Harbors Home Health & Hospice - Tentative Agreeement Reached! Contract Vote Schedule

After almost eight months of Negotiations with Harbors Home Health & Hospice, your bargaining committee is excited to announce we have reached a Tentative Agreement on a new union contract!

After management arrived to the bargaining table proposing not only to sunset (do-away-with) the Sound Health & Wellness health insurance plan, but also proposing a zero-percent increase to the wage scales, the Committee knew we would be in for a fight—not just to maintain these Union benefits—but to ensure our dedication to our patients and our communities was recognized by our Employer with a fair contract!

With support from our coworkers across the organization, your bargaining team persevered.

We are now proud to present a Tentative Agreement which maintains the Sound Health & Wellness insurance benefits plan, the 20-Step Wage Scales which reward our longevity at Harbors Home Health, but also offers:

  • Wage Increases to all Job Classifications!​

  • $500 Ratification Bonus!

  • Adjustments to our Wage & Step level based on years of service with Harbors!

  • Increased Premiums, Education Funds, & Certification Pay!

  • Additional Vacation time!

  • & more!...

Vote on the Agreement and learn more about the wins we achieved this cycle!

Join us on May 31!

  • HHH&H Long Beach Office (Conference Table)

    • 1600 S Pacific Ave # 2, Long Beach, WA 98631

    • 7AM – 9AM

  • HHH&H Hoquiam Office (Conference Room)

    • 201 7th St, Hoquiam, WA 98550

    • 12PM – 2PM

    • 5PM – 7PM

UFCW 3000 Member Days at the Park! Tickets on Sale NOW!

Each year we gather together with fellow UFCW 3000 members across the region for summer days at the park, an opportunity for some union-sponsored family fun and a great chance to meet and talk with other union members.

This year we're excited to add a new summer event for members, supporting our longtime community partner Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Game Day for Domestic Violence Prevention at T-Mobile Park!

Refuse to Abuse Game Day is Sunday, June 16, and for every ticket sold our longtime community partner the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) receives an $18 donation and attendees get a free Mariners-themed Refuse to Abuse® Dri-fit T-shirt. Tickets are View Level for the Mariners vs. Texas Rangers game and cost $35. WSCADV has shown up for our members in many ways over the years and we look forward to this fundraiser and opportunity to share the belief that domestic violence is 100% preventable!

In addition, our other summer fun events have been popular each year and continue to be a great way to celebrate with family and union friends:

Sunday, June 16: Refuse to Abuse Mariners Game Day (Seattle, WA)
Mariners tickets on sale now through Friday, June 14 at 5pm >>

​Tuesday, August 6: UFCW 3000 Day at Silverwood Theme Park (Athol, ID)
Tickets on sale now through July 19, while supplies last! >>
$40.00 adult/$25.00 youth or senior
Ticket includes:

  • all day access to Silverwood Theme Park and Boulder Beach Water Park

  • all you can eat buffet picnic-style lunch @ the banquet pavilion (starting at 12pm noon)

  • unlimited drink refill wristband

Thursday, August 8: UFCW 3000 Day at Wild Waves Theme & Water Park (Federal Way, WA)
Tickets on sale now through July 19, while supplies last! >>
$20.00 adult/$15.00 youth or senior

Friday, September 13: UFCW 3000 Day at the Pendleton Round Up (Pendleton, OR)
Tickets on sale soon

MultiCare is bargaining in bad faith

On Thursday, May 16, our Union Negotiating Committee met with MultiCare to continue contract negotiations, however, we’re not sure MultiCare showed up for the same reason. We do not believe that Management are bargaining in good faith. They are not taking this process seriously, nor do we feel that concerns about our staffing, our wages, and the well-being of ourselves and our families are being considered in Management’s proposals.

“Three percent is BS. That’s not even enough to cover inflation for this year.” —Rafael Diaz

We feel that MultiCare is trying to drag this out, perhaps to exhaust us, and defeat us, but we are not giving in. We will show MultiCare that we will stand together to win a fair contract.


SAVE THE DATE: picket sign making party Wednesday, June 5 from 5PM—7PM at IBEW Local 76, 3049 S 36th Street. Tacoma, 98409

MultiCare Time to turn up the pressure

On Thursday, May 9, our Union Bargaining Committee was eager to meet with MultiCare Management to continue negotiations on our nine contracts. We kicked the day off feeling refreshed & confident from the overwhelming support we’ve seen from our coworkers over the last week —a highly attended Union Family Day on May 4, and outstanding participation in Union Solidarity Day on May 8 (we gave out around 1,000 MultiCare Workers United buttons!)

