UFCW 3000 Member Story: Sonia Padilla

Sonia Padilla, UFCW 3000 member and health care worker at North Valley Hospital

This week’s #MemberMonday spotlight is on Sonia Padilla, who has worked at North Valley Hospital in Tonasket, WA for 20 years!

Sonia immigrated to to the United States from Mexico at the age of 15. For 3 summers, she worked in the orchards while learning English. In her senior year of high school, Sonia told her dad that she wanted to try something other than farm work. Sonia enrolled in the CNA program offered through her high school.

Sonia recalls going to the North Valley Hospital DNS every other day, asking if any positions had opened. Finally, she was offered a position as a sitter; at the time of her hire, Sonia was also the only Latina worker at the hospital. In the two decades since, Sonia has advanced her career from CNA to currently a MA-C in the Emergency Room.

Sonia's patients love that she always treats everyone as if they are her family, providing the most compassionate care she can to her patients and their families. Her co-workers deeply respect Sonia, seeing her as a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. Sonia is always looking out for her co-workers' rights, bringing forward issues, and helping to enforce their contract.

She is a bright star to her co-workers and community. Sonia — thank you for all that you do!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Victor Diaz

Victor Diaz, proud UFCW 3000 member

It’s time for another #MemberMonday! This week, the spotlight is on Victor Diaz, who works at Mid Valley Hospital in Omak, WA.

Victor has worked many jobs throughout his career, from retail to construction. During his time in construction, Victor worked at non-union companies. Throughout the years, however, Victor learned more about unions and how worker-members come together to fight for rights and protections at work. Victor loves to give back to his community, and when the opportunity opened up for him to become a healthcare worker, he took it. He was even more excited to learn that his position was represented by a union and has been a proud UFCW 3000 member ever since.

Fun fact: Victor is a 7-year volunteer firefighter captain for his local community in Riverside, WA! Victor — we’re so inspired by how you give back to your community, and we’re so glad to be a part of your team.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Britt Leggett

Britt Leggett, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 member, poses for a photo. She is wearing a yellow UFCW shirt and smiling.

Britt Leggett, grocery store worker at Fred Meyer in Ballard and proud UFCW 3000 member

It’s time for this week’s #MemberMonday spotlight! Today, our story is about Britt Leggett, grocery store worker at Fred Meyer 608 in Ballard.

Britt is an amazing example of a workplace leader. Britt makes an effort to get to know her coworkers in the store — not just how their work affects her day-to-day responsibilities, but also more about who they are as people outside of work and their hobbies. It’s this friendliness and consistency that helps Britt serve her fellow UFCW 3000 members as a shop steward! Britt helps encourage her coworkers to lead efforts within the store to problem-solve issues that may come up in the workplace. With over 200 workers that make FM 608 run, Britt plays an essential role in educating & training coworkers on their rights at work.

Britt’s leadership can be traced to her family’s roots in the Labor movement. Her grandfather, father, and aunt were all active Union members, organizing and advocating for higher standards in the workplace. As Britt says:

“When we are isolated in the workplace we are weak, but when workers come together as a Union we are strong…It is through our combined voices and solidarity with one another that Union workers can achieve our common goals. These are the beliefs and principles of the Labor movement that I am proud to be a part of.”

Britt — thank you for all that you do with and for your coworkers. You model leadership and service every day!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Gina Noel

Gina Noel, nurse at Providence Regional Medical Center, poses for a photo. She is proudly wearing blue & yellow scrubs and is proudly displaying her nurse's badge and union member button.

Gina Noel, RN at Providence Regional Medical Center and proud UFCW 3000 member

Another week, another #MemberMonday! Today’s spotlight is on Gina Noel, who is a staff RN at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, WA.

Gina is an active leader in her workplace and has been ever since she became a UFCW 3000 member. Gina has participated in multiple Union actions, attended leader trainings, and even joined her fellow members in advocating for safe staffing legislation. She shared her story and the story of her coworkers with lawmakers, helping them better understand the realities of the healthcare staffing crisis and the challenges essential healthcare workers face day in and day out.

Gina recently joined her home floor's staffing committee and is a voice for her unit. While doing this work, Gina identified multiple floors that had no members present to speak on behalf of their particular units. Using social media, Gina and her coworkers organized Zoom meetings to recruit fellow nurses into their med tele & surge staffing committees, resulting in the most RN participation on this committee in years!

Gina — by encouraging your coworkers to get involved in advocating for the changes they need in their own workplaces, you have truly become a role model for leadership and initiative. Thank you for all that you do!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Julia Douglas

a photo of Julia Douglas, UFCW 3000 member and RN at Providence St Peter Hospital. She is wearing a face mask and her nurse's badge.

