargaining Begins

Willapa Harbor Hospital (RN)
Bargaining Begins

Our Bargaining Team (L—R): Kenadee Westerback, Robyn Taylor

We have finally started bargaining our union contract with Management after delays due to Management lack of availability.

Our initial contract package proposal included competitive wage increases, premium increases, equity and diversity language, staffing, and reducing health care costs. We had constructive conversations around scheduling, vacations, credit for experience and the hospital's financial status.

We will come back to the table on January 12 for a response to our proposals. We are looking forward to the Management response.

QUESTIONS? Contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603

Update Your Contact Info!

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center - Bargaining continues

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Bargaining continues

“The Employer actually asked the Bargaining Team to TRUST them when they proposed to eliminate our guaranteed coverage of Health, Vision and Dental insurance. Would you trust Providence?” —Derek Roybal, CV Tech and Bargaining Team member

Our Bargaining Team met with Management on December 18 and had a long discussion about attendance, benefits, and compensation.

While we were able to make significant progress on many issues, the Employer also sent a clear message they want to come after some of the core pillars of our Union contract. This included Management proposal to add language that limits our ability to grieve or arbitrate in many areas of our contract and troublesome language that removes mush of our contractual protections on benefit plans as the wish for us to receive the same as non-represented Employees. We believe in the Union difference and Providence’s proposals clearly show they are attempting to weaken our bargaining unit.

Making matters worse, Management sent conflicting and possibly deceptive information which created the need to take a break and cut bargaining short on December 19.

We will meet again with Providence on January 9, and hope they come to the table ready to work together to address retention and recruitment issues, affordable benefit options, and fair compensation.

Our Bargaining Team is committed to protecting the rights and benefits in our contract. Please contact any of your Bargaining Team members or your Union Rep Juanita Quezada with any questions or concerns.

Join us at our next bargaining update meeting!
Thursday, January 4
6pm — 8pm
UFCW 3000 office, 2805 N. Market St. Spokane WA

Providence Meal Waiver Update

On December 15, Providence rolled out a meal waiver for employees. We sent an information request to all Providence hospitals regarding this meal waiver. We currently recommend that you do not sign the voluntary meal waiver until we better understand the implications of this waiver.

Please refer to the WA meal period law for healthcare workers: Rest Breaks, Meal Periods, and Schedules.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your union rep:

  • Anthony Cantu (Providence Everett RNs)
  • Jack Crow (Providence Pros and Techs and Providence Credena)
  • Brandan Zielinski (Providence St. Peter, Providence Centralia, and Providence Radiant Care)
  • Lenaya Wilhelm (Providence Holy Family and Sacred Heart)
  • Juanita Quezada (Providence Sacred Heart and Providence St. Mary)
  • Amy Radcliff (Providence Mt. Carmel and Providence St. Josephs)

PRMCE RN Contract rejected.

Today, December 15, nurses have spoken and have rejected the tentative agreement by a 51% (463 out of 893 cast ballots) and have rejected strike authorization by a 47% (425 out of 893 cast ballots) meaning that we have not reached the necessary two-thirds threshold to authorize a strike.

We will be continuing our quest for improved staffing levels crucial to delivering the quality care our patients and community deserve. Since the beginning, our unwavering dedication to refining staffing language, amplifying our voices within the Hospital Staffing Committee, and aligning with staffing law guidelines has been steadfast.

Nurses have democratically voiced their opinion that the tentative agreement will not do enough to resolve our staffing challenges, but it is a step in the right direction. Our skepticism toward Providence’s resolve to address staffing issues is loud and clear.  

Every individual's commitment is crucial; we urge all to push forward in advocating for better working conditions and superior patient care.

Your invaluable insights are needed now more than ever. We seek your guidance on where to focus our attention for our next bargaining session. Your voices remain integral in charting our path forward in this ongoing journey toward improved working conditions and unwavering dedication to superior patient care.

What to expect for next steps: 

  • UFCW will inform Providence that the contract was rejected and request bargaining dates to return to the bargaining table.

  • A Union Survey will be sent out to all nurses to hear feedback on what you would like to see specifically improved in the contract offer.

  • The Bargaining Team will meet to review the surveys and strategize on how best to address those issues

Providence St. Peter Hospital RN - Case Manager Rns Bargaining Update!

Our bargaining team met with management on Tuesday, December 12. While we have not come to a tentative agreement, we have made it clear, and management has grasped, that we have no interest in a wage scale that is different (and economically worse) than the existing RN scale. At this point, management has not agreed to any retroactive pay, and we still have not reached a consensus on where our years of experience would place us on the wage scale.

We appreciate the supermajority of our coworkers signing strike pledge cards! We will be holding another Contract Action Team meeting to discuss next steps and get your input. This will be held at the Olympia Center, located at 222 Columbia St. NW, Olympia, WA, 98501, on January 4 at 5:00 PM in Room 101.