And it seems that we may not be the only ones who noticed the growing solidarity in our workplaces…

At Thursday’s bargaining session, MultiCare came to the table and moved closer to our positions on a few of the proposals we’ve been passing back and forth- for example, discussions on Extra Shifts, and making a very reasonable counter proposal on Changing Time (donning/doffing)- which we later agreed to add to the contract!

While this exchange of proposals with MultiCare was encouraging (and felt like we were really bargaining!), it did not extend to many of the items that matter most to us, such as our wages and our health insurance benefits. In fact, we agreed that it is nessessary to remind Management, once again, why the proposals we’ve continued to put forward on the Health Insurance Plan are so important. We made it as clear as we could by breaking down the issues we’re facing into “categories” like affordability, access, and network. We broke down these categories further by sharing personal stories about how MultiCare’s benefit plans have negatively impacted us and our families.

Management’s movement on Thursday was a good start, but to win the wages, benefits, and workplace protections we need, we have to turn up the heat!

Mark your calendars:

INFORMATIONAL PICKET: Wednesday, June 12 4PM—6PM at Tacoma General Hospital (on MLK Jr. Way) >>

Join our next Contract Action Team Meetings: Wednesday, June 5 9AM (via Zoom), 12PM (at Tacoma General Hospital Bunker Conference Room), and 5PM (via Zoom) >>

Continue to stay up to date! on our contract bargain, future union actions, & more on our MultiCare Linktree. >>

Multicare Auburn Medical Center (Professional) - Bargaining Continues

Our Union Bargaining Team (L-R): Marci Pindi. Social Worker; Ramona Strassburg,Mental Health Technician; (Not Pictured: Brent Kirshenbaum,Pharmacist)

“It was a nice change to be able to pass proposals back & forth today, it felt productive! However- I didn’t like hearing that they’re not planning to move much on their wage proposal…” —Marci Pindi, Social Worker, Bargaining Team member

Our Bargaining Team met with MultiCare Management on May 8, to continue negotiations on our first Union Contract.

Throughout this process, we have felt increasingly frustrated about Management’s approach to working towards a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with us; for the most part, rejecting our proposals time and time again, or holding their position with little to no change for weeks (or even months) at a time.

While we’re not sure we can confidently say that this pattern has changed entirely, we are feeling very positive about the work achieved at the bargaining table on May 8. We’ve come to agreements with Management on some issues like shift differentials (evening & nights), the minimum guaranteed hours we’re paid when we’re called into work (On-Call), and memorializing our participation in the MHS Gainsharing Plan.

This progress is encouraging, but we still have a fight ahead of us on some of our highest priorities, considering management confirmed that they have not increased their wage scale proposal at all.

Are MultiCare feeling the pressure? We think so! However, we need to stand together now more than ever to make sure management understand that our wages need to reflect the life-saving care we provide every day.

Join our next Contract Action Team meeting:
Thursday, May 16 @ 11:30am—12:30pm
MultiCare Auburn Medical Center, Cascade Training Room

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelbie Graff

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelbie Graff

Shelbie had heard that the Union contract was about to expire and discovered that there was no one at the Long Beach location of Harbors Home Health and Hospice to represent them in these negotiations. So she volunteered to serve on the bargaining committee both for herself and coworkers. As bargaining unfolded, she learned more about the rights the contract provided her and how important it was to enforce it.

Read More

Labcorp - We’ve Been Patient Long Enough

Last Friday, our bargaining team met with LabCorp for the first time after our informational picket at Swedish First Hill to continue negotiations. Meditation helped us make movement on many of the final outstanding language pieces, and LabCorp promised us a comprehensive non-economic counter at our next session on Monday May 13. At the end of the day, LabCorp gave us their latest economic counter, which is summed up below.

Union Proposals LabCorp Counterproposals
11% - 14% increases to base wages (over what members are currently making) 1% - 6.29% increases to base wages (over the wage rates listed in the 2021 contract)
5% COLA increases for 2024 and 2025 2% COLA increase for 2024 and 2025
Eliminating Ghost Steps & getting members to the top of the scale faster
Lower monthly healthcare premium costs Higher monthly premiums, higher out-of-pocket maximums, and higher co-pays
Expansion of covered benefits to match non-union plans (e.g. HRA, optional insurance, LifeWorks, adoption assistance, 401k improvements)
Tuition reimbursement coverage for union employees
Telehealth coverage for union employees
Reduced wait for new employee healthcare coverage
Market increases to premiums and differentials Extra 0.25¢ for third shift differential only
Lead pay included in PTO accrual
Market increases for per-diem pay in lieu of benefits

LabCorp’s new wage scale proposal only increases each step by 0.75% - 1.5% over their last proposal from March (which moved up by less than 1% from their December proposal!). We are almost a year into negotiations. Members have waited too long for the raises they’re due for management to be passing back and forth incremental pieces of paper. We’re here to bargain in good faith and work together to find creative solutions to serious workplace issues. LabCorp knows they must make meaningful improvements to their wages, premiums, and benefits if they want to be competitive in the Western Washington market. We’ve already been patient enough for the fair contract and fully staffed labs we deserve! LabCorp needs to step up and come prepared to reach an agreement.