Julia Douglas, ICU RN at Providence St. Peter Hospital and UFCW 3000 member

This week’s #MemberMonday spotlight is on Julia Douglas, who is currently an RN in the ICU at Providence St. Peter Hospital.

Julia approached one of the PSPH RN stewards about participating in the 2022 contract negotiations. While she as an ICU RN, Julia wanted to help RNs working in the emergency department, as it was a field she had worked in previously. Throughout negotiations, Julia tirelessly advocated for the ED RNs who are currently working in one of the most dangerous and emotionally challenging environments in patient care.

Julia’s persistence was rewarded. In fact, management actually commended Julia on her advocacy for a department she did not work in, and listened to her proposals and concerns. Julia helped the negotiating team push for language that will improve working conditions, and create a safer and more collaborative environment for all. Julia’s hard work helped win a strong contract, which was ratified by the RNs at PSPH last week!

Julia embodies the definition of solidarity and raising the voices of those who go unheard. She is an inspiration to all of us. Thank you, Julia!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Ralph Leads by Example!

Ralph Stumbo, UFCW 3000 member and worker at Kaiser Permanente, is pictured here with two of his grandchildren.

Ralph Stumbo, UFCW 3000 member and worker at Kaiser Permanente, with his grandkids

#MemberMonday is here and today’s spotlight is on Ralph Stumbo, who is currently an Alliance Partnership Representative at Kaiser Permanente. Ralph has worked at KP (formerly Group Health Cooperative — GHC) for almost 35 years!

Ralph grew up in Federal Way and went to college in Portland. After he graduated, he had the opportunity to return to Washington State and began working at Group Health as a respiratory therapist. Ralph loves working in healthcare and says he works hard because it is so rewarding for him to help patients and his coworkers.

Within a few years of starting at Group Health, Ralph attended training sessions and became a shop steward for his workplace. Through the years, he has been actively involved with contract negotiations and helping to advocate for his coworkers. In fact, Ralph is currently serving as part of the Labor Management Partnership (LMP) and continues to center his patients through that work.

Ralph says that he did not set out with the intention of being a shop steward or any other kind of workplace leader. Rather, he says that his service to others, whether his patients or his coworkers, has brought him tremendous joy — and that joy is what motivates him every day.

“Shortly I will return to the pulmonary lab and once again be giving awesome care to my patients whom I have missed…Whether you work in healthcare, in grocery, food service, retail, etc., it doesn’t matter, you are serving your fellow humans and that is something for which you should be proud!”

Ralph — your generosity, humility, and joyfulness are so inspiring to witness. You are an incredible example of the UFCW 3000 members who step up every day as worker-leaders, advocating for their coworkers and for change in the workplace. Thank you for leading by example!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: CJ Brings the Music!

CJ, UFCW 3000 member and grocery store worker at Fred Meyer, poses for a photo. He is wearing a button that says: "respect, protect, pay essential grocery store workers."

CJ, proud UFCW 3000 member and receiver at Fred Meyer

It’s #WorkerWednesday, and that means it’s time for another member spotlight! Meet CJ — he’s worked at Fred Meyer for 20 years and is a proud member of UFCW 3000. CJ is currently working as a Receiver at FM 210 in Monroe!

CJ was raised in a household that practiced worker power and solidarity. In fact, CJ says that he has vivid memories of being a kid in the 1990s and going on strike with his dad who was working at Boeing at the time.

While CJ enjoys the work that he does at Fred Meyer, his main passion in life is music. CJ plays the piano and just recently released a new album on Spotify! CJ says that he draws inspiration from his work at Fred Meyer. For example, CJ wrote a song about his coworker Sunil, who is a Grocery Clerk, entitled “International Man of Fiji.” You can check out his music @ CJ (DJCJ)!

CJ — thank you for bringing joy to your workplace! It is so cool to see your work & fellow union members represented in your artistry.

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Christina Delgado

Christina Delgado, UFCW 3000 member and Pharmacy Tech at Kaiser, poses for a photo while holding up several pamphlets containing union resources for workers.

Christina Delgado, UFCW 3000 member and Pharmacy Tech at Kaiser Permanente

Happy #MemberMonday! This week’s spotlight is on Christina Delgado, who is a Pharmacy Tech at Kaiser Permanente. Christina has been a member of our Union for 35 years, having started her career at Pay N Save and a member of UFCW Local 1001!