Please reach out to us or Union Representative Brandan Zielinski (206 436 6603) with any questions.

Bargaining Team, left to right: Alison Studeman, Case Manager RN; Melissa Macchiarella, Case Manager RN; Mary Briles, Case Manager RN.

WhidbeyHealth Professional and Technical Contract Ratified!

On Wednesday, December 13, the WhidbeyHealth collective bargaining agreement for professional and technical workers was ratified, with 98% of those voting “Yes” to approve the tentative agreement!

Our Bargaining Team wishes to congratulate everyone on their contract and thank them for their patience throughout 2023 as we negotiated this agreement.

Ratification bonuses of $1,200 pro-rated by FTE (for instance, a .5 FTE will receive $600) will be on our pay checks this December 22, less standard deductions.

“We are happy to have been able to help facilitate settling this contract. Getting paid for our ‘real’ experience is huge! We’re always looking for co-workers to get involved in this process to help continue to support one another.”- Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead

Bargaining Team: Jennifer MacNeill, Medical Technical Lead; Rosalie Nguyen, Pharmacy.

Lourdes Medical Center RN Tentative Agreement reached for contract extension and wage increases for all Nurses

In an attempt to address the immediate retention and recruitment issues at Lourdes Medical Center, our Bargaining Team and Administration met to discuss the possibility of extending the current contract with increases to compensation and some other changes.

After two long days of conversations, we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will close the gap in compensation with our geographic competitor. We believe the increases will help our hospital with retention and recruitment.

Our Bargaining Team worked hard and made sure that there were substantial economic increases, increases to PTO accrual, an addition step to the top of the scale, and premiums were increased in many areas including Charge Nurse, On-Call, Night shift differential, Preceptor, and a new SANE premium.

“Competitive wages are an absolute must to recruit and retain nurses. We believe this proposal achieves that goal and makes me very happy.” — Jennifer Powell RN

“It is great to be part of a Union that always has the members’ best interest in mind and supports our efforts in achieving those interest.” — Holly Kelly RN

“I feel accomplished and fulfilled in being part of a successful negotiation in this expedited process. It is a validation of our hard work, dedication, and the value we brought to the table as a team.” — Jessica Leon RN

Please join our Bargaining Team in voting YES!

December 27, 2023 any time between 6:30am to 8:00am and 11:00am to 2:00pm in the Carondolet Room next to the cafeteria.

A complete document of the contract and the new wage scale will be available at the vote along with our Bargaining Team to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.

You must be a member in good standing to be eligible to vote. Please reach out to Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions at 509-340-7407.

LabCorp - Ho! Ho! Ho! LabCorp is Still On The Naughty List!

Our Bargaining Team: Nancy Pyanowski, Kyle Chrisman, Sam McVay, Lisa Magee, Matt Noll, Shelby Tyner, Deborah Gibby  

“We’re finding common ground on non-economic proposals, but LabCorp continues to offer wages and benefits that just aren’t competitive. We all need to get ready to take action and fight for the contract we deserve in the new year.” 
— Lisa Magee, Hematology

On Monday, we met with LabCorp to negotiate our union contract. We’re making progress on some of our non-economic proposals, including improvements to our union stewards and new hire orientation language. Management responded to our economic proposal (updated for the Seattle 2024 minimum wage) from last session. They walked back their proposed decreases to the percentages between steps and increased their base pay offer for some positions by 5¢ to 25¢. We’re frustrated by this small, slow movement, but we took an opportunity to try to come closer to agreement by sharing and compiling our market research. 

It’s no secret that LabCorp is struggling to hire and keep talented lab workers. We’re understaffed, overworked, and undervalued. Management acknowledges these issues, but we’re half a year into negotiations and they’re still not offering real solutions. We need LabCorp to put its money where its mouth is and come to the table with fair and competitive wages and benefits at our next session on Dec 18.


We’re going to give LabCorp the holiday present it deserves – our petition demanding fair pay! Hundreds of our union members have already signed their names but we need your help to get to 75% by next Monday, December 18. 

>> Sign the Petition!

Already Signed?
Find a coworker who hasn’t yet and talk to them about how important it is to stand together! Every single person makes a difference.


Please join us this Sunday at 6:30 PM for a virtual meeting to learn more about what’s happening at the bargaining table. We’ll review the employer’s latest offer then discuss how we will engage our communities and coworkers to win a strong contract. All questions are welcomed and encouraged!

Sunday, December 17, 2023 
6:30 PM – 7:30PM

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Your voices are wanted! 

Call Christie at (206) 436-6606 (landline) to discuss the different ways you can share your story. Use your strength to inspire and empower your coworkers!

>> For the latest bargaining updates, a copy of your contract, our Facebook and Slack, and more.

