Multicare Capital Medical Center Service/Office/Technical - Bargaining Update!

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Wednesday, October 2 marks our fourth bargaining date with MultiCare since we began negotiations for a 2024 contract for the Service, Office, & Technical union members at Capital Medical Center.

Transparently, our day began a bit slow in terms of meeting with management, with our Union team providing MultiCare with any remaining contract proposals we had in our court in the morning, and then waiting until just before the end of our scheduled time to receive proposals back from management.

Upon hearing back from management later that afternoon, we were presented with a number of responses on a few of the contract articles we’ve been exchanging back and forth with the employer; most importantly, wages.

Overall, it’s fair to say that we were shocked by MultiCare’s initial offer, not because it undercut our value and ignored regional competitors’ wage rates (as one can typically expect from an Employer’s first wage counter...), but instead, their proposal seemed to consider the rates of pay that competitors are paying in the greater South-Puget-Sound region, as well as the significant increases MultiCare workers in Pierce and King County won in union negotiations earlier this year.

There are varying increases throughout the numerous job classifications—mainly due to the varying market fluctuations for those classifications—but our bargaining team can say that while the wage proposal we received from Capital is not quite ready for us to agree to yet, it will serve to move market-based wage discussions much faster than we have seen at other bargaining tables!

We are looking forward to meeting with MultiCare for our next session on October 10 to continue working towards a strong contract for Capital Medical Center employees!

“We’re not all the way there yet, but we are cautiously optimistic!”
—Julie Hinchcliffe, HUC/Monitor Tech @ CapMC

Your Bargaining Team: Julie Hinchcliffe, HUC/Monitor Tech; Beatrix Sales, CS Tech; Lindsey Moorhead, Cath Lab Tech

MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RN - Bargaining Update

MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RN - Bargaining Update

On Tuesday, October 1, your MultiCare Mary Bridge Registered Nurses and Diabetes Educator Nurses met management at the bargaining table to continue negotiations on our Collective Bargaining Agreement and to introduce the Diabetes Educators into our union.</strong> This is our third bargaining date with MultiCare since we began discussions in late August, and the progress we've made in such a short time is worth noting. Additionally, this session also marks the first time we’ve received responses from the Employer regarding the transition of the Diabetes Educator RNs into our union. While there’s still work to be done here, MultiCare appears aligned with our goal of accelerating their integration into our unit.

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Jefferson Healthcare - Bargaining Update

On October 3, we held our second bargaining session with Jefferson Healthcare management. The Hospital provided responses to some of our proposals, specifically on non-discrimination language and payroll errors. We’re making steady progress in these areas and expect to reach an agreement on these articles soon.

During this session, we also introduced new staffing language. In 2023, UFCW 3000, WSNA, and SEIU 1199NW worked together to improve staffing conditions for healthcare workers across Washington. Part of the new staffing law SB 5236 requires hospitals to have a staffing committee that meets quarterly. This committee, which includes nurses and support staff, plays a critical role in creating staffing plans and finding solutions to staffing challenges.

Our staffing proposal strengthens these responsibilities by including them in our contract. This ensures that nurses can address any violations of the staffing committee’s operations through the grievance process. The proposal also sets a clear framework for how acute and chronic staffing issues should be managed, including a mediation process to resolve staffing concerns.

While wages and benefits are vital to recruiting and retaining staff, the proposed staffing language acts as a safeguard, giving nurses and caregivers on the Hospital Staffing Committee real power and a strong voice in addressing staffing issues. The Hospital is currently reviewing this proposal.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for October 7. By the end of the month, we plan to begin discussions on compensation, health insurance, and pension.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ryan Degouveia. Don’t forget that you can still submit your bargaining survey and your Sound Health and Wellness feedback survey.

We will be holding another contract update/contract action meeting soon!

Providence Centralia Service - WAGES Were The Topic! Bargaining Update

On September 30, 2024, we had our third bargaining session with Providence. We talked about wages and year-for-year experience that will help us to retain and recruit top talent. We continue to talk about other issues with an open dialogue. These bargaining sessions are moving quickly, and we are optimistic about the outcome.
“We are happy with the tone of our employer, who has shown us thoughtfulness with their proposal and seeing the needs of our bargaining unit. Join us in wearing your Union stickers and colors to show solidarity!”