One day, a fellow coworker and Pharmacist at her store talked to Christina about working in Pharmacy. Christina’s interest was piqued because she knows just how important getting the right medications can be for people to live healthier lives. Christina decided to attend Pharmacy Tech school and the rest, as they say, is history! She’s now been in Pharmacy for 22 years and prides herself on the quality of care and service that she’s able to provide for her patients.

Christina is a natural workplace leader. In fact, she has been a shop steward for many years and also became a contract specialist about 6 months ago. You can often find Christina making the rounds, meeting new members, and welcoming them to our Union. Christina talks to her coworkers about issues they may have in the workplace with the goal of identifying strong leaders and providing the training needed to resolve issues at a work unit level.

When asked why she’s stepped up as a worker-leader in her unit, Christina said: “It’s critical to have strong leaders in place, in each department, in each unit, making a difference in the clinic and providing a voice for all employees.”

Christina — thank you for all that you do on behalf of your patients and your coworkers & fellow members. We’re so inspired by your leadership, positivity, and hard work!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Madison Derksema

Madison Derksema, pharmacy tech at Seattle Children's Hospital and UFCW 3000 member, poses for a photo. She is wearing a face mask and holding a tentative agreement announcement.

Madison Derksema, Pharmacy Tech at Seattle Children’s Hospital and UFCW 3000 Member!

It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for another #MemberMonday story! This week’s spotlight is on Madison Derksema, who is a pharmacy tech at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Madison simply gets things done. Her coworkers agree: their department is a better place to work because of her efforts. Since starting her job in 2018, Madison has truly stepped up: first as a shop steward, then as a member of her department’s Contract Action Team (CAT), and most recently as a member of the contract negotiations team!

During contract negotiations, Madison pushed hard for two additional & specific pay differentials for her department. She also fought back against inequities in the advancement process, helped file grievances, advocated for COVID safety protocols, and is now working to streamline the vacation request process to include greater transparency. At the negotiations table, Madison always asked management the tough questions!

In addition to all of these fabulous accomplishments, she regularly informs her coworkers about their rights at work, benefits, and protections as union members. She also recently joined the Health Care Advisory Board (HCAB)! Beyond that, Madison is empowering her coworkers to come together to advocate for the solutions they need to make their workplace more fair and just for all.

Her leadership is making Seattle Children's Hospital an even better place for workers, patients, and our communities; Madison — thank you for all of your hard work!

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Petra Cavazos

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Petra Cavazos

Petra currently works as a packaging & production worker at Draper Valley Farms in Mt. Vernon, WA. She’s been there since 2002 and has been an exceptional workplace leader for many years. In fact, starting in 2015, Petra stepped up and into the role of shop steward, helping her coworkers access the help they needed to advocate for themselves.

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Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Sam Dancy

Photo of Sam Dancy, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Sam Dancy, Grocery Store Worker at Westwood Village QFC 825 and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Sam Dancy has worked at Westwood Village QFC 825 since 1991, starting as a graveyard-shift night stocker. Since then, he has worked his way up the ladder and now works as Front End Supervisor! Through the years, Sam’s coworkers have seen him supporting others by educating them on their rights at work, standing up to management, and helping coworkers advocate for themselves.

Outside of his leadership in the workplace, Sam is passionate about connecting grassroots community work with the organized Labor movement. For example, Sam traveled to St. Louis, to talk to community members about opposing Proposition A, which would have upheld right-to-work laws in Missouri. Sam is proud of the fact that Proposition A was ultimately defeated! It’s this same spirit of advocacy that brings Sam to the grocery contract negotiations team.

“All essential workers deserve to not have to live from paycheck to paycheck. One job should be enough! Grocery store workers deserve stability, and it’s time the employer did their part to guarantee us fair wages, workplace safety, and respect on the job.”

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Jessica Leon

Jessica Leon, RN at Lourdes Medical Center and proud UFCW 3000 member, pictured with her family for one of her children's college graduation.

Jessica Leon, RN at Lourdes Medical Center and proud UFCW 3000 member, pictured with her family

It’s time for another UFCW 3000 #MemberMonday spotlight! Today’s story is about Jessica Leon, who currently works as an RN at Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco, WA.

Jessica is a dedicated nurse, mother, and leader in her workplace. Growing up, her parents imbedded in her the importance of helping others and of being mindful in relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and community members. These skills are constantly on display whether Jessica is at work or at home.

Jessica states that she is currently working on building relationships with her coworkers and encouraging them to organize together to bring about change in their workplace. In fact, Jessica stepped up as a leader this year by joining the bargaining team at her hospital. In her eyes, having a voice at the table has helped her encourage others to advocate for their rights at work.

Outside of work, Jessica is very close with her family, and spends as much time with them as she can. She is proud of the fact that her family comes together and works through challenges and goals as a team. Jessica wants to keep learning and growing as a worker-leader in her hospital so that she can help her coworkers have quality family time, since it is so important for her!

