PRMCE Technical - We Have Reached a Tentative Agreement!

On September 12, we were able to reach a tentative agreement with Providence Everett management. In our first bargaining session, Providence told us they were not interested in placing newly organized employees onto the wage scale dependent on their years of experience. We brought to their attention that new hires will have their years of experience recognized upon hire, but the newly organized employees would be treated differently. 

After that first session, Providence proposed recognizing all newly organized employees’  years of experience for their placement onto the existing Pharmacy Tech wage scale! Employees will be receiving at least a 10% increase upon ratification and receiving all the benefits of the existing Technical contract! 

On September 21, we will be voting on the contract from 12:00PM to 1:00PM at Providence Credena Monroe. If you have any questions, please reach out to your union representative, Sharra Oakley 206-436-6614. 

Contract Vote Scheduled

Wednesday, September 21 

12:00PM to 1:00PM

Providence Credena Monroe

All are encouraged to attend the vote meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract.

Fresenius Renal Care - Tentative Agreement Reached!

After months of bargaining we have reached a tentative agreement with Fresenius! The tentative agreement includes substantial wage and premium increases over three years and other contract improvements.

The details of the tentative agreement will be available during the online vote on September 22 from 5am-5pm.

You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.

TO VOTE ONLINE: Make sure your information is up to date! In order to vote on this tentative agreement, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email, please update your email address at:

If you do not receive an email to vote on Thursday, September 22, please reach out to Union Rep Ryan Degouveia or 360-662-1989 to provide an updated email address.


Wednesday, September 21
10-11:30am OR 6:30-8pm

It is important that members attend the Zoom Meeting to review the proposed contract changes and have your questions answered.

Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Rep for meeting details. Details will also be emailed to you.

Mason General Professional, Technical, Business Office, Service and LPN Unit - Wage Increase Vote

Management and the Union Bargaining Committee have met and discussed ongoing wage concerns and have reached a tentative agreement on a mid-cycle wage increase. For details of the wage offer drop into one of the vote meetings.


For additional information reach out to a bargaining team member or your union representative Brandan Zielinski @206-436-6603 or

Upcoming Contract Vote Meetings

Friday, September 9, 2022

10:00AM - 1:00PM

3:00PM - 5:00PM

Mason General Hospital

901 Mountain View Drive

Shelton, WA, 98584

Pershing Room

To vote you must be a union member in good standing.

If you did not receive this notice by email, update your contact information here.

Forks Community Hospital (Technical and Service) - Wage increase vote

Forks Community Hospital Technical and Service
Wage Increase Vote

Management and the Union Bargaining Committee have met and discussed ongoing wage concerns and have reached a tentative agreement on a mid-cycle wage increase. For details of the wage offer drop into one of the vote meetings. This is a fully recommended tentative agreement.

Join your coworkers and vote on the new wage increase:

Monday, September 12
12pm - 3pm

Forks Community Hospital - Lee Merrick Conference Room
530 Bogachiel Way, Forks WA 98331

To vote you must be a union member in good standing.

For additional information reach out to a Bargaining Team member or your Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603 or

If you did not receive this notice by email, update your contact information at:

Confluence Health - Job Classification Addition Endoscopy Technician III

Confluence has proposed an additional job classification for an Endoscopy Technician III and would create an additional wage scale.

Because it is a change to our contract, we will need to have the affected members vote on the change.

All affected UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to vote “YES” on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 from 11:00am – 11:30pm in Conference Room E. You must be in good standing and present to vote.

You will be provided with the proposal at the vote meeting.

Kaiser Pro-Tech & Optical - Online Vote on NEW CONTRACT EXPIRATION DATE!

Kaiser Pro-Tech & Optical - Online Vote on NEW CONTRACT EXPIRATION DATE!

After lengthy negotiations, UFCW and Kaiser have agreed to change the contract expiry date from April 30, 2025 to October 1, 2025. This new expire date lines up with the National Alliance Agreement! This change is fully recommended by members of the Bargaining Team!

The full proposal language will be made available during the online vote on August 30, 2022 from 5am–5pm .