If you feel like we do, and believe that we’ve been patient long enough, sign the strike pledge card, come to a union meeting, raise your voice, and talk to your coworkers about taking action to win a fair contract.


  • Wednesday May 15 from 7:30am-9:00am @ Swedish First Hill

  • Wednesday May 15 from 5:30pm-7:00pm @ Swedish First Hill

Details for virtual meetings and in-person strike information sessions to come soon!


More than 400 lab professionals at LabCorp across seven Legacy Health facilities in Oregon voted YES to unionize last Friday! Despite facing a tough (and expensive!) anti-union campaign, these workers won their union elections with the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals – AFT Local 5017 (OFNHP) by an overwhelming 86% majority. We’re excited to support each other and coordinate our fights for a better future for LabCorp workers, and to work together to grow our LabCorp union power.


Issues with Workday were brought to our attention, and we asked LabCorp while we were at the table to address it. Management said they advised supervisors to be careful and to review Workday submissions diligently while they try to resolve the problem. Please continue to check your paystubs thoroughly and reach out to a member of our bargaining team or our Union Rep if you need help ensuring your pay is correct.

Union Rep Christie Harris @ (206) 436-6606 (landline)

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs call to action!


We finally got Back to the table on May 9, which is nearly a month after our last session and nine days after our return to work from our successful Stike. Unfortunately, today during negotiations no ground was gained. We return to contract negotiations on May 28 and May 29. 

“Providence made it clear that they have never perceived themselves to be ahead or a leader in the local market, nor do they want to be.  Our bargaining team’s determination is unyielding in the face of corporate greed.” – Providence Sacred Heart Technical Unit Bargaining Team: Derek Roybal, Janelle Mathias, Craig Kistler, Lee Lidman, Joe Sikkila, Shane Sullivan, Miriam Critelli, Teresa Bowden, Angela Holmes, Holly Granly. 

Today we call on every one of our coworkers who found themselves moved by our unity and collective power, to join us in stepping up and volunteering to be a union steward in your dept and shift.  

Over the next couple of weeks we will be expanding our workplace leaders throughout the hospital and invite you to join us for Union Steward training virtually or in-person. NOW is the time to show that we are continuing to organize for retention, recruitment, and patient care for our community.  


Please rsvp to Jackie Williams at jwilliams@ufcw3000.org.  

May 15 at 6PM

In Person at the UFCW 3000 Spokane Office: 2805 N Market St., Spokane, WA 99205 

Monday May 20 at 6PM

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 871 3188 1290  
Passcode: 893823  

Thursday May 23 at 6PM

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 833 7823 9210  
Passcode: 540340  

Thank you with deepest gratitude to all of the community members, co-workers and patients who supported us during the strike. We plan to send out complete list with our next updates  

WhidbeyHealth Service and Support Bargaining Update

On Thursday, May 2, our Bargaining Team met with Management for our scheduled bargaining session. We were able to provide responses on the remaining non-economic issues as well as put forward a comprehensive initial response to Management’s economic proposals.

We are encouraged that they have proposed to have our shift differentials, weekend premium (including consecutive weekend premium) and certification pay increased to be the same as the Professional and Technical unit. However, their proposal regarding getting everyone in our unit to 100% credit on the wage scales for past work experience would not get everyone to their proper step as quickly as it did in the Professional and Technical unit! As such, we pushed back with a counter proposal that would not have more senior employees waiting until the last year of the contract for this credit.

We have another bargaining session scheduled this month for Thursday, May 23 and are hoping we can come to a Tentative Agreement we can recommend soon. If there are questions, please speak with us, or call Union Representative Celia Ponce-Sanchez at (360) 419 4678.

“Today we made progress on non-economic discussions regarding lead positions, remote work, and the policies surrounding them. ”

Our Bargaining Team: Liz Latiff, Health Unit Coordinator (pictured above); Marilyn Faber, Patient Financial Services

-Marilyn Faber, Patient Financial Services (not pictured)

Will MultiCare Meet the Market on Wages?

Will MultiCare Meet the Market on Wages?