Jessica — thank you so much for your leadership in the workplace and in the community!

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Amy Dayley Angell

A photo of Amy Dayley Angell, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member. In the bottom left corner is the contract campaign button.

Amy Dayley Angell, Grocery Store Worker at Ballard QFC and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Amy Dayley Angell has worked as a cashier at QFC for 15 years and now works at QFC 891 in Ballard. Amy started getting involved with the union when one of her coworkers was unjustly fired. Amy and her coworkers started a store-wide petition and worked together with their union rep to successfully reinstate the employee! Since then, Amy has been her store’s shop steward, showing up for her coworkers whenever they need help. In her words: “we are the union — without us stepping up, nothing changes!”

Outside of work, Amy is the proud mom of two teenagers. She loves spending time with her family, whether that’s playing board games, going camping, or walking their dog together. Amy wants to win a fair contract so that she and her coworkers can spend more time with their families. She also wants grocery store workers to feel more safe at work and to improve the turnover issue.

“Since the pandemic started, I don’t feel like the company takes our safety seriously. As grocery store workers, we have all been put into positions where we have to, essentially, be social workers — a job that we are neither trained nor equipped to do! Basic health precautions, like mandatory masking, sanitization, and plastic dividers, are all disappearing. Our employers are hanging us out to dry; it’s a big reason there’s so much turnover in our stores. If they want people to stay in this industry, they have to step up and take responsibility for employees’ health & safety at work!”

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Cliff Powers

Photo of Cliff Powers, Grocery Store Worker at Oak Harbor Safeway and UFCW 3000 Grocery Contract Negotiations Team Member. In the bottom left corner is the contract campaign button.

Cliff Powers, Grocery Store Worker at Oak Harbor Safeway and UFCW 3000 Grocery Contract Negotiations Team Member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Cliff Powers has worked in Produce at Safeway 402 in Oak Harbor for over 33 years! Cliff is originally from Virginia, where many community members were union workers in the mining industry. Before pursuing a career in grocery, Cliff spent 12 years as an EMS worker. In his free time, Cliff is passionate about film photography and model railroading!

Cliff started getting involved with the union years ago, when his produce manager — who was the store’s shop steward at the time — invited him to various trainings on his rights at work. Since then, Cliff has become a reliable resource for his coworkers, helping them navigate workplace challenges and advocate for themselves.

“I joined the grocery contract negotiations team because I want my coworkers to have better quality of life. That means fair pay, the hours necessary to ensure our stores aren’t understaffed, and respect on the job!”

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Naomi Oligario

Naomi Oligario, grocery store worker at Port Orchard Safeway and UFCW 3000 grocery negotiations team member, poses for a photo. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Naomi Oligario, grocery store worker at Port Orchard Safeway and UFCW 3000 grocery contract negotiations team member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Naomi Oligario has worked at Port Orchard Safeway for 37 years! She started as a courtesy clerk before working her way up to produce & front end. Throughout the years, she has trained countless other grocery store workers, all while getting to know customers as they’ve grown up and built families of their own. While this year is the first time Naomi is part of the contract negotiations team, she has been a shop steward for her store since 2015-2016. Naomi is a respected workplace leader, helping her coworkers win grievances for backpay, educating them on their rights at work, and pushing management to respond to employee concerns.

Naomi is a proud mother of four and grandmother to four! Her youngest grandson is 7 months old, and her youngest grandchild was born just a few weeks ago. Naomi is excited to visit her in Ireland — after we’ve won a fair contract!

“I’m here at the negotiations table because I want the coworkers who have put in years and decades of service in the grocery industry to be taken care of. I want folks who are new to the business to feel like they belong and can truly make a career out of this work. A rising tide lifts all boats!”

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Roger Yanez

Roger Yanez, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 bargaining team member, is the subject of the photo. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Roger Yanez, Grocery Store Worker at Redmond QFC and UFCW 3000 Grocery Negotiations Team Member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Roger Yanez started working at Fred Meyer in 2007 before transferring to QFC 860 in Redmond, where he has been for several years. He started getting involved in the union about three years ago, after successfully winning a grievance. Since then, Roger has truly stepped up as a workplace leader, training to become his store’s shop steward, and helping answer his coworkers’ questions about their rights at work.

In his free time, Roger is an avid coin collector! He loves spending time with his family, and that’s one of his main motivations for joining the grocery contract negotiations team this year. He’s excited to fight for a fair contract that will allow his coworkers to spend more time with their families.