You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. To vote online make sure your information is up to date!

In order to receive a secure ballot to vote on this contract expiration date change, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email please visit to update or scan the QR code with your phone camera ▸

If you do not receive an email to vote on August 30, 2022, please reach out our Union Representative Rhonda Fisher-Ivie at 206-436-6584 to provide an updated email address.


Drop in between 9–10am or 7–8pm on August 29. It is important that members attend the Zoom Meeting to review the proposed expiry date change and have your questions answered.

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center - New three-year contract Ratified by SUPER MAJORITY VOTE

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center

New three-year contract Ratified by SUPER MAJORITY VOTE in RECORD time and far before expiration

Our Bargaining Team met with the Employer for expedited bargaining sessions where we focused on wages. Through this new process we were able to secure wage increases 5 months earlier than the contract expiration for all Service and Maintenance employees represented by UFCW 3000 and compensate them fairly for the work they do. The wage increases are the largest collectively that we have seen at Providence Sacred Heart and will make us market competitive within our Region.

Thank you to all members who joined one of our vote meetings and participated in this process.

Contact a bargaining team member or your Union Representative for any questions or concerns as they were the ones participating in the process at the bargaining table.

“Every negotiation I learn something new. This years expedited bargaining was certainly a plus! It seemed a smoother process.” – Kaye Balk, Registrar

“This was my first negotiation. I am loving feeling heard. I also feel a part of a team that spoke and worked for over 1100 of my co-workers/caregivers.” – Margaret Lauricella, Monitor Tech

“it’s nice to see the excitement and all the voices come together to make the changes they deserve.”– Aaron Leigh Food Service,

“The Union Members’ voting have been extremely positive! Good news for everyone today.” – Patty Martin, Financial Counselor

“I am so Proud of the members who came together and made this contract happen. YOU Earned This.” – Michael McDonald ER Tech

“Felt Great to help be part of the process of getting people the pay raises they deserve.” – Brad Starkey, Environmental Services

“It was great to come up with an agreement that’s good for All of our members.” – Nicole Taylor, ER Tech

“This experience was incredibly interesting and an eye opener” – William Volpone, Lab Assistant

“Seeing my coworkers throughout the hospital of all ages and backgrounds have their voice heard makes me proud to be a UNION MEMBER.” – Ryan Walton, Sterile Supply Tech

Hudson Dufry Group - Tentative Agreement Reached

We have reached a tentative agreement with Hudson/Dufry. Our Bargaining Committee is recommending a YES vote on this contract. There are NO TAKEAWAYS to members and improvements include:

  • New wage scales that shorten the time to the top rates by years

  • Historic pay increases

  • Improved 401(k) funding

  • Improved vacations

  • Other important improvements

Join your co-workers and vote on your new contract at one of these locations:

Thursday, August 11 @ 9:30am - 10:30am
Hudson/Dufry Warehouse, 19320 Des Moines Memorial Dr, SeaTac, WA 98148

Thursday, August 11 @ 12:30pm - 4pm
SeaTac Airport Conference Center - Beijing Room, 17801 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA 98158

Confluence Health  - Job Classification Addition

Confluence has proposed an additional job classification for a Technical Assistant that would create an additional wage scale. 

Because it is a change to our contract, we will need to have the affected members vote on the change. 

All affected UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to vote “YES” on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 from 11:30am – 1:00pm in Conference Room K. You must be in good standing and present to vote. 

You will be provided with the proposal at the vote meeting. 

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center - Tentative Agreement Reached!

We have reached a FULLY RECOMMENDED tentative agreement with Providence Sacred Heart in RECORD TIME and far before expiration!

Your bargaining team met with the employer for three expedited bargaining sessions where we focused on wages. After some long sessions we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will compensate all Service and Maintenance employees represented by UFCW Local 300 fairly for the work they do. The wage increases are the largest collectively that we have seen at Providence Sacred Heart and will make us market competive within our region.

Your bargaining team is recommending a YES vote on the tentative agreement.