On Wednesday, May 1, our Union Bargaining Comittee met with Management and finally received a response to the wage proposal we presented on April 11. Prior to making our proposal, we did extensive research to make sure our wages stay competitive with other regional healthcare employers throughout the duration of our new contract. 

MultiCare’s counter, however, leaves our wage rates trailing behind what many of these same regional hospitals are already paying… Offering only 2% across the board raises for most of us.

“Wages have been 2 low, for 2 long, 2 continue moving backwards… But we need 2 move forward!” —Brian Dansereau, Pharmacy Tech

If you feel like we do, and believe that 2% won’t cut it, join these next steps to take action: 

MultiCare Union Family Day is May 4 from 11am—2pm at IBEW Local 76 Hall

Join us for food, games, prizes, and to pick up some Union swag for our May 8 Union Solidarity Day! RSVP: www.mobilize.us/ufcw3000/event/617922/ >>

Union Solidarity Day

Show your solidarity on next Wednesday, May 8 by wearing Union stickers, buttons, shirts, 

and dress in UFCW Blue & Gold! Let’s show Management that we are united and ready to fight for a fair contract!
Stay up to date on our bargain, and the next steps we believe will move MultiCare to agree to a fair contract for all of us! Join our Facebook Group, & use the following link to look out for more ways to take action throughout our negotiations with MultiCare: https://linktr.ee/mc3000

Planned Parenthood Coworkers Party Sunday May 5

Invite with pic of workers in party hats. Text: You're invited: PP Coworkers Party, 1-4pm Sunday 5/5/24. Come meet coworkers, play trivia, share food & drink, learn about/contribute to our 2024/5 priorities at work! At UFCW 23040 Pacific Hwy S

Planned Parenthood Coworkers Party
Food, Fun, & Solidarity!
Sun. May 5, 1-4pm

We have a seat at the table and we need to use our voices that we fought so hard to be heard.
How do we build better workplaces? Through our numbers and our ability to communicate effectively with each other!

Your coworkers enthusiastically invite you to gather this Sunday from 1 pm - 4 pm to eat, drink, have fun, and share ideas about how to build great workplaces with safe staffing to provide superb patient care.

Event Details

Time: 1-4 PM
Date: Sunday, May 5th
Location: UFCW Local 3000 (23040 Pacific Hwy S Suite 101, Des Moines, WA 98198) | View map
Food & drink to share, provided by your coworkers!

Questions? Please call Charlie King at (206) 436-0606 or Christie Harris at (206) 436-6606

Providence Sacred Heart Techs Join us to end the strike strong!

Join us to end the Strike strong

Our Unfair Labor Practice strike will end today April 30 at 8:30 pm. Join us anytime for the rest of the day to end the strike strong! Particularly, the last few hours we’d like as many members and their families to walk in solidarity on the lines and cheer on our coworkers on as they return to work.

Below are answers that we received from Providence regarding return to work, and should match the same information you will be receiving from the Hospital. If you have any questions, please ask Union staff on the strike line today or call Union Representative Juanita Quezada, 509-340-7407.

When do we return to work?

Providence Direct Leaders started reaching out to members yesterday and today regarding return to work.  If you are scheduled to work today (Tuesday) and would otherwise be on shift at 8:30 pm, you should plan to work the remainder of your scheduled shift following the end of the strike. You will be paid for work time starting at 8:30 pm.
Examples: If you are scheduled to work at 7:30 pm, you should report to work at 8:30 pm. If your scheduled shift ends at 9:00 pm, you should report to work at 8:30 pm to work the last part of the shift. Any questions, please reach out to your direct leader at Providence.

What about badges, parking, and entering the building?

All badges will be reactivated shortly before the end of the strike. Please let your direct leader know if your badge is not reactivated. The employee garage doors will be open and accessible to everyone. When you arrive, please only enter through the L3 entrance. Members will be asked to wait in the Mother Joseph Room until units are ready. Light treats and beverages will be available.

When will our bargaining team return to negotiations?

The Union has requested bargaining dates from Providence and they have committed to responding to us after the strike ends. We will continue to provide updates on next steps and future bargaining dates.

When will we receive our strike pay benefits?

The Union will be calculating hours on the strike line this week and strike benefit checks will be sent via regular mail to the address listed on your W9 the week of May 6. Updates will be sent out via email and text. Stay tuned!

Providence Sacred Heart Techs Weekend Plans on the Strike Line!

Join us on Saturday for FEED THE LINE

We will have the Blue Apron Brigade (The Babs) delivering food and support we received from the Community in the area at various times in the day. Who are the Babs you may ask? Well come to the Strike line on Saturday and you won’t miss them.They’re the fun people wearing Blue aprons with FOOD!