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Maggie Breshears

photo of Maggie Breshears, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 bargaining team member. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Maggie Breshears, Grocery Store Worker at Greenwood Fred Meyer and UFCW 3000 Grocery Contract Negotiations Team Member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Maggie Breshears has worked at Greenwood Fred Meyer since 2013. Maggie started getting involved with the union when one of her co-workers lost health insurance in the middle of her cancer treatment. Since that experience, Maggie has become a leader in her store, serving first as a shop steward and then joining the grocery contract negotiations team in 2019.

Maggie’s biggest goal is to support her co-workers as best as she can. She frequently stands up to management, clarifies new policies, and educates co-workers on their rights at work. Maggie has also taken her advocacy outside of the workplace, testifying in support of hazard pay to the Seattle City Council when it initially passed.

“I am a firm believer that it is the people you work with that makes a job great, regardless of what work you do. And I work with some wonderful people. I will fight for them at the bargaining table, support them when management oversteps and join them in the fight for fair wages, safe workplaces and a contract that respects us as a vital part of the nation's food chain. When we work together, we can create change.“

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Enrique Romero

Enrique Romero, grocery store worker and UFCW 3000 bargaining team member, poses for a photo. He is standing outside of a grocery store. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign logo.

Enrique Romero, Grocery Store Worker at Bellingham Fred Meyer and UFCW 3000 Grocery Contract Negotiations Team Member; Photo by Jovelle Tamayo for The New York Times

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Enrique Romero has worked at Fred Meyer since 2012 and currently works at Bellingham Fred Meyer. Enrique started getting involved with the union because he felt motivated by his coworkers’ negative experiences with management. He got in touch with his Rep, received Shop Steward training, and has been helping his coworkers learn about their rights and get connected to resources ever since.

Outside of work, Enrique enjoys spending time with his family, who live in Everett. He also practices pyrography — the art of precisely burning wood with intricate designs!

Enrique joined the grocery contract negotiations team this year because he wants to keep fighting for his coworkers and ensure we all have respect & dignity on the job.

“The revolving door is swinging off its hinges. The sets of challenges essential workers face are changing rapidly. A fair contract would go a long way in repairing a torn social contract. A fair contract would give workers back a sense of pride in our work.”

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Shawn Hayenga

Shawn Hayenga, Prepared Foods Team Member at Sand Point Metropolitan Market and UFCW 3000 Grocery Negotiations Team Member

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Shawn Hayenga has worked as a Prepared Foods Team Member at Metropolitan Market in Sand Point since 2013. Shawn had worked in the grocery industry before, but this was her first union job and she became involved as a workplace leader immediately, helping her coworkers better understand their rights at work.

“My favorite part of the job is definitely my co-workers and our guests. I have met some amazing people over the years. My role as an essential worker provides endless opportunities to make someone's day, and it's an extraordinary feeling when I can do that!”

Shawn joined the grocery negotiations team this year because she is looking forward to working alongside members to share her coworkers’ stories. Shawn is excited to fight for a fair contract and demanding fair wage increases, including fewer hours to work up the wage scale, more secure scheduling, and benefits like transportation stipends to help members get to and from work.

Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Wil Peterson

Wil Peterson, UFCW 3000 grocery bargaining team member, is pictured. Wil is looking off camera while crossing his arms; he is standing in front of a Fred Meyer sign, which is out of focus. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Wil Peterson, Fred Meyer CCK and UFCW 3000 Grocery Negotiations Team Member — Photo by KEVIN CLARK, THE Everett Herald

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Wil Peterson started working at Fred Meyer in August of 2003 — first in the Home department and later transitioning into the Central Checkout (CCK) department. In his words:

“My favorite part of the job is interacting with customers and my colleagues. Over the years, I've formed tight bonds with many longtime shoppers. I've seen their children transition from infants to young adults, and I've provided moral support to these regulars during numerous challenges and triumphs. The same applies to my coworkers, many of whom feel like virtual-family members. We toil ‘in the trenches’ under often-difficult conditions, so a strong support network is important, now more than ever.”

Wil got involved with the union when, some years into his time at Fred Meyer, he successfully fought an unwarranted suspension with the help of his Rep. Since then, Wil has become more and more involved as a leader in his workplace and in the union. Wil joined the bargaining committee in 2019 and says that he learned many hard lessons about how to stand up to employers when they make insulting offers and about the importance of solidarity.

“We need higher, more-equitable pay for all workers, consistently safe workplace conditions, and opportunities for improved work-life balance. I hope that employers will finally recognize how essential their workforce is and compensate us accordingly. It shouldn't take a pandemic to underscore the vital role that we constantly play in our respective communities.”