— Your Bargaining Team: Dorys Sanders, Steven Tifft, Candice Hubbard, Brionna Stone, and Kim Jorgenson

One of the most powerful tools we have is to share our stories. If there is an issue you care deeply about or would like to have addressed at bargaining, please think about how you have been impacted and reach out to a member of the bargaining team or Union Representative Ryan DeGouveia at (360) 662-1982

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

Conifer St. Michael Medical Center Bargaining Update

Coming out of bargaining on Tuesday September 24, and Wednesday September 25, we have exchanged comprehensive economic and non-economic proposals with the Employer. There has been much conversation between the parties, and while at some times the temperature at the table has felt hot, we have been making movement as the table ebbs and flows.

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Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

On September 15, 2024, we had our third bargaining date with Providence. We are continuing to build momentum to secure strong contracts for all in the bargaining unit. All proposals are on the table including compensation. We have several tentative agreements currently. We are looking forward to our next two sessions on October 8 and 15, 2024.

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Providence Centralia Service MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Providence Centralia Service MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

On September 23, 2024, we had our second bargaining date with Providence and have passed several proposals. We were able to teach tentative agreements around recognition, union roster, meeting rooms in order to gain access and support the unit, and a few others. We are looking forward to our next session that will be around compensation.

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Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

Jefferson Healthcare Contract Negotiations commence for RNs and Pro Tech Clinic!

On September 20, our RN and Pro-Tech Clinic Bargaining Teams met with Jefferson Healthcare Management to present several initial proposals. These focused on including per diems in the bargaining unit, improving non-discrimination practices, and extending the timeline for filing grievances. We successfully reached an agreement to extend the grievance filing period to 30 days, giving caregivers more time to report potential contract violations without worrying about missing the deadline.

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CHI St. Joseph Medical Center Division System Services Virtual Health Bargaining Update

CHI St. Joseph Medical Center Division System Services Virtual Health Bargaining Update

After just three days of bargaining so far- our team are feeling good about how much progress we have already made. While we have not yet started discussions on our wages, premiums, or much else in terms of financials- we did get confirmation from the Employer that they anticipate they’ll have an economic response ready for us as early as our next session.

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center  Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

At the end of our second session on the Friday, we’re feeling optimistic about the progress we’ve made so far. Up to this point, we’ve been exchanging Articles that do not include economics with the Employer (however, we do anticipate an economic response will be coming from them within our next few dates!) and we’ve already come to agreements on a few new Articles:

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Providence Everett Case Managers Providence rejects our proposals

Providence Everett Case Managers Providence rejects our proposals

On September 18, our Bargaining Team met with PRMCE Management to address the significant impacts of the case management restructure. We presented a comprehensive set of proposals to protect our working conditions, including improvements to scheduling, PTO bidding, floating, low census, and FTE reductions.

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MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RNs Bargaining Update

MultiCare Mary Bridge RN &amp; Diabetes Educator RNs  Bargaining Update

Regarding the economic proposals for the main RN contract, because we’re still awaiting MultiCare’s response we decided it was best to hold off on addressing a few of the other Articles we’ve been discussing with Management; an approach that allows us to carefully weigh all our priorities as a team. While this decision was challenging, we believe that receiving strong compensation proposals from MultiCare will better inform our evaluation of our top priorities. Our goal is to maximize benefits for the greatest number of nurses, and we are committed to achieving that.

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers BARGAINING BEGINS!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers  BARGAINING BEGINS!

We have watched as union workers at MultiCare across Washington State spent the last nine months of this year achieving huge wins through determination and solidarity at the bargaining table, and we’re all eager to keep the wins coming in Olympia!

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MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs & RN Case Managers HARD WORK PAYS OFF… NEXT TIME?

MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs &amp; RN Case Managers HARD WORK PAYS OFF… NEXT TIME?

We had aimed to present our proposals up front hoping that it may inspire Management to do the same; the sooner we get to a final tentative agreement, the sooner we get the union protections, premiums, and wages we negotiate! Not to mention this expedites the Case Manager RNs transition from being non-union, to being official union members!

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Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

On September 4, 2024, we had our second bargaining date with Providence for our contact. We made progress today with several tentative agreements. We had clarifying conversations with Providence on topics that will help us move forward for our next sessions, which include exploring options on retirement plans, the Aetna network change, and our insurance premiums. Our next bargaining dates are September 18 and October 8.

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CHI St. Joseph Virtual Health Virtual Negotiations

CHI St. Joseph Virtual Health Virtual Negotiations

On Thursday, August 29, our Virtual Health Bargaining Team met with Management to continue exchanging proposals and working towards our next collective bargaining agreement. Given Management’s limited availability in the afternoon, we opted to meet with the Employer virtually in order to maximize our time at the table.

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