Olympic Medical Center Support Services Tentative Agreement Reached! CONTRACT VOTE Scheduled

An earlier version of this vote notice read that the Port Angeles vote on Friday, December 22 ran from "11:00PM to 5:00PM". The correct time is 11:00AM to 5:00PM. Thank you for your patience!

Tentative Agreement Reached! CONTRACT VOTE Scheduled

After several months of bargaining, we have reached a tentative agreement. Highlights of the Tentative Agreement Include: 18% Wage Increases over 3 years, Bonuses, Differential and Premium Increases. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Contract Vote Details:

Sequim: Thursday December 21 3:00pm to 5:30pm

Medical Services Building (MSB): Conference Room 840 N 5th Avenue Sequim WA 98382

Port Angeles: Friday December 22 8:00am-10:00am

PFS Building: 519 S. Peabody St. Basement Breakroom Port Angeles, WA 98362

Port Angeles: Friday December 22 11:00Am to 5:00pm

Olympic Medical Center: Fairshter Meeting Room 939 Caroline Street Port Angeles WA 988362

For additional information contact a Bargaining Team Member or our Union Representative Aimee Oien 360-662-1981

Cascade Valley Security Officers and MSWs - Successful First Day—More Dates Scheduled

BARGAINING TEAM: Carl Ramirez (Security Officer), Lisa Warriax (MSW)

“We received a wage proposal which gives us hope that Cascade Valley wants to engage in productive talks with us. We will keep going forward from here!”

Early this year we won our union election for Security Officers and MSWs. Our bargaining team met in the Fall and drafted proposals which would achieve parity with Skagit Regional, increase retention, and bolster recruitment efforts.

On December 12 we had our first bargaining session with the Cascade Valley’s management and had a successful day. Our proposal is for the existing Cascade Valley collective bargaining agreement to extend to security officers and MSWs. In addition, we proposed wage scales and other compensation for both classifications. Throughout an intense day of negotiations, we’ve already made headway, particularly in refining seniority language for both groups and establishing wage guidelines for Security Officers. Recognizing the significance of seniority in scenarios like job applicant tiebreakers, layoffs, and scheduling, we succeeded in establishing that our original date of hire with Cascade Valley would serve as our seniority date.

In our pursuit of equitable treatment, we firmly pushed back against the Employer’s proposals and stand united in advocating for wage parity. The battle for parity will continue in our upcoming sessions scheduled for January 4 and 18.

Congratulations 2023 Essential Workers Organizing Academy Graduates!

In April 2023, we began our first Essential Workers Organizing Academy (EWOA) cohort, hiring eight full-time and one-half time “apprentice organizers.” Candidates were drawn from UFCW 3000 members in healthcare and grocery, as well as from external organizing campaigns and a general applicant pool.​

The program was broken up into three distinct phases: training, internal organizing, and external organizing/preparing for strikes. ​Training included exercises and readings about how to conduct organizing conversations and campaigns, learning about the history of unionization and organizing workers, presentations from guest speakers, and visits to both union and non-union worksites. Apprentice organizers supported on campaigns that included Macy’s, Bartell Drugs, Fred Meyer(s), PCC, Providence-Everett, as well as political and community projects. ​

Congratulations to the EWOA class of 2023!

Post-EWOA, our goal is to help every apprentice organizer who wants to continue in the labor movement to find a job either with this union or another movement organization. 

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Kyle Chrisman

Kyle Chrisman

Kyle Chrisman has been working at LabCorp for almost 18 years on Capitol Hill as a phlebotomist. Kyle is dedicated to his patients and coworkers, which is why he fights so hard to build collective power on the job. Kyle is currently serving on the LabCorp union bargaining committee. Phlebotomist union members at LabCorp have often had their concerns ignored by their employer and Kyle is ensuring that LabCorp hears them loud and clear during negotiations.

LabCorp is having trouble staffing and retaining workers and union members know why, LabCorp needs to provide competitive wages and benefits. The City of Seattle recently announced that the minimum wage within city limits would be going up 6.85%, which helps workers keep pace with the increased costs of living and working in the city. Instead of proposing a wage scale based on the percentage, LabCorp simply bumped all positions that were under the new minimum wage rate of $19.97. This compresses the scale so that several of the steps are at the same rate. LabCorp then maintained their offer of below-market raises, decreased percentages between steps above minimum wage, and higher health care costs.

Kyle and his fellow bargaining committee members know that is simply not realistic when it comes to making ends meet and safely caring for patients. That is why the bargaining committee updated their proposal to reflect the effects of the new minimum wage throughout their wage instead of just meeting it like LabCorp.

Stay tuned as Kyle and his fellow union members fight for a better contract and better patient care, they have already held one info picket are prepared to take further action to ensure a fair contract!