Join one of our vote meetings:

August 10, 2022 

6:30am to 8:30am 

2:00pm to 4:00pm

6:30 pm to 8:00 pm 

Notre Dame room in the Mother Gamlen Building under Human Resourses.

Full agreement for review will be available at the vote meetings. UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a bargaining team member or your Union Representative for any questions or concerns as they were the ones participating in the process at the bargaining table. Please be aware of the Rumor Monger.

Kaye Balk, Registrar “Every negotiation I learn something new. This years expedited bargaining was certainly a plus! It seemed a smoother process.”

Margaret Lauricella, Monitor Tech “This was my first negotiation. I am loving feeling heard. I also feel apart of a team that spoke and worked for over 1100 of my co-workers/caregivers.”

Aaron Leigh Food Service ”During the negotiation information is more valuable than eloquence.”

Patty Martin, Financial Counselor “These negotiations over the last 3 days was phenomenal! We made movement with management each and every day. We were able to accomplish the highest wage increases ever received at SHMC for service. We are excited to vote on 8/10/2022.”

Michael McDonald ER Tech

Brad Starkey, Environmental Services “After 3 days of hard work we were able to get an excellent agreement on this contract.”

Nicole Taylor, ER Tech “Through 3 long sessions it was good to come up with an agreement that’s good for all our members.”

William Volpone, Lab Assistant “This experience was incredibly interesting and an eye opener.”

Ryan Walton, Sterile Supply Tech “This deal was the result of Union Stewards throughout the hospital working for the benefit of nearly 1200 members at Sacred Heart.”

Mason General RN - Vote Scheduled!

Nurses are scheduled to receive a contractual wage increase of 1% on July 1, 2022. 

We have with worked with management and have reached a tentative agreement on an additional 9% wage increase, meaning nurses shall receive a combined 10% increase by the end of July. 

The proposed wage scale will be available during the online vote on July 8 from 5AM – 5PM. 

You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. 

TO VOTE ONLINE, make sure your information is up to date!

In order to vote on this wage increase, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email please visit to update your email.

If you do not receive an email to vote on July 8, 2022, please reach out to Union Representative Brandan Zielinski at or 206-436-6603 to provide an updated email address.


Thursday, July 7 

Drop-in between 1-2:30pm or 6:30-8pm

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Ashley House - Vote Notification - Letter of Understanding "Workforce Development"

Labor and Management have reached a tentative agreement on a Letter of Understanding regarding Workforce Development. The Labor Management Team recommends a YES vote!

Full details of the Letter of Understanding will be available during the online vote on Wednesday, July 6 @ 5am-5pm. You will receive an email from UFCW 3000 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information. All members in good standing are eligible to vote.

TO VOTE ONLINE make sure your information is up to date! In order to vote on this Letter of Understanding, make sure your personal email is up to date in our records. If you did not receive this announcement via email please update your email at:

If you do not receive an email to vote on Wednesday, July 6, please reach out to Union Rep Brandan Zielinski at or 206-436-6603 to provide an updated email address.


Tuesday, July 5
Drop in between 2:30-5:30pm

Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Rep for meeting details. Details will also be emailed to you.

It is important that members attend the Zoom Meeting to review the Letter of Understanding and have your questions answered.

St. Michael Medical Center RN - Contract Vote Scheduled

After six months of negotiations, your Bargaining Team was able to reach a tentative agreement with management on a new contract. The Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote:

  • One of the highest wage scales in the state, exceeding St. Joseph Medical Center, Tacoma General Hospital, Swedish Medical Center, and most others! The 4.00% raises in year two and three will ensure that we’ll stay competitive throughout the life of our contract.

  • Significantly improved staffing language,

  • $3.25/hr charge nurse pay immediately! This is the highest charge nurse pay in the state (and 18% higher than St. Joes!).

  • Removal of ghost steps 17, 21 and 23 (steps with 0% wage increase),

  • Per Diem differential increased to 15% (and they will continue to receive holiday pay),

  • Double time when called back to work from standby during a holiday,

  • NEW B.S.N. / M.S.N. differential,

  • NEW language to prepare for the next public health emergency,

  • And much more!