  • Breakfast will be delivered to the strike lines around 7:00am and is from Panera Bread.

  • Lunch will be near the Check-In tent around 12pm and it is TECH-SASS STYLE BBQ from Fresh Soul. We will have folks relieve people from each strike line in groups so that you can grab lunch at the tent.

  • Dinner will be delivered to each strike line around 3:00pm and will be from Las Delicias de Isla.

  • Dinner will be delivered to each strike line around 5:30pm and is from Ricuras Caribeñas.

  • Some Community members may be dropping by with goodies throughout the day as well!

"Why is Providence afraid to face us?”

—Join us on Sunday for Family day of Sweet Treats and Face painting! A face painter will be at the Check-In Tent from 11am to 4pm. Bring the children!

Multicare Health System - Our Patience Is Running Thin

Your Union Negotiating Committee met with MultiCare again on Thursday, April 18, starting the day with all outstanding proposals awaiting response from the Employer.

Despite our team being onsite and ready to negotiate by 9:30 AM, we were kept waiting until the afternoon to receive a proposal from management. During this delay, our committee utilized the downtime to strategize our next steps, yet we found it both inefficient and disrespectful to be left without a proposal to review for much of the day.

MultiCare’s counter proposal fell short of expectations, totaling fourteen pages with only minor changes from their previous offer. Furthermore, their proposal didn’t include a response to our wage proposal as MultiCare said they won’t have a response until next month at the earliest. 

Our committee expressed our frustration with MultiCare directly, warning management that our patience is not infinite. We are here to bargain in good faith, working together to find creative solutions to serious workplace issues, not to just pass papers back and forth. 

UFCW Local 3000 members at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane are on an unfair labor practice strike this week, the second against the health system in less than 6-months. Providence has repeatedly made the mistake of testing the patience of workers by failing to come to the table to bargain in good faith and it would be unwise for MultiCare to make a similar mistake. 

Our Negotiating Committee is scheduled to meet with MultiCare again on May 1, with additional bargaining dates scheduled through the end of June.

“We’re ready to work together, but it takes two sides willing to engage. MultiCare needs to step up and show they’re serious about reaching an agreement.” 

— Cheyenne Hannaman, Medical Laboratory Scientist @ Tacoma General Hospital

Join us, along with your friends, family, and MultiCare coworkers for a Union Family Day! RSVP NOW!

IBEW Local 76 Hall
3049 S 36th St
Tacoma, WA 98409
Saturday, May 4
11 AM — 2 PM

Contract Action Team Meetings:
Monday, May 6
9AM — RSVP Online
12PM — Tacoma General in Bunker Conference Room

5PM — RSVP Online

Providence Sacred Heart Techs ULP Strike Day 2 update

Amazing turnout of workers and community the first two days of the strike! We will be sending out short updates throughout the strike- today is an important update regarding your strike benefits and an invitation to join the Rally tomorrow night 4/24 at 7pm in Cowley Park.

Please help pass the word to friends and family- and wear your best western themed clothing for a Sunset showdown Rally in support of the Technical workers. We’ll be joined by community and legislative speakers… we hope to see you there!


Our Union Executive Board has approved strike fund benefits for represented workers of: 

  • $500/week for picketing a minimum of 20 hours a week, 

  • $800/week for picketing a minimum of 32 hours or more a week, 

  • $200/week “Respect the Line Benefit” for those who cannot join their colleagues on the strike line but respect the strike line and do not cross. *Respect the Line Benefit only available on full week.  

    Since this is an 8.5 day strike, there are an extra two days that represented workers are eligible for strike benefits: 

  • Week 1: Monday April 22 – Sunday April 28: Receive benefit above based on hours on the strike line 

  • Week 2: Monday April 29 – Tuesday April 30: Strike Benefit will be pro-rated

  • $200 for picketing 8-12 hr

  • $320 for picketing more than 12 hr

Our health care workers are standing up for fair treatment and safe patient care at Sacred Heart.

Come by at 7 PM to meet striking workers and prepare for a sunset solidarity rally, with voices from the hospital and our community. Let’s show Sacred Heart workers that this community has their back!

Our health care workers are standing up for fair treatment and safe patient care at Sacred Heart. https://www.mobilize.us/ufcw3000/event/620522/

Providence Sacred Heart Techs ULP Strike starts on April 22

ULP Strike starts on April 22

On Monday April 22 at 2pm our unfair labor practice (ULP) strike at Providence Sacred Heart begins. The most important thing is that as we leave our shifts, there is a continuum of patient care. We cannot abandon our patients and should follow Providence’s instructions for safe transfer of work. Technical workers whose shift starts prior to 2pm on April 22 should report to their shift and at 2pm should give report and safely transfer their assignment to a replacement worker. If there is no replacement worker to transfer your assignment to, then you should continue working your shift until you can safely transfer your assignment (this may be at the end of your shift). Once you have safely transferred your assignment then you can join us on the strike line!

If you do not work on April 22, please join us on the strike line starting at 2pm so we can welcome our coworkers who have walked off their shifts. You may sign in on Day 1 on the strike line OR at the sign in Tent on 8th and McClellan St.

The strike will conclude on April 30 at 8:30pm. As this is a ULP strike, Providence must offer all technical workers an unconditional return to work. This means that technical workers should expect to work their next regular or call shift following April 30 at 8:30pm. If your regular or call shift on April 30 starts before 8:30pm, Providence will communicate instructions. We expect that supervisors will send out return-to-work instructions on or before April 29.

While we encourage all technical workers to join us on the strike line throughout our 8-day ULP strike, we recognize that personal circumstances may influence individual decisions regarding participation. If you choose to strike, please adhere to Providence's instructions.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Union Representative Juanita Quezada, 509-340-7407.

For more information about our ULP strike please visit ufcw3000.org/strike >>

Kaiser Market wage increases ratified!


KP ProTech/Optical and Pharmacy union members turned out yesterday in record numbers to say YES to increased wages!

After several months of union members pushing back against wage disparities through petitions, a demand letter, hundreds of postcards and using our collective voice, KP agreed to increase wages for UFCW Members.

Wage increases will be effective the beginning of the next full pay period.

Implementation of the wage increases will be in 90-120 days.

KP ProTech/Optical and Pharmacy members should see retro pay within two pay periods following the implementation date.


Providence Sacred Heart Tech ULP Strike FAQ

Providence Sacred Heart Technical Unit Frequently Asked Questions

Next Monday April 22 at 2pm we will begin our Unfair Labor Practice Strike- for our patients, community, and each other. Updates will be sent via email and text before and during the strike to keep all Techs updated and answer questions. The best way to get our questions answered during the strike, is on the strike line itself.

Below are the top questions from Techs- please reach out to your Strike Captains and Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions. If you are interested in being a Strike Captain and taking a leadership role on the strike line, please join us for an in-person Strike Captain meeting tomorrow April 19 at 6pm at the UFCW 3000 Spokane Office.



You should join the strike line as soon as you are able to give report and hand off your patient assignment in a safe manner. If there is no one who can take your assignment at 2PM on April 22, then you should work until the end of your shift and then hand off your assignment as you would normally and then join us on the picket line. Providence will likely communicate prior to the strike the plan for relieving Techs from shift, and UFCW 3000 has requested Sacred Heart’s plan for these hand-offs to ensure that they take place as smoothly as possible.  


You should document who from management told you to leave your shift early and ask if you will be paid for the remainder of your shift. Then you should join the picket line. If you are relieved early, report this to your Union Rep.


You will return to work on your next scheduled shift that begins after Tuesday April 30 at 8:30 pm. UFCW 3000 will also be requesting guidance from Providence and will keep members informed throughout the strike.  
Do i have to work on-call shifts during the strike?   
No. The reason for the 10-day notice is to give the Employer time to seek replacement workers during the strike to cover all shifts, including on-call.


You cannot be legally fired. You can be permanently replaced only if the strike is caused solely by economic issues and only after the actual hiring of a permanent replacement for your position. Our strike is called to protest unfair labor practices by the employer, and in this case the employer cannot legally hire a permanent replacement for you unless the NLRB determines that this was solely an economic strike. However, you may certain job protections if you engage in activity such as harassing those who choose to cross the picket line.  


Yes- during an Unfair Labor Practice Strike, your employer must offer you an unconditional return to work. In an economic strike, a “return to work” agreement is usually negotiated prior to the conclusion of any strike. We will insist, as part of the “return to work” agreement that each Tech is returned to their job, unit, and shift. If Techs stay unified in striking, we are more likely to prevail in negotiations for a “return to work” agreement.   

WHAT IF Providence LOCKS US OUT?  

If Providence chooses to lockout employees, they have to lockout all employees including non-members. Workers locked out by their employers are generally eligible for unemployment benefits. The Employment Security Department will determine eligibility for unemployment benefits on a case-by-case basis.  


You will not accrue PTO or EIB while you are on strike. The Employment Security Department determines eligibility for unemployment benefits on as case by case basis for workers in a labor dispute.  