While we were unable to get staffing ratios added into our contract, your Bargaining Team did win unprecedented staffing language that will help address the long-term issues at St. Michael Medical Center. However, the fight for staffing ratios is not over! Our Union is working to make staffing ratios state law, because every hospital across Washington State should be held accountable when they fail to provide high quality care to their community.

Our fight has also shined a light on the serious problems at St. Michael Medical Center. Our community, state leaders, and even Dignity Health have heard directly from nurses that our hospital is in crisis. We will continue to challenge those with authority to work on solutions to the problem that we cannot address in contract negotiations.

Voting Process:

On Friday, June 24, electronic copies of the vote documents will be made available on and emailed out to nurses who have an accurate email on file with the Union.

Wednesday, June 29
9AM, 6PM, 8:30PM

The Bargaining Team will run through the vote documents, provide details about the progress of negotiations, talk about what it means to go on strike, and answer any questions. Voting will NOT occur during these meetings.

Thursday, June 30
6AM-9AM, 12PM-2PM, 4PM-9PM

St. Michael Medical Center – Garden Room
1800 NW Myhre Rd, Silverdale, WA 98383

The vote will be in-person and nurses will have the opportunity to speak to Bargaining Team members and Union staff before casting their ballot. Please arrive during the posted vote times as we cannot allow members to enter the vote room outside of the advertised times.

NOTE: The Contract Action Team (CAT) meetings scheduled for Wednesday, June 22 have been CANCELED and replaced with the online vote meetings mentioned above. This will allow nurses time to review the vote documents before the online meetings.

Your Bargaining Team: Brett Moore, Cindy Franck, Kimberly Fraser McMillan, Michael Nord, Tammy Olson, and Janice Jones.

Ken’s Korner Red Apple (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Ken’s Korner Red Apple (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Member Bargaining team recommends a YES vote!

This historic agreement is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID. This is a Tentative Agreement and is not final until we vote to accept it. Full details of the agreement will be provided at each vote location. Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached this Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers. These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Grocery Store Workers in Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Skagit, Whatcom, and independent stores covered by this Tentative Agreement.


Active members are eligible to vote.

12pm - 2pm

Claus Meats (Whatcom), it’s time to vote!

Claus Meats (Whatcom), it’s time to vote!

Member Bargaining team recommends a YES vote!

This historic agreement is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID. This is a Tentative Agreement and is not final until we vote to accept it. Full details of the agreement will be provided at each vote location. Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached this Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers. These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Grocery Store Workers in Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Skagit, Whatcom, and independent stores covered by this Tentative Agreement.


Active members are eligible to vote.

8am - 10am

Oak Harbor Marketplace (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Oak Harbor Marketplace (Meat), it’s time to vote!

Member Bargaining team recommends a YES vote!

This historic agreement is a direct result of our actions and commitment to fighting for essential frontline grocery store workers and serving the communities in which we live, both during and long before COVID. This is a Tentative Agreement and is not final until we vote to accept it. Full details of the agreement will be provided at each vote location. Our Union Member Bargaining Team reached this Tentative Agreement and recommends a YES VOTE to accept the proposal from the employers. These votes are open to all active members of UFCW 3000 Grocery Store Workers in Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Skagit, Whatcom, and independent stores covered by this Tentative Agreement.


Active members are eligible to vote.

8am - 10am

Providence Centralia hospital RN - We have reached a tentative agreement!

Providence Centralia hospital RN - We have reached a tentative agreement!

On June 8 we reached a tentative agreement with Providence Centralia Management! Last bargaining cycle in 2019, Providence proposed taking away some of our benefits, which resulted in us bargaining for almost a year and authorizing a strike. This time around, Providence made no proposals to reduce or eliminate any of our benefits. In fact, we were able to win additional annual leave! We made it clear to Providence that in order to retain and recruit nurses we needed a competitive wage scale.

We were able to win between 3% and 14% wage increases for nurses in the first year of the contract! We believe with the new wage scale, multiple annual increases, increases to premiums and annual leave, and enforceable staffing language, the Hospital will be able to retain and recruit nurses.

We will be holding in-person vote meetings on June 21 from 6AM-9AM, 11AM-2PM, and 4PM-8PM at the Peppermill Inn at 1233 Alder St. Centralia WA 98531. On the day of the vote, we will review the full tentative agreement and answer questions. If you have any questions, please reach out to the bargaining team or your union Rep.

Your bargaining committee is recommending a “YES” vote!

Contract Vote: Tuesday, June 21

6am-9am, 11am-2pm, and 4pm-8pm

Peppermill Inn at 1233 Alder St. Centralia WA 98531

Grocery Store Workers: Whatcom, Skagit, Island, Jefferson & Clallam Counties Ratify New Contracts

Large wage increases, gains in safety & training, health care benefits protected with no increased costs, a secured pension, and more.

Grocery store workers across five western Washington counties wrapped up a week of voting and overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year contract made possible by standing together and taking action. Over the life of this new three-year contract, grocery store workers will see wage increases of $4 — $9 an hour, gains in safety and training, health care benefits protected with no increased costs, a secured pension and more.

Over the past two and a half years these frontline essential grocery store workers stayed on the job during the pandemic, ensuring our communities had the food, medicine, and supplies we all needed. While the grocery store chains made additional billions of dollars in profits, Essential Workers were denied the respect, protections and pay they deserved. Workers in North Puget Sound counties of Jefferson, Clallam, Island, Skagit and Whatcom voted to approve their new contracts in June. Altogether, there are over 25,000 essential grocery store workers of UFCW 3000 in the Puget Sound area working at Safeway, Albertsons, Fred Meyer, QFC, The Markets, Haggen, and other independent grocery stores.

“ The new contract gives us more hope, safety, and a promise of greater contracts in the years to come thanks to our strong collective bargaining power! I look forward to our union building a training and certifications to build a career like I have. Trades make our union strong, and this contract is a big step in that direction!” -Sean Stone, meat cutter Safeway 1448 Sequim

The many improvements in the ratified contract include:

  • Wage increases of $4 to $9 an hour over the term of the Agreement for the most veteran workers.

  • Elimination of lower pay scales in departments such as deli, bakery, fuel, and e-commerce, some of which are disproportionately staffed by women, immigrants, and people of color.

  • An increase of 150% in wage escalators – the required minimum amount for each raise, creating a larger “bump” from CPIS adjustments to the minimum wage.

  • Increased funding to our Health Care plan, maintaining and improving our high-quality benefits with no increase in costs for members.

  • Increased funding for our pension - one of the few pensions in the nation that has been able to make the leap from “Red Zone” to “Green Zone” status following the funding crisis caused by the 2008 financial crash.

  • Stronger ability of store-level Safety Committees to address serious safety issues, beyond just COVID protections.

  • A half million-dollar contribution each year from the Employers to fund the new Workplace Training program (WE TRAIN WA), allowing pathways to higher paying positions and career mobility within every store.

Skagit Regional Health Hospice Workers - Bargaining Team Recommends a Yes Vote on a Scheduling Pilot Program!

Our bargaining team reached a tentative agreement on a pilot program for hospice workers. This would let us test out a new scheduling system for a couple of weeks. With this information we can make a more informed choice about how we modify scheduling in our contract during bargaining.

The vote will be held online on Wednesday, June 15 from 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM. You will receive a vote link via email from “Simply Vote.” In order to vote, you must be a union member in good standing and must have a valid email on file with UFCW. Please update your email address if you do not receive emails from UFCW through the link below.

It’s very important that we have an up-to-date personal email for everyone so we can send you the link to vote. If anything has changed with your contact information since you last provided it please visit the link below and update your information as soon as possible:

If you do not receive an email to vote on June 15 and need to update your contact information, or have any questions, please contact your union representative Celia Ponce Sanchez

Vote Meeting Scheduled!

Prior to the vote we will provide you with a copy of the agreement and on Tuesday, June 14, your managers will release you from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM for a virtual meeting where we will have a space to review any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, June 14 • 1:00 PM

Pregister for the meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th!