Although an employer may not discriminate against strikers with respect to the use of paid time off during a strike, an employer is not required to allow strikers to use their accrued paid time or other benefits during a strike unless they are otherwise entitled to do so. If you submitted a vacation request before the strike and it was approved in accordance with Providence’s established policies, Providence must pay the paid time  benefits even though the approved paid time  occurs while you are on strike.   


Yes. There is a lag month under your health insurance plan that would keep your insurance through the end April.


Our Union Executive Board has approved strike fund benefits for members and non-members of:
$500/week for picketing a minimum of 20 hours a week,
$800/week for picketing a minimum of 32 hours or more a week,
$200/week “Respect the Line Benefit” for those who cannot join their colleagues on the strike line but respect the strike line and do not cross.
Since this is an 8-day strike, there is one additional day for Techs to have an opportunity to get enough hours to receive strike benefits. The Union will only pay one week of benefits and encourages everyone to picket at least 32 hours.
Our union also has a strike hardship fund to assist members whose families face difficult financial situations. If you are in a hardship position, please let the Union know so that you can apply for assistance. We are also working closely with other local labor unions and community organizations to coordinate resources for striking workers.


To receive Union Strike Benefits, YOU will need to complete a W9 Form online or in-person at the Strike Sign-In Tent. Strike Checks will be mailed to the address listed on your W9 no later than the week of May 6. In order to not have a delay in receiving your check, please make sure to Sign In and Out on each shift, so that your hours are recorded accurately.


Do not cross the picket line! Our Strike Remains Strong when workers respect the picket line. Take your share of picket duty and/or strike activity. A strike is not a vacation; it is a very intensive, goal-oriented job. Pay attention and engaged on social media and any other communications from your team or UFCW 3000. Do not contribute to the rumor mill. Stay in contact with your colleagues. Help each other out in any way you are able. Discuss issues and continue a productive dialogue.   


A large active picket line is vital to a successful strike. Every Tech needs to participate to send a strong message to Providence. The more workers, family, and friends we have out on the line, the harder it is for people to cross it. Being at the picket is also the best way to get the latest information on how the strike is going and to show the community that workers are united in the strike.    


Crossing a picket line weakens workers’ power to win the change we need in negotiations, whether it be safe staffing, better compensation, or holding the employer accountable to follow labor law. It also erodes the camaraderie in the workplace, could prolong the strike and negatively impacts our efforts to work as a team once the strike is settled.   


The facility received 10 days’ notice which will allow them to move patients to other facilities and to cease taking elective patients. Any patients remaining will be taken care of by managers and strike breakers (travel/contract workers and bargaining unit Techs who cross the picket line). Patients who would normally come to the facility may have to use other facilities.  


No. We are professionals. We should demand reasonable management practices, a safe environment for both our patients and us and benefits that reflect our professional status. It is important to conduct ourselves in a professional manner and be informed. UFCW 3000 Techs have the support of the community and Local and State Elected Officials, and Labor organizations.  


Our strike will start on Monday April 22 at 2pm and last until Tuesday April 30 at 8:30 pm. 


Yes. All Techs in the bargaining unit are represented by the Union. All employees, even new hires in their probationary period, have the legal right to strike and honor the picket line. Non-members within the bargaining unit have the same protection under the law as members do during a strike.   


All workers have the right to collective concerted union activity such as voicing their support and wearing buttons, stickers, or other visible solidarity. Please check www.ufcw3000.org/strike  for up-to-date information.  


Yes! Our fight is our friends’, families’, and communities’ fight. However, they will be required to abide by the same rules of conduct expected of all Techs.   Invite your family and friends to join the strike line and an evening solidarity Rally on Wednesday, April 24, at 7pm over in Cowley Park (next to the hospital at 7th & Division St.)


No. Members cannot strike while their contract is in effect. This includes other UFCW 3000 members in the Service and Maintenance Unit and at Holy Family. They may join in solidarity at Sacred Heart when they are off work.    


You may park in public parking areas, street, or residential parking. We encourage everyone to carpool or utilize public transportation. No one should use employee parking during the strike.  


In the event you need supplies or need a bio break, there will be restroom access at surrounding businesses and strike headquarters: Hampton Inn Spokane Downtown-South: 675 S. McClellan St., Spokane. Do not enter the Hospital to use the restroom or buy food.


Wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothes or scrubs if possible. Gloves are encouraged for early morning and evening to keep warm. Wear UFCW yellow and blue- and have fun with it!


Upon arrival, sign-in at the Tent on S. McCelellan St. and W 8th Ave. You must sign-in here when you arrive. When your shift is over, sign out at the tent or with a UFCW 3000 staff person on the strike line in order to receive Strike Benefits.


Yes! Volunteer to be a strike captain and attend the Strike Captain Meeting on Friday April 19 at 6pm at the UFCW 3000 Spokane Office. You can also share the Community Pledge and Rally Information with friends and family- all info centralized at www.ufcw3000.org/strike.


We have requested bargaining dates during the 10-day strike notice period. Providence has declined, and up to this point has indicated that they have no intention of changing their minds. Our hope is to return to the table as soon as possible either during or after thestrike and use the power of our ULP strike to reach a contract agreement.  

Strike Hotline: 1-866-210-3000  

To Stay Updated and find additional information on the Community Rally and Rules for the Picket Line: www.ufcw3000.org/strike  

Event: Stand With Sacred Heart Workers on ULP Strike

Our health care workers are standing up for fair treatment and safe patient care at Sacred Heart.

Come by at 7 PM to meet striking workers and prepare for a sunset solidarity rally, with voices from the hospital and our community.

Let’s show Sacred Heart workers that this community has their back!

Providence Sacred Heart Service and Maintenance FAQ about ULP strike

As you may know, there is scheduled to be a strike at Sacred Heart next week. This Unfair Labor Practice strike is over the Providence Sacred Heart Technical Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement and Providence committing several unfair labor practices that include making changes in the workplace without first negotiating and skirting the bargaining process by attempting to direct deal and coerce staff. This strike does NOT include the Service and Maintenance agreement. There has been some confusion due to emails Providence Sacred Heart management has sent that did not specify which departments are going on strike. All Technical staff will be out on a ULP strike beginning at 2pm on Monday, April 22, and continuing until 8:30pm on Tuesday, April 30.

There are questions around what Services and Maintenance staff should expect when the strike happens. Here are some common questions we have been asked.

Do I cross the Picket line?

Service and Maintenance employees are required to work their regularly scheduled shifts during the time that the technical staff are on strike per Article 13 of your contract. Service and Maintenance staff should not join the strike line while on lunches or breaks. If you would like to support the strike lines on your own personal non-work time, your fellow UFCW 3000 members in the Technical unit would really appreciate the show of solidarity!

How can we show solidarity while at work?

You should wear UFCW 3000 buttons and solidarity stickers, and blue or yellow scrubs. Get creative and please wear them each day! One of the most important things you can do is to share stories about what is happening in the hospital. Please keep your Union Rep informed on what is happening and if there are any stories that could make strikers feel empowered. Our job during the strike is to show solidarity- both visually and with our actions. If management instructs you to remove your buttons and/or stickers, you should comply with their request but report the incident to your Union Rep.

Can I be asked to do work outside of my normal duties?

One of the most powerful things you can do to affirm your scope of work is question and object to improper assignments that are changes to your normal working conditions. You also have a responsibility to provide good patient care and make sure no person is harmed. If management asks us to do something that you are uncomfortable with, is unsafe, or outside of our normal responsibilities- you have the right to object and state why.

Objections can include any personal reason that you feel strongly about- including your licensure, patient safety, insufficient training, or that it’s not in your job description. You have the right to push back and encourage managers and replacement workers to do the additional tasks asked of you. However, you only refuse a task if it is an abnormally dangerous assignment.

You have the right to object- but if you refuse it may be considered insubordination. Your job is to object on why an assignment is improper, and if management insists on you doing the work, you should comply, document the scenario, and call our Union Rep if you have questions. If you feel unequipped or unsafe for any reason, report it to your Union Rep as well.

Scheduling, Overtime, Low Census, and all other provisions of our contracts remain in effect and should be adhered to. Please refer to your Union contract: ufcw3000.org/contracts

Do I have to come in on my days off and work extra shifts/hours?

No, after the schedule is posted, changes to the schedule can only be made with mutual consent. Out of support for your fellow UFCW 3000 members we ask that you consider not picking up any extra shifts.

7.8 Schedule Posting. Work schedules of shifts and days off (including call schedules) for a six (6) week period will be posted three (3) weeks in advance. After posting, the schedule may only be changed by mutual consent.

Can I be forced to take PTO or furloughed without pay?

Management may ask for volunteers to take unpaid time off or to use educational time– deciding to do so is up to you. They must continue to follow the Low Census process that is in your contract.

What else can we do to help?

Invite your family and friends to join the Techs on the strike line! Also, If you are not working at the time, you are invited to join Technical staff and community allies at an evening solidarity rally on Wednesday, April 24, at 7pm over in Cowley Park (next to the hospital at 7th & Division St.)

If you have any questions or concerns on the Service and Maintenance contract, please contact Union Representative Lenaya Wilhelm, 360-409-0556.

Find all the latest Union updates in one place: UFCW3000.org/strike >>